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Below- The Best Pandemic Money Can Buy (scroll down)

Dec 11 - Readers Report is Blocked

December 11, 2024

Readers are getting this message when they try to access my site

Left--"We prevented your connection to because it is a dangerous webpage."

The Truth is dangerous

Another message read: "This website may contain malicious code that could harm your Mac. We strongly recommended that you don't access it.
To proceed at your own risk, disable Safe Web in your Norton app."

Please send links and comments to 

My take on Syria:  Satanists on all sides. See the pic below of Assad and Putin in a Masonic handshake. The object is to create CHAOS. My heart goes out to the people of Syria.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes explains how current events reflect the attempt by Organized Jewry (Communism and Zionism = Freemasonry) 
to bring about the prophecies they put in the OT.

Reader- "A must-watch analysis of the most recent, most pressing current event, 1.5 hours long"

Kabbalah of Syria [Dec. 11, 2024]



(Only Masons shake hands like this)

The Jews, and the Jews in England
by Cobbett (Anthony Ludovici)

Boswell Publishing Company, 1938


Thousands of Pro-Assad Syrians flee to Lebanon to Escape Reprisals

This is an aspect we are seldom if ever told.....

Martin Sellner has made waves across Europe as one of the most outspoken figures addressing the effects of mass migration. In his powerful new book, "Remigration: A Proposal," Sellner presents a solution that is as bold as it is controversial: reversing the migration streams that have flooded Europe over the last few decades. Through remigration, Sellner envisions a future where Europeans reclaim their safety, cultural identity, and sense of belonging in their own homelands.

Robert Malone's limited-hangout confession

Sasha Latypova - "He admits he has worked/works(?) for the DOD (DTRA), he agrees with my overall interpretation of the government's role in the mRNA atrocity (thanks!), and offers excuses for his employer..."

Sasha Latypova has  reported that the US Department of Defense managed the development, production and deployment of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccines, as part of a coordinated "whole-of-government" program involving Congress (providing statutory authority and funding); US presidents; DoD (including DARPA, DTRA and other subdivisions), Department of Health and Human Services-Public Health Service (including ASPR, BARDA, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID and other subdivisions); Department of Homeland Security (including FEMA); Department of Treasury, and most if not all other federal agencies; the Federal Reserve; pharmaceutical drug and device manufacturing companies incorporated into federal government (by contracts and Presidential proclamations under the Public Health Service Act, Defense Production Act, Stafford Act and National Emergencies Act); international quasi-governmental and banking organizations including the Bank for International Settlements, United Nations-World Health Organization; and non-governmental organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

Canadians experiencing antisemitism for the first time

The Explosion of Jew-Hate in Canada

There has been a 670% increase in antisemitic incidents in the past year. 'It was like a dam burst.' What happened and why? The Free Press investigates.

Makow-- Naive jews seem to think the false flag of Oct 7 justifies genocide and the invasion of Lebanon and Syria. Organized Jewry is constructing a 1984 Dystopia and assimilated Jews who are merely dupes will be blamed. These include members of my family who, like everyone else, are occupied with their lives and are not to blame.


lavrov-mason.jpeg(Left-Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake)

Lavrov, Himmler, Hitler

They are all Freemasons folks. It's all a charade.


Ray Songtree has put Scott Ritter on IGNORE

"at minute 17 , he thinks Al Queda did 911???????
okay, that is that.  Incredible.

I suppose I shouldn't discount everything.  He has taught me how complex it all is, but I won't relay him anymore."

A 40-year-old man named Stuart Worby has been found guilty of secretly administering abortion pills to his then-pregnant partner without her knowledge and consent.

Sentenced to 12 years in orison. Vicitm is now sterile.

Republicans just made Brian Mast--who wore an Israeli army uniform in the halls of Congress--the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Mast has compared Palestinians to Nazis, said babies being killed "are not innocent" and more infrastructure in Gaza should be destroyed.

$675,000 from AIPAC  


Reader--"60 second video. Double-click on the entire thread. IMHO, the CIA is the organized crime arm of the ruling power elite (the High Cabal). 

CIA is a drug dealer says LA Cop

Scroll down to "It's Wild" with pic of Joe Rogan


Reader---"Attached is the newest obituary graph I am working on.  All the data
is from Medicine Hat Alberta a private crematorium.  I still have to enter the data for Dec
2024.  However since you posted a covid essay for Dec 11, 2024.  I
thought you should see this right away. It appears as though the death rate is increasing not the other way
around, and you will see the average age is at least ten years below
the national average.  

2020 = 37 deaths; 2021= 81 deaths; 2022 = 128 deaths; 2023 = 134
deaths; 2024 = 154 deaths (not including Dec 2024).

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Dec 11 - Readers Report is Blocked "

David T said (December 11, 2024):

Hey Henry, got an almost identical popup from my antivirus tool for your site today as the one posted on the homepage.
First time it's ever been blocked. The stakes have never been higher. I manually added you as an "exception" so future access won't get scuttled. So touched by AVG's concern for my mental and psychological welfare. Best, David

Milton said (December 11, 2024):

It's working fine in des moines iowa

Thanks so much for all you do for truth!

rh said (December 11, 2024):

I am able to read your website yet. Our internet was funky this morning and I thought to myself, if “they” want chaos, shut down the internet. We are all dependent on it for banking, paying bills, ordering supplies, making appointments, communication, research, reading websites, entertainment, MSM and what have you. Yikes!

Maybe we are all going to experience what the Native Americans experienced starting 500 or so years ago. They had some cohesiveness among their own tribes; we have nothing in that regard, so we will perish alone. Not a pleasant thought.

We need God’s blessing.

Keep up the good work.

Below- Dec 10 - Did Israel Fall Into a Trap? (scroll down)

Covid - The Best "Pandemic" Money Can Buy

money-maker.jpgA trip down memory lane.

Commie Covid Coup Was Fuelled by Fiat Flood

This article from Nov 12, 2021 is a reminder of what we have forgotten already.

We Bartered Our Freedom for 30 Pieces of Silver

They can't function in society, feed their families or travel without a vax passport.

Why the docile response?
Everyone has been bought off.

The Rothschilds have anaesthetized them with a tsunami of cash.
This pandemic hoax was engineered by an orgy of spending.

The satanist central bankers have purloined our national credit cards and use them to in-debt and poison us.

from Nov. 3, 2021
by Henry Makow PhD

The Rothschild central banking cartel bought this pandemic with a mountain of money created out of thin air and charged to future generations, if there are any.

Everyone involved in perpetrating this hoax has been bought and paid for.

Pfizer said Tuesday it expects to make up to $36 billion this year from its COVID-19 vaccine, which is now the highest-selling drug in the world.

This is a repeat of 2007-8 credit crunch. They are robbing the US treasury again.

The US has spent $6 trillion on the covid response. But just so you don't notice, they bought the US mass media.  Bill gates spent $319 million ensuring their compliance.

They were also careful to spread this money around and create the biggest stock market bubble in history.

So while Mother Liberty is gang raped, millions of people are glued to their stock market and crypto accounts, thinking that a wad of digits will protect them from what is coming.

The $6 trillion the US spent on the covid hoax is the same as all the wars waged by the US since 9-11.

This is appropriate because, like 9-11, all these wars were also boondoggles designed to enrich the already filthy rich.

pot-frog.jpgTheir ultimate goal is to rob us and leave us to die in a ditch.

But it will happen so slowly, you won't notice.

Needless to say, some of this lucre has been used to bribe politicians. Politicians have resigned in disgrace in Australia and Austria.

The average American has been placated with relief cheques and other giveaways.  The measure included "a $1,400 check for many Americans and an extension of a $300 weekly unemployment aid supplement through August, as well as a generous one-year expansion of the child tax credit and hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for schools, state and local governments and vaccine distribution efforts."

Canada is a model of how the cash was spread around. Nearly nine million people, a third of all adults, got $2000 a month for doing nothing.

"The CBC News analysis has tracked $105.66 billion in federal payments to individuals; $118.37 billion that has gone to businesses, non-profits and charitable organizations; and a further $16.18 billion in transfers to provinces, territories, municipalities and government agencies.

The largest single expenditure thus far has been the $81.64 billion spent on the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB), the monthly $2,000 payments that were offered to Canadians who were unable to work during the pandemic, with 8.9 million people -- a third of all adults in the country -- having received them.

The direct payments to individuals, which also included $7.7 billion in enhancements to employment insurance, a $5.6-billion GST credit, almost $3 billion in emergency benefits for students, and $2 billion in bonus payouts to Old Age Security and guaranteed income supplement recipients, establish a new benchmark for government support. The $105.66 billion total between mid-March and November was almost $10 billion more than all major federal transfers to individuals, including children, for the entirety of fiscal 2018-19.

But the federal subsidies for businesses and other organizations have been even larger. Those supports include $49.27 billion sent to more than 352,000 enterprises to help defray payroll costs under the Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS). Another $31.55 billion of interest-free loans extended to almost 790,000 businesses under the Canada emergency business account. As well as $6.1 billion spent on personal protective equipment procurement under the Safe Restart Agreement, and $5.8 billion in support for banks and other lenders under the insured mortgage purchase program."

Covid is nothing but the flu re-branded. A pandemic with a death rate of.25% is not a pandemic. A sickness with no symptoms is not a sickness. Florida, Sweden and Norway which have opened up with no consequences have proven covid is a hoax.
But no wonder everyone played along with this charade. They were getting rich or being paid for doing nothing.
Businesses were dropping like flies but the owners were being compensated.
So there was no revolt as there should have been.
The prospect that they and their children may be injured or die is remote when you are given money for free.
The pain from loss of freedom and mandatory "vaccines" was salved by cash.
But eventually the anaesthetic drip will stop, and we will experience the torture that results from selling our soul.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for " Covid - The Best "Pandemic" Money Can Buy "

JJ said (November 13, 2021):

Everyone needs to ask themselves if their job is "an honest day's work"? Everyone needs to take personal responsibility for their own lives and quit saying things like, "If politicians make thousands doing nothing, then I'm going to do the same," or "If people in private interprise make on average $25/hr cleaning toilets [which they don't], then I'm going to do the same," or "The goverrnment has lots of money."

Living according to your own senses and feelings is sensuality. Perhaps for many this stops with ice-cream indulgences or chain-smoking or CERB while for the elite sensuality involves killing babies once a week.'s still sensuality and laziness and when the collective mindset tips in that direction, everyone pays a price. Stopping fiat currency usage starts with ourselves, with self-discipline and making sure we are not dependent on that money.

A free-mason who had been a good friend once flippantly told me that political deficits "were none of my business". I never spoke to him again.

Tony B said (November 4, 2021):

All these paid off greedy murderers have no clue that when the desired objective of the satanic agenda is reached and they are no longer needed, their digital millions will be instantly "disappeared," and they will be in the same boat as their victims.

Al Thompson said (November 4, 2021):

Western civilization in today’s world is a very bad version of the Roman Empire. The governments of the world is run mostly by thugs. The foundation of most societies is built on lies and deceit and nothing good can come from it.
The morality of society is extremely important and the people have grown up not knowing the importance of proper ethics and morality. It is obvious to me that the forced vaccinations have shown just how evil the government can be. The Nazi style that the medical industry is using is outrageous. This is due to a lack of knowledge of the proper ethics and morality in government. In fact, I heard a judge in a courtroom said to a potential juror: “There is no moral component to this.”

Morality cannot be ignored and all of us can do much better. Do not comply with immoral mandates. Even the healthcare workers know something is very wrong. It is the correct moral judgments that will set us free. What’s nice about this is that being morally correct is something we can do for ourselves and we would all be a lot happier.

Doug P said (November 4, 2021):

Corporations are more powerful than governments and banks are more powerful than corporations. We put the banks into that position with the income tax. The world has always been run by money but love (Christian law / Common law) has been the regulative principle that has prevented big money from violating basic right - ie collection of income tax. Courts are forgetting this basic principle as we slide down from juristic Christian law to statutory Talmudic law. No sane Jew should want this - to be governed overtly by a Jewish oligarchy. The common Jews and minions (secret societies) are merely means to an end and not an end themselves.

G said (November 4, 2021):

Re: "So while Mother Liberty is gang raped, millions of people are glued to their stock market and crypto accounts, thinking that a wad of digits will protect them from what is coming."

So true, Henry. And not just "digits" but the paper stuff, too. And coins. And even the once reliable gold and silver. I just don't think any of them will hold water when all hell breaks loose. And it's already starting to break.

I think about how they say "If your neighbor is starving, you ain't safe." Also true. But that may have led some short-term thinkers toward communism. They didn't think it through. Didn't accept history's cruel lessons. Thought the pie would be evenly divided. Never noticed it was baked by the oppressor who really owns the whole pie and only gives out crumbs.

So we're back here at that junction we've arrived at so many times at your site: It's a frikkin' SPIRITUAL PROBLEM, and until integrity and compassion are at the helm, we're doomed.

Freedom is on the chopping block and so are people. Is there ANYTHING more spiritual to do than fight against the captors? All else is just passing time, no?

Below- Syria's Collapse Clears the Way for "Greater Israel" (scroll down)

Dec 10 - Did Israel Fall Into a Trap in Syria?

December 10, 2024


Please send links and comments to

After resisting Western aggression for 15 years, the Syrian Army dissolved. 
Apparently Assad gave orders to stand down. Alex Krainer argues that the only explanation is that Putin has granted Netanyahu's "greater Israel" wish believing that Syria will be a quagmire for Israel as Afghanistan was for both Russia and the US.

Did Russia Just Set a HUGE Trap in Syria? | Alex Krainer


Trump Master Mason MAGA KING


EXCLUSIVE WARTIME REPORT: Learn How Turkey, Israel, & NATO Overthrew Syria/Why They Are Now Publicly Installing Al-Qaeda To Further Destabilize The Entire Middle East. Interview with Syrian Girl by

Reader-"Worth listening to twice.  So many facts."

Israel claims it has destroyed 80% of Assad's Army

Vanessa Beeley

This is a record of Israeli strikes so far against Syrian military and defence infrastructure:

A squadron of 30 Israeli aircraft over Syria strikes military installations and air defense.

- Israeli Air Force targeted the headquarters of the Electronic Warfare Administration near Al-Bahdaliyah, adjacent to the city of Sayyida Zeinab in Damascus countryside.

- Israel bombed scientific research centers in Barzeh in Damascus, the 47th Brigade in Hama, and the helicopter airport in Aqraba.

- Israeli airstrikes on Yafour area in the countryside of Damascus..

- Israeli warplanes bomb the ship port in Latakia. According to reports, the attacks targeted military ships anchored in the port.

Israel is exploiting the collapse of the state in Syria and is destroying all the strategic capabilities of the Syrian army to prevent anyone from benefiting from them in the future to rebuild a strong army

Israeli warplanes have become capable of entering Syrian airspace and using bunker-busting bombs

Israel has destroyed all Syrian air defense bases and military airports and is now intensively targeting ballistic missile warehouses and weapons factories.

Houses in Damascus are shaking due to the intensity of successive Israeli air strikes

Dozens of Israeli airstrikes are now being carried out in various parts of Syria

Israeli raids on Qamishli airport in northeastern Syria

Israeli airstrikes on Jableh on the Syrian coast

Israel renewed its airstrikes on Aqraba military airport in Damascus countryside and the Shinshar area south of Homs

Israeli airstrikes on Basil Al-Assad military airport in Jableh.



In an 2017 interview with a New York newspaper, reported by the newspaper "Al Chorouk", the former American Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, said that throughout his diplomatic career, the only presidents who bothered him were Hafedh Al Assad and his son Bashar Al Assad.
Kissinger explained that the United States believed that Hafedh Al Assad had chased away all "  the morons ". But, fortunately for the United States, there are still a few left.

Regarding the "  Arab Spring ", Kissinger affirmed that these "revolutions that are shaking the Arab world" did not start in a trivial way  "Do you think that these revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya were for the beautiful eyes of the Arabs?!! Our targets are Syria and Iran . "he specified in a mocking tone.

He admitted that Hafedh Al Assad was the only personality who defeated him. He added that since August 2011, "  the Syrian revolution  " has triggered a cold war that will intensify even more in the coming months.

Why Syria in particular? Kissinger replied that Syria is the pole of moderate Islam in the world. Syria is also the pole of Christianity. The United States, according to him, is working to destroy urban structures related to Christianity and to forcibly displace Syrian Christians. Indeed, Syria is at the heart of the Russian-American conflict. The Orthodox of Russia and Eastern Europe belong to Syria by confession. According to him, the current conflict between world forces is not limited to the domination of oil resources, it is a much deeper conflict.

Kissinger added that it is because of the "  stupidity  " of former US President Richard Nixon that the United States was unable to occupy Syria." The only solution to crush it is to burn it from the inside, which is what is happening now,"  he added.

He concluded that he has always admired the Syrian people who have managed to establish an impressive infrastructure despite the few resources at their disposal. "  It is surprising how a people composed of several ethnic groups and confessions is so homogeneous," he said.
He stressed that most Syrians actually support Bashar Al Assad and that only 1,511 soldiers have left the Syrian army. The latter has 511,000 soldiers and occupies the 4th position in the latest ranking of the strongest armies in the world.

Alex Newman---Inside The UN Plan To "Fundamentally Restructure The Global Economy"

The United Nations wants to introduce a "carbon market" in addition to limiting your travel, meat consumption, and more. The American people must say, "Enough is enough!"

Lisa McGee stays on for the After Talk portion of The Dr. Jane Ruby Show, exposing the US government/Pharma evil operations to conduct merging of humans with artificial intelligence, and digital devices. 

Lisa reports that all pharma drugs and devices given to humans ARE THE MECHANISM TO DIGITIZE HUMANS AND RUSH THE BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE. Bacteria and fungi are now partially digitized and used to make pharmaceuticals. Lisa's mastery lies in connecting eclectic documents like patents, FOIA releases, and numerous other types of evidence.

 Lisa reports that all pharma drugs and devices given to humans ARE THE MECHANISM TO DIGITIZE HUMANS AND RUSH THE BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE. Bacteria and fungi are now partially digitized and used to make pharmaceuticals

Alberta Premier Daniel Smith is supposed to be a conservative but here she is exchanging a Masonic grip with Castro's love child

BREAKING NEWS: My family was threatened by Alberta Health Services 3 times today - word has it Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is doubling down with AHS to destroy my family

They're expediting the process to have me imprisoned, or worse. At this point, AHS may try to have me killed. I will post Court Documents later today.



Pfizer whistleblower releases internal documents showing over 158,000 reports of SERIOUS adverse reactions within two months of the release of their COVID vaccine.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Dec 10 - Did Israel Fall Into a Trap in Syria?"

JM said (December 11, 2024):

Some one on the conservative web site called god an absantee landlord henry. Christians are getting their arses kicked all over and he's no where to be seen very demoralizing


Unfortunately God depends on humans to fulfill his Design


D said (December 11, 2024):

Thanks for posting the link on the Biodigital Convergence on your site today (Lisa McGee).
I'm glad that your readers are catching on to this issue and I hope more will in the future.
End game of NWO is depopulation and techno enslavement / bio-digital convergence, more
people need to know.

Dec 8 - Did Russia Just Trade Syria for Ukraine? (scroll down)

Syria's Collapse Clears the Way for "Greater Israel"

December 9, 2024

Makow - In a brilliant move, the Zionists have checkmated the Islamists and cleared the way for the Middle East to fall under Zionist control. 

Turkey's Erdogan who had threatened to invade Israel for the Palestinians has instead knifed them in the back and invaded Syria instead, cutting the supply route to their Hezbollah allies. 

Israel will now install its puppets throughout the Middle East with a color revolution in Iran as its next goal.

Could someone tell me why Gaza, Lebanon and Syria do not have effective air defence missiles? Seems very fishy. Is there a fix in for Greater Israel?

by George Christiansen

On December 8, 2024, the Syrian government fell in what can only be described as an engineered collapse. Bashar al-Assad, who held Syria together through years of war, fled to Russia as Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)--a rebranded Al-Qaeda front--seized Damascus. But make no mistake: this wasn't the result of some grassroots revolution. This was an operation orchestrated by globalists, with the United States, Israel, and Turkey at the helm, cheered on by the sycophantic Western media.

What's worse, this disaster has left Syria's ancient Christian communities in grave danger. And all the while, the same people who brought us this chaos have the gall to pretend they're champions of freedom and democracy.

Syria's collapse was engineered: The fall of Assad was no organic revolution but a calculated move by globalists to destabilise the region.

The U.S. empowered terrorists: Billions in funding armed extremists like HTS, knowing full well they were linked to Al-Qaeda.

Israel played a strategic role: By aiding Syrian rebels and attacking Assad's forces, Israel aimed to weaken Iran and Hezbollah at Syria's expense.

Turkey enabled HTS's rise: Ankara gave HTS the green light, prioritising its war on the Kurds over Syria's stability.

It's a pipeline war: Assad's refusal to allow a Western-backed gas pipeline through Syria sealed his fate.

Christians are in peril: Syria's Christians, safe under Assad, now face persecution, displacement, and extinction under HTS rule.

The West fuels chaos: Interventionist policies repeatedly empower extremists, destabilise nations, and devastate minorities.

Global action is needed: Christians worldwide must demand aid, advocacy, and accountability to save Syria's persecuted communities.

Trump is playing dumb. He knows perfectly well Al Qaeda is Israel

Trump and leaders like Senator Rand Paul have raised alarms about this pattern. Paul said it plainly: "All of a sudden we'll have another Islamic state where Christians are persecuted." That's exactly what's happening in Syria.

The Long-Term Ethical Failure of Interventionism

The repeated use of interventionism as a strategy is a moral catastrophe. Time and again, the West has empowered extremists, toppled governments, and left chaos in its wake. In Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, we've seen the same results: fractured societies, endless wars, and vulnerable minorities left to fend for themselves.

Syria's collapse isn't just a tactical failure; it's a strategic and ethical disaster. By backing groups like HTS, the U.S. has not only destabilised Syria but also set the stage for more terrorism, more suffering, and more regional instability. This isn't about democracy--it's about playing God with other nations.

The Global Consequences

Think this is just about Syria? Think again. The collapse of Assad's regime will lead to a fractured Syria, much like Libya after Gaddafi. Extremists like HTS will use the chaos to spread their ideology and violence across Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Europe. This isn't just Syria's problem; it's the world's problem.

Christians around the world must act. Advocacy groups need to: Mobilise Aid: Deliver food, medical supplies, and shelter to displaced Christians.

Push for Protections: Demand that religious minorities are safeguarded in any political settlement.

Expose the Lies: Hold governments and media accountable for their role in this crisis.

Conclusion: The Globalists' Manufactured Tragedy

The fall of Assad isn't a win for freedom--it's a manufactured tragedy. The U.S., Israel, and Turkey orchestrated this collapse to serve their interests, leaving Syria in ruins and Christians in peril. HTS, a group of jihadist thugs, now rules Damascus. And the media? They're complicit in the lies.

This is what interventionism looks like: chaos, destruction, and betrayal. It's time to wake up, speak out, and demand accountability. If we don't, Syria won't be the last victim of this globalist game.

George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a "champion of human rights" and his writings have been praised by Infowars' Alex Jones as "excellent and informative".

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below-Dec 7 - Why Did Assad Regime Collapse? (scroll down)

Dec 8 - Did Russia Just Trade Syria for Ukraine?

December 8, 2024

Israel invades Syria in self-defence

This appears to be a devastating setback for the "Resistance."  
But can Russia abandon Syria without also abandoning Iran?

Please send links and comments to

Putin Has Betrayed and Abandoned Syria
But then so has everyone else as well.

The entire Syrian army appears to have just disbanded. The videos on Twitter over the last week have been crazy. The latest info drop is with the rebels storming the airport without encountering resistance. It is all over for Assad's Syria. The end of an era.

The real interesting stuff is happening behind the screaming headlines and the denial and the cope. It is very possible that Moscow is not only simply losing Syria, but actually helping Syria be taken. This increases the order of the magnitude of the betrayal substantially."


Smotrich: Israel's future is 'to expand to Damascus'

Savvy Granny answers-

I think you should refer to former NATO General Wesley Clark's interview on the 'Seven Countries in Five Years' takedown (2007).

General Wesley Clark "Seven Countries in Five Years" (2007)

Could Erdogan & Netanyahu's expansionist dreams conflict?

Remember Turkey is a NATO partner and it also partners with the Islamic nations that are building Eurasia with Soviet Russia and the BRICs. Turkey swings both ways.  And Erdogan (a Turkic/Khazarian co-ethnic)  has cut a deal to restore the Caliphate as part of a unified Eurasia - now emerging through WWIII. We are in it.

These wars in seven countries to which Clark referred were conducted with Gook terrorist alphabet soup militaries backed variously by all sides. This is not 'about oil' as Clark stated, it is about regime change and 'Zionist Governments' under KGB/FSB control. These wars are for the integration of the Middle East into a single political entity: Eurasia intended to be the centrepiece of a world hegemon and soviet. [The real and emergent world order]

I don't think Putin has sacrificed Syria, I think he has sacrificed a knight [the present Syrian regime] to capture a Queen. The Assad regime may have to exit stage left at this time, but Putin will secure Tartus. The two warpots currently on the boil are going to merge.

I'll be very interested to see who the CIA sticks in there as the Syrian new broom. Remember "Islam is the broom of Israel" . I take this to mean both the International Judaic Supremacy which rules Soviet Russia and the West and the Zionist ethno-state. But Israel is working on their 'King's Torah Moshiach' script.

At the Apex level, all scripts are working together. It is one movie. I  think it is altogether feasible that a Caliphate and a revived Assyrian empire could be one entity within an integrated Eurasia. Have a look at that black limestone obelisk of Shalamazar III in the British museum.  It comemorates the Assyrian emperor  receiving the obeisance of the Israelite king and his lictors (transfer of power) from the Israelite state.  Lictors and fasces are ancient PHRYGIAN symbols which were later adopted by Rome. 
Timothy Fitzpatrick has the best statements for the political analysis of what is going on here. and the keynote essay for the file:

"Operation Zionist Government (SIG) is the Soviet strategy of using the Middle East conflict" [ wars over the carve up of the former Palestine of the Ottoman Caliphate] as a means of turning the world against the West and ushering in world communism. The operation uses friendlies on all sides of the Israel / Palestine / Arab conflict to build up the Zionist oppression narrative as a perceived continuation of Western 'colonialism'. The strategy involves Israel allowing itself to be used as the 'bad guy' as a means of framing the West for its crimes in the region. SIG also allows for continued Soviet dominance of Israel and the Middle East , with leaders of all countries in on the plan. SIG is paving the way for the coming Eurasianist Communist world order." "

"The codename of this operation was 'SIG' (Sionistskiye Gosudarstva or 'Zionist Governments')." Soviet defector Ion Mihai Pacepa

Russia Says Assad Left Syria After Giving Instructions to Transfer Power Peacefully

Russia's Foreign Ministry said Sunday that Bashar Assad had left Syria after negotiations with rebel groups, and gave instructions to "transfer power peacefully."

In a post on the Telegram messaging app on Sunday, the ministry said Moscow had not directly participated in these talks. It also said it has been following the events in Syria "with extreme concern."

It also said Russian troops stationed in Syria have been put on high alert and that as of early afternoon Sunday, there was "no serious threat" to the security of Russia's military bases there.

China Is The World's Manufacturing Superpower

According to data published by the United Nations Statistics Division, China accounted for 31 percent of global manufacturing output in 2022.

As Statista's Felix Richter shows in the chart below, that puts the country almost 15 percentage points ahead of second-placed United States, which used to have the world's largest manufacturing sector until China overtook it in 2010.
WARMINGTON: Mayor who stood up to Pride group has bank account garnished
Emo Mayor Harold McQuaker faces stiffer justice from authorities than bank robbers and carjackers

From Reddit Conspiracy-

"My father has turbo cancer all over his body, Small cell lung cancer, liver cancer and lymph node cancer. its pretty much everywhere except his brain.

I can confirm, he took 5 of the covid vaccines and the new mRNA flu shots. Probably around 10-12 doses of this shit. last one being in November of 2022.

I know it was the shots. Doctors and researchers all over the world have been warning about this for years. I tried to warn him myself but he didn't listen. Im so mad and heartbroken. It's like experiencing a slow-motion car crash again and again every day.

How can I get justice for my father? Should I hire a lawyer and sue the government? Is there even a point? I could cite SV40 contamination, 50 non-declared elements, what other evidence? What else? How can I prove the shots caused his cancer?

If i can prove it, I can get justice for him and others.

Bombshell Study Confirms Covid 'Vaccines' Alter Human Behavior

The study found that Covid shots triggered a 68.3% spike in depression, a 43.9% increase in anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% surge in sleep disorders.

The researchers recruited 50% of the Seoul-resident population.

The participants were randomly selected from the government's Korean National Health Insurance Service (KNHIS) claims database.

The total of included participants was 2,027,353.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Dec 8 - Did Russia Just Trade Syria for Ukraine? "

James Perloff said (December 8, 2024):

Hi, Henry. The toppling of Assad is one of the great tragedies of our time. The slaughter of Syria’s Christians, who he always protected, will come next.

Some factors in how it came about: Israel invaded Syria from the Golan Heights (which it had already stolen from Syria), which, combined with ISIS and with the terrorist invasion from the Turkish side, created a pincer movement against Assad.

Also, the Syrian people and army were exhausted from so many years of attacks by foreign-backed terrorists and countless bombings by Israel.

I think Russia’s failure to help must be partly due to their preoccupation with Ukraine. However, you raise a good point. Did Russia cut a deal for an end to the Ukraine war in exchange for abandoning Syria?

In my recent post I noted that Trump’s entire cabinet has prowar Zionists in virtually every key strategic position.

They are all vehemently pro-Israel and anti-Iran, but none seem eager to continue the Ukraine war. This indicates that Trump’s true objective is the Middle East (see his attached comments). Israel will annex more of Syria (which they euphemistically say will be a “buffer zone”).

In the meantime, the Israelis are genociding Gaza so they can annex it, just as they are seeking to annex the entire West Bank. They are bombing Lebanon, which is next on their hit list.

It looks like the plan to create “Greater Israel” is well underway, and based on Trump’s threats, Netanyahu apparently expects the full backing of the U.S. military for continued conquests.

If Trump aggressively commits U.S. troops to supporting Netanyahu’s aggression, the President will NOT have the manpower to expel the illegal immigrants, who already outnumber U.S. armed forces 6 to 1.

A said (December 8, 2024):

Surprise! Putin and Iranian leaders are ALSO crypto Jews:

Starmer is already betraying the Brits.

Wait and see what Trump does.

Below- Here Come the Lesbian Rangers (scroll down)

Dec 7 - Why Did Assad Regime Collapse?

December 7, 2024


Can someone explain why Assad collapsed and Russia-Iran abandoned him???   will post here

Bashar al-Assad faces the end: Syria rebels reach edge of Damascus as Russia and Iran abandon him and his family including British-born wife 'flee to Moscow'  Instead of supporting their Muslim brothers in Gaza, Turkey invades Syria cutting off Hezbollah supply lines. 

Syrian rebels, trained and equipped by Turkey, resemble a professional army. Signs of Ukrainian participation. 

"Enemy forces are now gathering just 100 kilometers from Damascus suggesting that their intention is to topple the present government and install a regime that is aligned with its foreign benefactors; Turkey, Israel and the United States."

Turkey's Erdogan is behind Jihadist invasion of Syria

Secret ally of Israel

Westerners are being kept in the dark about WW3

Michael Snyder - In recent months, quite a few pundits have been openly warning us that World War III has begun.  Sadly, those pundits are quite correct.  Right now, a historic global struggle is being waged by two very powerful alliances.  The "western alliance" made up of the United States, Europe, Israel and their allies is engaged in a battle for supremacy with the "eastern alliance" made up of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria and their allies.  Over the past week, this battle for supremacy has erupted on a couple of new fronts, but most Americans have no idea what is really going on.


The problem is not "the state." The problem is that the state has been subverted by globalist traitors.

Finian Cunningham--The elitist tyranny of "Western democracy" is exposed and crumbling

Western 'democracy' is like a vampire. It sucked the blood of too many people for too many years with impunity under the cloak of being virtuous.

"The charade of Western democracy is rapidly unraveling as so-called leaders and their dutiful media show themselves to be brazenly unaccountable to citizens while pursuing elitist, criminal interests.

"Biden using presidential powers to pardon his drug-addict felonious son - after promising he wouldn't. Western media claims that the upsurge in conflict in Syria is a "civil war" and not due to NATO-backed terrorist proxies. Western support for genocide in Gaza and a fascist Israeli leader who is mass murdering his way to avoid court prosecution for years of corruption. Western support for a money-laundering NeoNazi regime in Kiev whose proxy war against Russia could spiral into nuclear annihilation. Western sponsoring of anti-government violence in Georgia after pro-EU groups lost an election there. The pro-West South Korean leader declaring police state powers to avoid prosecution for corruption.

Tucker Interview with Russian Foreign Minister Claims Communication Shut Down Between Russia and U.S.

In a video from Moscow's Red Square, Carlson criticized the Biden-Harris regime's role in Ukraine, claiming it has escalated the U.S. towards a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

Other NATO member states also appear to be preparing for an escalation to the conflict, including Germany, which is preparing businesses for war and looking at creating emergency nuclear bunkers.

Eustace Mullinsi Secrets Of The Federal Reserve

Miriam Adelson purchased the  US from Donald Trump for $100 Million. 
What a ham Trump is! Look at his expression.

Trump Picks A War Cabinet By Chuck Baldwin

The Trump toadies who are convinced that Donald Trump is going to "drain the swamp" and "make America great again" during his upcoming second term as president are delusional. He did neither during his first term; and he will do neither during his second term. One need only look at Trump's appointments at the senior executive leadership level who will direct his administration to know that Trump is nothing more than more of the same--especially in matters relating to foreign policy, which is the one specific area where a president can single-handedly do the most damage.

Who Controls Ukraine Controls the World. Ukraine seen as central to controlling "Eurasian landmass." 
The Stakes are High for the Deep state


From Savvy Granny- 

"World War III has ownership, executive / command and agency which covers all bases [they even have a sign for this] . The High Cabal of the Judaic Supremacy and its sovereign money power, the Chabad Lubavitch and Freemasonry.  The weak link is the agency of Gentile traitors so the links that hold them to their ranks will be the strongest of abominations, crimes etc. 

All the levers for WWIII have been pulled. This war that is being made for the integration of Eurasia as a geopolitical entity. It is to be the centrepiece of the Jewish Supremacy and its world soviet of the nations - which owns as captured states through its financial system.

The war will be fought over the right of the Khazarian Jewish Bolsheviks' government in Russia and their right to genocide White European Russians / Ukrainians [all the same etnicity] starting with Solzhenitsyn's 60 million and continuing today in Ukraine. And it will be fought over the right of the Khazarian Jewish Zionists' in the lands of ancient Judea, Israel and Samaria and their right to genocide the Palestinian territorians in what is left of the Palestine of the Ottoman Caliphate. The powerblocs of the ZOG and the BRIC owned by their financial system will fall in and be assigned their scripts.

Apart from the integration of Eurasia as the centrepiece of the world soviet, the other prime objective will be the eradication of the White race and its nations. 
The war will be erupted on two fronts but the invasion of Europe will not happen until after the Peace Conference in Budapest, according to the Roman Catholic prophet Alois Irlmaier. Of all that he foresaw about our Apocalyptic times, he has not yet been wrong.

Like every other nation, the American people will have to be made to fight which is why the 'Biden our time' caretaker gov't inserted all these foreign mercenaries through the Southern border.  President Trump will now be able to 'win his base' by closing the border since its Communist objective has been achieved."

FEMA Issues WNC an Apology for Delayed Homes That Were Promised but Never Delivered


"Justin Trudeau's Father" - Elite's Sex Slave Claims CHILLING Encounter With Famous World Leader

Aneke Lucas claims David Rockefeller was a pedophile who pimped her around to world leaders to learn their secrets.


People are really down on Canada  (read the comments)

Klaws Swab's young globalist leaders have turned their countries into shit holes. 


Putin -Ten trillion in ten years. US benefit from having the world reserve currency. They buy the world with money created out of thin air.

Fed Hack Jerome Powell: A Profile in Corruption and Conflict of Interest

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's net worth is $55 million, and much of his wealth is managed by vampire squid Goldman Sachs -- a Wall Street bank that is supervised by the Fed -- and BlackRock via its iShares Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), according to his 2019 financial disclosure. Government-mandated financial disclosures require reporting of investment values within a range, and the upper value of Powell's holdings with BlackRock is $11.6 million.

Covid Fauci.jpg
Chairman and CEO, Larry Fink (Jewish)

President, Robert Kapito (Jewish)

Chief Operating Officer, Rob L. Goldstein (Jewish)

Chief Risk Officer, Ben Golub (Jewish)

Chief Financial Officer, Gary Shedlin (Jewish)

Global Head of Technology & Operations, Derek Stein (Jewish)

Head of International and Corporate Stategy, Mark K. Wiedman (Jewish)

Global Head of Active Equities, Mark D. Wiseman (Jewish)

The Pope's audience hall in the Vatican has been purposely designed to look like a snake, the outside is shaped like it's head, the 2 huge windows it's eyes, the roof are scales


calin-georgescu-1600x900 (1).jpg(left, Calin Georgescu)

Romania Annuls Election Results After Anti-Globalist Firebrand Claims Historic Victory

Globalists are for democracy until they lose. Then they reveal their true Communist dictatorial colors.


Jewish hedge fund mojo Bill Ackman's lowest point: how he coped with $4 billion dollar loss | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

Viewers--"I love this segment of the interview.   Bill Ackman  puts himself out there for everyone to see.  Possibly the best and most honest interview I've ever seen.  Both Lex and Bill are incredibly genuine.  For me, this was special.

"I borrowed 300 million from JP Morgan"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Dec 7 - Why Did Assad Regime Collapse? "

Savvy Granny said (December 7, 2024):

The Shi'ite Crescent has been cut with the fall of Deir ez-Zor and the Quds forces of Iran falling back to Jordan and Iraq. The line to Hezbollah has been cut by the SDF (US backed). Soviet Russia has not abandoned Assad. The Soviet Naval base is in Tartus.

Putin can not send the Black Sea fleet through the Straits without air cover. That is why he is positioning his Oreshniks in Belarus. What you are seeing is an escalation and a prelude to the merger of the two warpots of Soviet Russia's war against Ukraine and the Zionist war in the Middle East. The BRICs nations are trying to get their nationals out of Syria.

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013)

December 7, 2024

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013) Red=Jewish  Green= Gay  Blue = Non-white


Cheating in Early Votes is Off the Charts

October 31, 2024


Here we are, only two weeks into early voting
 to select the next president, and already 
the cheating is off the charts.

By Mike Stone

Ballots in Wisconsin, Virginia, and other states have either obscured or purposely misspelled Donald Trump's name. Is that to make those ballots unreadable by the rigged voting machines? Are they fake ballots? 

Three counties in Pennsylvania have been busted for fraudulent mail ballot request forms. And those are just the ones who have been caught.

In other parts of Pennsylvania, American citizens, waiting in line for hours to vote, have been forced to watch as van loads of non-English speaking illegal aliens are escorted inside of the polling precinct ahead of them to cast their own votes.

Voting lines in Republican counties have been shut down early:

A Pennsylvania GOP committeewoman was handcuffed and arrested for telling frustrated citizens to stay in line and vote:

And an ABC news station aired a "test result" showing Harris winning Pennsylvania by a margin of 52%-47%:

Jerome Corsi writes that the Georgia State Board of Elections creates illegal voter IDs by the thousands:

In Texas, half-a-dozen arrests have already taken place for people charged with "vote flipping," while "ballot mules" in Pennsylvania have also been arrested.

And bear in mind, this is just the opening salvo. 

Cheating is the only way the Democrats can win. They know it. We know it. They know that we know it. Yet they continue to do it, in part, because they know the American people will take it. And because they just can't help themselves. Cheating, lying, and stealing elections is in their nature. Remember the story of the scorpion and the frog?

Democrats are especially prone to cheat in this election, because Donald Trump is leading in every poll, and not by a little, but by a lot. Add "Garbagegate" and Trump working the fry cooker at McDonald's to the mix and the Dems are in full-out panic mode.

Who's ultimately behind all the cheating? In this five minute video, an Israeli company brags about rigging presidential elections for money. They are only one team out of many doing this.

How many of these companies have been hired to help steal the 2024 presidential election?

Get your popcorn ready. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man

Reply from Savvy Granny

August 18, 2024

Martin Armstrong - the UN's Goal is Communist Tyranny 17.8. 2024

Reply from Savvy Granny

Well it certainly is. 

However, the UN is just the transitional decoy, the bogey 'supranational order' (Protocols of Zion 5.11). Its task is masonry, that is building the international entity which will complete the projected world order. And its task is destruction  - the global depop, the destruction of nations through its climate dicta, immigration dicta, PHEICdemics, bioweapons, overseeing the communist tyranny of its regime-changed member nations. 

The completed world order will be the Judaic Anti-Christ World Soviet (JAWS) under Noachide Law with all the 'smart goy masons' executed - the ones who were instrumental in the bogey 5.11. They got the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum script  in the destruction.

Remember the French Revolution, [which alone we call 'Great' in some translations]for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

The Supreme Soviet may have been dissolved Dec 1991, so it is no longer the base of the Great Revolution - the permanent world-wide revolution [now in its global, communist totalitarian phase].

Before it was dissolved the Supreme Soviet elected Gorbachev to its praesidium and he promptly took up residence at the Praesidio in San Francisco as the supremo of the UN - the one who dictates to the Secretary General. Under the Gorbachev  Praesidium, UN Agenda 21 was adopted 1992 and he also founded the Earth Charter Commission with Maurice Strong 1997. The EC was founded 2000 for the destruction of the Western societies and economies .

The Khazarian dynastic families of the Central Banking Cartel [the owners of this Money Trust] own the Revolution, own the UN and all its multi-lateral partners as well as the manufactured billionaires which are both Zionist (Western) and Communist (Eastern Bloc) assets of the Revolution.

The WEF founded by Schwab 1971 officially with Henry Kissinger (unofficially).  Its counterpart for the JAWS Eurasian Agenda is the SPIEF founded by Henry Kissinger (unofficially) 1997. The SPIEF was instrumental in establishing the Eurasian Economic Union for the Communist / Islamic Bloc 2014. Along with the EU(ssr) and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - these are the chief 'multi-lateral' partners of the UN which handle its international operations over the captured / subverted member nations to serve UN Agenda and Earth Charter Dicta.