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Below--Mike Stone - Everything About the Demonrats is Astroturf (Scroll down)

March 10 - Mark Carnage is Another Globalist Go'Fer

March 10, 2025


That's Mark Carnage with Ghislaine Maxwell in 2013. 
Ironically Carnage's best chance of 
election may be by rebranding himself 
as a nationalist patriot standing up to the abusive Trump.
Like the Demonrats, the Liberals in Canada are morally
and intellectually bankrupt. They buy support
by maxing out our national credit card.
Rumour he will call election within two weeks.

Reddit conspiracy reactions to this pic--"It's a big club
"It's the same club they use to beat you with

"Ugh, tell me about it. I don't understand how people can go over his resume and be like "this global elitist most certainly cares about the common man."

After Carnage's lacklustre leadership campaign, Canada remains leaderless

The truth about Carney and his "support".
Canada faces the same gaslighting faced by the US from the propaganda pushed by the Canadian MSM.

Liberals Picks Mark Carney as their new leader and Calls It 'Historic'--But Let's Look at the Numbers
No enthusiasm, no movement--just media spin trying to sell a Liberal comeback that doesn't exist.

The Trump-Epstein History of Close Connection

Rothschilds fund both sides of every war

Tucker interviewed Qatar's Foreign Minister and asked why Hamas was headquartered there.  Surprisingly, he stated that the US under Obama had made the request and they complied.   Thereafter, the sums delivered to Hamas under the guise of Palestine increased dramatically suggesting yet another source of siphoning for individual NGO wealth in the US.

USAID money did not go to Palestinians, it went to 'partner organizations.  According to AP, the two senior officials at these 'aid groups' spoke on condition of anonymity because of the political sensitivity of the issue and of their work in Gaza.  In other words they don't want to provide access to analyzing the money trail.  There are 17 NGO's claiming to provide aid to Gaza. 

Example:   Multiffaith Alliance is an NGO in New York claiming to assist Gaza.  Their partners include NGO's in Israel and Syria.  One such partner, Afya Foundation, spent roughly 50% of their contributions on grants - unlisted.  The remainder is pocketed as salaries rent and net assets.  They partner with Jewish NGO's such as the United Jewish Appeal (The Jewish Federations of North America) - whose entire mission is to help Jews.  The Jewish NGO's partner with organizations that have nothing to do with aid.  Such as, Sustainable and Green programs in New York via Project Hope.
Elon Musk stumbled upon a MASSIVE NEW SCANDAL.

ActBlue is how they loot the Treasury in the name of left wing causes

He's claiming, loud and clear, that the U.S. government didn't just botch the COVID-19 response--they bankrolled its very existence, setting off a chain reaction that left millions dead worldwide.


Catholics Push Back Against Satanic 'Black Mass' at Kansas State Capitol.
Kansas is set to witness a confrontation over a satanic "black mass" planned to take place at the State Capitol in Topeka on March 28. The event, organized by The Satanic Grotto, has stirred opposition from local Catholics and the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP), a national Catholic group.


New James Perloff blog post: "'Quo Vadis' versus 'Ben-Hur'--A Tale of Two Oscar Ceremonies." 

These two films from different years were quite comparable, but one received 11 Oscars out of 12 nominations, the other 0 out of 8. The discrimination was blatant, and the reasons were apparently both political and religious.

Trump Threatens To Kill EVERYONE In Gaza - And Media LIES ABOUT IT


"The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves.  ...And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock."   (Protocols of Zion 8)

"We have the capability to take the world down with us."



 "Israel has been building nuclear weapons for 30 years. The Jews understand what passive and powerless acceptance of doom has meant for them in the past, and they have ensured against it. Masada was not an example to follow--it hurt the Romans not a whit, but Samson in Gaza? What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away--unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans--have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice."

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."

Netanyahu's refusal to end Gaza genocide killed over 40 Israeli captives: Report
An analysis from the New York Times shows that many were killed by Israeli bombing and friendly fire during military operations after Netanyahu refused to reach a ceasefire with Hamas to end the war

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- March 9 - Israel Guilt Stalls Promised Reveals

Mike Stone - Everything About the Demonrats is Astroturf


"In short, we've learned that the entire Democrat Party 
is nothing but smoke and mirrors, with no real support 
among the populace outside of homosexuals, child molesters, 
BLM rioters, and liberal White women. 
No wonder they're so gender confused - everything about them is fake."

by Mike Stone

Over the last six weeks, we've learned that the left's rally crowds and riot mobs are paid for - with taxpayer money - and that 90% of their online supporters are bots, not real people.

We've learned that the media outlets that promote the left's narratives and push their policies are boosted with billions of dollars in taxpayer money via illegal backdoor funding. Without that government money those same media outlets would collapse in a matter of weeks, because nobody outside of the radical left reads, watches, or listens to them. 

We've learned that virtually every government agency is rive with corruption, embezzlement and fraud, and that all of them without exception are funneling money to Democrat candidates, office holders, and supporters.

In short, we've learned that the entire Democrat Party is nothing but smoke and mirrors, with no real support among the populace outside of homosexuals, child molesters, BLM rioters, and liberal White women. No wonder they're so gender confused - everything about them is fake. 

The left can't meme, because memes communicate truth and the left is incapable of telling the truth. The same can be said about cuckservatives.

Look at the leaders of the cuckservative movement: Dennis Prager, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Benny Shapiro, Wayne Allyn Root . . . Have any of them ever produced a successful meme? An original thought? An easily communicable truth? They can't, because like their brethren on the left, all of their narratives are based on a denial of truth.

In order to get their points across, cuckservatives have to articulate a carefully constructed denial of reality. That's why instead of a simple, truth-containing meme, they need four-hour-long radio shows to build their house of cards. And then they have to deny access to anyone who disagrees with them. Call them up and see for yourself. Question the official narratives of 9/11, World War II, or the claim that Israel is our greatest ally. You won't be allowed to speak. You'll be silenced and hung up on so fast it will make your head spin. 

Cuckservative gatekeepers cannot allow a person who speaks the truth a voice on their show, because if they did it would expose all of their lies. Cuckservatives are also opportunists with no real loyalty. Many of them were Never Trumpers - until they saw how many listeners they lost by doing so. They support Trump now, not because they believe in him, but because that's where the money is. If they had maintained their anti-Trump stance, they wouldn't have any followers. 

Leftists and Cuckservatives are One and the Same

Leftists and cuckservatives pride themselves on being the opposite of each other, but in reality they are merely two sides of the same coin. Neither side tells the truth and both sides embrace censorship.

Leftists went into overdrive in promoting censorship throughout the entire fake pandemic. Books were banned, videos were taken down, and entire websites were scrubbed from the internet.

Cuckservatives are no different. They were foaming at the mouth in calling for the censorship of peaceful Palestinian protesters at college campuses across the country, and literally cheered when those peaceful protesters were brutally beaten by militarized police.

In Europe it's even worse. Leftists and cuckservatives have passed laws that make it illegal for a person to speak the truth. Truth tellers in Europe have been arrested and imprisoned for years.

My advice, which I've given before, is to purge those people from your life, both leftists and cuckservatives. They're on their way to hell and they would love nothing more than to drag you down to hell with them. Failure to eliminate them from your life puts your own soul at risk of eternal damnation.

Even if that weren't the case, why on earth would you want to spend time with mentally ill leftists and cuckservatives? Leftists are salivating at the chance to molest and sexually mutilate your children. If you're White, they want to see you dead. While cuckservatives are cowards who refuse to speak truthfully. They spend their time jerking off to trannies like Caitlyn Clark, Serena Williams, and Lady Gaga.

Does that mean you have to become a recluse? Pretty much. When you consider that roughly 40% of the population are hardcore leftists, and another 40% are cuckservatives, that doesn't leave a whole lot of people that you can safely interact with. But solitude is where God is found.

As you pursue truth yourself and your ability to tell truth from lies improves, you'll be able to hold brief interactions with leftists and cuckservatives without exposing yourself to negative consequences. However, it takes a long time to get there and most people never make it. Better to play it safe and cut those people from your life.

Here's an interesting video I recommend watching:

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Mike Stone - Everything About the Demonrats is Astroturf"

RH said (March 10, 2025):

Mr. Stone's article is stating closely how I am seeing things today as well. What came to mind is the following verse from the New Testament, Philippians 4-8. We are instructed keep our thoughts on good thoughts consequently avoiding the thinking of evil thoughts. This puts us in the minority immediately as Mr. Stone speaks to in his article.

Philippians 4-8
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Below- Rothschild Family History of Inbreeding & Incest (scroll down)

March 9 - Israel Guilt Stalls Promised Reveals

March 9, 2025


America waits for action on four files that would expose Zionist Power

Please send links and comments to

Elon Musk- "If I Fully Revealed the Graft, they would kill me."

He says that if you add social security ponzi scheme, national debt would double

US Treasury Dispersing a billion dollars an hr with no accountability

Musk says Putin is richer than He Is


Kevin Barrett--Antisemitism Tsunami!
It's an "explosion," a "deadly plague," a "virulent pestilence"...

Makow-- I told you. Even though the US tax payer is financing the Gaza genocide, ordinary Jews are taking the heat. 

Barrett---"Yet all of the hysteria around antisemitism ignores the genuinely semitic genocide victims. It turns a blind eye to the tens of thousands of semitic women and children condemned to slow, agonizing deaths beneath the rubble of what used to be their homes. Instead, it obsesses over alleged wrongs being done to (non-semitic) Jews, the genocide perpetrators. What wrongs? Well, people have been hurting the Jews' feelings by speaking out against the genocide.

In one of the most egregious cases, a Brooklyn Jew named CJ Chellin experienced horrific oppression at a comedy club. What Chellin went through was infinitely worse than spending 48 hours dying of crushed vertebrae and bleeding internal organs in the rubble of your house that the Jews blew up so they could steal your land. Listen to the tearjerking recitation:


She Was TAKEN by Jeffrey Epstein & Experimented On!

Epstein said he worked for the CIA!


Sue Trump instead---Federal Judge Imposes $24 Billion Judgement Against China For COVID Cover-Up As Missouri Moves To Seize Assets

Russ Winter - The Prescience of George Orwell -- '1984' is Here

"If you read George Orwell's fictional novel "1984" when you were young, now is an opportune time for a second look. It's the language of "1984" that's of particular use. The book is perhaps most applicable for its exploration of the relationship between nuanced language and thought, and the way dishonest, inaccurate language leads to a breakdown of identity and capacity for independent reasoning.

Plandemic wiped out 131,000 small businesses in Canada, devastating entrepreneurs

In April 2020, the first full month of pandemic restrictions, retail sales plummeted by 26%.

"Basically, sales dropped off a cliff," recalled Dan Kelly, CEO of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. "It's really bad. It has been soul-crushing for so many."

"Gardasil is the single worst, mass vaccine that we've ever seen. This vaccine targets MILLIONS of teens for whom the risk of dying from cervical cancer is zero. The death rates in the 'Trials' were 37 times the death rates for cervical cancer..." -HHS RFK Jr.

Why is there a blackout on what Israelis think and feel about their latest war?  I couldn't find any article about life at home. 

Porn going mainstream. Former Bond Girl Denise Richards and her teen daughter have their separate OnlyFans sites. Male-female relations in the West are a dumpster fire. 

Before he was killed in Ukraine, American journalist Gonzalo Lira laid out exactly how Zelensky was manufactured and funded by Israeli Billionaire Kolomoisky.

Globalist and Mail spinning Mark Carney as beating Poilievre

How The US Government And NGOs Created "Gay Pride" From Thin Air

Quote: "What we didn't understand at the time was that the seemingly harmless rise of "Gay Pride" in the 90s and early 2000s would become a primer for the woke madness that spread like wildfire from 2014 onward."
Reader--"The kabbalists of Judaism created the utter filth that is "Gay pride". They wanted the West to become appalled at the ever increasing degeneracy of the globalists, and to turn to the saviour of populism (i.e. Zionism) and a yearning for "god" i.e. their blasphemous Nohaide laws.

Stephen Miller's outside army

Stephan Miller is Trump Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. He is driving efforts to stamp out DEI. 
The US must be made strong again to defend Israel.


Trump campaigning 

"I'm not Christian"  at .35

Trying not to appear to be a Satanist Jew

European leaders back 'realistic' $53B Arab-backed Gaza reconstruction plan rejected by US, Israel

The foreign ministers of France, Germany, Italy and the UK issued a joint statement on Saturday saying they welcome the plan, which was drawn up by Egypt and adopted by Arab leaders at an emergency summit on Tuesday.

"The plan shows a realistic path to the reconstruction of Gaza and promises -- if implemented -- swift and sustainable improvement of the catastrophic living conditions for the Palestinians living in Gaza," the foreign ministers' statement said.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "March 9 - Israel Guilt Stalls Promised Reveals "

EJ said (March 9, 2025):

In a world of lies, misdirection, and manipulation of natural human evolutionary progress you have been one of the true lights in the darkness. Because of your honoring sovereignty of thought you don’t demand others to embrace everything you say and do and that’s what keeps me coming back all these years.

Your site keeps getting stronger and stronger in unmasking the evil of the world. Thanks

Below--March 8--"Women's Day" Proves West is De Facto Communist (scroll down)

Rothschild Family History of Inbreeding & Incest

March 8, 2025


Hopefully inbreeding has not affected their judgment

Whether the Rothschilds intend for it or not, 
incest has the inevitable effect of preventing wealth 
from being inherited outside of the family, 
because the women rarely produce heirs for a non-Rothschild. 

Rothschilds by J Volker p.8-11

"The Rothschild bank was essentially a noble court in practice, a business in form. And, like all nobility, the Rothschilds practiced copious amounts of incest - most of the family's girls were married to a first cousin, uncle, etc. Any who did not marry incestuously usually married actual nobility or members of other prominent banking families - these marriages were generally arranged by the parents long beforehand. 

Let us look at James Mayer and his wife Betty, who was also his niece - they married in 1824. All last names in the following chart are pre-marriage names, so that they indicate the original family the spouse comes from.

This is only a very shallow picture of the extent to which incestuous marriage was practiced among the Rothschilds. By the second generation descending from father Mayer Amschel, we are left with seventeen Rothschilds, plus the original five men.

Of these twenty two fellows, fifteen were married incestuously. By the fourth generation, the British banker Nathan Rothschild would marry his cousin Emma Louise: they shared not only both grandparents on the maternal side, but on the paternal side too, making them "double-first-cousins" - it is an undeniable fact that a "double-first-cousin-wife" is something which requires generations of incest to even render possible. 

James Rothschild also married his seventeen year old cousin Dorothy when he was thirty-five; and so on, the reader gets the point and may look further into that if they wish. 

The incest is important to note because, while it may seem like only a bizarre "quirk", it is actually an economic mechanism. Whether the Rothschilds intend for it or not, incest has the inevitable effect of preventing wealth from being inherited outside of the family, because the women rarely produce heirs for a non-Rothschild. 

Whether the Rothschilds committed to incest deliberately for this purpose is a matter of debate, but we should again consult the book they consider sacred, which directs that "Every daughter who inherits land in any Israelite family must marry someone in her father's family, so that every Israelite will possess the inheritance of their ancestors." (Numbers 36:8).

(left, The heir, Nathaniel Rothschild) 

In those few cases where there is no incest, the Rothschilds partake in marriages with other prominent monopolists, financiers, nobility, and so on. For example: of the original ten children of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Schonche Jeanette Rothschild married Benedikt Moses Worms, an Austrian aristocrat (their grandson, Solomon Benedict de Worms, became a Member of the British Parliament).

 Salomon Mayer married Caroline Stern, a Jewish banker from Frankfurt (her brother founded the Banque Stern, now Stern & Cie, and together her family owned shares alongside the Rothschilds in the Banque de France); the Oppenheimer family, about the 30th richest in Germany, married into the Rothschilds in 1834 through Charlotte Beyfus, daughter of Babette Rothschild, and in 1923, James Nathaniel Rothschild married Claud du Pont of the famous du Pont family, one of the richest in America today. 

The Bonaparte family, which had fallen from grace at the hands of Nathan Mayer over a century prior, married into the Rothschilds through the 1974 union of the still living (and still-married) Princess Olympia Bonaparte and David Rothschild. 

That fellow who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo (and who gave Nathan Mayer control of his finances), the Duke Arthur Wellesley of Wellington, had his great-great-granddaughter Pamela Wellesley marry in through the Lieutenant Charles Grant, a fourth-generation Rothschild. Anita Guinness, from the Irish family that invented Guinness Beer, married in through Amschel Mayer James in 1957, and there was also very recently the marriage of James Rothschild and Nicky Hilton in 2015, Hilton being the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, founder of Hilton Hotels. 

The Prince Alexander de Wagram, the Countess Cathleen de Schonborn, and members of the Jewish banking dynasties Goldsmith, Ephrussi, Guggenheim, and so on - these have all married into the Rothschilds too. 


"The Rothschild Family is so inbred that there is an entire Wikipedia article about it: As one of the world's wealthiest and most prominent families, the founder- Mayer Amschel Rothschild a Jewish banker in the 18th century wanted to keep the family fortune within the family and set to have his grandchildren marry each other. So cousins married cousins and it became a whole inbred mess.- Let's untangle it."


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below - March 6 - Parallels Between Trump & Hitler Ae Valid (scroll down)

March 8--"Women's Day" Proves West is De Facto Communist


Why do we Celebrate Soviet Holidays? 

March 8, International Womyn's Day, originated in the USSR. From Wikipedia:  "Following the October Revolution in 1917, the Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Vladimir Lenin to make [March 8th, International Women's Day] an official holiday in the Soviet Union....Kollontai believed that, like the state, the family unit would wither away once the second stage of communism became a reality. She viewed marriage and traditional families as legacies of the oppressive, property-rights-based, egoist past."  

This proves that Communism is a fait accompli in the West. A Rothschild central bank is a plank in the Communist Manifesto. By controlling credit, the Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish central bankers also control business, government, culture and media. The satanist goal is the destruction of Christian Western civilization and the enslavement/dispossession of mankind. 

Zionism is essentially false opposition to the Communist World Order, designed to provide a pretext for WW3.

The Illuminati subject us to the same social engineering as the USSR. We have de facto Communism and don't even know it.  Take a look at the corporate sponsors.  The central bankers only need to own 3-5% of the stock to control a corporation. 

Feminism is designed to undermine Western society by breaking up the family. Similarly, diversity, migration, miscegenation, pornography and gender dysphoria are designed to destroy the West The goyim are oblivious to this relentless occult attack because the MSM portrays it as "progressive" instead of "suicidal." 

(re-posted every year since 2009)

International Women's Day  ( March 8) is a longtime Communist propaganda tool. What does it say when an official Soviet holiday is enshrined in our mainstream culture? Clearly, Communism isn't dead; it has just morphed into other forms like Feminism, CRT, BLM and Woke.

It confirms Norman Dodd's famous claim that Ford Foundation President Rowan Gaither told him, in 1954,  that the agenda was to "socially engineer" US life so that "that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union" as part of banker-controlled world government.

Every year the supposedly capitalist media echo the old Soviet bromides about women's oppression, and every year I post this rebuttal. 


hammer2.jpg"Women's Day" pretends to celebrate women but the poster near my Winnipeg home shows an ugly, surly shrew brandishing a hammer. She looks demonically possessed. The caption reads, "if I only had a hammer.." 

She'd what? Hit men over the head? Tear down society?  Smash women who want husbands and children? 

This isn't far-fetched. Under the dance notice, the poster actually says: "Come smash patriarchy at midnight!"  She doesn't look like she has much to fear from a man.

Women participating in the march are asked to bring "your hardhats, tool belts, safety vests and ideas for change."  Typically Communists celebrate women by redefining them out of existence, as males, i.e. carpenters and pipe fitters.

Through its feminist surrogate, Communists have stripped women of a secure and honored social identity as wives and mothers and made them workers and sexual commodities, hostages to the economy, psyops like the caronahoax and the ravages of age.

Obviously, this day is not about recognizing women for their grace, beauty, charm, and intelligence. It is about cultivating a false sense of grievance and entitlement in order to manipulate them.

They used the same tactic with Jews, Blacks, students and workers and harnessed these groups to their agenda. The ultimate goal is to concentrate all wealth and power in the Illuminati (Masonic) central banking cartel which is colonizing the whole world. The real meaning of "change the world" is the establishment of a totalitarian New World Order. 


International Women's Day is hate against women and society perpetrated by the traitorous banker colonial establishment, which includes most "feminist" politicians, educators and the mass media. Women who participate are dupes and "useful idiots."
It is a vestige of Communist "popular front" movements first organized in the 1930s to ensnare naive idealistic people using feel-good platitudes like "equality," "peace" and "human rights."  These rubes didn't know that the movements were funded and run by Moscow. The purpose was to alienate the intelligentsia from their own society and make them amenable to the Communist agenda, ultimately "world government." This seems to have largely succeeded.

Communism is about divide and rule. International Women's Day began in Copenhagen by "The Socialist International" (i.e. Communists) to promote "women's rights." As the poster on the right indicates, it was celebrated in Soviet Russia.

Here is a Manifesto for International Women's Day published in the German "Die Kommunistin" March 2, 1921:

"To all working women! You who make demands and struggle count in the millions...In all countries where the disinherited surge forward under the sign of Communism against the exploiting and subjugating power of capitalism. On International Women's Day, mothers filled with pain, housewives bent with worry, exhausted working women, clerical workers, teachers and small property holders flow together." (Weimar Republic Sourcebook, 1995) 

"AGITPROP" ( Commie Term for Propaganda)

Women's Day is designed to make women feel oppressed.  For example, a page of gender facts tells them that "women do 2/3 of the world's work but get only 10% of the world's income."  Thus, western women, the most favored generation in history, get a chip on their shoulder vicariously.

Women are brainwashed to think their interests are separate from their own fathers, husbands, brothers and sons.

Thousands of events are planned around the world. For example, at the Unitarian Church in London Ont. an organization for Afghanistan women and girls "will honor and celebrate our local women with music, singing, dancing, and refreshments. All women and girls are welcome. Free event!" Sounds lesbian to me.

In San Francisco, there will be a cocktail party and movie to highlight the plight of the women of Gaza. What about the men and boys of Afghanistan and Gaza? Don't they count? In the name of equality, these Communist dupes are practising inequality. By breaking up families, they will leave Muslim women and girls more vulnerable than ever.


This timeworn Communist agitprop is proof we live in a closet Communist society. Most people are not socialist, let alone Communist.

As long as a secret Illuminati clique (Communists, Zionists, Freemasons) is allowed to control government credit, subvert nations and plot world government, society is complicit in its own destruction. We will have no one to blame but ourselves.


Related: A Rockefeller Explains they Created Feminism to Destroy the Family 

History of Women's Day

First Comment from Dan Butler (1955-2018):

Vladimir Lenin, Satanist and Feminist:

"Our demands are practical conclusions which we have drawn from the burning needs, the shameful humiliation of women, defenseless and without rights. We demonstrate thereby that we recognize these needs, and are sensible of the humiliation of the woman, the privileges of the man. That we hate, yes, hate everything, and will abolish everything which tortures and oppresses the woman worker, the housewife, the peasant woman,  It wins us the confidence of the masses of women who feel themselves exploited, enslaved, suppressed, by the domination of the man, by the power of the employer, by the whole of society."

"Could there be more damning proof of this than the calm acquiescence of men who see how women grow worn out In petty, monotonous household work, their strength and time dissipated and wasted, their minds growing narrow and stale, their hearts beating slowly, their will weakened! The home life of the woman is a daily sacrifice to a thousand unimportant trivialities. "

"In law, there is naturally complete equality of rights for men and women. And everywhere there is evidence of a sincere wish to put this equality into practice. We are bringing the women into the social economy, into legislation and government. All educational institutions are open to them so that they can increase their professional and social capacities.  That will mean freedom for the woman from the old household drudgery and dependence on man."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "March 8--"Women's Day" Proves West is De Facto Communist"

AC (Australia) said (March 8, 2020):

Women's Day upon us again.
What a crock.
We are being urged to wear purple. I don't think so.
I won't be wearing purple today Commie.
Let me explain to you commie why I won't be wearing purple commie.
Like Communism. Feminism appeals to women's inner demons.
No commie I won't wear purple today. Let me elaborate further.
Feminism has allowed women to decide that 65 million and more worldwide would never have a name or a chance of life.
Feminism has driven men forever into the 40 Year Old Virgin, Incel or MGTOW territories without even a chance of comming back.
Women hate men forever. Lesbianism is now dominant in politics, society and culture. Men were tricked into thinking that Lesbianism was attempting wriggle men back in, but that was not the case. No, it was to forever divide the 2 sexes
The few women that I wanted was pursuaded to adopt feminism as the official religion.

So you see Commie. No purple for me today.

Al Thompson said (March 8, 2019):

The government people here in the US are nothing more than spiritual and social shit-stains and apparatchiks of unrelenting communism. No matter who is elected, it never gets better. It gets worse and the act of voting is like what Howard Cosell said years ago in sports: "It is an exercise in futility."

What we see in today's governments is a bad version of the Roman Empire. There seems to be an almost total disregard of morality. If this continues, mankind will not survive because he keeps violating the natural order of life that the real God created.

Al Thompson said (March 8, 2019):

The government people here in the US are nothing more than spiritual and social shit-stains and apparatchiks of unrelenting communism. No matter who is elected, it never gets better. It gets worse and the act of voting is like what Howard Cosell said years ago in sports: "It is an exercise in futility."

What we see in today's governments is a bad version of the Roman Empire. There seems to be an almost total disregard of morality. If this continues, mankind will not survive because he keeps violating the natural order of life that the real God created.

Dougal said (March 8, 2019):

‘Stop being chained to the kitchen sink’ was the feminist mantra of the 1970s to inspire women to step out of the home and into the workplace. Women in fact ended up losing their freedom where they paid others to clean their home and look after their children while they worked longer hours under supervision in often tedious, boring labour. They were never chained to the kitchen sink but they ended up spending their life chained to the office desk

Z said (March 8, 2019):

The 8th of March has a dual significance. In 1917 the great February revolution broke out - 23 February Old Style (8 March New Style). It was, in fact, the working women of Petersburg who began this revolution; it was they who first decided to raise the banner of opposition to the Tsar and his associates.

So the day celebrates the fact that women were the original useful idiots.

So happy idiots day to all women who are stupid enough to celebrate it! LOL

Brendon O'Connell said (March 8, 2018):

Note Putin said families are a national security issue. Indeed. Has anything really changed though?

When Stalin realized he could not stamp out religion he co-opted it and filled the priest and Bishop ranks with KGB agents of who the current Patriarch Kirill is one. Both he and Putin are billionaires. Kirril from vodka, oil and tobacco taxes. But not a squeak from the Putin fans. I know the Russian Orthodox Church. Everyone knows about this.

Soviet Union 2.0 is smarter this time. More of a Fabian Socialist approach.

If Putin was for families and freedom from central bankers he would not be demanding the same beast system implemented world wide be implemented in Russia. Smart Cities will be in Russia as it will be everywhere else. Israeli technology. All of it. Stolen out of the US.

Crazy "left" in the West - bare-chested manly dialectical solution to come from the east.

The great game continues Henry.

Thanks for reminding us.

Sallyanne said (March 9, 2015):

Great article on Women's Day, thanks Henry. I'm an ex-feminist, ex-Green, ex-everything. I now think for myself. Feminists do not allow women to think for themselves thus feminism actually represses women. They are 'downloading' into the female (and male) brain what we must think. This is tyranny of the worst kind, enforcing their rigid 'belief' system upon both women and men. This is extremist fundamentalism. Do any of these women have a belief in God? I very much doubt it. Universities around the world are churning out this garbage and it is nothing more than psychological control, a satanic disease.

Here's more fuel to add to your evidence that the whole feminist agenda is a manipulation and a hoax that had ulterior motives (8 mins):

Aaron Russo- Feminism was started to Destabilize Society, Tax Women and Set Up NWO

KF said (March 8, 2015):

I was born in the Soviet Union in the mid sixties.
There is a great deal of misconception going on in your annual articles about March 8. Although you are correct in the fact that it was initiated as tribute to a Marxist's vision of women in Communist society (began in Denmark, 1910), this is where the whole concept ends. March 8 in the Soviet Union (and now in Russia) is a beautiful statutory holiday celebrating women, love and family. It is some sort of combination of Valentine's day and Mother's day; full of flowers, presents and best possible TV shows. Seriously, with all respect to your other articles, you should stop demonizing 8th of March.
And happy March 8 to your mother, wife, sisters and daughters - all women you love

Below- "Women's Day" Proves West is De Facto Communist (scroll down)

March 7 - Zionism is a Conspiracy Against Jews

March 7, 2025

Oct 7 took place with Netanyahu's complicity to fulfill a longterm goal of ethnic cleansing

Zionism is a conspiracy against Jews, Israelis and humanity in general

Zionism and Communism represent the Right and Left wing of Jewish Freemasonry. 
Zionism is false opposition tasked with challenging Communism in a contrived world war to exterminate Gentiles and assimilated Jews. Fascists (US, Israel, Argentina, NATO) vs Communists (Russia, China, Iran, BRICS) in a repeat of WW2 where the Zionists installed the Nazis whose Master Race ideology was modelled on the Talmud. (Hitler was also false opposition.)

Less Than Half Of Americans Now Sympathetic Toward Israelis

This is the biggest challenge facing Mossad agent Donald Trump as he mobilizes Americans to fight Iran, Russia and China

"Although Americans remain more likely to say their sympathies in the Middle East situation are with the Israelis rather than the Palestinians, the 46% expressing support for Israel is the lowest in 25 years of Gallup's annual tracking of this measure on its World Affairs survey. The previous 51% low point in this trend of Americans' sympathy for Israelis was recorded both last year and in 2001.


Helena- Millennials and Gen Z are Depressed. NO FARK!

"I keep reading articles about the pandemic of 'depression'.   A threatening rise among 18 to 40 years olds is gripping our American youth.   The articles present the numbers without really delving into the WHY - and instead focus on Pharma.   But Pharma for once is not the main instigator, it is simply a result.   I read Facebooks posts of stifling depression, anxiety and panic.   Not about or because of Trump, but because of what we witness around us on a daily basis.   Evil.

Our tender next generations have been swindled of their very lives.  The vast majority told to get the vaccine or be fired.   Now they are told it was all a lie and their health will deteriorate into a life of pain and disability followed by certain death within a short time!  What the FARK do you think they should feel?  We stole Their LIVES."
Trump Warns He'll Block Funding to Any Colleges That Have 'Illegal Protests'
The move comes as federal agencies consider pulling funding for Columbia University.

President Donald Trump warned Tuesday that his administration will stop federal funding to colleges that allow "illegal protests" and will deport foreign students who participate.

"All Federal Funding will STOP for any College, School, or University that allows illegal protests," Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social. "Agitators will be imprisoned/or permanently sent back to the country from which they came. American students will be permanently expelled or, depending on ... the crime, arrested. NO MASKS! Thank you for your attention to this matter." Other than saying protesters should not wear masks, Trump did not go into detail about what could render a protest illegal.
From Volker- The Rothschilds

Rothschild front Permindex was instrumental in JFK Assassination

"We must also note the 1934 founding of the Israel General Bank, of which Edmond Adolphe Rothschild along with David Rockefeller created trans-Israeli oil pipeline to siphon oil from the conquered Arab provinces through the company Permindex, a Swiss-based investment firm which contained as its board members Ferenc Nagy, the deposed Prime Minister of Hungary; George Mantello, a Jewish Hungarian banker who Bloomfield calls the "genius" of Permindex and a "33rd degree Freemason" with "personal connections to the highest aristocratic circles" (66); Clay Shaw, a man who was later arrested on suspicion of having participated in the assassination of John F. Kennedy; and Louis Bloomfield, a CIA agent (67). One almost feels crazy writing these things, but they are all unobjectionable facts: I did not mention any of the conspiracy theories about them (and there are plenty). The reader may look further if they do not believe me. We should take a look at that other Permindex board member, Bloomfield. He was a Zionist, and wrote quite frankly in his personal letters which he donated to the National Library and Archives of Canada: he documents David Rockefeller's meeting with Pemindex's Ferenc."

Robert Malone MD---Bobby did NOT tell anyone to get vaccinated. He did NOT push mandates. He did NOT parrot the tired "safe and effective" narrative. In fact, he did the exact opposite.


Seattle Times: "According to survey data from market research firm Nielsen, 33% of women 18 to 35 in the Seattle market area--a projected 205,000 young women--used medication to combat depression or anxiety in the past 12 months."

"Among men in the same age group in the Seattle area, only around 15%--a projected 102,000 young men--had used these medications."

ONLY around 15%. That's 3 out of 20.

And 1 out of 3 women between 18 and 35.

For this female age group, Seattle ranked only seventh among US cities.

Salt Lake City led the way, with a staggering 41%, followed by Kansas City, Mo., Boston, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Pittsburgh, and Indianapolis.

The Times: "Overall, nearly 19% of adults in our [Seattle] market--around 847,000 people--used medication for depression or anxiety, which was a little higher than the national average of around 17%."

DOGE cancels lease for Obama Presidential Library


Trump calls for 'getting rid' of nuclear weapons
The US president has floated denuclearization talks with Russia and China

This won't apply to Israhell


Rep. Tim Burchett Says Epstein Files 'DON'T EXIST Anymore' -- Says Any Release Is 'DOCTORED' and 'Can't Be Trusted'


US Banks' Unrealized Losses Explode by $118,400,000,000 in Three Months As FDIC Declares 66 Banks on 'Problem List'

In its new Quarterly Banking Profile for the fourth quarter of 2024, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) says US banks reported a massive $118.4 billion increase in unrealized losses on securities, bringing the total to $482.4 billion.

Gangster Donald Trump Thinks he can Bully Bully Putin

Trump threatens devastating new tariffs on Russia unless Putin and Zelensky make peace 'right now'


US Halts Aid To South Africa 'Immediately' As Trump Offers Fast-Tracked Citizenship For Persecuted White Farmers

President Trump on Friday announced the stoppage of all federal funding and foreign aid to the country of South Africa. The State Dept order went out on Thursday, and on Friday Trump took to Truth Social to blast the country's "terrible" treatment of its farmers, which has included "confiscating their land and farms" and "much worse" (an apparent reference to the years-long trend of White farmers being killed). 

While Trump has been hinting at such actions for a while now, he's declared a new asylum policy concerning South Africa and its embattled farmers: "To go a step further, any Farmer (with family!) from South Africa, seeking to flee that country for reasons of safety, will be invited into the United States of America with a rapid pathway to Citizenship." He then clarified this initiative takes effect "immediately". 

Dr. Willie Soon: Sea levels are the lowest they've been in 500 million years


Hundreds of Israeli settlers pour into south Lebanon under army protection
The Lebanese army condemned the settler incursion into south Lebanon as a 'blatant violation' of the ceasefire agreement


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013)

December 7, 2024

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013) Red=Jewish  Green= Gay  Blue = Non-white


Cheating in Early Votes is Off the Charts

October 31, 2024


Here we are, only two weeks into early voting
 to select the next president, and already 
the cheating is off the charts.

By Mike Stone

Ballots in Wisconsin, Virginia, and other states have either obscured or purposely misspelled Donald Trump's name. Is that to make those ballots unreadable by the rigged voting machines? Are they fake ballots? 

Three counties in Pennsylvania have been busted for fraudulent mail ballot request forms. And those are just the ones who have been caught.

In other parts of Pennsylvania, American citizens, waiting in line for hours to vote, have been forced to watch as van loads of non-English speaking illegal aliens are escorted inside of the polling precinct ahead of them to cast their own votes.

Voting lines in Republican counties have been shut down early:

A Pennsylvania GOP committeewoman was handcuffed and arrested for telling frustrated citizens to stay in line and vote:

And an ABC news station aired a "test result" showing Harris winning Pennsylvania by a margin of 52%-47%:

Jerome Corsi writes that the Georgia State Board of Elections creates illegal voter IDs by the thousands:

In Texas, half-a-dozen arrests have already taken place for people charged with "vote flipping," while "ballot mules" in Pennsylvania have also been arrested.

And bear in mind, this is just the opening salvo. 

Cheating is the only way the Democrats can win. They know it. We know it. They know that we know it. Yet they continue to do it, in part, because they know the American people will take it. And because they just can't help themselves. Cheating, lying, and stealing elections is in their nature. Remember the story of the scorpion and the frog?

Democrats are especially prone to cheat in this election, because Donald Trump is leading in every poll, and not by a little, but by a lot. Add "Garbagegate" and Trump working the fry cooker at McDonald's to the mix and the Dems are in full-out panic mode.

Who's ultimately behind all the cheating? In this five minute video, an Israeli company brags about rigging presidential elections for money. They are only one team out of many doing this.

How many of these companies have been hired to help steal the 2024 presidential election?

Get your popcorn ready. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man

Reply from Savvy Granny

August 18, 2024

Martin Armstrong - the UN's Goal is Communist Tyranny 17.8. 2024

Reply from Savvy Granny

Well it certainly is. 

However, the UN is just the transitional decoy, the bogey 'supranational order' (Protocols of Zion 5.11). Its task is masonry, that is building the international entity which will complete the projected world order. And its task is destruction  - the global depop, the destruction of nations through its climate dicta, immigration dicta, PHEICdemics, bioweapons, overseeing the communist tyranny of its regime-changed member nations. 

The completed world order will be the Judaic Anti-Christ World Soviet (JAWS) under Noachide Law with all the 'smart goy masons' executed - the ones who were instrumental in the bogey 5.11. They got the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum script  in the destruction.

Remember the French Revolution, [which alone we call 'Great' in some translations]for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

The Supreme Soviet may have been dissolved Dec 1991, so it is no longer the base of the Great Revolution - the permanent world-wide revolution [now in its global, communist totalitarian phase].

Before it was dissolved the Supreme Soviet elected Gorbachev to its praesidium and he promptly took up residence at the Praesidio in San Francisco as the supremo of the UN - the one who dictates to the Secretary General. Under the Gorbachev  Praesidium, UN Agenda 21 was adopted 1992 and he also founded the Earth Charter Commission with Maurice Strong 1997. The EC was founded 2000 for the destruction of the Western societies and economies .

The Khazarian dynastic families of the Central Banking Cartel [the owners of this Money Trust] own the Revolution, own the UN and all its multi-lateral partners as well as the manufactured billionaires which are both Zionist (Western) and Communist (Eastern Bloc) assets of the Revolution.

The WEF founded by Schwab 1971 officially with Henry Kissinger (unofficially).  Its counterpart for the JAWS Eurasian Agenda is the SPIEF founded by Henry Kissinger (unofficially) 1997. The SPIEF was instrumental in establishing the Eurasian Economic Union for the Communist / Islamic Bloc 2014. Along with the EU(ssr) and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - these are the chief 'multi-lateral' partners of the UN which handle its international operations over the captured / subverted member nations to serve UN Agenda and Earth Charter Dicta.