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Below- Hitler and Bormann Were Masonic Jewish Agents (scroll down)

The Crucifixion of David Irving

October 17, 2024

Sixty million Gentiles died in World War 2. It was a veritable Gentile holocaust. Six million antisemites (Nazis) died. Zionists engineered the holocaust to force Jews to establish Israel. Zionists use it for political gain, which is why many people deny it even happened. They think the Nazis so loved the Jews, they provided them with free room and board. My mother hid while her neighbors were rounded up by the Nazis. Through her shutters, she watched them being paraded passed her window.

David Irving is not a "holocaust denier." In a 2009 confession (above) , he acknowledged that around two million Jews were gassed at four camps.
So why is he being persecuted?



 David Irving, 86, posted this two-hour confession in 2009 where he explains that history is a Jewish monopoly. Historians who promote the narrative (Martin Gilbert, Ian Kershaw etc) are rewarded with glowing reviews and sales. Historians that try to arrive at the truth are ostracized. Irving's crime is that he unearthed documents to show Hitler was unaware of the Holocaust and did not order it. This is disingenuous since even Irving admits the Nazis produced documents to cover their guilt. He interviewed Hitler's supporters and their hero worship rubbed off on him.

For his crime, Irving has been relentlessly persecuted by Organized Jewry. He was lured to Vienna and imprisoned in solitary for 400 days. He suspected danger but went anyway! He used this time to write a book from memory! 

Irving says the "Holocaust" was a Jewish marketing campaign. There was no mention of the "Holocaust" before 1972. Nevertheless, as the article below shows, he did believe two million Jews were gassed in what was essentially plunder of their wealth. He stupidly sued Debra Lipstadt for defamation and lost everything he owned including his files. How could he be so ignorant of Masonic Jewish control of the Justice system? Then he stupidly says he'd do it again?! He is truly reckless. He describes how Lipstadt's team, financed by Satanist Steven Spielberg, tried to destabilize him before the trial by exploiting the suicide of his disabled daughter. These Jews believe the end justifies the means.

Whether you agree with him or not, David Irving is a prodigy. His memory is encyclopedic.

from Sept 20, 2017

by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

David Irving, 85, has been vilified by Organized Jewry as a "holocaust denier" but his real crime has been to do original research. 

Someone said, "history is propaganda about the past" and, while affirming there were gassings, Irving has deviated from the Party Line. He questions how many Jews died at Auschwitz and whether exterminations were carried out under Hitler's orders. He claims Hitler always tried to mitigate or stop violence against Jews. 

In 2009, Irving made a two-hour autobiographical "Confession"  which I highly recommend. He is a genius, the best Britain can produce in terms of character and courage. His speaking ability and grasp of information are phenomenal. This man should have been Prime Minister of England. He puts all the other doofuses, including the psychopath Winston Churchill, to shame. Organized Jewry owes David Irving an apology and millions in compensation. 

In 2005 Irving was lured to Austria by a secret police agent posing as a student and jailed for 13 months. That's 400 days in solitary confinement, in a 6' x 6' cell, for doing nothing but seeking to learn the facts about the holocaust.  He deals with the holocaust starting at 1 hr. 35 min in the Confession. He found documents that confirm that the "Bug River" camps were indeed extermination camps, and that around two million Jews were gassed at Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, as well as Majdanek. He says he is a "deviationist" among revisionists who claim no gassing took place. He says these exterminations, called Operation Reinhard, were economic in nature - looting rich Jews and then murdering them. Documents list the gold watches, coins, fountain pens etc accrued by this operation.  

As for Auschwitz, he quotes a source who says people unfit for work were gassed, but he tends to minimize the numbers. He cites a post-war Polish document that places the death total of all people at 300,000 . 

"According to Rees, in 1942, there were 2.7 million Jews murdered by the Nazis, including 1.6 million at the Operation Reinhard camps, but only 200,000 Jews were gassed at Auschwitz that year in two old converted farmhouses. Rees wrote that almost one-half of all the Jews that were killed at Auschwitz were Hungarian Jews who were gassed within a period of 10 weeks in 1944. Up until the Spring of 1944, it had been the three Operation Reinhard camps at Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor, that were the main Nazi killing centers for the Jews, not Auschwitz."
Since Irving acknowledges that many more Jews also died by the bullet, it is hard to understand why he is considered a "holocaust denier." Even official historians like Raul Hilberg put the number killed at closer to five million. Irving suggests that the holocaust is big money for Organized Jewry and that is why they came down so hard on him. Of course, it's also used to give Jews special status as martyrs. 


Irving's humanizing Hitler is another reason he has been ostracized. He quotes Hitler as saying he wanted to postpone the resolution of the "Jewish Question" until after the war. 

I don't know why Irving sued Deborah Lipstadt for defamation for calling him a holocaust denier. How did he ever expect to get justice? 

He says Lipstadt admitted in an interview they tried to "destabilize" him before the trial. Irving relates how on the day his 30-year-old daughter who suffered from incurable disease committed suicide, a rich Jew sent him an expensive reeve with an inscription "a merciful death" referencing the Nazi euthanasia program.  

Lipstadt's $15 million defense team was financed by Illuminati Jews like Steven Spielberg.  Irving stood alone. The verdict cleaned him out.  Yet when Hollywood recently made a movie about this trial, David, the lone hero who stood for truth against Goliath, is made out to be the villain. This is what organized Jewry is all about, inverting good and evil. (This is the true meaning of "revolution.")  

I am glad David Irving's confession is on tape. People with character and courage are a dying breed in a dying culture. We need to listen to him speak and be inspired. 

Although I think Irving is naive about Hitler, generally he is one of the few historians we can trust. As he says, a hundred years from now, people will want to read his books, because he was jailed for writing them.  

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "The Crucifixion of David Irving"

David said (October 17, 2024):

I wish to contradict the statement "There was no mention of the "Holocaust" before 1972." I was aware of the narrative in the 60's. when i lived in Munich During that time, the story included, Lampshades, mattresses, and soap, which we believed, but all of which have been debunked. Irving's work gives me something to think about.

Thomas S said (September 22, 2017):

I believe the idea that large numbers of Jews were gassed is complete fiction. To have murdered so many people in that way would have required premises on a much larger scale than the ramshackle rooms we have been shown - even if those were indeed effective. I don't doubt that numerous Jews tragically died from disease, starvation and exposure in the Nazi prison camps. But I think the three million or six millions figures are simply guesswork - where are all the bodies for one thing?


Thanks Thomas

Curious that the only response has come from holocaust deniers. As I said, the truth which I think Irving is closest to, pleases no one.


Neil said (September 22, 2017):

While David Irving may be a brilliant historian he is not a holocaust revisionist. In fact Irving, when it comes to the holocaust, is a fraud and has been exposed as such by Al Baron who was one of the best revisionists I have come across.

Baron, after one encounter with Irving, exposed him as a lover of rent boys and handed the evidence to people working for the late Greville Jenner, a top Zionist in the UK who at the time had not yet been exposed as a paedophile, Baron was shown some incriminating photos of Irving and was told to forget the rent boy stuff as Irving was working for them.

In his legal fight with Lipstadt Irving took a dive. Many revisionists followed the trial and were surprised not by what he said but what he did not say.

Irving could have destroyed Lipstadt with available evidence but decided to stay shtum on many aspects of the so called holocaust.

When it comes to the holocaust Irving is not to be trusted.

Pedro said (September 22, 2017):

great video of Irving, I must read/reread more of his books, though he doesnt seem to get it that Hitler was a British agent -which is why he was nice to Jews and British. - see for his new one on Benito Mussolini, and his Jewish 30 yr girlfriend and him being a british agent too. not sure about Stalin at this stage, except he was also part Jewish and probably as Kaganovich, an actor in the 1911 sydney street riots, starring Churchill strutting around on silent film exactly like that businessman in the Beatles rooftop propaganda piece.

Mario said (September 21, 2017):

Is hard to believe in gas chamber. Why to kill with gas when you can kill by hungry ( great quantity of people, millions if neccesary) in 80 days or by thirst in just 8 days). Just avoid supply of water for 8 or 10 days. To made this in concentration camp is more easy that Stalin Kaganovich do in Ucrania with Ukranian population.

If it was an extermination plan why there are so many survivors??

Luis said (September 21, 2017):

Gas chambers did not exist. I got a quote at home of the guy who invented that lie. What existed were rooms where new prisionrers would be sprayed for typhus.
2 million? No chance; Red Cross International stated that not even three hundred thousand jews died, and none in gas chambers.

David C (2) said (September 20, 2017):

I should not have specifically stated it was "diesel" engines that were used, since they apparently used gas vans for the most part - that was erroneous, so thanks for correcting me. However, diesel fumes CAN kill, especially in the confined space of an enclosed room, (or truck/van) full of people. In some cases the Nazis apparently used refined carbon monoxide gas in larger gas chambers, which could have come from either type of engine. The use of Zyklon-B for murdering people is problematic though, as the gas chambers used in the USA to kill just one person at a time proved, and I've seen no convincing evidence cyanide gas was used to kill people. Zyklon-B was available though, so it was likely was used at least a few times, and possibly on a larger scale. Supposedly the Nazis demolished the real gas chambers with explosives, which makes sense. As someone with a Jewish mother, I've been researching the "Holocaust" and "Zionism" for many years, trying to understand what really happened. I've concluded that both sides are exaggerating, Holocaust deniers and Holocaust believers, because that's the tactic they use presently to get the two sides fighting with each other. The reason I stated "diesel engines" were used, was that I had just read this at a Holocaust website:

Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka

In 1942, systematic mass killing in stationary gas chambers (with carbon monoxide gas generated by diesel engines) began at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka, all in Poland. As victims were "unloaded" from cattle cars, they were told that they had to be disinfected in "showers." The Nazi and Ukrainian guards sometimes shouted at and beat the victims, who were ordered to enter the "showers" with raised arms to allow as many people as possible to fit into the gas chambers. The tighter the gas chambers were packed, the faster the victims suffocated.

Kurt B said (September 20, 2017):

David C.’s contention that the Germans used “carbon monoxide from diesel engines” to kill people is untenable. Diesel exhaust is oxygen rich and would be terribly inefficient as a lethal agent.

Also, since there were no crematoria at any of the Operation Reinhard camps, disposal of the remains is problematic. The contemporary narrative is that the Germans first buried the corpses in massive pits then later dug them up and burned them. However, in the 1990’s an Australian team using ground penetrating radar examined several of the sites and found no evidence that the soil had been disrupted anywhere.

I can believe that the SS rounded up and shot many partisans toward the end of the war but to claim that there was a central plan of extermination fails to convince. 70 years after the end of the war there is no evidence of a plan, budget, disbursement records or blueprint of a homicidal gas chamber. We are supposed to believe it was all done with a wink and a wave.
I’ve read Irving and like his books although he seems too often contradict himself on the holocaust story.

Below - Oct 16 - Germany Does Hitler Proud (scroll down)

Hitler and Bormann Were Masonic Jewish Agents - The Smoking Gun

October 16, 2024


hit-bor.jpgHitler and Bormann, left.


After the war, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the West German Intelligence Agency, (BND),  confirmed his wartime suspicions.

Martin Bormann, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany,  had been a "Soviet" spy, with Hitler's complicity. 

Hitler was an Illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic defeat in order to snuff out German nationalism once and for all, and make way for the Rothschild NWO. (In WW3, Trump will apply the same strategy to the US.)

World War Two was the most egregious hoax in history, followed by COVID.

All world wars are contrived by Organized Jewry (Rothschilds) to destroy Western civilization and kill the goyim and assimilated Jews.






Editor's Note- Longtime readers are familiar with this information but I repost as a reminder that the coming world war will be orchestrated like the last. 

All world wars are designed to degrade and demoralize humanity to accept Masonic Jewish (WEF) tyranny. All political leaders are globalist traitors.




(Updated from March 16, 2017, July 14, 2019 & May 18, 2022)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.


In the past, I have presented evidence that Martin Bormann, the man who signed Hitler's pay check, was a Soviet i.e. Illuminati agentbut I was not sure if Hitler was also a conscious traitor.

The testimony of General Reinhard Gehlen, Abwehr Intelligence Chief for Russia, indicates that he was.


In his memoirs, "The Service" (World Pub.1972) Gehlen says that he and Admiral Canaris, head of the Abwehr, suspected there was a traitor in the German Supreme Command.

Both had noticed that the Soviets were receiving "rapid and detailed information .. on top level decision-making." 

They both suspected Martin Bormann, the Deputy Fuehrer and Head of the Nazi Party.

"Our suspicions were largely confirmed when, independently of one another,  we found out that Bormann and his group were operating an unsupervised radio transmitter network and using it to send coded messages to Moscow.

When OKW monitors reported this, Canaris demanded an investigation; but word came back that Hitler himself had emphatically forbidden any intervention: he had been informed in advance of these Funkspiele, or "fake radio messages," and he had approved them" (p.71).




Despite the fact that vital information continued to leak, Gehlen and Canaris left it at that. " Neither of us was in any position to denounce the Reichsleiter [Bormann] with any prospect of success."

In his book "Hitler's Traitor" Louis Kilzer estimated that Bormann was worth fifty divisions to the Soviets.


After the war, Gehlen, who headed the BND (West German Intelligence Agency) was able to confirm Bormann's treason. "During the 1950's, I was passed two separate reports from behind the Iron Curtain to the effect that Bormann had been a Soviet agent...' (p.70)

The fact that Hitler shielded Bormann confirms that he also was an active traitor. Both served the Illuminati (Masonic) bankers, i.e. the Rothschild syndicate, based in London. The Illuminati were also behind Stalin and Communism, not to mention Churchill, and FDR. 

By fabricating war, the Illuminati wage war on humanity with the ultimate goal of a veiled world government dictatorship.

Think 9-11, "The Patriot Act," mass surveillance, lockdowns, "vaccines."  Behind the veil of fighting "terror," they are constructing a police state.   "They" are the central banking cartel, the real Deep State. The target is society as a whole.  




In the winter of 1941-42, Gehlen and fellow generals had concluded that the Russian campaign was doomed "not because it could not be militarily or politically won, but because of Hitler's continued interference, that resulted in such elementary blunders that defeat was inevitable." (98)


(Time Magazine's 'Man of the Year' 1938. The Illuminati created Hitler.)


Despite the fact that Hitler had covered for the traitor Bormann, Gehlen didn't come to the obvious deduction, that Hitler's "elementary blunders" were deliberate.

In his book, Gehlen details some of these blunders. 

The General Staff wanted to concentrate resources on capturing Moscow. Hitler insisted on dissipating the effort on three fronts.

The General Staff saw that the Soviets were going to entrap the Sixth Army at Stalingrad, and demanded a strategic withdrawal. Hitler vetoed this and 200,000 of Germany's best troops (and irreplaceable weaponry) were killed and captured. 

To replace these losses, the General Staff wanted to recruit millions of willing volunteers from anti-Communist ranks, i.e. Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians etc.

"After 20 years of arbitrary injustice and terror, the re-establishment of elementary human rights such as the dignity of man, liberty, justice, and the sanctity of property united every inhabitant of the Soviet empire in a common readiness to support the Germans." (81)

The Wehrmacht began to build a nationalist regime around the charismatic Russian defector, General Vlasov.

Indeed, such an appeal was Stalin's worst nightmare, according to his son, who became a POW.

"The one thing my father dreads is the emergence of a nationalist regime opposed to him. But that is a step you'll never take." Yakov told his Nazi interrogator. "Because we know you have not set out to liberate our country but to conquer it." (80)

kilzer.jpgWrong. If Hitler's aim was to conquer Russia, he would have deceived the locals, and then crushed them later. Hitler's real aim was not to defeat Russia but for Russia to defeat Germany.  

  Hitler didn't try to deceive the Slavs about his genocidal plans for them, and instead of being welcomed, won their implacable resistance and hate. Stalin knew he could trust Hitler, a fellow Illuminati agent, to take a fall.

Similarly, if Hitler's real aim was to thwart the Jewish bankers, he would have invaded England not Russia.

World War Two was the most egregious hoax in history. A cult of satanic (Sabbatean) Jews and Masons, financed by the Rothschild syndicate, is responsible for destroying more than sixty million lives.  

Hitler proved by his actions that he was a traitor. He was installed by the Illuminati to destroy Germany so that it would slip neatly into the NWO. Want proof?

Look at Germany today.



Related- World Wars are Orchestrated 

-----------Hitler & Stalin Colluded on Operation Barbarossa

------------Stalin Funded Hitler 

----------Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati 

----------Damning Evidence- Martin Bormann was a Rothschild Agent

--------- Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?

---------- 1924 French Police File Card for Adolph Jacob Hitler 

--------- The British Agent at Hitler's Ear 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for " Hitler and Bormann Were Masonic Jewish Agents - The Smoking Gun"

Insider said (October 16, 2024):

"In the past, I have presented evidence that Martin Bormann, the man who signed Hitler's pay check, was a Soviet i.e. Illuminati agent; but I was not sure if Hitler was also a conscious traitor."

{ Let me help you on this one, 99% of Anyone in office is bought and paid for Traitors, NO Matter what they say to the public !!!!! }

KB said (May 18, 2022):

I don’t doubt that Bormann was a traitor, but I believe it was Canaris that gave the allies the Enigma codes. Hitler may have been a fanatical nationalist and a reckless gambler, but he was not a traitor.

D said (May 17, 2022):

Great article. I agree with your conclusions that Hitler was a Rothschild agent (and probable Rothschild by birth) and built Germany up to ultimately deal it a crushing and unrecoverable defeat while criminalizing any nationalistic sentiment in the European Union that would emerge.

In my opinion, Trump did the same thing with make america great again, building us up with a euphoric high to ultimately preside over America's destruction during the "covid" war, and demonizing the america first nationalist movement for the new world order.

So when the libs all cried that Trump was Hitler, they were totally right, but for the wrong reasons!

AA said (July 15, 2019):

Exactly my viewpoint which nobody wants to consider, yet the most important ww2 investigation that will change everything. Thanks for your tireless work to investigate, educate, and hopefully correct history someday.

Brian said (March 17, 2017):

"the fact that Hitler shielded Bormann confirms that he also was an active traitor"

First of all, you cannot prove that Hitler's actions constituted a "shielding" of Bormann. You could just as easily conclude that for Hitler to forbid any intervention by Abwehr upon his being informed of fake radio messages that he APPROVED simply shows the level of deceit perpetrated on him by the Bormann group.

Your logic is seriously flawed by the lack of any empirical evidence PROVING Hitler's complicity


Thanks Brian

Everyone needs to believe iin something.


Brendon O'Connell said (March 17, 2017):

I have to disagree strongly.

Ghelen was writing after the war. He had no idea about the Ultra Intercepts, Enigma. He was right to be suspicious of Bormann. Ultra was giving Stalin the entire German order of battle. Bormann hung around Hitler like a bad smell, keeping people away. Indulging Hitler's fantasies of winning the war in his methamphetamine intoxication, administered by Dr Morrel. It makes sense he would be suspicious of Bormann.

Wilhelm Canaris has more credentials as a traitor.

Ultra lost Germany the war. Even knowing the entire German order of battle - times they would strike, where and when - the Soviets still barely hung on.

Hitler was a brilliant armature tactician. The Soviets had 30,000 armoured vehicles on or near the border. Stalin was set on a June 1942 invasion of Western Europe. Hitler, with great daring and great risk, almost pulled off the most brilliant military maneuver in history.

After Stalingrad, mid 1943, the German Army on the retreat, moral at its lowest, General Von Manstien pulled off the most brilliant military armoured maneuvers in history and stopped the Soviet juggernaught dead in its tracks. Why was he able to do this? Because he turned off his radios and refused to relay information to Hitler. Ultra was useless. The Soviets were blind and we're slapped to a stop. The gigantic battle of Kursk followed a few months later.

Hitler never believed the pact between Communist Russia and the capitalist west could hold. He deliberately notdenuded the eastern front and went after the allies, believing there some peace they would come to. But they didn't. Hitler had failed to follow orders. Germany paid.

Saddam failed to follow orders. Iraq paid.

The ayatollahs may well be failing to follow orders. Iran may well be going to pay.

Will Trump follow orders?

James C said (March 17, 2017):

To posit Hitler as a warmonger is an egregious lie put forth by the real warmongers, FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. It is contrary to voluminous documentary evidence illustrating that the last thing Hitler wanted was war. The facts of the matter are that the Jews declared war on Germany in 1933, and that Hitler did everything in his power to avoid war, even to offering to come to England's defence if necessary. The Germans could have annihilated British and French troops at Dunkirk, but Hitler would not allow it. The soviets burned Neville Chamberlain in effigy after the Munich Agreement. That's how much the Communists wanted war. In my opinion, the following statement is historically untenable:

"Hitler was an Illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic war where German nationalism would be blunted once and for all. World War Two was the most egregious hoax in history."

World War II was indeed the most egregious hoax in history, but definitely not for the reason you suggest.

Eliezer said (November 20, 2012):

According to researcher Rabbi Marvin Antelman, Hitler was conceived in a Sabattian ritual on the 9th of Av, in Austria. The town of his conception was obliterated following the Nazi occupation of Austria.

See, To Eliminate The Opiate Vol's 1 & 2.

Antelmen writes, "Read about The Rabbinc Court accounts of wife swapping in Poland through the followers of the heretical Sabbatian Frankists Red Kabbala, excommunicated by the Supreme Rabbinic Court of Europe on Sivan 20, 1756 stating their "women are whores and their children are bastards to the tenth generation -- The Sabbatian ritual which conceived Adolf Hitler on the 9th of Av, fast day for the destruction of the First and Second Temples" on July 20, 1888, Hitler was born 9 months later April 20, 1889. Accordingly his real father was not Alois Shickelgruber and his Sabbatian roots are also maternal stemming from the Strones family," of Strones Austria.

Hitler's Origins

Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in Ranshofen, a village annexed in 1938 to the municipality of Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary.

Also see, Joseph Farrell's reference to The Holocaust, & its connection to "Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion"

Below- Europes's Last Gasp (scroll down)

Oct 16 - Germany Does Hitler Proud

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German Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's One Year Anniversary of Solitary Confinement in Prison
for exposing COVID Hoax

Today, Germany has become Neo-Nazi on steroids

13 October 2024 will be the first anniversary of Reiner Fuellmich's pre-trial prison custody. His conditions, especially for someone who has not committed and is not suspected of a criminal act of violence are, to say it benignly, horrendous, bordering on torture.

Let me remind you, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in 2020 founded the Corona Investigative Committee (CIC) in Germany, investigating the worldwide corona fraud. In a CIC internal strife, probably instigated from outside forces and secret services, he was unjustly accused of embezzlement. The CIC collapsed. Dr. Fuellmich attempted to return to California, where he had a license to practice law and where he also owned a house.

For some "bureaucratic" formalities (cooperation secret services Germany-US), he was "temporarily" refused entry to the US. He then settled with his wife in Mexico, where he created the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), and continued investigating crimes committed by the covid scam, as well as related social and economic misconducts by those who dictated the "rules-based order", overriding all international, national and local laws.

In March 2023, the German Government issued an arrest warrant for Dr. Fuellmich. Since he had not committed a violent crime, an extradition order has no value outside of the EU / Schengen countries. 

Therefore, the German Government - through their secret agents - lured him to a German representation in Mexico, where they kidnapped him on 12 October 2023, took him immediately - as is, without a change of clothes, or even a toothbrush - to the airport, and flew him between two German guards to Frankfurt, where he was immediately arrested on 13 October 2023. Ever since, Reiner has been in pre-trial custody, under the most inhumane conditions, in the Göttingen high-security prison in Rosdorf."

DJT has been s-elected to lead the American yokels into WW3. Biden is preparing the narrative here.

Joe Biden Issues Warning to Iran: "Any Attempt to Kill Donald Trump Is an Act of War"

Joe Biden threatened Iran on Monday, saying there will be consequences in case of another assassination attempt on Donald Trump that can be pinned on the Islamic republic.

VP Candidate, Tim Walz' Child Rape Victim Comes Forward

Both Pence and Walz are rumored to be Deep State-controlled gay pedophiles. What is even more interesting is that both wives have allegedly been instrumental to orchestrating their occult pedophile double lives.

WELL WRITTEN ARTICLE AND SUMMRY OF TIM WALZ'S ABUSE.  Reader- "This isn't just about sexual abuse--it's about pure evil. To think that a sitting governor, a man elected to serve and protect the people, would use deportation as a tool to keep his dirty secrets buried is sickening. It's a violation of trust, a corruption of power, and an abuse so heinous it should make anyone who hears it shudder

FLASHBACK: Tim Walz BRIBED parents to give their kids COVID-19 vaccines -


Trump loves Kill Shot (1).jpg
Encore:'Evil Person': Minnesota Business Owner Unloads On Tim Walz For Being 'Complete Dictator' During COVID-19 Pandemic | The Daily Caller

The Jewish New World Order.  

Jewish religious fanatics seek to enslave humanity. In their own words.


Trump Visits Chabad Rabbi Grave & Vows to Destroy Anti-Semitism | Know More Jews w/ Adam Green
Doing Evil to do Good is Evil
Demoralization and following an evil way make this thinking possible

Demoralization is the act of removing morals from people and this makes them susceptible to propaganda. People are lied to and misled by those who have turned against Truth and once demoralized --they will refuse to admit something is true -- even if something is provably true right in their face. They are convinced through media propaganda and social interactions that something bad is actually good. As chess champion Gary Kasparov noted:

"The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth."

Bill Makis has done more than anyone to document the effect of the COVID gene therapy. Please subscribe. I do.

NEWS: My family is being threatened & extorted - how five Alberta Judges spent 4 years plotting with Alberta Health Services to destroy my family. A massive corruption scandal involving Alberta Courts


So, the Jury is in. There is no debate. No question to the efficacy of the Jabs

"17 Million deaths are attributed to the "covid vaccine". There is excess mortality in every nation that pushed the Jabs. But you're still encouraged to get Boosters! Even though they don't work and have killed & maimed millions, and the original flu strain is history. And give it to the children, who were immune to "covid" to begin with and who are now dying after getting Jabbed with the Jew Juice. Is that "anti-Semitic"? Why? Since the entire "covid" scam was concocted & executed by Jews from top to bottom; every Big Pharma company is Jew-owned, just like the Jew media, which is why we call it the Jew media, which was the driving force behind the whole criminal endeavor. 

It's astonishing how so many people flocked to get these extremely suspect, experimental, untested Jabs, believing the Jew media all along and rejecting the many red flags shouted daily by the many illustrious Doctors & Scientists who tried heroically to expose the Hoax; They were trampled in a rush to get the Jabs! LOL! Stupid Human Mammals!

It'll be interesting to see the public's reaction to the next medical scam that comes along that also has a miracle "vaccine" in waiting. Most of the fools are dead or maimed; only the smart-alecks are left and we sure as Hell ain't takin' no Jabs from Jew Big Pharma! Proud to be a staunch Anti-Vaxxer and a pure blood. "


7 October" Plan: Iran in Sights. "False Flag." The 9/11 of the Middle East
The plan carried out by Hamas on 7 October 2023 had been known for a year to Israel's leaders, who were not surprised by the attack but facilitated it. This is confirmed by testimonies published in recent days by the Wall Street Journal of young female Israeli soldiers in charge of the electronic barrier around Gaza. The WSJ reports:

"For months, they had repeatedly warned their superiors that the militant Islamic group Hamas appeared to be preparing a major attack ".
Jim Fetzer did a great job naming names in the Diddy situation. Many pols, including Kamala!


Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely?

Answer: Because people with Rh-negative blood type really are different.
Why are Rh-negative blood types more likely to be victims of 'alien abductions'?
Govt Official Placed on Leave After Trying to Hire on Merit Over Identity.

An Oregon state official is being placed on administrative leave following a complaint filed by a former Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training staffer, who alleges the suspended official prioritized hiring based on qualifications over considerations of race and gender. Mike Shaw, the state's deputy forester, is accused of ignoring DEI chief Megan Donecker's demand that the hiring process incorporate an intersectional approach, which she claims would consider the historical oppression of candidates' ancestors.Donecker, a white woman who has since resigned from her DEI role in the forestry department, cited an environment where six "queer" employees reportedly felt unsafe due to a lack of discussion around personal pronouns. The DEI chief, who describes herself as an "accomplice to marginalized communities," claims Shaw left her off of important meeting notices in an attempt to circumvent her attempts to change hiring practices.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- Gurwitz- Toxic Talmud Condemns the West to Destruction (scroll down)

Europe's Last Gasp: "Anti-Jewish" Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat

October 15, 2024

(Left, Adolf Stoecker (1835 -1909) was the court chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm II, a politician, and a German Lutheran theologian who founded the Christian Social Party and attempted to roll back Jewish control. He helped organize the 1882 "Anti-Jewish Conference.") 

Is this why Dresden was so maliciously destroyed Feb. 14, 1945? 
 A Dresden conference shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 142 years ago and explains why the West's racial cohesion and Christian heritage are under vicious satanist (Masonic) Jewish attack. 

Read this and ask yourself, "Could Hitler have come to power without Masonic Jewish complicity?" 

(Note - This is a key article I re-post every year as I have many new readers.) 

 --The Secret Masonry is setting up "our own, to all appearance, off position which in at least one of its organs [Nazis] will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards." (Protocols of Zion, 12.11)
---But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)
 ---1937---"A new war in defence of democracy and of alleged law is being prepared in all haste. An alliance of all the Jewish groups is already complete; it bears the official title of the alliance of the three great democracies, the English, the American, and the French. . . . Israel requires world war and soon!... Israel is positively of the opinion that time is getting short. To their mind, their world war is a necessity in order that, in the name of indivisible peace, all that portion of mankind who wish to cast off the Jewish yoke, may be laid low." -- Revue Internationale des societes secretes, April 1937  

(Slightly revised from Jan 6, 2016 & Dec 22 2023) 

by Henry Makow PhD

The last significant effort to defend Christian national values was the "First International Anti-Jewish Conference" held in Dresden in September 1882.

The conference attracted 300 prominent businessmen, aristocrats, politicians, clergy, lawyers, physicians, farmers and intellectuals from Germany, Austria, Hungry and Russia. They produced a manifesto addressed to "the Governments and Peoples of Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism" which shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 141 years ago, and explains why the West's racial cohesion and Christian heritage are in serious disarray. 


The Manifesto begins by saying Europe has been invaded by a foreign race more dangerous and insidious than Arabs, Tartars or Turks in the past because of "its means and objectives."

Jewish "emancipation" following the French Revolution ("Equality, Fraternity, Liberty") removed protections against "a race whose first and foremost thoughts and energies are everywhere aimed at putting other nations in the moral and material shackles of slaves..."

"According to the Jews' religious and national traditions, all of these peoples were created merely to serve them. The principle of equality was also applied to a race that does not wish to be equal with us, that considers itself a people privileged by God and [regards] the rest of mankind as lower beings, impure animals. The principle of fraternity was also applied to a race that does not even acknowledge non-Jews as neighbors and fellow human beings and according to whose Talmud non-Jews are enemies destined for eradication."

 Merkel receives an award from her masters.
"Moreover, cheating, stealing from them, bleeding them dry, bringing ruin upon them, perjuring against them, dishonoring, and even killing them constitutes an activity pleasing to their God. Small wonder, therefore, if modern liberalism, identifying more and more with the ascendant Jews, has taken the shape of pseudo-liberalism. In the Jews' hands, it has turned into a convenient tool for realizing their plans for world domination and putting irons on the European peoples."

As a result of Jewish monopoly on government and finance, "the farmer, the big landowner, the industrialist, the artisan, the merchant, etc. , have all gotten caught up in material dependency upon Jews...they were forced to turn into their obedient servants, their train bearers. What's more, the Jews hire influential men who are active in public life to fill well-paid positions at banks, railways, insurance companies, etc. These individuals are thus virtually kept as Jewish vassals and are the most zealous and influential supporters of Jewish power in the legislatures and governments. "

As a result of Illuminati Jewish instigated wars, "the governments of some indebted countries have become nothing more than Jewish institutions, Jewish collection agencies. This explains the complete inactivity of these governments with respect to the Jewish question and also their hostile behavior against their own populations in favor of Jewry."


Due to media ownership, "until recently no newspaper in Central Europe would have dared to speak the truth vis - a - vis Jewry. Thus the Jews have become absolute masters, fabricators of public opinion. Any complaint raised against them, however, justified it may be, is suppressed. Any article that addresses the subject of Jewish dominance to the slightest extent is done away with."

Political advancement "is dependent upon the favorable position of the Jewish press...As a result, intellectual slavery and moral cowardice vis - à - vis Jewry is one of the most characteristic features of our age." 
Ambitious Christians  "become train bearers of Jewish power; they turn into traitors to their own nation and race and thus to their own blood relations. In many countries, the Jews have adulterated the system of [Freemason] lodges, stripped it of its essence, and degraded it into one of the most dangerous and effective instruments of Jewish power."

"Mainly by means of the press, Jewry increasingly undermines the Christian religion, which ... during Roman times,... saved the European Aryan race from moral bankruptcy, on the one hand, and semi-civilized barbarity, on the other, and also regenerated it. It did so by setting the civilization and culture of the European Aryan race on firm religious, moral, and social foundations."

"Christian religion is the most powerful reaction against Jewish tendencies to achieve world domination. It is an insurmountable protest against the elevation of the Semitic above the Aryan race, and so it is only natural that the Jewish clan is a sworn mortal enemy of both the founder of this religion and the Christian religion itself.

Accordingly, Jewry can only firmly establish the superiority and rule of the Semitic race when it has managed to defeat the natural reaction opposing it and to destroy the institution of Christianity."


The 1882 Manifesto deftly describes the impotence of Christian leadership which is just as obvious today. A "Second International Anti Jewish Conference" took place the following year, after which the movement died. The participants recognized they were fighting a lost cause. They did not propose measures because "this nation of parasites has become much too deeply ingrained in the body of our societal and state life for this first congress to operate under the delusion that its potentially detailed propositions could be carried out today."

This was in spite of the fact that Eugen Duhring, left, laid out a detailed program the previous year (1881) in his book "On the Jews." Ironically, it required the Illuminati Jewish-sponsored Nazis to enact many of Duhring's proposals which were similar to racial policies in effect in Israel today.

The rise of the Nazis led to the genocide of about six million German antisemites (i.e. Nazis) in WW2 and some 50 million other non-Jews. Given the 1882 assessment, do you think the Nazis could have achieved power without Illuminati Jewish sponsorship? As in chess, often you sacrifice a player (i.e. non-Zionist Jews) to win the game. 

Generally, the tone of the Manifesto gets more petty and racist, tarring all Jews with the same brush, saying all Jews are cosmopolitans with no loyalty to country or attachment to land, incapable of honesty, hard work or scientific and creative originality, driving farmers to destitution with their usury. 
While I agree with the Manifesto's description of Organized Jewry, & its goals, many if not most Jews were patriotic, hard-working and wanted to assimilate. An estimated 100,000 Jews served in the German army in WW1, and 18,000 won the Iron Cross. 12,000 died in action. In the 1930's, 60% of all German Jewish marriages were interracial. The Illuminati had to create Hitler to force them to go to Israel.

Christian leaders should have encouraged the process of Jewish assimilation already underway. Instead, the 1882 Conference concluded that the only solution was expulsion. 
"Europe belongs to the Christian peoples and therefore should not be the testing ground for the hunger for power of any hostile, domineering, non-Christian national element. The history of past centuries amply proves that legal decrees restricting the Jewish race - no matter how strict they are - do not achieve the desired result."

Whatever we think of this Manifesto, it does provide a unique historical perspective on our world today. We are living in the twilight of Christian civilization which has suffered a series of colossal failures and defeats which have been disguised as just wars, civil rights, diversity, sexual liberation, feminism, gay rights, migration, etc. But this perspective can strengthen our resolve to oppose the further degradation of society by the satanist Illuminati.


First Comment from Tony B:
 Not only is bloody Talmudic rule a memory in the Russian Federation at least, but Christianity has come back to those lands with an unheard-of rapidity and power, it has come back more pure than when lost, purified through the crucible of hellfire, suffering, and sacrifice.  There is no selfish delusion in this return of Christianity as is now common in most of the rest of what used to be the Christian world.  
Whether or not the "west" is wise enough to have fears of the steel strength of this Christianity which has risen from the dead, you can bet the devil has been taken aback from what he had considered a clear victory to brag about to the rest of the world.  
True, materially, the federation is split about 50/50 with the "Atlanticists" (western satanic prostitute faction) in control of most of the business and the central bank is still under Rothschild control, but the real force in Russia today is spiritual without fear and a knowledge of the people that they are right with God while the rapidly decaying west has sold its soul to the devil.  So long as this force remains pure Talmudism loses its bragging rights and shows itself to be a paper tiger spiritually, as its morally conquered west crumbles under the delusions of Talmudic/satanic "exceptionalism."
Interestingly, although Talmudists have been pushed out of power in the new government, Jews, in general, are free to be Russians in whatever capacity they wish.  Also, Christianity is only the major Russian religion, all religions of Russia are secure in their place.  This raises questions for westerners as few of us in the west have a true understanding of what it is to be Russian.  Their concept of nationality seems more spiritual than worldly.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Europe's Last Gasp: "Anti-Jewish" Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat"

BM said (October 15, 2024):

In your article today “Europe’s Last Gasp”you wrote “We are living in the twilight of Christian civilization …”

Just remember the words of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 16:18 when he said to Peter “ And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it”

That’s a comforting thought Henry!

Below-Oct 14- The US is a Jewish Vassal State (scroll down)

Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction

The West is trapped in a sophisticated Satanic snare. It has tied its future to Jewish religious fanatics who control Israel. In order to avoid Kamala Kommunism, Americans must elect Trump who is fully bought and blackmailed by Israel. WW3, like WW2, is between the Zionist (Fascist) and Communist wings of Judeo Masonry. Iran, Russia, China and Hezbollah-Hamas belong to the Communist wing. The US and the West belong to the Nazi fascists although it can wear both hats. It's all orchestrated by MI-6 and the CIA on behalf of the Rothschild banking cartel. The goal is genocide which also is the goal of the Talmud. Like Hitler did to Germany, Trump has been chosen to lead the West to slaughter.

Gurwitz died in Feb 2023 at age 53.  Here are his archives.   He is shadow banned on Google and Bing. Yandex works like a proper search engine. Most assimilated Jews have never read the Talmud and do not share these views.

"When Israel is Strong"

In 2012, Ex-Yeshiva student Yossi Gurwitz explained what non-Jews can expect when Talmudic Jews gain total ascendency: ["According to Judaism], they are idolaters, and you have to kill them."  Explains Gaza.

Transcript of interview with Yossi Gurwitz, (courtesy of Ken Adachi)  Dec 9, 2023

"Judaism as a religion has been frozen in time for the last 1800 years. Generally speaking, Rabbinical Judaism, as it appears in the Talmud ... is the source of Judaism, not the Bible. The source of Judaism is the Talmud...

Okay, let's get this exactly right: it defines only Jews who believe in the religion are men - as full humans. And everyone else is some level of 'other', that must be pushed aside or, in extreme cases, destroyed.

But if you kill a non-Jew then you're guilty, but there is no penalty. God will punish you. And that is - how shall I put it? - a bit problematic. When you say something is a crime, but there's no punishment for committing it, then it's not really a crime. That's the Talmud. 

The worst case, in my opinion, is the case of Maimonides, who decrees...that it is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a 3-year old girl. That age of consent is - problematic. And second of all, he decrees that if a Jew rapes a three-year-old non-Jewish girl, then she must be executed. Her, not him - because she tempted him to sin. And for this reason, you have to treat her like an animal that puts obstacles in a person's way. And he quotes some verse about a bull or something like that. And the rabbis know that these parts of the religion that are misanthropic, that are discriminatory to non-Jews, pose a problem for them. Because if they try to implement them - there are some rules that are very unpleasant, like that three-year-old-girl we were just talking about - if they try to implement them, there will be a pogrom.

So to avoid that situation, the Talmud defines two different states of reality. There's one called "Darkei Shalom" [Peaceful Ways]. In other words, "This is the actual religious law, this is how you are supposed to act." "However, since it would cause a huge mess, and people will die. So due to 'peaceful ways', you don't act that way." Now, until what point does the "peaceful ways" rule still apply? Just as long as the other situation does not exist, which is "When Israel is Mighty". That's when there is a Jewish regime. It is independent, and it is merciless, it can do what it likes. Under those circumstances - it's all over, you go back to the letter of the law.

No more "peaceful ways", no more nothing. Now when you think about Jewish history, lots of people talk about the Hasmonean Wars which was pretty much one of the only times that Jews wielded weapons and they think about what the Hasmoneans did to the Hellenized Jews [who assimilated Greek culture]. Which was to make them extinct, to destroy them. A small genocide. And I remind people of this frequently, every time Hanukah rolls around. But they didn't stop there.

They embarked on campaigns of looting and conquest and at the beginning, during their first 20 years, wherever they arrived, they would destroy the local temples. It was prohibited for a place that was under Jewish rule to have a pagan temple. That's what we're talking about. They also forced the Edomites to convert to Judaism on pain of death. It was a forced conversion. Something we learn the [Spanish] Inquisition did later on. They took people and told them: ;"Either you're dead, or you're converting to Judaism". And things only got worse from there.

Now, when religious zionists look at reality, they say: "We've got a state. We've got weapons. We've got a Jewish army. This hasn't happened for 2, 000 years." "What this means is that God wants us to bring about the Messiah, that God wants us to build the Temple." 

In other words, the only difference between the time of Maimonides - he died in 1204 - and the time of the Messiah, is who is subordinate to whom. Are the Jews subordinate to "kingdoms", to other nations? Or can they subordinate other nations? And that is how Maimonides begins his Book of Kings. He explains what the rules are for a king, what a king can do. It emerges from the belief that, yes, there can be a king. You don't have to first have a temple. You don't need God to come down from the sky and point at someone and say, "That's the Messiah". You can have a king, and if he is victorious, then he'll also be the Messiah. And then you look at what religious zionists are doing about this. They want a Messiah. They want him now.

There must be a cleansing. Religious law prohibits contact with non-Jews. Of course, the Kosher laws prohibit you from eating with them. Other laws forbid you from treating them fairly. You are forbidden to return a lost item to a non-Jew - except in order to "keep the peace". There is no prohibition on stealing from a non-Jew - except in order to "keep the peace". You can't say "hello" to them - unless there is no alternative. And so on and so forth.

There are all kinds of prohibitions that are entirely psychotic that are based on a religion of vengeance. Religious zionists have a serious problem with the fact that there are any non-Jews here. The Land of Israel is supposed to be only for Jews. So, ironically, they would manage to get along with the Muslims more or less if we weren't involved in a military conflict with them. Because according to Judaism, Muslims are not idolaters. Muslims believe in one God. They don't have idols, they don't have statues, they don't have anything like that. So ironically, during the Medieval Era, Jews got along better with Muslims than with Christians. But what can you do?

We conquered a territory populated mainly by Muslims. and the Muslims are fighting us - so those defenses fall away. And look, now they are starting to talk about genocide. You have the [book] "Torah Hamelech" [King's Torah]. which tells you that you can kill children if there is a reason to believe that one day they could cause harm. Now, if you killed someone's entire family and left only him alive, he will indeed have a reason to cause harm. If you stole his lands, turned him into a refugee, tossed him to Jordan or Lebanon - he will indeed have a reason to cause harm. Many people said that the book's arguments are not sound according to religious law, and so on and so forth, but no one really tackled it head-on. And it's no wonder that it became a best seller. Because in general, what religious zionists actually want is for the Land of Israel to be for Jews only.

Now the situation for the Christians, on the other hand, will be really bad. [According to Judaism], they are idolaters, and you have to kill them even if they do not resist Jewish rule. In Jerusalem, religious seminary students have a despicable habit: they urinate or defecate on churches. If you go there and talk to the church staff, you'll hear it from every church. Spitting on clergymen on the street is something that happens regularly. If the priest has the gall to hit the person back, to slap him or something similar, then he is deported quietly. They cancel his residence permit in the country. If you want to justify a pogrom, all you have to do is say the words "missionary threat".

And from that perspective, Christianity, which is the historical arch enemy of Judaism is going to get a serious beating once the religious zionists are in power. The Christian Fundamentalists who send them money apparently don't understand what they're dealing with. But you know, it's really a case of "a pox on both your houses". 

There Is No Way Around the Fact That There Is Malicious Intent With Those Who Knew About Covid "Vaccines"

Mashiach Trump's Pedophiles part 1


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction"

Imran said (December 10, 2023):

I heard someone (a decent chap and a conservative) in Israeli politics decry these Jews in Israel as reminding him as parallel to the Ayatollahs of Iran. There is a problem with them as there are with the leftists. I don't know if the harrassment against Christians is as constant as the article puts it, but it has happened frequently. But I think the Israeli authorities do help keep these fanatics in check.

The leftists in Israel are not altogether wrong about these right wing fanatical bunch. It is good if the leftists and these right wing religious fanatical types do not ever have power in Israel. However, that is not the case unfortunately. Bibi does keep those right wing ayatollah type fanatics in his coalition in check. I can't say about the leftists who joined him recently after Oct 7.

rh said (December 9, 2023):

Thank you for posting and sharing this article.

My college history professor stated, back in the 1970s, in a classroom full of students, that we all had the Jewish ghetto concept backward. It was dedigned to keep us out, not to keep the Jews in and it was of the Jew’s making. That’s about all he said. I remember it because it was so contrary to what we were being taught regarding the plight of the European Jews.

Below- Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction (scroll down)

Oct 14 - The US is a Jewish Vassal State

October 14, 2024

greaterisrael (1).png
Please send links and comments to

Israel and the West are inviting the same treatment as Israel metes out in Gaza and Lebanon

Israel Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich again calls for Israel's borders to 'extend to Damascus'

Smotrich claimed that Israel would expand 'little by little' and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. This is what the US has signed on to.


Trump team requests military-level security citing threats from Iran

This doesn't auger well if Trump wins in November. He's not even in the White House yet and the Iranians are already being set up as a problem to be dealt with

[Nigel] Farage's [UK] Reform Party Hits Record High in National Poll as Labour Support Collapses

Foreign Exchange Student Goes Public: Accuses Tim Walz of Grooming and Sexual Assault, Threatening Deportation
3.5 Million Views. Accuser says Walz has a raised scar on his chest and a Chinese tattoo on his thigh, and he will go public.

A foreign exchange student has now stepped forward and accused Tim Walz of grooming and sexually assaulting him. He claims that if he spoke out, Walz had threatened him with deportation.

Walz is a gay sexual predator


Russia send its goyim to the meat grinder

The Average Training Time For Russian Recruits is 15 Days

Well, actually, we have plenty of evidence to suggest that new men who foolishly signed up a few days ago are being sent to their deaths en masse. They seem to be disproportionately from the lower, quasi-criminal caste of society. Like this recent example:

'Tinfoil Hat' Folks Get the Last Laugh: Former CIA Chief Brennan Lauded Chemtrails in CFR Speech

"These empty suits are out-of-control transhumanists trying to play God and with nature. With this admission, the disingenuous "conspiracy theorist" debunking of the chemtrail evidence is looking more and more dicey and suspect. Who is wearing the tinfoil hat now, suckers.

Aerosal is the preferred method of delivery especially if the goal is penetrating the blood brain barrier. The goal isn't always die off or making people ill, but zombification.

The TD is the most DEI of all Canadian banks encouraging sodomy and miscegenation

The TD Bank Scandal: Corruption, Fraud, Hypocrisy, and the Fools Who Buy It

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

~ Henry Ford

Gay Bartlett- "I am going to break away for just a moment from the murder, slaughter, weather manipulation, famine, floods, poisoning, pharmaceutical and medical killing, fires, chemical explosions, mass surveillance, AI, and genocide, and talk about banks and finance. In particular, I am going to discuss the recent Toronto-Dominion Bank's (TD Bank) pleading guilty to 'money' (fiat currency) laundering for drug cartels. I imagine there will be much sarcasm in this essay, as this theater is meant to prop up the notion that the U.S. banking regulators actually have an interest in policing the criminal banking industry. They do not of course, as they are all criminals themselves. The bottom line here is that one bank was openly caught doing what most banks do every day, so the hypocrisy begins."

Mo with the Flow: How Third-World Migration is a War-Crime against the White West, by Tobias Langdon - The Unz Review

Written by a progressive Jew who hates both his cousin Roy Cohn and Trump.

How my odious cousin Roy Cohn was responsible for creating Donald Trump -- and me

With a bit of artistic license, The Apprentice illuminates the truths that several documentaries have depicted. We see Roy molding Trump out of a lump of formless clay. We watch Trump wallow in Roy's world of chicanery and bribery, bold-type gossip pages and bald-faced lies.

Russ WINTER- 'Tinfoil Hat' Folks Get the Last Laugh: Former CIA Chief Brennan Lauded Chemtrails in CFR Speech

These empty suits are out-of-control transhumanists trying to play God and with nature. With this admission, the disingenuous "conspiracy theorist" debunking of the chemtrail evidence is looking more and more dicey and suspect. Who is wearing the tinfoil hat now, suckers.

Aerosal is the preferred method of delivery especially if the goal is penetrating the blood brain barrier. The goal isn't always die off or making people ill, but zombification.

Bill Kristol, a Big Scum-Bag Jew in Amerika, has echoed his Tribesmen by saying that White men are the problem in America and need to be replaced by non-white immigrants.

They also want the US Military to be able to operate within the US, killing its own citizens. That's the question; when Rothschild Jewry thinks it has fully conquered the US, will the police & military obey their orders to shoot Americans down in the streets?? If they do, they'll get their asses shot off. 

Mashiach Trump's Pedophiles part 1


"I do not give a F**k what happens to AntiVaxers, Let Darwin do his work, they've helped kill 700,000 Americans" This was Florida House District progressive Candidate Richard Rowe who 'Died Suddenly' aged only 41. RIP.
WEF talks about a cyberattack depriiving us of access to our "money"

But they want to protect us from what they plan to do.


Haven't watched this yet

Hitler's Jewish Outlook and Lifestyle


Chabad, Mossad and the KGB

The true story of Chabad's secret networks during the cold war in Mother Russia, and how these networks helped Judaism flourish after the wall came down.

This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
There Is No Way Around the Fact That There Is Malicious Intent With Those Who Knew About Covid "Vaccines"

Naomi Wolf about COVID-19 vaccines: "They just want to kill you all. I mean, there's there's no way around it.

Our experts have looked at what's called bio distribution of the materials of the injection. And in Canada, you were told in the US, we were told around the Western Europe.

They were told that the materials from the vaccine stay in the deltoid in the injection site. That's not true.


Central Banks of Australia, Canada, and Colombia put CBDC projects on ice

The 'inevitability' of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) has taken a hit recently as multiple countries - including Australia, Colombia, and Canada - have paused their CBDC initiatives, calling into question the need for digital fiat. 
 BRICS to build 'New World Order': Russia calls for alternative to IMF and World Bank
 According to a report from Reuters, Anton Siluanov, the finance minister of Russia, met with top BRICS finance and central bank officials this week in Moscow, where he highlighted that the global financial system is controlled by Western countries and said it's time for the bloc - which accounts for 37% of the global economy - to create a new alternative. 

 "The IMF and the World Bank are not performing their roles. They are not working in the interests of BRICS countries," Siluanov said. "It is necessary to form new conditions or even new institutions, similar to the Bretton Woods institutions, but within the framework of our community, within the framework of BRICS."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Reply from Savvy Granny

August 18, 2024

Martin Armstrong - the UN's Goal is Communist Tyranny 17.8. 2024

Reply from Savvy Granny

Well it certainly is. 

However, the UN is just the transitional decoy, the bogey 'supranational order' (Protocols of Zion 5.11). Its task is masonry, that is building the international entity which will complete the projected world order. And its task is destruction  - the global depop, the destruction of nations through its climate dicta, immigration dicta, PHEICdemics, bioweapons, overseeing the communist tyranny of its regime-changed member nations. 

The completed world order will be the Judaic Anti-Christ World Soviet (JAWS) under Noachide Law with all the 'smart goy masons' executed - the ones who were instrumental in the bogey 5.11. They got the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum script  in the destruction.

Remember the French Revolution, [which alone we call 'Great' in some translations]for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

The Supreme Soviet may have been dissolved Dec 1991, so it is no longer the base of the Great Revolution - the permanent world-wide revolution [now in its global, communist totalitarian phase].

Before it was dissolved the Supreme Soviet elected Gorbachev to its praesidium and he promptly took up residence at the Praesidio in San Francisco as the supremo of the UN - the one who dictates to the Secretary General. Under the Gorbachev  Praesidium, UN Agenda 21 was adopted 1992 and he also founded the Earth Charter Commission with Maurice Strong 1997. The EC was founded 2000 for the destruction of the Western societies and economies .

The Khazarian dynastic families of the Central Banking Cartel [the owners of this Money Trust] own the Revolution, own the UN and all its multi-lateral partners as well as the manufactured billionaires which are both Zionist (Western) and Communist (Eastern Bloc) assets of the Revolution.

The WEF founded by Schwab 1971 officially with Henry Kissinger (unofficially).  Its counterpart for the JAWS Eurasian Agenda is the SPIEF founded by Henry Kissinger (unofficially) 1997. The SPIEF was instrumental in establishing the Eurasian Economic Union for the Communist / Islamic Bloc 2014. Along with the EU(ssr) and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - these are the chief 'multi-lateral' partners of the UN which handle its international operations over the captured / subverted member nations to serve UN Agenda and Earth Charter Dicta.

Communist Amerika- Where Patriots are Viilfied

June 17, 2024

blacklisted-cover.jpgBlacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies Paperback - November 24, 2009 by M. Stanton Evans (Author) 4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 676 ratings See all formats and editions 

Accused of creating a bogus Red Scare and smearing countless innocent victims in a five-year reign of terror, Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. 

History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts. 

But that conventional image is all wrong, as veteran journalist and author M. Stanton Evans reveals in this groundbreaking book. The long-awaited Blacklisted by History, based on six years of intensive research, dismantles the myths surrounding Joe McCarthy and his campaign to unmask Communists, Soviet agents, and flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government. 

Evans's revelations completely overturn our understanding of McCarthy, McCarthyism, and the Cold War. Drawing on primary sources--including never-before-published government records and FBI files, as well as recent research gleaned from Soviet archives and intercepted transmissions between Moscow spymasters and their agents in the United States--Evans presents irrefutable evidence of a relentless Communist drive to penetrate our government, influence its policies, and steal its secrets. 

Most shocking of all, he shows that U.S. officials supposedly guarding against this danger not only let it happen but actively covered up the penetration. All of this was precisely as Joe McCarthy contended. Blacklisted by History shows, for instance, that the FBI knew as early as 1942 that J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the atomic bomb project, had been identified by Communist leaders as a party member; that high-level U.S. officials were warned that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy almost a decade before the Hiss case became a public scandal; that a cabal of White House, Justice Department, and State Department officials lied about and covered up the Amerasia spy case; and that the State Department had been heavily penetrated by Communists and Soviet agents before McCarthy came on the scene.

mccarthy-meme.jpgEvans also shows that practically everything we've been told about McCarthy is false, including conventional treatment of the famous 1950 speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, that launched the McCarthy era ("I have here in my hand . . ."), the Senate hearings that casually dismissed his charges, the matter of leading McCarthy suspect Owen Lattimore, the Annie Lee Moss case, the Army-McCarthy hearings, and much more. In the end, Senator McCarthy was censured by his colleagues and condemned by the press and historians. 

But as Evans writes, "The real Joe McCarthy has vanished into the mists of fable and recycled error, so that it takes the equivalent of a dragnet search to find him." Blacklisted by History provides the first accurate account of what McCarthy did and, more broadly, what happened to America during the Cold War. It is a revealing exposé of the forces that distorted our national policy in that conflict and our understanding of its history since.

Below- June 5 - Rothschild's Third Masonic-Jewish World War is Starting (scroll down)

Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea

June 5, 2024

One-third of Korea's adult population, 
or some 13 million people, 
have tattoos as of the end of 2022, 
according to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

From a reader-

Hi Henry, I am a longtime reader, 41 male. I have been traveling in South Korea and I've noticed many young women have grotesque tattoos on their forearms and chest, even face tattoos! 

The young men are also heavy on tattoos and it seems 1 out of 5 have them. Particularly ugly tattoos that don't make any sense. 

One guy had in tiny layers "Satan" under his eye. Kid you not. The foreign women who are living here are often white with nose rings and tattoos and dressed provocatively. They definitely look like the modern feminist. 

Interestingly most young people are holding hands and in relationships as if it was the 1950s, but they are pushing baby strollers with Pomeranians or other small dogs. I got a haircut from a local Korean guy aged 29 who told me that Koreans have decided to be the last generation and will no longer have children. This is all so fucking bizarre.

I wanted to share this because I suspected they have been infiltrated by something related to all of this madness happening in the world. It's been very disturbing to see this and I grew up in a generation that was already messed up. 

South Koreans are known to work extremely hard. And long hours. To raise baby dogs in strollers for the next generation? Makes 0 sense. 

To specify the tattoo situation - it's all over the country but the area to see the most is near universities and city centers. Particularly they are western style, upside down crosses, guns; one guy had a man holding a gun with a ski mask on his wrist; a girl with what appears to be an angry demon on her throat; a man with a demon on the back of his head. You can't even make this up. And it has nothing to do with yakuza or organized crime, this is the NORM! 

Lastly, I went on a date with a Korean woman who told me she is disgusted by babies and children. She attends church every Sunday and is an ATHEIST! 

So what I see is this cancer of the West is spreading in eastern countries sadly, where they used to be known for being traditional and conservative. It's truly disgusting and tragic. 

I was reading that "Japanese are becoming more open with tattoos now" and in my opinion women in particular have no business sporting masculine tattoos across their body or any tattoos for that matter. It's just a sign of moral decay which is clearly in its infancy stages across Asia. 


First Comment from Alex- 

I am writing you now to confirm what your reader in Korea recently wrote. Things have gotten much, much worse since I wrote "the Illuminist Hand in South Korea" back in 2009. You see this with how much the cultural scene has degenerated here, how disrespectful the young have become, and how demoralized everyone and everything in general is. Young girls in middle and high school dress like absolute sluts. Though they still wear school uniforms, their hemlines go straight up to their crotch. A lot of boys here are porn addicts, thanks to access to smartphones and no supervision from their parents. The parents here just don't care. Disciplining children in schools has all but been banned for the past decade.