How the Illuminati Control Culture
April 25, 2018

(left, Clay Felker in 1967. Founder of New York and Editor of Esquire and many other popular magazines, Felker was one of some 600 US journalists secretly working for the CIA. They were "cheaper than a good call girl" according to CIA handler, Washington Post publisher Phillip Graham.)
A pervasive system of deception diverts us from the truth
and places us in a cultural limbo where very little is real.
"The CIA actively promoted modern abstract art, an art disconnected from human identity and aspirations, an art any child or monkey could produce."
"We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)
"No one is more a slave than he who thinks he is free without being free." (Goethe)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(Slightly revised from Oct 6, 2013)
W. Eugene Groves was an idealistic young American who wanted to serve his country.
After winning a Rhodes Scholarship, he was a shoo-in to lead the National Student's Association in 1966. But, the outgoing President Philip Sherburne, let Groves in on a secret: The NSA was secretly funded by the CIA.
Until this point, Groves had been an "unwitting" member, a dupe. But as President, of course, he would have to know the truth. He would need to become a "witting" participant.
During the Cold War, the CIA secretly funded and controlled scores of US student, labor, religious, political and artistic organizations, according to the book "The Mighty Wurlitzer" (2008) by Hugh Wilford.
They were modeled after Soviet propagandist Willi Munzenberg's "Popular Front" organizations which had recruited earnest Westerners (Socialists and Liberals) in an array of "anti-Fascist" causes. These seemingly spontaneous groups were secretly funded and run by Moscow (through the CPUSA) and subtly promoted Communism. Munzenberg called them his "innocents' clubs."
It's not unusual that the CIA would imitate Comintern's tactics. Behind the veil, both serve the Cabalist Jewish central bankers and their Masonic network which has now subverted all significant private and public institutions in the West.
So while Hugh Walford suggests that the CIA was fostering an "anti-Communist" Left, in fact, it was controlling the post-war dialogue, fostering the illusion that the Cold War was real, and promoting a specific collectivist mentality.
The Russians told a familiar joke: "Under Capitalism, man exploits man while under Communism, it's the other way round."

As we are discovering, there isn't much difference between monopoly capitalism and Communism. Under Communism, the State owns the corporations and the Illuminati bankers own the State. Under monopoly capitalism, the corporations own the State, and the bankers own the corporations.
Both are devoted to giving the satanist bankers a total political, cultural, economic and spiritual monopoly, i.e. the New World Order.
The only difference is, in the West, there is an illusion of freedom and democracy.
"Witting" servants of the Illuminati bankers are chosen to lead governments and organizations, while unwitting dupes perpetuate the illusion of a free society. The masses are also unwitting dupes kept in a coma by the education system and mass media.
Eugene Groves' dilemma was resolved when Ramparts Magazine and the New York Times exposed the CIA's student program. Now you ask, why would the controlled expose the controllers? Well, sometimes the dupes throw a monkey wrench into the works. Ultimately, anything that discredited the CIA and the USA was also grist for the Illuminati mill. They work both sides against the middle. But you will never see the New York Times attack central banking.
Groves oversaw the student association's transition to independence and then quit. "The world has lost its innocence," he said." I wanted to get out." (Wolford, 5)
How do we know what we know? We are taught by the mass media and the education system. But what if they were subverted by a satanic secret society, i.e. the Illuminati? (i.e. Cabalist Judaism and Freemasonry.)

The mass media and education system promote this suspension of reality. Truth is suppressed. Lies are promulgated. Negative or self-destructive behavior is portrayed in a positive light.
Modernism is a solipsism where the bankers' perversity becomes the norm. For example, the CIA actively promoted modern abstract art, an art disconnected from human identity and aspirations, an art any child or monkey could produce.
They financed the cultural magazines, (Encounter, Partisan Review) critics (Clement Greenberg) and art museums through a network of foundations and Illuminati millionaires like Nelson Rockefeller and John Hay Whitney.
"Many of the artists in the movement had radical backgrounds (Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Franz Kline for example...) Their painting, with its gestural expression of the artist's consciousness and total rejection of representation, constituted a massive rebuke to...Soviet art.." (p.106)
Not really. While pretending to reject socialist realism, the CIA advanced the Communist agenda which is to make art discordant, irrelevant and ugly.
The same story can be applied to modern literature where the "anti-hero," i.e. the alienated outsider and misfit, (i.e. the Illuminati Jew) becomes the hero. The "hero" is not the community-builder but the Luciferian rebel, the destroyer in the Cabalist doctrine.
Similarly, modern literary criticism is a linguistic voodoo divorced from the author's social reality, biography or intention. Literature was treated like a self-contained artifact. Isolated words or sentences were analyzed like holy writ. This criticism was orthodoxy when I went to university. I wondered why this placebo was presented as "truth." Now I know.
The same story can be repeated for music, TV and movies. These have convinced everyone that the fertile young female is a Goddess, and romantic love and sex are panaceas and the purpose of life. (How would a pagan sex cult differ?)
With folks thus distracted, perverts and traitors are inserted into all positions of leadership. Just look at all the logos with swooshes (sunrises), dots, pyramids (triangles) or combinations of the three. They are everywhere. Guess what? While we were sleeping, a satanic cult took over.
For art to be relevant, it would have to address this occult cancer eating society.

Second-wave feminism was another Illuminati sponsored "popular front" masquerading as grassroots expression. Gloria Steinem, a Jewish misfit from a broken home was chosen to lead it. Clay Felker, who in the 1950's worked with Steinem at the CIA's "Independent Research Bureau," (another student front,) orchestrated the media campaign. Apparently, Felker was not Jewish.
In 1968, Felker hired Steinem at New York magazine. He published the 40-page inaugural issue of MS Magazine as a supplement in New York.
In 1975, Redstockings, a radical feminist magazine, exposed Steinem's CIA connections. They revealed that MS Magazine was funded by Warner Communications and Katherine Graham, both CIA conduits.
In 1979, when Redstockings tried to put this account into a book, the publisher Random House was pressured to delete it by these conduits and feminism funders, the Ford Foundation. They made feminism look like a spontaneous grassroots movement, natural social change instead of elite social engineering.
At the same time, authors like myself who promote heterosexuality self-publish and are ignored in the mass media. Thus kulture is contrived. (see also Kerry Bolton, Revolution from Above, p.168)
The Cabalist bankers have subverted our political and social institutions and are using government to enslave us according to the blueprint of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The people of the world and even their governments will be "as children under-age," say The Protocols. (15)
There have always been two kinds of Jews: those who follow the Lawgiver Moses on the one hand; and the Baal Worshipers on the other. Unfortunately, the latter has prevailed while retaining the prestige of the former. And they have been joined by traitors from every background, willing to betray their fellow man for personal profit.
Throughout history, these Luciferians have waged a war against God, the inherent spiritual and natural design. They have sought to dethrone God and enslave humanity, and are very close to succeeding. This is the true esoteric meaning of "revolution."
A large part of this involves destroying the four sources of our human identity and meaning: race, religion (God), nation and family (gender.) They do this by creating one race, one religion, one gender and one world government. At the same time, our kulture is increasingly rootless, depraved and meaningless.
Even bacteria have culture. True culture is the quest to express and realize universal spiritual ideals like Truth, Justice and Beauty, i.e. God. When God is denied, man goes in the other direction: depravity, i.e. what passes for culture today.
Related - CIA Manufactured Modern US Literature
and "The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture"
Another website agrees: Illuminati Bankers fund modern art to destroy Western culture
The CIA and Modern Art -
Bob said (October 7, 2013):
The Congress is owned by our Illuminati friends. I don't think there any doubt in that. And they want war to satisfy their own kinky personal agenda. Obama fumbled an opportunity in Syria to start a real bum burner. He was out maneuvered by Putin so Bibi the errand boy flies to Washington to tell Congress to hobble Obama's government. Presto! Government shut down, Obama is in the dog house.
This scenario makes more sense to me than anything I've heard so far in any of the MSM. It seems obvious to me. However I've not heard this from any of the Alternate sources. What gives?