Can Whites Overcome Diversity?
June 5, 2019

(Left, diversity = no white males. Masonic checkerboard )
Whom do they think they are kidding? "Diversity" is a devious strategy to disenfranchise and dispossess the white, heterosexual Christian majority in the West by making them a minority. The Masonic Jewish central banking cartel is behind "diversity" whether it takes the form of multiculturalism, migration, miscegenation or the attack on gender and culture. Its proponents are globalist (Communist) traitors.
The Masonic Jewish banking cartel is the enemy of anyone who wants to be master in his own house. Our country is our home. People of European descent have a right to defend their national heritage without being smeared as "white supremacists," "racists" and "bigots." Vicious slander is a typical Communist strategy. We must be free to speak out and support nationalist parties without fear of coercion or intimidation.
"Racism, at core, is merely a manifestation of innate self-love. One loves oneself, family then nation, which is made up of those that share one's language, above all, as well as culture and history, if not also a physical similarity." -Lihn Dihn
The Truth about Diversity
(From June 2006, and Dec 2013.)
by Henry Makow PhD.
We are all affected by "Diversity" but few understand its true nature.
Warning: It isn't pretty.
"Diversity" is a massive long-term behavior modification program that weaponizes minorities to disinherit the majority.
In English, "Diversity" means acknowledging different races, religions and "sexual orientations."
In New World Order Doublespeak, "Diversity" is a devious way to dilute and discriminate against the white, heterosexual Christian majority in Europe, Canada, Australia and the US.

(l.Canadian football league bludgeons fans with propaganda message)
While it pretends to advocate equality, its real goal is to guilt mainly heterosexual White males into yielding position and power. The object is to prepare North America and Europe for inclusion in a "world government" run by the central banking cartel based in London.
This private cartel's power is measured by the fact that virtually every major corporation, educational institution, and government agency provides "diversity training" (i.e. political indoctrination) to its employees. Even though studies show it has zero economic benefits, they spend eight billion dollars a year on it. Toyota alone plans to spend that much in the next ten years.
Here is an example of the shaming of Whites that takes place in these sessions. It is from the text, "Seeing Ourselves: Exploring Race Ethnicity and Culture" (1999) by Carl James.
A participant, Greg tells the group:
"As for my race, I am white but I never really had to think about it before. I don't feel that it ever affected the people with whom I associated or talked to. My two best friends are Black and (Canadian) Indian. I was brought up in a family that didn't believe in prejudice and I'm proud of that. If I don't like a person, it is because of their personality, not their race or heritage."
Now you'd think that Greg would pass with flying colours.
You didn't consider the hidden agenda. The author, a Diversity trainer, chastises Greg for assuming he is "the norm." Greg fails to acknowledge his "race privilege," that "invisible package of unearned assets" that is the "white colonial legacy." Whites like Greg deny "the ways in which they socially, culturally and politically produce relations of domination." (p.44)
In other words, Whites naturally oppress other people. That sounds like vicious racism to me.

(London Mayor, Sadiq Khan)
Can you see what's happening? These Diversity sessions lay guilt trips on Whites, especially males, so they will yield power to compliant & grateful minorities who have not earned it. This is a scam. Anyone who objects to this political agenda commits career suicide. That's political persecution.
I want to be clear that I think the human race is one family and God loves all people equally. Like Greg, I believe people should be judged on their individual merit alone, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. I prefer a black jazz genius to a white petty thief.
I have no problem with "minorities" winning positions of power so long as they do it on the basis of merit. I welcome the rich contribution immigrants make. I came to Canada when I was a baby in 1951.
But "Diversity" is not about fairness or enriching society. It promotes minorities not for their own sake, but as a way to undermine and control the majority. Economic migrants should not be used for this purpose. Rather the West should improve conditions in their own countries.
It's ironic that the central banking clique should lay this guilt trip on Whites when the bankers are responsible for imperialism and wars past and present. They grew even richer through the slave and opium trades, and they control organized crime today through their agents.
The US population is more than 75% White and Christian. The plan is for Whites to become a minority by 2050 or sooner. Whites are expected to stand by and become guests in their own house. I like minorities. But I don't want to be one.
When Whites are a minority, no one will champion their rights. There are two million more females than males at US universities. Have you heard of any affirmative action programs for males?

"Diversity" is practically unheard of in China, Japan, Israel, India and Latin America. These countries are allowed to keep their racial character. But because people of European origin have a sense of material, spiritual and political entitlement, they are the hardest to absorb in the New World Order. They are the targets of the "Diversity" program.
The central bankers use the tactic of "divide and conquer" to demolish the four pillars of our human identity: race, religion, nation and family.
First, they pretended to champion the workers to get rid of the Tsarist regime in Russia. Then they pretended to champion women and homosexuals to undermine heterosexual values and the family. Finally, they are duping Whites to passively accept discrimination and diminished status.
They use the same dog-eared playbook. (Select one) Workers, Jews, Blacks, homosexuals, women -- have been oppressed for centuries. Let the bankers put their (select one) front men (or womyn) in power.
The central banking cartel is the real "colonizer," and people of European Christian origin are being colonized. "Diversity" is part of this program.
The banking cartel creates money using our national credit. As a result, society has been subverted by an alien power with a satanic agenda. Our political and cultural elites consist of traitors who, for example, allowed 9-11 to take place and covered it up. We are subjected to a constant stream of lies from these sanctimonious self-serving pawns.
In a poll taken Oct. 18, 2007, by the Toronto Globe and Mail, 63% answered "No" to the question: "Do you think Canada's multiculturalism policies have been a success?" The sample was roughly 11,000 and Globe readers tend to be liberals.
The founding peoples of the West have a right to maintain their national character and see it flourish. Immigrants expect to integrate while retaining their heritage. They don't expect to be used to undermine the majority.
("Global citizen" Trudeau, NWO traitor)
So, let's not fall into their "divide and conquer" trap by focusing our indignation on minorities. We can't blame them for seeking a better life. Let's focus on the central bankers and their lackeys, in politics, education, business and the media. They are traitors.
I know this goes against the grain for some. Ask yourself where your attitudes came from. They were dinned into you by the media and education. Our society is essentially colonial and collaborationist. To succeed, you need to be complicit in the banker scam, or at least not openly oppose them.
May I remind you: the term "politically correct" originated in the Communist Party of the USSR in the 1920s. It is no coincidence that the term is part of our lexicon today. The same bankers who controlled the USSR then, secretly control the USA, Canada, and Europe today.
Related - Diversity is a hammer to club the majority. In practice, minorities often are discriminated against by politically correct.
-------------------- Bewitched gets "Diversity" Remake -- (Also black 007 coming)
Reader Comments:
First Comment from Brabantian
This culture war is an updated form of the key aspect of 'Leninism' -
The Leninist idea that lower-status people who get lifted up by the 'revolution', are the marching army and thought-police who are most fiercely loyal to the 'new' oligarchy, whether that be the 1917 Bolshevik politburo, or the 2019 New World Order.
Because of what they have demonstrated and done over the centuries, the European-heritage men (and some rebel-minded Jews too), are considered to be the most dangerous potential dissidents, the biggest possible threat to the oligarchies seeking to control the world.
All those independent-minded white guys are feared by the oligarchs; therefore their culture, and ability to combine with one another, needs to be devastated.
And so, against those dangerous-seeming white guys, a grand coalition of opportunistic others, is assembled by the oligarchy, along classic neo-Bolshevik, Leninist lines.

(left, Ireland)
Who will feel themselves benefiting from the traditional white men of the West getting taken down a few notches in status? The answer is clear - Feminists and single women; LGBTers; migrants and minorities ... a group which, together, can be a voting majority, especially when combined with the white men themselves who get pulled into supporting the mainstream propaganda.
This is what is behind the current common opinion that, 'We can't vote our way out of this' ... Single / divorced women, plus minorities, plus LGBTers, plus submissive males ... can overwhelm Western 'democracy', it is simply the numbers when groomed by the usual suspects.
Whereas in 1917 Russia, the 'Leninism' was a combination of class interests plus of course the heavily Jewish Marxist cadres, today the categories are essentially 'biological' (led once again by Jewish cadres) ... A European blogger in Asia using the name Spandrell, writes about this as 'Biological Leninism':
« In order to build a political movement, you must give people higher status than they presently have. The key innovation of industrial-era politics was Leninism, which built a movement with those who were socially deprived in traditional society due to their class; peasants, workers and foreigners, which were loyal to the Communist project in exchange for erasing the class and tribe distinctions of traditional society.
« In the post-industrial world, the mainstream political force, Progressivism, has built an effectively one-party regime by recruiting those who were lower status in both traditional and industrial society, i.e., pre-1960 society due to their biological characteristics: unmarried women, homosexuals, people of different races. »

Thanks for your recent article on Diversity. I was just fired from a government contract job for refusing to participate in the companies diversity training program. I spent 12+ years in the same facility, received excellent annual reviews every year and gaining the respect of my fellow employees. My immediate manager, site manager, and program manager all tried to convince the company not to fire me, but to no avail.
Anyone who stands against the diversity indoctrination while employed by a major defense contractor is, as you said, committing career suicide. When the corporate leaders don't care what their managers say about keeping a good employee, it becomes obvious that they serve the purpose of the central bankers.
Do you know what was interesting about the diversity training in my former company? When the requirement to complete the training was received in our email box, every male in my group griped and complained about it. They all hated it! There is something inside of a man, deep in the gut, that is repulsed by all this diversity training garbage. It is offensive and insulting to a man's intelligence and honor to have to sit through some stupid training video that acts like it is speaking to first graders.
I am a white, married male with strong Christian principles. I am also fortunate to have a wife who supported my decision. She has told me many times how proud she is that I was willing to lose my job with all the benefits for my principles.
Another insightful article Henry that really hit home for me.
I am a student in Australia who has had the misfortune of studying the social sciences at a so called 'Catholic' university here in Melbourne. My misfortune is even greater as I am often one of only two males in my classes. From day one I have had to listen to lecture after lecture slamming anything good and decent and praising all things feminist, anti-family and anti-Christian (that's right, in a Catholic university!). I watch as the other students lap this poison up and take every word of it on board as if it was gospel.
Every one of my lecturers are women and all are militant feminists. I have kept my thoughts pretty much to myself for the first two years (as hard as that's been) but have had to draw the line at a reading that we were presented with written by a homo-sexual activist who questioned the innocence of children. I wrote, in a journal that was to be assessed, that this sort of writing did nothing to dispel the fears of the pederast nature of SOME homo-sexuals.
The response (from the head of the sociology department no less) was a 200-word rant (the rest of my work hardly got a mention) branding me as homophobic and warning me in no uncertain terms that this type of writing was unacceptable. All this in a journal that was structured to be a 'critical response' to the readings provided!
Thank God for 'diversity' and 'freedom of thought'...oh, as long as you think their way that is.
Paul said (June 6, 2019):
"Diversity is our strength" is such a load of crap it's hard to believe it even came into existence. All one has to do is work for a day in a diverse workplace and one knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that work quality has gone down, communication is wretched, mistakes are being made, feelings are being hurt, energy is being dissipated, authority is being attacked and on and on and on.
Can Whites overcome diversity? "Can Whites overcome feminism?" should be the question. It was white women who started this movement to not obey White men. No way were they going to clean toilets or hang up jackets or sweep floors even if it was the only thing they could do. In many places, many warehouses and manufacturing facilities, the only things that a woman can do are clean or be managers.
They won't clean so they become managers and then all hell breaks loose because they won't hire White men to be under them.
They have to hire the dark-skinned immigrant with bad English and lack of vision in order to maintain their authority because the White guy will put them in their place and point out their stupidity really quickly.
As well, when the White woman voted in all of these politicians to bring in all of these labour laws, guess who grabbed ahold of those same laws? The rest of the world. White women didn't want White men to go to the bars together after work and plan how the business should succeed so now the dark-skinned immigrant can also curtail such activities and make sure White men do not ever stick together or even have a friendly chat on a coffee break.
It all started with the White woman and when she stuck her foot in the door, it gave permission for the rest of the human race to barge the door down. If you try to say to White women that without White men they wouldn't have electricity or basic appliances or cars or the industrial revolution etc., they laugh their heads off like idiots and say, "See you later, alligator!"