When Satanists Make the Rules
May 29, 2013

"The foundation of the Christian family is the sacrament of matrimony, the spring of all domestic and public morals. The anti-Christian societies [i.e. Illuminati] are opposed to the principle of home. When they have destroyed the hearth, the morality of society will perish." Benjamin Disraeli (Lothair, 1870)
by Henry Makow Ph.D,
Most people don't understand the scale and success of the "Conspiracy."
The "Conspiracy" is the Establishment now. The "New World Order" is not something in the future. The Illuminati were refreshed in 1776 and immediately gained the upper hand in Europe and America. Using Freemasonry as vehicle, they grew in power throughout the 19th century and have been in charge since 1913.
Freedom and democracy are fascades used to control the masses. They are window dressing to hide our true Masters and their agenda.
Our Masters began as a Jewish heresy called "Sabbatean-Frankists" who impersonated every religion and nationality to gain world power. They are the Iluminati. Their bankers finagled ownership of the British money supply in 1694 and are expanding this credit monopoly into a monopoly over human life, i.e. Communism.
They are supplanting God and redefining reality according to their self-interest and perversity. When Satanists make the rules, they invert right and wrong, truth and falsehood, good and evil. For example, they overrule nature and say homosexuality is normal and healthy! They believe "saying" makes it so,
Wars are designed to kill or degrade the goyim. The Illuminati shaped modern history and culture with this end in mind.They control the corporations, politicians, military, Intelligence agencies, education and the all-important mass media. Our "leaders" are controlled through blackmail.

Freemasonry is Cabalism for gentiles, It's a way for the goyim to get a share of the banker scam. It behaves like Judaism does, networking and discriminating against outsiders. Dr. Isaac Wise wrote: "Freemasonry is a Jewish Institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."
Freemasonry, like Cabalism, is Satanism. So we are not in doubt, the Masonic archives were seized in Budapest in an anti-Jewish reaction in 1919. Christians read that at the B'nai Brith Conference in 1897, the Grand Master said:
"We must spread the spirit of revolt among the workers. It is they whom we shall send to the barricades, seeing that their desires are never satisfied, for we have need of their discontent to ruin Christian civilization and hasten anarchy. It is necessary that the moment arrive when the Christians shall come themselves and implore the Jews to take control."
(Cecile Tormay, "An Outlaw's Diary")
Clearly, Organized Jewry and their Masonic goy lackeys are Illuminati tools. Banning criticism of Jews and Israel is another way of saying you cannot name or criticize your Masters. Ordinary Jews are kept in the dark, better to be duped and serve as camoflage.

None of this is new to many of you. We live in a cognitive dissonance. The media is constantly telling us we're free while at the same time censoring the truth and diverting us with nonsense. We have to keep repeating the truth like a mantra. Masonic monuments dot our cities. The Ottawa city logo is 666. It is everywhere-- on all street signs, city vehicles and buses!

In its Gadarene drive to decadence, society has alienated its sane minority. What does this tiny minority do? Is Civil Disobedience the answer?
The Illuminati are "banking" on the slaves loving their slavery.
We have no choice but to be bystanders in a satanic freakshow until conditions get so bad that even the slaves revolt. Is the novel "1984" prophetic?
In the meantime, we can set a positive example in our personal lives, and help others to understand that our political and social institutions have lost moral legitimacy. That is why the Illuminati need to create a police state, to rule by force rather than by right.
Joseph said (May 30, 2013):
I have just read this article by you on your website,"Save the Males". I give this piece a,"Grade A" rating. It just about says it all. It sums up the most important points in a clear,concise package. This Satanic kleptocracy rules the whole World,and encompasses all the kingdoms of this Earth,most of them as willing partners and participants. How this Secret World Government laughs at,hates and despises the simple,honest common folk. I think only a miracle could ever defeat and obliterate Satan and this great empire of his.