MSM Downplaying Real GMO Danger
May 13, 2015

Another front in Illuminati attack on our health and sanity.
The renewed vogue of "organic" foods may be due to
public unease about GMO foods. According to Steven Druker,
the apprehension is justified. Scientific findings confirm
that GMO foods are poisonous. But scientists who
reveal this are being fired, and the mass media is
suppressing the truth.
(GMO = Genetically Modified Organisms)
Review by DC Dave Martin
The Frightening GMO Food Fraud
(abridged by
I would encourage everyone to read Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public just on the basis of power of the logic and the clarity of the writing... Author Steven M. Druker, a public interest lawyer, builds his case... systematically until he has constructed an edifice of persuasion as solid as an Egyptian pyramid.
The nub of his argument is that genetically engineered (GE) food products are on the market illegally because American law requires that such new products be extensively tested before they can be sold. To do the required testing over the extended time period required, however, would make the whole GE venture uneconomic, so the law has been skirted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The skirting has been done by treating GE foods (now "genetically modified organisms" or GMOs, because it sounded better than "engineered") in the same way as we treat foods that have stood the test of time and are simply "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS).

The big problem, according to Druker, is that the 1980s, the Reagan Administration saw bioengineering as the next big technological wave ... that would help keep the country in the world economic forefront.
With this business booster mindset, political leaders, in league with companies like Monsanto, have allowed politics and greed to trump science....Furthermore, blinkered members of the science community... have gone along enthusiastically with what can only be characterized as massive scientific fraud....
A good summary of Druker's book is the excellent interview with the author by George Noory on the latter's Coast to Coast AM program.
Male rats fed a variety of Bt maize developed by Monsanto for the Egyptian market differed from those fed the non-GE control maize in organ and body weights and in blood chemistry, despite the fact the control plants were the parental variety and were grown next to their engineered relatives. The differences were detected after 45 days and after 91 days, several toxic effects were measured, including abnormalities in liver cells, excessive growth of intestinal membranes, congested blood vessels in the kidneys, and damage to cells that are essential to sperm production.
Feeding another type of Bt maize to both young and old mice was associated with a marked disturbance of the immune system and of biochemical activity.
When mice were fed for five consecutive generations on GE triticale (a hybrid of wheat and rye) their lymph nodes enlarged and the number of some important immune system cells significantly decreased.
Rabbits that consumed GE soybeans had adverse changes in enzyme function in their hearts and kidneys.
Mice that ate GE soybeans for two years displayed indications of acute liver aging in comparison to those fed on non-GE soy. *
More information on this subject can be found here.
Druker now regards the call for GMO labeling as an unacceptable half-measure for dealing with the problem. Though he agrees that the various state campaigns for labeling have performed an important educational function, "...labeling is technically appropriate," he writes, "for foods that are legitimately on the market, and if a group of foods are instead being marketed illegally, the proper remedy is not to label them but to remove them. In fact, placing the emphasis on labeling implies that the foods are on the market legally and obscures the reality that they're being sold in violation of the law."
First Comment by Al Thompson:
The first thing to realize in the satanic state that these freak scientists want to have the power of God. This has always been the goal of satanists. The goal of satanism is to destroy all those things that are a benefit to the lives of mankind.
GMO's is a plan of complete idiocy; however, it fits the goal of the satanists. Call them communists, nazi's, democrats, or republican, the fact remains that altering basic foods is a satanic plot to kill people. That's all that is intended.
I had a medical doctor say to me: "Don't go to the hospital; they will kill you." Given the poor medical system, diseases aren't cured and people don't learn to take care of themselves properly. Cancer treatments actually cause more cancer and they compromise the immune system. But that's the whole point; they are there to kill you. And there's a lot of money to be made because there's no money in a cure. Medical treatments can drag out for years with the ultimate result is drawn out torture and deaths with a lot of money in the pockets of the tormentors. This also fits into the satanic system.
Then of course, we have the "chemtrails" being sprayed all over the world, and hardly anyone knows what's in the spray and what kind of damage is being done to agriculture and the health of the populations. But the god-scientists think they are smarter than anyone else. The word "scientist" is just a mask to hide the evil and the idiocy.
Satanists are full-body assholes who are intent on destroying civilization (if there is such a thing.) The reason they get away with it is that they sponge off of the governments while the general population struggles to maintain their families. Most people don't have the time to consider all these things.
Scientists want to be gods. They are criminally insane; most of them, and they teach utter nonsense. And the whistleblowers that actually do try to warn people have their careers destoyed because they dared to challenge the false authority of the state. Facts don't matter to govtards, only their false god called the state. GMOs, even the idea of it, is just too stupd to consider; unless of course one is a satanist; then, it makes perfect sense. The state is the false god of the "new world order" and the goal is the destruction of mankind.
In the case of GMOs, my thinking is to boycott the stores that sell that trash and never buy products that contain them. I don't want that crap in my body and I don't think anyone else does either.
RT said (May 13, 2015):
Same people that financed Mengele rule today.
We are "lab rats".