Feminism is Age-Old Slave Practice
April 5, 2019

The Making of a Slave by Willie Lynch is a fictional speech written in 1970 by Dr. Kwabena Faheem Ashanti to illustrate scholarly findings in his book The Psychotechnology of Brainwashing. So while it is fictional, it is fact-based.
Toxic Masculinity? Discrediting the male in the eyes of the female
The slave-makers in the 18th century are the same people as today.
(from Aug 20, 2016)
When a reader tipped me to a talk entitled "The Making of a Slave," delivered by a slave owner in 1712, I decided to compare methods
Past methods of enslavement were highly sophisticated and closely resemble modern feminist social engineering.
Willie Lynch, a British slave owner in the West Indies, was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there.
He advised slave owners to foster division, "fear, envy and distrust for control." Pit young versus old, light skinned versus dark skinned and most importantly, male versus female.

"For fear of the young male's life, she will psychologically train him to be mentally weak and dependent, but physically strong. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her female offspring to be psychologically independent. What have you got? You've got the nigger woman out front and the nigger man behind and scared. This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economic [gain]."
She will teach her female offspring "to be like herself, independent and negotiable (...we negotiate her at will.)" She will raise her "nigger male offspring to be mentally dependent and weak, but physically strong, in other words, body over mind."
"We will mate and breed them and continue the cycle. This is good and sound and long range comprehensive planning."
Sound familiar? We recognize these patterns in the US Black community and, thanks to the hidden agenda of feminism, increasingly in White society as well.

"By reversing the positions of the male and female savages, we created an orbited cycle that turns on its own axis forever.."
But "our experts" warned us of the danger that the mind might correct itself "if it can touch some substantial historical base." They advised us to "shave off the brute's mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions, so that each illusion will twirl in its own orbit, sometimes similar to floating balls in a vacuum."
I haven't heard our culture described better. Our collective identity (race, religion,nation and family) is being systematically erased and replaced by a rotating mobile of chintzy pop cultural baubles.

Lynch goes on to promote miscegenation so the slaves lose their racial homogeneity. The slaves are different shades of colour befitting different levels of labor and "different values of illusion at each connecting level of labor."
"Crossbreeding niggers means taking so many drops of good white blood and putting them into as many nigger women as possible, varying the drops by the various tones that you want, and then letting them breed with each other until another cycle of color appears as you desire."
In true Cabalist fashion, Lynch concludes by stressing the importance of creating a new language befitting slavery. "We must completely annihilate the mother tongue of the new nigger..."
Presaging Orwellian doublespeak, he says, "language is a peculiar institution. It leads to the heart of a people. The more a foreigner knows about the language of a country the more he is able to move through all levels of that society. Therefore if the foreigner is an enemy, the country is vulnerable to attack or invasion of a foreign culture."
For example, the slave should learn the term "hog pen" but never "house."
As I said above, this speech is apocryphal. It was written about 1970 by Dr. Kwabena Faheem Ashanti to illustrate scholarly findings in his book The Psychotechnology of Brainwashing.
The modern female has been "frozen psychologically" and now depends on the slave owner (government, corporation) for her security. The modern male is emasculated, strong in body but not in mind, grateful to be allowed to serve a master, often a woman.
* BTW Tell the Children the Truth is a remarkable documentary about the poverty-morass ordinary Jamaicans find themselves in after the international bankers have looted everything of value and turned off the credit. About 15 minutes in, Bob Marley's wife makes a memorable speech about parenthood.
Related-- These discriminatory charity ads raise money to turn third world females against their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. They are obviously sponsored by people with very deep pockets.
Makow "The Cabalist Plot to Enslave Humanity"
Black, Asian Women Desperate to be White
Tolerance is a Guise for Social Engineering
Jews in the Slave Trade
First Comment by Gareth in South Africa:
I'm a "Coloured" male from South Africa and my forefathers also come from the history of slavery and colonialism. Ours is the best example of pitting different skin tones, male/female against each other.
I've been following your site for a few months and recognized that 'they' are basically trying to achieve with white people what was done to us through slavery. I see many white men disillusioned with white women because of the effects of Feminism opt to go for coloured women. Maybe cause they feel they got an old-fashion traditional wife. What they don't know is that they're getting the same "psychologically frozen" and "independent and negotiable" woman. The coloured woman opts for white males because of her psychological dependency on "the slave owner" and ineffectiveness of coloured men.
From what I read, the same is happening in America with African American females and white men. I believe the objective in creating this interracial union is to destroy language and culture because the woman of color and their off-spring will adopt the white male's culture/customs and forget her own. This is how many indigenous cultures (including my own) were diluted around the world, by colonial men raping/marrying indigenous women after their own indigenous men has been rendered ineffectual.
Just to give you an outline of us 'coloured' people here in South Africa. We are basically the result of a mixture between colonial men and indigenous and slave women imported from Asia and other parts of Africa.
Those 'Lynch methods' were very much employed amongst us. The result of it all is that we are a "nation" with no cultural identity (because of our extensive mixture), no socio-economic or political foothold. We are like a political whore being passed around, putting our trust in every and anyone except ourselves.
I suspect that this is what the Illuminati has in store for everyone. The destruction of culture, race and religion as you've outlined in your articles. But ours is a classical example of it if you want to study and see it first hand. Strides are being made forward though and we are positive about our future. Many are rediscovering their previous cultural identities.
JJ said (April 6, 2019):
This is a very important article and does a bang-up job of putting feminism and slavery together in the same sentence.
For years I have equated women who enter into inter-racial relationships with the worst type of feminists. The trouble is they walk around with such moral values, often staying at home as traditional wives, faithful to their foreign husbands, rarely committing adultery. When, they point fingers at the homosexuals and abortionists, they don't even realize how much they are despised because the package that brought in the human rights they enjoy to marry into another group was the same package that included homosexuality and abortion. They have no idea the men they now serve are pounding the hell out of their own men in the workplace and beyond.
The offspring of these unions are the most confused people on the face of the earth. They understand little of nationalism, patriotism or sacrifice for country. They stare with blank eyes at the nationalists around them and even put them down. The NWO is acceptable to them as a safe place to be.
It takes hundreds of years for countries to recover from these activities. Those who enter into these unions don't understand that it was the easiest thing to do to marry another race, that it was not an "act of bravery". Marrying successfully into one's own race is by far the hardest thing to do and requires a careful examination of culture and history in the process.
Re: Brazil. I have spoken with Brazilians and they are the most self-loathing people I know. They hate with a passion their background and their mixture and that country is simply doomed to misery for many, many years to come. It's people are wandering around simply living for the painful moment.
We need to learn from the Bible that race-mixing is evil because it brought about the flood and the same Hebrew word for "prostitute" is the word for "foreign woman". Moses married a foreign woman but only according to the rules of the Torah (the woman had to be a slave, her men non-existent or killed off and her offspring only fully of the new group in the third generation).
The European Christian woman who could have fought back against feminism folded her hands in pious acceptance of feminism because "Christ was coming back".