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Ludwig Wittgenstein: How the Illuminati Obfuscate Reality

October 12, 2016

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In order to turn reality on its head, Masonic Jewish Satanists had to
destroy our faith in language as a purveyor of truth. Thus, they 
hyped the nonsensical theories of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) 

"Wittgenstein's theories 'prove' reality is a mere opinion, and not factually based."
(i.e. in order to induct us into their solipsism, Satanists convince us that reality itself is a solipsism.) 

The Death of Reality  - How the Blending of Corrupt Politics with Linguistic Theory Have Threatened Science by Undermining Our Culture's Capacity to Perceive Reality by Lawrence Dawson (Paradigm Press, 1996, 2015) 

Book Review by Ray M 

This is an important book.  If one wants to delve into the roots of political correctness, the perversion of language, and the poisoning of our perceptions of reality, then read what Lawrence Dawson says about Austrian philosopher  Ludwig Wittgenstein, considered by his fellow Jews and their vassals "the greatest philosopher of the 20th century."

Ludwig Wittgenstein was born in Vienna (1889) to one of Europe's richest families.  Due to maternal grandmother's influence he was raised a Catholic.  He was a stutterer, and had difficulty communicating.  He was also long confused about his sexuality.  There was a deep vein of depression that ran through his family, which saw three of his brothers commit suicide at a young age.  He was preoccupied with thoughts of suicide. Wittgenstein died of unknown causes in the spring of 1951 in England.

It is ironic that this man, who suffered from so much uncertainty about who he was, and had so much difficulty in connecting with people, would wind up writing a treatise that blamed language for being ineffective at relaying ideas, and making communication so problematic.  Of course he composed his tome with the best of intentions, because he wanted to help the people. 

Some say that Wittgenstein was a misunderstood genius, and that his work has been misinterpreted and misapplied.  Even if that is the case, it is still important to examine how these intellectual 'creatures' with little common sense and connection with reality, wind up 'escaping the laboratory', and what damage they do once they are attached to other ideologies like socialism and communism. 

Similar to the infamous Frankfurt School, whose leftist/progressive ideas now permeate American academics, a group known as the 'Vienna Circle', which Wittengenstein was a peripheral member of, escaped from Europe to seek asylum from the Nazis, only to bring their contagions with them to their new homelands.  

(left, Wittgenstein is an example of the crazed maniacs Illuminati anoint as prophets)

Dawson gives many examples of how "Wittgensteinianism" has played a role in the corruption of language, and the obscuring of fact and reality, regarding the 'clients of oppression' such as women, blacks, homosexuals, etc.  He also examines how scientific thought and research (bogus global warming theories) has been polluted as well.

"The Death of Reality", documents that a politically-inspired unreality has been imposed on American culture. The political progressive left has substituted ideologically generated beliefs in the place of reality-based conclusions. These beliefs are increasingly immunized from correction.  Wittgenstein's theories 'prove' reality is a mere opinion, and not factually based.

The book argues that the left has taken on a totalitarian character based on its complete domination of the national mainstream media and the American university system.  Control over information and knowledge has given them the power to enforce political unrealities in the areas of the environment, race, gender, sexual proclivities, and even science.  This book aids the reader in recognizing the absurdities of modern 'group think', and to focus on facts in this age of confusion.
Related: Betty Friedan: How Jewish Dysfunction Became Universal
-------- The Satanic Theology behind Cultural Marxism

A sustained diatribe against what the author sees as social relativism.

In this 2015 edition of his 1996 book, Dawson (The Quantum Dimension, 2015) proposes that modern society has suffered from the reality-denying principles outlined in Ludwig Wittgenstein's 1953 work Philosophical Investigations. In that work, according to Dawson, Wittgenstein taught that language is disconnected from reality and that "the appearance of reality is only an artificial linguistic ordering by the mind." As Dawson sees it, this philosophical concept has filtered into the modern liberal Democratic mindset, fostering an opportunity for people-- enabled by the mainstream media--to embrace "unreality" instead of the observable facts. 

"Political unreality could not exist in a culture in which the language was still firmly tied to objective reality," Dawson writes, blaming Wittgenstein for the uncoupling of words from the reality they purport to describe. Dawson then goes on to tell his readers about what actually constitutes reality--a fairly standard laundry list of tea-party ammunition: Martin Luther King Jr. is "the father of social fascism" because he created "a nearly pathological fear of and hatred for whites among American blacks" ; "innumerable studies" show that "blacks as a group perform intellectual skills less efficiently than do whites"; Planned Parenthood participates in profound evil; homosexuality is a "perversion"  and an "abomination"; etc. Dawson insinuates that, "perhaps not insignificantly," Wittgenstein was also a homosexual. Never does Dawson's supposedly objective analysis of reality lead to a conclusion that doesn't line up perfectly with his conservative ideology. Poor people are parasites, minorities are inferior, women are uppity, animals are either food or trophies, gays are abominations--basically, anyone who isn't more or less just like the author is warped in some way. Here's to being warped.

A far-right interpretation of reality that will appeal to readers already shooting at the same targets.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Ludwig Wittgenstein: How the Illuminati Obfuscate Reality"

Tony B said (October 13, 2016):

Then we have this last "genius" lumping together anything he decides to call "a fairly standard laundry list of tea-party ammunition" which is a bullshit statement as it's more like his personal list of factual truths to which he does not want to admit. He throws in "Poor people are parasites, minorities are inferior" etc. to demonize the previously stated facts which he wants to be, not only opinions, but opinions not to be agreed with, i.e., lying away facts as knowledgeable opinion of bad, ignorant people.

A truly lying use of words.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at