Refinding Femininity Saved My Family
March 6, 2013

and I didn't know there was any other way to live.
All I had to do was let him be the man, and be the woman."
I'm sick of being treated like a poor, brainless idiot just because my family is the center of my world.
by Rachel
(Rachel begins by relating her job experience in response to Workplace Doesn't Work for Women )
I prefer to stay home with my two girls. I have had a few jobs, mostly before the girls came along, and all of them I hated. There was an underlying current of jealousy and anger between all the women that I could not handle.
I would be physically sick at night's end after dealing with the angry single/divorced women who would literally attack me for the smallest things. I now realize that they enjoyed cutting me down at every turn because they were jealous of my beauty, youth, and dedication to my boyfriend (he's now my husband and the father of our two girls).

The only job I enjoyed (and still do occasionally) was cleaning houses with my mother-in-law. It was good money, ($20 an hour, cash) and there was no conflict with other women, because it was always just us. My mother-in-law is closer to me then my own mother. Some women don't chase their bosses - I never did, but I rarely meet women who are like me!
I've found the man who holds my heart, and no other would compare, so I don't even look. I do know women who have slept with their boss, and they melt into weepy puddles of indignation and anger when they realize that they get no preferential treatment. They usually quit soon after.
I was always dedicated to my husband, but I had an outer feminist shell I didn't even realize was there until I started reading your columns, Henry!
We've been together since we were 16. I'm 27, and my husband is about to turn 28. I found you when I realized that I didn't know at all what it meant to be feminine. I was totally ashamed of myself. My husband and I were having problems for years after we had our first child, who is now six. The love was there, but I was awful to him after the kids were born. We separated many, many times. He became distant and he strayed with other women, and I blamed him for everything and was extremely abrasive and impossible to live with.
I started reading your columns a few months ago, and changed my approach right away. I didn't have to change much, because I found that capitulating to him and adoring him was what I WANTED to do - I was just afraid to do it. I saw an immediate response from him! He now is completely dedicated to me, and is treating me the way I need to be treated.
All I had to do was let him be the man, and be the woman. He said the most flattering thing I could ever have heard to me the other day, and I had no idea how much it meant to me until I heard it. He didn't call me pretty, or smart, or tell me I looked thinner that day :) He told me that I'm on my way to becoming a good wife, and he sees me trying, and that makes him want to protect me and be around me. All I had to do was follow and admire him.
I've also showed him your articles about leading the family. He said they opened his eyes to how he was expecting me to step up and lead with him, and helped him figure out why he was so frustrated with me when I literally COULDN'T step up and be the head of the family with him.

I think women are terrified to be rejected by men, so they withhold what feels natural. It's not hard to do with so much feminist support around them.
There is also obvious disgust when people find out you're dedicated to your husband, and let him lead the family. You're literally not ALLOWED to look at your mate with goo-goo eyes and tell people how much you adore your husband, or else you're accused of having your whole life revolve around a man and the family - like that's a bad thing!
I'm sick of being treated like a poor, brainless idiot just because my family is the center of my world. You keep telling women to be women, and men to be men Henry!
Hopefully you'll have many more emails like mine, telling you that you've opened some poor feminist's eyes who was on the brink of divorce, just because she doesn't know what she's doing wrong.
Don't hate all feminists! We were raised to be this way, and I didn't know there was any other way to live until I found your website. Just keep writing, and we'll keep reading.
Makow comment - I don't hate feminists. I understand that they have been deceived.
In the USSR, under Communism, virtue was a crime and had to hide. Communism is Satanism (Cabalist Judaism.) Rachel's description of the hassle she gets for being traditional and not promiscuous indicates the progress of Communism in America. Satanism is the inversion of good and evil. Evil is good and good is evil. It begins with moral relativism and ends with the apotheosis of evil.
The attack on gender is satanic. Masking itself as defense of the rights of homosexuals, most of whom don't want to get married, it is a brazen attack on the rights of heterosexuals, who do want to get married. It is brazen social engineering and treason by the political and cultural elite.
I looked for an image for "masculine leadership" on google images. Incredibly most were of women taking charge . We are being brainwashed.
Related - Relearning Heterosexual Love
---------- The Dying Art of Femininity
---------- Aliens Abducted Our Women (The Power of Sexual Surrender)
Lisa said (March 7, 2013):
Yeah for Rachel and the many other women that find there is *something missing* in our lives and found someone writing the truth!!
Great job, Rachel! Wonderful article! I passed it on!