We Have De Facto Communism
April 27, 2016

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
In the Soviet Union, they joked that under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's the other way around.
Capitalism and communism are essentially the same thing: monopoly capitalism. i.e. the central bankers own everything.
In the case of capitalism, the bankers own the corporations which control the government. Under communism, the bankers control the state which owns the corporations. In both cases, the bankers control the state. Unfortunately, these bankers are not satisfied with unlimited wealth.

Mankind has been colonized by this satanic cult, the Illuminati. Our political and cultural "leaders" are their go-fers and front-men. If you understand this, the world starts to make sense.
For example, the Satanist makes what is sick, i.e. homosexuality, healthy; and what is healthy i.e. heterosexuality, sick. Up until 1973, homosexuality was recognized for what it is, a developmental disorder. Every summer, we witness a plethora of "Gay Pride" parades designed to normalize this sickness. These events were sponsored by a Who's Who of large corporations, including Starbucks, Ebay and Macy's. USA Today reports:
In Salt Lake City, American Express Co. workers carried giant letters that spelled, "Love=Love," the theme of the parade. JPMorgan Chase marchers wore T-shirts that said, "just be you." A Budweiser's semi-truck festooned with rainbow flags drove slowly through the parade, honking its horns.
At the 43rd Motor City Pride Festival in Detroit, banners were adorned with corporate logos, including those of General Motors, Ford, Comerica bank, Kroger and Whole Foods Market. Delta Air Lines employees handed out day packs, luggage tags and the same cookies that passengers get.
What are the chances that all these blue chip companies would suddenly see the light on "gay rights"? Most American corporations are owned or controlled by the Rockefellers and Rothschild-owned banks. Thus when the Rockefeller's Chase Bank asks its own employees
if they are "allies of the LGBT community," you know the fix is in. One employee wrote:
This survey wasn't anonymous. You had to enter your employee ID. With the way things are going and the fact that LGBT rights are being viewed as pretty much tantamount to the civil rights movement of the mid 50s to late 60s, not selecting that option is essentially saying "I'm not an ally of civil rights;" which is a vague way to say "I'm a bigot." The worry among many of us is that those who didn't select that poorly placed, irrelevant option will be placed on the "you can fire these people first" list.

The communist bankers want to dehumanize us by stealing our gender identity, thereby destroying marriage and family. This renders us vulnerable to their control. Thus we have a full court press promotion of homosexuality which is a sickness. (I don't blame homosexuals. I admire some who are very talented and not promiscuous; I have compassion for the rest.)
This attack on gender extends to the education system and every corner of government, which the banks also control. Thus, the Health and Human Services Dept. demands gay and transgendered children get special treatment. The US government is spearheading the promotion of homosexuality worldwide.
At the same time, the Supreme Court recently refused to hear an appeal of the Gay Conversion ban in California. In other words, in a free country,
a person who is confused about his gender is not permitted to seek help. And a therapist is breaking the law by helping him. Sound like communism?
According to a recent poll, only 30% of Americans have confidence in the Presidency or the Supreme Court. Only 8% have confidence in Congress.

Why do the Illuminati bankers need to stage false flag terror events and confiscate our firearms and civil rights? Why do they need to flood the country with illegal migrants who the mass media calls "undocumented immigrants?" (Yes, the mass media are the worst traitors. ) Why do they need to spy on our communications? Why do they need to militarize the police? We live in a de facto communist police state. They are just waiting for an opportunity to take the wraps off.
Why did they spent trillions on Iraq and have nothing to show for it? (Iraq doesn't even have an air force!) Why do they create havoc and mayhem in places like Libya, Syria and Yemen. Why do they get up Russia's rectum in the Ukraine?
Because they're Satanists who will not tolerate any other power. There will never be peace in the world until they have destroyed everything that is good. Their peace is Death.
Related - Why North Carolina Got Bathroom Bill Right
---------- It's OK to Say, "That's So Gay"
---------- Media Masks Masonic Control
---------- Americans Now Feel "Less free" than People do in Rwanda
------------The New World Order is Communism
------------- Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be Transgender
First Comment from Dan:
When Joe Biden gave credit to television / media for changing the image of homosexuality in America, he was right. They created a sanitized, benign and cutesy host of "gay" characters for movies and sitcoms. The 'gay agenda' was coming out of New York theater, Hollywood, Madison Avenue LONG before little sitcoms like "Will & Grace". Hollywood's "leading men" like Rock Hudson were chosen to be role models for American manhood precisely because the studios knew they were queers. Hudson wasn't just a Sodomite - he was a necrophiliac, who paid gay morticians for access.
Johnny Depp said something interesting lately, he said "all my roles are gay". He means he plays all his roles as if they are closet homosexuals.
But this is an old routine in Hollywood. Consider that for nearly a century teenage boys have been given real-life sick Sodomites like James Dean to assimilate, hoping to be attractive to girls.
Media exploits minorities to spearhead hidden agendas. Since gays are 2% and tend to cluster in big cities known for a big 'gay scene', the majority of Americans who have been targeted and used to throw the weight of "straight" support behind it, aren't exposed to homosexuals in numbers.
They are misled as to what they're defending. I knew two ER nurses who told me you'd be surprised how many faggots that come in with dead hamsters or coke bottles up their ass that have to be surgically removed. That wouldn't happen if they weren't DERANGED. Small animals and golf balls don't craw inside a rectum by themselves.
Media targets young women. Like the heterosexual Mormon girl marching in a "Pride Parade". Listen to what she thinks "gay rights" is about.
WH said (April 27, 2016):
I used to work for one of Canada's big five banks and would be frustrated with the propaganda pushed at us almost every day. I used to get in trouble with my manager because I would post my opinion to the corporate intranet stories that the bank encouraged us to comment on (encouraged, that is, unless your opinion clashed with their agenda).
I would see stories about how wonderful it was to be homosexual, visible minority, or female and I would often comment to ask if we were a financial institution with the purpose of making money or if we had become an instrument of social engineering.
Just look at the CEO of TD Canada Trust. Ed Clark seems to never get off his soapbox about how excellent it is to cater to the "gay" community.
This agenda runs counter to the purpose of making money for the company, since many customers have been turned off by the propaganda and walked away. TD, however, does not care if they leave. They would rather bow and scrape before a demographic that comprises no more than about 4-5% of the population. I have added a link at the bottom to demonstrate just how absurd Clark's attitude about this is, and it should make everyone wonder exactly what is behind all this. One very telling portion of the article below states thus:
Clark recalled that one executive told him the bank was losing customers to rivals because it was so openly supportive of gay issues. He said he told him to go work for a competitor if that's what he felt. Similarly, the change in culture was not negotiable when customers complained.
"Of course when we started this we got pushback. Frankly, people would mark it against us and say 'look, they're supporting Pride Parade. Do you really want to bank with someone who supports Pride Parade?'" Clark said.
"That's when you have your moment of truth. You either back off or you forge on? And we said 'if that customer doesn't want to bank with us because we support Pride Parade, we'll show them a bank that they'll feel more comfortable with.'"