(((Aliens))) Have Abducted Our Women
June 27, 2022

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June 27, 2022
David said (December 12, 2012):
Feminism reminds me of the adage "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Feminists want to go where men go, dress like-act like-rut like-curse like men. No wonder feminists are so screwed up and confused.
The other big lie of feminism is that the movement speaks "for all women". My wife used to manage an office staffed mostly by women, and after a year of that she shouted in exasperation:
"Give me an office of men to work with any day over women! The drama, the pettiness, the vindictiveness, the absenteeism!"
Marcos said (December 12, 2012):
Other good books on the subject are all Karen Horn's works, especially Feminine Psychology, and also "The Psychology of Women" by Helene Deutsch, MD.
They basically say the same thing.
Isn't it amazing that before 1970 every psychiatrist agreed that women were different than men and that Homosexuality was a psychological disorder ? Were they all dumb ? Of course not. Most doctors still think the same way (after all, they face reality everyday), but they just are forbidden from expressing their views.
I know a very competent psychiatrist and she tells me that women today are all neurotic, stressed and basically lost regarding their role in life. All their colleagues think the same, but a few leftist activists dictate whatever is said in the media, government agencies, etc.
Tom said (December 12, 2012):
How true this article is Henry, What amazes me is how sophisticated and progressive these new age women think they are, when in reality they are purely whores to the NWO regime..literally!!! "Sexual emancipation" is a satanic inversion.
With post-modern mind control techniques, drugs, implants etc these women become sex slaves in the sex "industry" just like cattle in primary "industry". The diversion away from the husband for sexual intimacy and bonding then takes on a 2-fold purpose;
(1) to disintegrate the family and marriage
(2) The woman's natural sexual energies will not be channeled and wasted on the husband but conserved for the f...king industries (Mcbrothels, casual "hook-ups" and "prostitution").
Breaking up families is an imperative cause to the "aliens" but business and $$$$ takes a precedence over everything...woman are just another resource to this end. As the title of your book asserts, feminism is TRULY a cruel hoax and any woman who is duped by the scam is not at all intellectual or clever but very, very stupid a bit like cows I guess.
Adam said (December 12, 2012):
A woman who is not a man-hating feminist will have a desire to please a man who becomes her husband and to fulfill her role as a help to him. This is shown clearly in the record of events that took place in the Garden of Eden where Satan in the guise of a serpent targeted the woman with his lies. The woman believed the lies and desiring to help her husband, led him into accepting the lies of Satan. There is a lot more to this but I am not going to go there at this time.
Solomon the king of Israel in the book of Proverbs chapter 31 asks "Who can find a virtuous woman ? " and goes on to describe her various activities. She in effect is master of the household. "She looks well to the ways of her household." She is the Director and Controller and Chief Executive of all things domestic and even engages in business activities outside of her domestic responsibilities. Wives need not be restricted to domestic responsibilities only. This woman is very capable and is a true help suitable for a man.
As Solomon states, a woman of this competence or calibre has a value that is "far above rubies". This chapter provides an excellent summary of the role of woman in her relationship to her husband.
TONY BLIZZARD said (December 11, 2012):
"The home was empty. Children went to school, husbands to work."
Henry, this part of the agenda is much older than feminism. Children belong in their homes, not in any damned government school. Public schools, as we recognize them today, began in Prussia under Bismark. Their object was to make the citizens happy little cogs in the government/corporate wheel. Still is. With the added twist of psychological preparation for integration into the misnamed "new world order."
The pushers for public (government) schools in the U.S. were social reformer dupes such as Horace Greeley who had no clue as to the end result of their pushing. Before public schools the nation had a much higher rate of true education than it has ever had since.
Children learn best from their parents. Every move, every word, almost every thought of a parent is quickly learned by its children. Plus no one on earth has a keener desire to raise a child to excellence than its natural parents, exceptions admitted. The establishment is quick to blame parents for every fault in a child, most of which are learned in the insane, totally unnatural, anti knowledge atmosphere of the government schools. It is only after their children have been in the school system a number of years that parents begin to notice rebellion against them from these previously family oriented children.
With strange, illogical ideas and concepts designed to lead them away from parental standards into murky waters, such as rejecting God and religion and accepting as normal the very sexual perversions you write about here.
I have had school teachers and staff actually run from me in debates about this very thing when I mentioned to them that, after all, almost all of today's parents are themselves products of the government school systems.
The sudden realization of the enormity of their crimes against children has to be forced into the subconscious very quickly as these non-too-savvy, hard core union members retreat into a remount of their flimsy, false pedestals of comforting idolatry as "saviors of society."
I mean they have literally run from me and continued to avoid me like the plague. Small minds, not fit to guide children and unable to teach but exactly what the establishment requires.
Amanda said (December 11, 2012):
Henry, I need to thank you for continuing to post articles about
feminism and gender. I especially liked your most recent articles
regarding the new show Girls and "They" Took Our Women. This is astounding information that has helped me profoundly in my life since I discovered your website years ago.
I think these articles are crucial for re-emphasis of points you have made over the years and for newbies to your site. It seems so obvious at this point that I can believe people haven't caught on to this crap. If people would just wake up, it would end so much unnecessary suffering. I, indeed, suffered tremendously until I woke up. So thank you immensely, a million times over.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Rick said (December 13, 2012):
Aliens abducted our women?
GREAT. Best news of the year. We will finally have PEACE!. PRAISE GOD.