Slavery -- "Guilt" as a Jewish Weapon
April 24, 2016

by Andrew Hamilton
Jews & Slavery: Three Books by the Nation of Islam
(abridged by
This now-famous book, relying primarily upon the works of mainstream Jewish scholars, demonstrates in meticulous detail and with formidable documentation that Jews were at the very center of the trans-Atlantic slave trade as merchants, financiers, shippers, and insurers. They also sold the products of slave labor on international markets.
The credibility of this underground classic speaks for itself. It relates a fascinating, previously invisible story that every educated American should know about.
According to the Nation of Islam (NOI,) it is a "persistent but mythological claim that Jews were either co-sufferers or innocent bystanders" during the slaveholding era.
The first third of Secret Relationship surveys the role of Jews in colonial slavery in South America and the Caribbean, the middle third that of slavery in colonial North America and the antebellum South. The final 100 pages consists of an alphabetical list and capsule biographies with extensive footnotes of dozens and dozens of prominent Jews involved in slavery.
Their role was not small. Jews were particularly active outside the present borders of the US in Brazil and the Caribbean.
North American Jews owned black servants and Jewish plantation owners in the South worked their lands with black slaves.
"In 1820," historian Jacob Rader Marcus wrote in 1989, "over 75 percent of Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more."
Refuting arguments that US census records confirm only a "modest" level of slaveholding among Jews, the authors point out that Jews were twice as likely as white Americans to own slaves.
In addition, Jewish merchants sold dozens, even hundreds, of slaves at auction, turning over their chattel inventory as rapidly as possible to maximize profits. Brief ownership by slave merchants of this kind is not captured in census records.
Not only were there no protests against slavery by Southern Jews, but very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested slavery on moral grounds.

(left, Louis Farrakhan)
Today, the Nation of Islam writes, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews "can be found in the collections of every major academic library, including those of every Ivy League college and university."
Since its publication, the book has given the Jews fits. The ADL devoted a lengthy hit piece to it, and no less than three book-length attacks by Jewish authors have been "laundered" through mainstream publishers including New York University Press and Transaction Publishers. Hostile articles were also planted in scholarly journals.
Supportive white academics like Yale philo-Semite and convert to Judaism David Brion Davis were enlisted in the cause, as was Harvard University's resident Uncle Tom, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
In a degrading act of self-delegitimation, the American Historical Association (AHA) issued a public statement at the behest of three influential Jewish members condemning any historical account "alleging that Jews played a disproportionate role in the Atlantic slave trade." The AHA statement is frequently cited as "authority" to undermine the legitimacy of the book. In the conventional slavery narrative of academia and the AHA, the Jews of history vanish, replaced solely by Christian and European evildoers....
is strange that prior to the Nation of Islam's research, those who
had studied history and this critical aspect of the impact of the
trans-Atlantic slave trade on American society were perfectly content
allowing the blame to fall squarely on the shoulders of the White
Anglo Saxon Protestants in the South.
The primary purpose of volume two is to elucidate the hidden political, economic, and social influence of Jews in the post-Civil War South between roughly 1860 and 1925.
Their influence was amazingly extensive. A list of Jewish public officials by state, compiled from numerous scholarly sources, covers 9 pages in small print.
Jews were elected to office in the South in surprisingly large numbers. Jewish officeholders helped create and enforce segregation laws.
An abbreviated list of Jewish bankers in the south covers 8 pages. The authors note that the Jewish banking network was not limited to the South, but extended to every region of the continent where Jews settled and opened businesses.

(Judah Benjamin's face appeared on Confederate currency.)
There is extensive discussion of both the Ku Klux Klan and white racist Southern politicians, the attitudes of both toward Jews, and the substantial Jewish role in Southern racism.
This analysis raises intriguing questions about the structure of white racialism.
For example, it is well-known that the original Ku Klux Klan was Freemasonic, philo-Semitic, and welcomed Jews as members. But a persuasive case is made that even the second Klan of the 1920s was not anti-Jewish.
Similarly, several noted racist white politicians are shown to have been either philo-Semites or indifferent to Jewish power (most were philo-Semitic).
Such individuals included US Sen. "Cotton Ed" Smith (D.-S.C.), US Sen. Robert Reynolds (D.-N.C.), Eugene and Herman Talmadge of Georgia, Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D.-Miss.), Democrat Josephus Daniels (anti-black and repulsively philo-Semitic), Sen. Tom Watson (D.-Ga.), Sen. "Pitchfork Ben" Tillman (D.-S.C.), and others.
George Wallace is not mentioned because he falls outside the time period covered by the book, but I am very familiar with his career. He, too, was characteristically anti-black (prior to being crippled by an assassin's bullet) and philo-Semitic.
Clearly, not all white "racists" are necessarily valuable assets to the anti-genocidal cause.
Could such a persistent pattern signify a fundamental divide in the collective consciousness of white people? Perhaps it is fallacious to assume that generic "racism" that warmly embraces (or ignores) Jews on the one hand, and opposition to Jewish power on the other, bear a deep or necessary relationship to one another. They may even work at cross-purposes.
Finally, a major theme of the book is that liens, sharecropping, and other aspects of commercial law in the South facilitated Jewish (and white) economic exploitation of blacks. These, it is maintained, were adaptations of age-old Jewish laws found in the Talmud, which is described as a "business manual for the Jewish people."
At the very least, the economic exploitation of Southern blacks after the Civil War was ruthless and unscrupulous in the extreme.

Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews [14] (n.p.: Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, 2010), 144 pp.
This companion volume to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, billed as "the largest collection of Jewish slave-sale ads ever published," is an illustrated collection of 283 ads from American newspapers spanning more than one hundred years.
It shows Jews seeking to buy hundreds of blacks; Jews selling blacks with warranties, bank financing, chasing runaways, selling "wenches," "families," "gangs," "infants"; and Jews selling entire plantations, slaves and all. The Jews in question were leaders of synagogues and upstanding founding fathers of today's American Jewish community.
A brief YouTube promo for the book notes that "The largest Gentile slave dealer was Franklin & Armfield . . . but they only operated in the South for 8 years. Jewish slave dealers operated in every place slavery existed . . . North America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa--for 400 years."
black scholars who wrote these invaluable books, while not friends of
the white man and partisans of their own people, for the most part
display admirable objectivity, coupled with a determination to view
the historical record in its entirety and full complexity. They could
easily have taken the safe, conventional route of repeating
anti-white slurs and ignoring the Jewish role entirely. But they did
These fascinating works bring to light facts about Jews and blacks that are necessary for non-Jews to understand in order to view this key facet of history in proper perspective.
The books are partial antidotes to prevailing academic and media lies--and corking good reads besides!
Illuminati Jewish plan for racial strife by championing blacks
Minister Farrakhan on the Illuminati, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, & U.S. History (start at 4.15)
Jewish groups attempted to force Farrakhan to denounce book
Minister Farrakhan - "If you want to be written into history as a good or great person, you have to go down in history as a friend of the Jewish people"....
Minister Farrakhan noted that in the meeting, the Rabbis etc demanded that they would keep an eye on Minister Farrakhan and his colleagues for a protracted period of time before they would consider him as a friend of the Jews...and he must denounce the book.....Minister replied - I want us to be friends but with the greatest respect, your people, the Jews, have done more evil to our people, than we have done to you maybe WE (the black people) have to keep an eye on YOU for a protracted period of time before we accept your friendship, and then he explains that he will renounce the book if the Jewish leaders would renounce as incorrect the work of the Jewish scholars which the book was based upon.."
Going Dutch - The Netherlands' slave trade
History of Dutch Jews Role in Slavery Is Bluntly Depicted
History Professor Tony Martin (1942-2013) blacklisted for merely teaching this book.
Dr. Tony Martin - Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade
Dr. Tony Martin - The Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade
Dr. Tony Martin on Blacks and Jews
David Livingstone -- Louis Farrakhan, Nation of islam, Freemasonry and Scientology
References and footnotes with original article.
Pieter said (April 25, 2016):
I live in the Netherlands and the Netherlands had a big role in slave trade and most of the Dutch slave traders were Jewish. In Surinam, a former Dutch colony in South America, you have a place called Jodensavanne (Dutch, "Jewish Savanna") was an agricultural community in Suriname, South America established by Jews fleeing persecution in Spain. It was located in Para District, about 50 km (31 mi) south of the capital Paramaribo, on the Suriname River. Sugarcane plantations were established and slaves used. The colony faced an attack and heavy levies imposed by a French captain, competition with sugar beets, disease and revolts from indigenous people and slaves. The community eventually relocated to the capital of Paramaribo. Clearing of gravesites and maintenance of the synagogue ruins has taken place in the 21st century.
At the end of the 17th century approximately 600 people lived in the flourishing agricultural settlement of Joden Savanne owning more than 40 plantations with over 9,000 slaves. Besides her important economic role the Jewish community also had part in the protection of the colony.