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Racism: What's Good for Jews is Good for Goyim

March 22, 2015


Condemning "Racism" is
Illuminati social engineering.

Illuminati bankers and their minions are the real haters:
They want all races to disappear.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

"Racism" seems to be in the news lately. 
"UN Anti-Racist Day" Saturday was marked by "anti racist, anti fascist" demonstrations in many cities.  Last week, Starbucks ordered their barristas to scrawl "Race Together" on cups and engage customers in discussion.

The Illuminati uses the term "racism" to imply that accepting any racial distinctions is tantamount to a belief in racial superiority and discrimination.  But surely we can believe that mankind is one big family with different races, each having unique qualities, none superior to the other in aggregate.

Surely people can have racial pride even if they are not one of the privileged minority of colored races the Illuminati central bankers sanction and promote.

In the Protocols of Zion, our Masters, the Illuminati Jewish central bankers, say they will "undermine every identity except their own."

The four legs of human identity are race, religion (God), national and family (gender.)  The denial of racial distinctions ("racism") is an underhanded attempt to guilt whites into denying their racial heritage.  

We have seen the same thing with "sexism" which is an absurd satanic denial of nature. Since when do genders or races have to be the same in order to be treated fairly?  The Illuminati goal with "sexism" is to undermine men. It is a ruse. 

Feminists clamored for gender equality but do you hear them complaining about inequality now that that women outnumber men two-to-one in universities? No, because sexism and racism are nothing but Illuminati social engineering. When whites are a minority, they won't receive any "minority"  privileges. Indeed they may face persecution as in South Africa.

HOWARD.jpgI believe that whatever is good for the Jews is good for the goyim. Israel is the most racist state on earth. You can't become an Israeli unless your mother was a biological Jew.  Racial intermarriage is forbidden by law. Blood transfusions from black Jews are rejected.  Arabs are considered animals and slaughtered with impunity, as we saw in Gaza last summer. But do you hear Starbuck's Illuminati Jewish CEO Harold Schultz campaigning against that?


In a recent article, a Conservative rabbi sounded the alarm that 58% of American Jews have married Gentiles since the year 2000.  Only 20% of intermarried couples raise their children as Jews. He writes:

"Judaism is a covenant among our people and between God and us. It's demanding. But that's what makes it deep. Please link your individual lives to this eternal community, which is bigger than us and devoted to loftier missions than our own happiness (though we want you to be happy). To those not born Jewish, please join our people. Make our history and destiny your own. If you choose not to join right now, don't worry, we will wait for you, and hope one day you'll wish to join your spouse and children. For now, have a civil wedding, and we'll wish you mazel tov."

He pretends non-Jews can can convert and be accepted as racial Jews but that's for public consumption. Jews do not believe in intermarriage.  I think Israeli policies are too extreme but I believe a nation has a right to defend its racial character, especially since race includes culture and religion.

A "racist" is someone who loves different races and doesn't want them to disappear by miscegenation. A racist is someone who doesn't want the world to be a shade of chocolate while only Zionist Jews are racially pure. I would allow interracial marriage but discourage it. I married a Filipina myself.

Clearly, the bankers agenda is to encourage miscegenation and white guilt.  Bank advertisements invariably feature interracial couples and minority banker reps. In Canada, 80% of female TV announcers and reporters are colored women, while they make up only 5% of the population. 

I am all for a racism devoid of claims of superiority and acts of discrimination. Judge people by their individual merits but do not ignore that race denotes cultural and biological differences.

What's good for the Jew is good for the goyim.


Related - Is "Jewish Plan for Racial Strife" Another Hoax?

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Racism: What's Good for Jews is Good for Goyim "

Tyrone said (March 23, 2015):

Racism was first coined by mass murdering "Jew" Trotsky as a way to de-legitimize whites/Europeans racial collective interests and thereby empowering "Jews" and other non whites ethnic interests.

The more ethnic diversity a society has the weaker it becomes. Old America is a PERFECT example. The reason we rose above our former divisions (civil war etc) was because we increased the flow white/Europeans into America dramatically decreasing the minorities among us.

Race is a biological reality. It is a fact of life. It is NOT a social construct. Every other ethnic collective around the world is "racist" and it's to their GREAT BENEFIT.Only whites are told we must not discriminate in favor of our own and now we are on the verge of the all out physical genocide of our people in our own lands.

Would you work for the interests of your neighbor and his family at the peril of your own?

No sane person would.

Be a "racist"! In fact, you can call me Mr Racist because you "anti racists" are directly responsible for the destruction of our nation, our people, our children and one day you will me made to give an account of your suicidal pathology.

Kurt B said (March 23, 2015):

Conflicts between groups are always presented in the MSM as ‘racial’.

I contend the problem is cultural. People want to associate with people who more closely share their world view and customs.

I get along great with the minorities I work with because we share common interests; plus we dress and talk similarly. They are mostly Hispanic and Asian and are as assimilated as you could ask for.

A couple of decades ago I had hillbilly neighbors who had barking dogs in a kennel, let the feral cats rip open and spread their garbage around, played loud music all hours of the night and parked their cars on my lawn. I was at their door threatening to kick their ass a dozen times, but little changed until they moved out in the middle of the night. And they were just as white as I was.

I think the MSM is trying to gin up a race war to deflect attention from the plans of the Cryptocracy to reshape society and the world order.

Dan said (March 22, 2015):

I think that may be worded backwards. Should say "what's good for America and South Africa is good for Israel."

Americans don't want to return to state sponsored Apartheid of our grandfathers. What we want is for Media to stop telling us what we want. There's always a few people of any demographic identity that's going to fall for race baiting from the media and government. And those are always they ones they put on television under a magnifying glass.

Americans don't admire the Israeli State's 'intermarriage laws'. On the contrary, it's something that rings dissonant with American's infatuation with the 'Holy Land'.


Thanks Dan

I'm not advocating Apartheid just whatever it takes for countries to maintain their racial character.


Andrew said (March 22, 2015):

The words, racist and racism, are not even in my 1929 edition of Webster’s Unabridged English Dictionary which confirms and your observations that these words were coined to condemn the recognition of racial distinctions as symptoms of racism. 'Racist’ once meant racial supremacist ideology but when extended to recognition of distinctions — it become censorship and political correctness (thought stopping) which is another form of communist mind control.

In regard to modern Israel we must remember God Destroyed Israel twice to emphasize Jew are NOT the chosen people — at least — NOT ANY MORE.

Nice timely essay.

Notes: Observation from

racism (n.) 1936; see racist.

Racist 1932 as a noun, 1938 as an adjective, from race (n.2); racism is first attested 1936 (from French racisme, 1935), originally in the context of Nazi theories. But they replaced earlier words, racialism (1871) and racialist (1917), both often used early 20c. in a British or South African context. In the U.S., race hatred, race prejudice had been used, and, especially in 19c. political contexts, negrophobia.

Wade said (March 22, 2015):

I am a white male of European decent. I voted for a black man who ran against George Bush senior for the Republican Presidential nomination. The black man's name is Alan Keyes. I did this because I searched out this man's beliefs and values and I agreed with him. I still think he would have made an excellent President. How many black people would EVER vote for a white man over a black man for any reason whatsoever. No... black people will 95% of the time vote for a black person regardless of how horrible a candidate the black person may be.

Let us be honest for a change...The truth is that yes, there are prejudice white people, but in no where near the numbers and percentages as we see in Blacks and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics are America's most prejudiced people by far. Most of this is very much secret. When alone together the true feelings of the majority of Blacks and Hispanics come out, and would shock most white Americans. Their prejudice and hatred against whites is actually a badge of honor and acceptance among themselves.

It is not the color of the skin, but rather the reputation of the breed that makes most any rational person move to the other side of the street when they see a guy walking a pit bull coming towards them. Now pit bulls come in white, black, tan, and two tone. The color has nothing to do with peoples response to that breed.

Every race of people on earth has a reputation that does not apply to every person who belongs to that race, but the reputation of that race in general is well known to all other races. Reputations and other people's response to that reputation is not conferred on a race of people. It is EARNED over time and experience.

Since this comment is not politically correct...I will be called a racist. This is the technique used to shut down people who tell the truth.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at