The Real Hate: Foisting "Gay Pride" on Society
June 25, 2014

Homosexuals are free to do what they want but I object to the Illuminati promoting this dysfunctional behavior to heterosexuals under the guise of "human rights."
There is very little homophobia. Gay Pride is heterophobia- a war on gender designed to make homosexuality the societal norm.

3. Fisting or hand-balling involves inserting the hand or fist into the anus. While it is difficult to believe that a fist can be inserted into a human anus, it is possible and can result in a sphincterectomy or colostomy. Some individuals can then have sodomy performed through the colostomy opening, causing further damage. Try to imagine how you can sink to lower depths of depravity than this. As well as fists, you can also insert toys into the anus: dildos, vibrators etc. This can lead to serious internal damage; in particular puncturing of the intestinal wall and seepage of faecal matter into the abdomen, which can result in death. But at least you will die in a politically correct way.
Most gay sex toys are small, but physicians have removed such large items as a six-ounce Coca-Cola bottle, an entire pencil, and a vibrator head. The record must be an after-shaving lotion bottle 14.2cm in length, 21.5cm circumference.
4. Another uplifting practice many homosexuals enjoy is sado-masochism. About a third of homosexuals engage in sexual torture. The top six US male serial murderers were gay.
5. As the thrills diminish, many gays employ drugs to heighten their experience. Drug use is seven times higher among gays. Crystal meth and cocaine are the drugs of choice.
6. Homosexuals engage in an extraordinary degree of promiscuity. They may have many dozen sex partners in a year; hundreds in a lifetime. "Marriages" are rarely exclusive.

Altman portrays this as debauchery as brotherhood: "The willingness to have sex immediately, promiscuously, and with people about whom one knows nothing and from whom one demands only physical contact can be seen as a sort of Whitmanesque democracy, a desire to know and trust other men in a type of brotherhood."
As well as bathhouses, homosexuals often engage in totally anonymous sex in public toilets - a practice known as cottaging - and in public parks and elsewhere. The personal columns of homosexual publications are crammed full of advertisements advertising the services of male whores - rent boys - and adventurers seeking similarly enlightened individuals for mutual satisfaction. You will never be lonely.
Bend over sheeple! That's what the New World Order is about. Anyone who objects to this perversity being mainstreamed is a "bully" and "homophobe."
Related - Charles Socarides MD - How America Went Gay

Recently Henry Makow published an article stating, "Nancy Allan announced a coercive plan to persecute students who object to homosexuality, ensuring that school children are groomed for homosexual pedophiles."
This is a wholly accurate account of the state mandated pedophile/pederast grooming increasingly found worldwide. Only a worldwide institution could produce the same global sexual "party line." The campaign to sexualize all infants and children for use and abuse emerges as an "Anti Bullying Action Plan" in Manitoba. The program induces child sexual experimentation--the same encouraged by Havana-trained sexologists in Brazil, and similar pedo-advocates in Great Britain, the USA and worldwide under the closet umbrella of International Planned Parenthood.
Makow says, "Don't be fooled. "Bullying" is really about heterosexuals being coerced to have gay sex. Bullying is the media and government perverts and traitors bullying you." I'd add, these programs are entry level for the child sexual traffic--a financial growth industry. Picture perverts sitting around a conference table for the last 20 years planning how to, "get the kids away from the controls of parents and religion and they are wholly vulnerable. Let's call it anti bullying, hate crimes. Once we get pedo-grooming--we get global control."
Ridiculous you say? Time is telling us it is so.
Recently Henry Makow published an article entitled, "Nancy Allan announced a coercive plan to persecute students who object to homosexuality, ensuring that school children are groomed for homosexual pedophiles."
This is a wholly accurate account of the state mandated pedophile/pederast grooming increasingly found worldwide. Only a worldwide institution could produce the same global sexual "party line." The campaign to sexualize all infants and children for use and abuse emerges as an "Anti Bullying Action Plan" in Manitoba. The program induces child sexual experimentation--the same encouraged by Havana-trained sexologists in Brazil, and similar pedo-advocates in Great Britain, the USA and worldwide under the closet umbrella of International Planned Parenthood.
Makow says, "Don't be fooled. "Bullying" is really about heterosexuals being coerced to have gay sex. Bullying is the media and government perverts and traitors bullying you." I'd add, these programs are entry level for the child sexual traffic--a financial growth industry. Picture perverts sitting around a conference table for the last 20 years planning how to, "get the kids away from the controls of parents and religion and they are wholly vulnerable. Let's call it anti bullying, hate crimes. Once we get pedo-grooming--we get global control."
Rediculous you say? Time is telling us it is so.
Visiting Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law

First Comment from Dan:
They never write about the massive 'gay revolution' of the 1970's anymore. They can't, because they don't want this generation to know that by the end of the decade, there was the worst venereal diseases epidemic since 18th century France. And since the West was temporarily insane with sex-drugs-rock n' roll, heterosexual youth were also visiting "free clinics" to get treated for "the Clap" (gonorrhea). Returning Vietnam soldiers introduced a variety of exotic Asian STD's, notably herpes simplex: a non-fatal but incurable STD which is no less a risk than it was 30 years ago.
Stepping lightly over the syphilis epidemic raging in the homosexual and bisexual "communities" that's ongoing, there are also no fewer HIV infections than 30 years ago.
So why is this no longer part of the "conversation" at "Pride parades" and "Gay Straight Alliance" pep rallies? Simple: there is a media blackout on what promiscuity and sodomy do to health. The "health" focus is on"women's health" - a term which means a 13-year-old-girl's "right" to pick up contraceptives from her bull dyke school counselor, or help from Planned Parenthood to obtain an abortion without informing her parents.
Recently Henry Makow published an article entitled, "Nancy Allan announced a coercive plan to persecute students who object to homosexuality, ensuring that school children are groomed for homosexual pedophiles."
This is a wholly accurate account of the state mandated pedophile/pederast grooming increasingly found worldwide. Only a worldwide institution could produce the same global sexual "party line." The campaign to sexualize all infants and children for use and abuse emerges as an "Anti Bullying Action Plan" in Manitoba. The program induces child sexual experimentation--the same encouraged by Havana-trained sexologists in Brazil, and similar pedo-advocates in Great Britain, the USA and worldwide under the closet umbrella of International Planned Parenthood.
Makow says, "Don't be fooled. "Bullying" is really about heterosexuals being coerced to have gay sex. Bullying is the media and government perverts and traitors bullying you." I'd add, these programs are entry level for the child sexual traffic--a financial growth industry. Picture perverts sitting around a conference table for the last 20 years planning how to, "get the kids away from the controls of parents and religion and they are wholly vulnerable. Let's call it anti bullying, hate crimes. Once we get pedo-grooming--we get global control."
Rediculous you say? Time is telling us it is so.
Visiting Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law
Pierre said (June 26, 2014):
One could say, ethically speaking, it's a race to the bottom. It also brought to mind Eva Braun's reputedly confiding to someone (or was it just in the movie) "you'll never believe the things he makes me do". Then there's Hess the prison buddy. Of course it will all come out, when it is all normal, just like Huxley's Brave New World and some of Heinlein's fantasies. (they were in the clubs after all).