Poor liberals, for years you have toiled in vain for the betterment of humanity. Martyring yourselves for the greater good, you have attained a new level of sophistication and moral superiority, the likes of which we may never see again. It makes me weep such tears of bitterest woe, seeing your saintly queen of benevolence, fail to be anointed Queen Mass Murderer of The Planet Earth.
Every four years you come out of hibernation, and run about the country like so many chickens with their heads cut off, ranting and raving about how we all have to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, or else the world will come to an end. We will be enslaved to a redneck, who dropped out of high school and works in a gas station, or a KKK guy - or worse!
In actuality, the real problem is that when you look in the mirror, you see an educated person, a literate person, an articulate person. You see someone who is wise, cultured, unequivocally left wing, logical, and above all rational. This person you are looking at does not exist. This person does not exist, any more than if I were to look in the mirror, and believe I was looking at a hippopotamus or a water buffalo.
This person might have existed in 1963, but this person, who had ideals, who genuinely stood against imperialism and militarism, and who truly cared about education and unions, is no more. For you have degenerated into such a mindless piece of degenerate insouciant flotsam, that I cannot help but look upon thy face with horror.
Let's take a brief look at some of the wondrous things American liberals, led by Hillary and Obama, these two magnificent whoring knaves of oligarchy, have accomplished over the past eight years.
You bombed Libya off the face of the earth, thereby destroying not only a country which boasted the highest standard of living in Africa, but which also led to the destabilization of the entire region, when your beloved freedom fighter barbarians raided the government military stockpiles.
You overthrew the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych, putting a gang of Banderite ultranationalists and Neo-Nazis in power, who immediately moved to strip the Russian language of its official status, and who let loose a horrific orgy of violence against the people of the Donbass. Victoria Nuland, a neocon gal pal of Saint Hillary, and one of the principal architects of this monstrous illegal coup, is known to all Russians, yet you probably never heard of her. (This is because the only thing that matters to you is getting a Democrat into the Oval Office. What they actually do once they get there is apparently of no interest to you whatsoever.)
You sent thousands of troops to Afghanistan, and are no closer to defeating the Taliban, than you were at the beginning of Obama's first term in office.
And just a few months ago, Saints Obama and Hillary signed off on an arms deal worth more than 115 billion dollars with Saudi Arabia, one of the most authoritarian and reactionary regimes on earth. Undoubtedly, they will use these weapons to arm jihadist barbarians in other countries, as well as genocide the people of Yemen - yet another liberal slaughterhouse you have insouciantly and mindlessly slept through. Undoubtedly, women's rights have improved dramatically there, as you can't marry an underage girl after her village was relentlessly bombed with American weapons, and she is presently dead.
And then there are the countless drone massacres in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. Perhaps blowing up soccer games and wedding parties, has helped these people to embrace the wonders of multiculturalism and diversity? And let's not forget the fascist coup in Honduras, and a far right coup in Brazil: these acts of barbarism also bear the mark of the liberal, the Imaginary Leftist, the most incorrigible knave in human history.
And this brings us to perhaps your most glorious humanitarian intervention of all: arming and funding bloodthirsty jihadi criminal gangs, assigned with the task of overthrowing the Assad regime. And with the blessing of the American liberal, they have embarked on a crusade to also exterminate Syrian civilization in the process. Please liberals, do not make me vomit onto my computer, by talking about all the suffering children in Aleppo. The real barbarians who have made these children suffer, have been running the White House for the past eight years, and it was you who put them there in the first place.
Poor liberals - you have done nothing in thirty years, except burn all your own books, outsource and offshore jobs, while supporting all the most reactionary possible foreign policies. I'm sure you must be in tears, now that Hillary won't be imposing a no-fly zone over Syria any time soon; but there are actually people in the world that would greatly appreciate it, if the ICBMs stay just right where they are.
And is it not indubitable and ironic, that you support these barbaric and insane wars of aggression - which cost trillions and trillions of dollars - while your own kids increasingly graduate from college and cannot find jobs?

You are so divorced from reality, so drugged with the psychosis of identity politics, and indifferent to the sufferings of your fellow Americans, and the sufferings of those whose countries are destroyed by your wars of aggression, that you are simply no longer living in the reality based world; and sadly, haven't been for a very long time.
Perhaps there is a place where American liberals fight racism, sexism, and carry out glorious humanitarian interventions, which bring an end to genocide, persecution of minorities, and authoritarian regimes: in your mind.
You will blame this ignominious defeat on the evil white guys, the racists, the Russians, the perverts, the sexists, and those wishing to restore patriarchy, but alas, dear liberals: you have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Pedro said (November 17, 2016):
David Penner might like to apply the same judgementalism to his own ilk, presumably 'conservatives' or 'republicans' as we see Donald Trump morphing before our
very eyes into what Penner hates. Trump is now calling Obama and H Clinton 'good people'. He has been changed somehow with the meeting at the White House and it looks like this time he will not tell us the truth. "too pussy punk?" "were we feeling too lucky?"
Which Conservative in the last hundred and twenty years has taken on the banksters for real?
One from Rense.com and Jim Kirwin , and to his credit, Rense and his guests are calling the Truth out. Worth quoting.
"After the election it was crystal-clear that the Democrat party had been utterly destroyed, and that the Republicans had also been dealt a death blow  something that few thought we would ever see in our lifetimes. But instead of building on these two facts—Trump set about reviving the very same creatures he had supposedly run against. Thus taking a clear political-victory and throwing it all the way back into the quick-sand of politics as usual. So that by the time we reached this point (just five days in)  it's now clear that Trump is bending over backwards to restore everything his own campaign had come - not just to challenge  but to totally destroy!"
As the Indigo Girls (my favorite lesbians) song went, "you were only joking, Brother!", or you have seen something diabolically twisting that you'd not care to share, for fear or mortal consequences (and lack of faith in God and Country and 'King', which could have been you)?
Let's call it America's Prague Spring, shall we?