Can someone explain why Assad collapsed and Russia-Iran abandoned him??? will post here
Bashar al-Assad faces the end: Syria rebels reach edge of Damascus as Russia and Iran abandon him and his family including British-born wife 'flee to Moscow' Instead of supporting their Muslim brothers in Gaza, Turkey invades Syria cutting off Hezbollah supply lines.
Syrian rebels, trained and equipped by Turkey, resemble a professional army. Signs of Ukrainian participation.
"Enemy forces are now gathering just 100 kilometers from Damascus suggesting that their intention is to topple the present government and install a regime that is aligned with its foreign benefactors; Turkey, Israel and the United States."
Turkey's Erdogan is behind Jihadist invasion of Syria
Secret ally of Israel
Westerners are being kept in the dark about WW3
Michael Snyder - In recent months, quite a few pundits have been openly warning us that World War III has begun. Sadly, those pundits are quite correct. Right now, a historic global struggle is being waged by two very powerful alliances. The "western alliance" made up of the United States, Europe, Israel and their allies is engaged in a battle for supremacy with the "eastern alliance" made up of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria and their allies. Over the past week, this battle for supremacy has erupted on a couple of new fronts, but most Americans have no idea what is really going on.
The problem is not "the state." The problem is that the state has been subverted by globalist traitors.
Finian Cunningham--The elitist tyranny of "Western democracy" is exposed and crumbling
Western 'democracy' is like a vampire. It sucked the blood of too many people for too many years with impunity under the cloak of being virtuous.
"The charade of Western democracy is rapidly unraveling as so-called leaders and their dutiful media show themselves to be brazenly unaccountable to citizens while pursuing elitist, criminal interests.
"Biden using presidential powers to pardon his drug-addict felonious son - after promising he wouldn't. Western media claims that the upsurge in conflict in Syria is a "civil war" and not due to NATO-backed terrorist proxies. Western support for genocide in Gaza and a fascist Israeli leader who is mass murdering his way to avoid court prosecution for years of corruption. Western support for a money-laundering NeoNazi regime in Kiev whose proxy war against Russia could spiral into nuclear annihilation. Western sponsoring of anti-government violence in Georgia after pro-EU groups lost an election there. The pro-West South Korean leader declaring police state powers to avoid prosecution for corruption.
Tucker Interview with Russian Foreign Minister Claims Communication Shut Down Between Russia and U.S.
In a video from Moscow's Red Square, Carlson criticized the Biden-Harris regime's role in Ukraine, claiming it has escalated the U.S. towards a nuclear confrontation with Russia.
Other NATO member states also appear to be preparing for an escalation to the conflict, including Germany, which is preparing businesses for war and looking at creating emergency nuclear bunkers.
Eustace Mullinsi Secrets Of The Federal Reserve
Miriam Adelson purchased the US from Donald Trump for $100 Million.
What a ham Trump is! Look at his expression.
Trump Picks A War Cabinet By Chuck Baldwin
The Trump toadies who are convinced that Donald Trump is going to "drain the swamp" and "make America great again" during his upcoming second term as president are delusional. He did neither during his first term; and he will do neither during his second term. One need only look at Trump's appointments at the senior executive leadership level who will direct his administration to know that Trump is nothing more than more of the same--especially in matters relating to foreign policy, which is the one specific area where a president can single-handedly do the most damage.
Who Controls Ukraine Controls the World. Ukraine seen as central to controlling "Eurasian landmass."
The Stakes are High for the Deep state
From Savvy Granny-
"World War III has ownership, executive / command and agency which covers all bases [they even have a sign for this] . The High Cabal of the Judaic Supremacy and its sovereign money power, the Chabad Lubavitch and Freemasonry. The weak link is the agency of Gentile traitors so the links that hold them to their ranks will be the strongest of abominations, crimes etc.
All the levers for WWIII have been pulled. This war that is being made for the integration of Eurasia as a geopolitical entity. It is to be the centrepiece of the Jewish Supremacy and its world soviet of the nations - which owns as captured states through its financial system.
The war will be fought over the right of the Khazarian Jewish Bolsheviks' government in Russia and their right to genocide White European Russians / Ukrainians [all the same etnicity] starting with Solzhenitsyn's 60 million and continuing today in Ukraine. And it will be fought over the right of the Khazarian Jewish Zionists' in the lands of ancient Judea, Israel and Samaria and their right to genocide the Palestinian territorians in what is left of the Palestine of the Ottoman Caliphate. The powerblocs of the ZOG and the BRIC owned by their financial system will fall in and be assigned their scripts.
Apart from the integration of Eurasia as the centrepiece of the world soviet, the other prime objective will be the eradication of the White race and its nations.
The war will be erupted on two fronts but the invasion of Europe will not happen until after the Peace Conference in Budapest, according to the Roman Catholic prophet Alois Irlmaier. Of all that he foresaw about our Apocalyptic times, he has not yet been wrong.
Like every other nation, the American people will have to be made to fight which is why the 'Biden our time' caretaker gov't inserted all these foreign mercenaries through the Southern border. President Trump will now be able to 'win his base' by closing the border since its Communist objective has been achieved."
FEMA Issues WNC an Apology for Delayed Homes That Were Promised but Never Delivered
"Justin Trudeau's Father" - Elite's Sex Slave Claims CHILLING Encounter With Famous World Leader
Aneke Lucas claims David Rockefeller was a pedophile who pimped her around to world leaders to learn their secrets.
People are really down on Canada (read the comments)
Klaws Swab's young globalist leaders have turned their countries into shit holes.
Putin -Ten trillion in ten years. US benefit from having the world reserve currency. They buy the world with money created out of thin air.
Fed Hack Jerome Powell: A Profile in Corruption and Conflict of Interest
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's net worth is $55 million, and much of his wealth is managed by vampire squid Goldman Sachs -- a Wall Street bank that is supervised by the Fed -- and BlackRock via its iShares Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), according to his 2019 financial disclosure. Government-mandated financial disclosures require reporting of investment values within a range, and the upper value of Powell's holdings with BlackRock is $11.6 million.
Chairman and CEO, Larry Fink (Jewish)
President, Robert Kapito (Jewish)
Chief Operating Officer, Rob L. Goldstein (Jewish)
Chief Risk Officer, Ben Golub (Jewish)
Chief Financial Officer, Gary Shedlin (Jewish)
Global Head of Technology & Operations, Derek Stein (Jewish)
Head of International and Corporate Stategy, Mark K. Wiedman (Jewish)
Global Head of Active Equities, Mark D. Wiseman (Jewish)
The Pope's audience hall in the Vatican has been purposely designed to look like a snake, the outside is shaped like it's head, the 2 huge windows it's eyes, the roof are scales
(left, Calin Georgescu)
Romania Annuls Election Results After Anti-Globalist Firebrand Claims Historic Victory
Globalists are for democracy until they lose. Then they reveal their true Communist dictatorial colors.
Jewish hedge fund mojo Bill Ackman's lowest point: how he coped with $4 billion dollar loss | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips
Viewers--"I love this segment of the interview. Bill Ackman puts himself out there for everyone to see. Possibly the best and most honest interview I've ever seen. Both Lex and Bill are incredibly genuine. For me, this was special.
"I borrowed 300 million from JP Morgan"
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