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England Instigated World War Two

September 8, 2011

London's aim was one of cornering the Reich in such a way that it would invariably end up fighting, only to be defeated once and for all and, as Churchill said, "gutted and dismembered". Vansittart's own words were: "...the German Reich ... has got to go under, and not only under, but right under".

Retired German General Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof's new book supports my view that the Second World War was waged to remove Germany as an obstacle to Illuminati One World Government. Reviewer Thomas Dunskus calls this policy a "disaster" for the British; but for the Illuminati, it was a total success. 

Review by Thomas Dunskus

Abridged from Amazon site by

Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof's book,"1939-The War that had many Fathers", now going into its seventh German edition, unfolds the period between the two major European wars of the 20th century and shows us that foreign policy deals with questions of power and not with issues of morality...

There is a document written by the Permanent Secretary of the British Foreign Office, Sir Robert Vansittart, dated 6 September 1940 on the subject of German approaches in Sweden aimed at bringing the war to an end.

This document has been published by Martin Allen in his book "The Hitler-Hess Deception", but, while many other documents published by Allen have been called forgeries by the British National Archives (an incredible accusation when one considers the amount of work involved and the most uncertain benefits to be expected), this document has not been incriminated.

170px-Sir_Robert_Vansittart_cph.3b31587.jpg(left, Robert Vansittart, In January 1930 he was appointed Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, where he supervised the work of Britain's diplomatic service.)

It contains the strange sentence: "The enemy is the German Reich and not merely Nazism and [certain people]... would let us in for a sixth war even if we survive the fifth".

The meaning is, at first, totally obscure because Britain and Germany fought each other only once, in WW1, but it becomes clear if we read another statement in the same note: "... the German Reich and the Reich idea have been the curse of the world for 75 years...".

Reading Vansittart's unspeakable propaganda leaflet "Black Record", it becomes evident that, for London, it was a matter of removing Germany as a power factor in Europe, something that the prudent armistice proposed by the Germans in 1918 had prevented at that time. Germany's mere existence as a state with a political agenda of its own was a serious threat and had to be fought.

Seen in this light, London's behavior in the 1920s and 1930s takes on a certain rationality. Schultze-Rhonhof explains that London's aim was one of cornering the Reich in such a way that it would invariably end up fighting, only to be defeated once and for all and, as Churchill said, "gutted and dismembered". Vansittart's own words were: "...the German Reich ... has got to go under, and not only under, but right under".

At the time of the Munich crisis, such a policy could not be implemented because Britain was not yet strong enough and American aid was quite uncertain; another year was needed to reach a level of rearmament which would allow Britain to fight Germany, but the time frame was narrow, because this window of opportunity would close in the early 1940s, once Germany had completed her own preparations.

The complete crumbling of the Czechoslovak state in the spring of 1939 - after Poland had already ripped out the Teschen area within a month of Munich - led to the decision of the country's president, Hacha, to visit Berlin. Slovakia had become independent; Hitler made today's Czechia a German protectorate; Hacha remained at his post and the country survived WW2 without major damage.

Once, however, Germany claimed Danzig and a corridor through the Corridor, England extended an unsolicited, unenforceable and never executed guarantee to Poland which prompted Warsaw to become deaf to all German proposals. Britain now had an excuse to declare war, but Hitler, while being a convenient scapegoat, was no longer of any importance.

London's policy was anchored in the 19th century, but failed miserably in 1945: Europe was in shambles, Poland was under Soviet domination, Soviet tanks stood an hour's drive from the North Sea and the British Empire was a thing of the past. Economically, Britain was bankrupt and indebted to the US; moreover, within a mere ten years the western rump of Germany would top Britain in industrial production.

Looking back, there is no way but to call British actions in 1939 infantile and the result a disaster. The German Reich had been painted as a bogey-man but this blocked the view of the real world. Having believed their own propaganda, the Allies felt entitled to destroy the historical substance of continental Europe, thus creating a cultural and mental wasteland which constitutes a major crack in the structure of the western world to this day and which will perhaps never be completely closed.

Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, an officer, not a historian, has cast a valuable spotlight on how all this came about.


Thanks to Alexandre for the tip.

Illuminati Bankers Hired Hitler to Start WW2

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "England Instigated World War Two"

Phillp said (September 10, 2011):

Ref. yours recently on Rense, Britain started WWII, the same is argued forcefully in this new book about the Russian genocide of Germans starting in 1945 See

Edward said (September 10, 2011):

Let's not forget Prescott Bush (Juniors grand daddy) getting together with Harriman, Thyssen, and the NY bankers from 1933 to 1939, to finance the resurrection of German scientific, military, industrial and social agencies under the watchful eye of Borman et al. In just six short years Germany was rehabilitated from the Wiemar hyper inflation and WWI reparations to a ready partner in complicity with the Depression era adage "What we need is another war to get the economy moving."

Prescott and the boys were still at it in 1942 when the State Department stepped in to do some wrist slapping and end the charade. and

Max said (September 9, 2011):

I think people will find this link interesting:

It is the "The Jewish Declaration Of War On Nazi Germany" printed in the March 24, 1933 issue of the Daily Express of the UK.

The article speaks for itself.

Hamad said (September 9, 2011):

I think the Powers That Be within all parties did their level best to instigate World War Two. To say that England did it for its own survival is not correct.

If you observe carefully, England actually started “rolling back” it’s hard earned British Empire to make way for a New World Order dominated by the Soviets. This was much to the horror of vainglorious English folk, who while duped into taking pride over the empire, were never given any real share of it. The Powers That Be could have continued colonial rule indefinitely if they wanted to, but decided to use British imperialism to create more worse imperialisms, such as NATO thugocracies and Soviet bloc countries.

Take the case of the Indian subcontinent. During the 100 years of British rule, they carefully laid the roots for partition. India was meant to be adopted by the Soviet bloc while Pakistan was meant to be (and still is) a proxy state of America. The entire subcontinent was to be eventually delivered to the Soviets following proxy wars between the two. But this plan was killed because the Soviets got stalled in Afghanistan, which was a rather monumental defeat, considering that even the Germans could not accomplish this. We observe a similar formula everywhere else ( N and S Vietnam; both of which were later transferred to the Soviets, N & S Korea , N & S Yemen, South Africa and Angola).

Hans said (September 9, 2011):

The war was clearly against the German people, not only the Nazis.

And it is a mistake to believe that the concentration camps were closed after the second world war.

They opened again, this time for German refugees and Poles. Between 1945-46 the secret communist police UB (or MBP in English) put everything in camps what was German or had an
anti-communist attitude. Also polish soldiers who previously fought against Hitler were imprisoned, raped, tortured and murdered.

Lola Potok and Salomon Morel for example were commanders of such camps.

Further information about this suppressed part of history can be found in the book "An eye for an eye" from the Jewish author John Sack.

Also the British army deliberately killed refugees, not only the Red Army.
The Royal Airforce sunk the ocean liner Cap Arcona, full of people. They thought they were German refugees but actually they were prisoners from the concentration camp Neuengamme who (allegedly) should be evacuated to Sweden. They were accidentally murdered so to speak.

Bruce said (September 9, 2011):

Certainly Hitler wished to stop communism, actually a good idea, and to kick all the Jews out of Germany, a stupid, cruel, unjust idea, but to suggest he wanted a WW2 is ridiculous. Hitler tried several times to stop the war before it got out of hand, but after Churchill had bombed Germany for three months, after the Polish communists had killed tens of thousands of German Nationalists who had been living in Poland, including entire towns, he stupidly allowed himself to be goaded into war against Poland, never thinking that England would go to war over such a thing.

He failed to understand the power behind Churchill, Churchill’s fanatical desire to become Prime Minister at all costs, and FDR’s desire to destroy Germany for the good of the USSR , and for the good of Americas and the USSR’s mutual supporters and that all of them were looking for any excuse to create WW2 in order to destroy Germany. The fact that the Allies continued to bomb the German people long after the war had been actually won by the USA supplied USSR army, plus the murder of millions of German Nationals after the war who had been living all over Eastern and Central Europe for as long as 800 years indicates the war war really all about destroying the German people, not Hitler. Read Antony C. Sutton, Eustace Mullins and Henry Morganthau.

Andrew said (September 9, 2011):

Last night I started thinking about who started WW II. I recalled my essay for Henry last year, History Repeated When Suppressed, about James Bacques' book, Other Losses, which is consistent with Britain's purported WW II goal to destroy not just Germany but also the German people. Robert Vansittart wrote, "... the German Reich and the Reich idea have been the curse of the world for 75 years...". WW II and it's aftermath were therefore calculated and managed from the beginning to destroy the German people and their culture.

In a subsequent book, Crimes And Mercies (1997), Bacque claims that Allied policies (particularly Soviet policies) led to the premature deaths of 5.7 million German civilians, 2.5 million ethnic German refugees from Eastern Europe and 1.1 million German P.O.W.s due to Allied starvation and expulsion policies in the five years following World War II.

I just finished Judge John Denson's book, A Century of War. It demonstrates that Britain under Churchill began the indiscriminate bombing of German civilian populations even before the US entry into WW II. When Hitler responded in kind, British propagandist concentrated in NYC claimed that Germany began this practice. To duped America, this propaganda was particularly effective, but the Blitz, German air raids on Britain, wasn't something Hitler started but a response to Britain's policy to destroy the German people.

BR said (September 9, 2011):

The Hess Affair and Anglo-Soviet Relations on the Eve of 'Barbarossa'
Gabriel Gorodetsky, Prof.
The English Historical Review
Vol. 101, No. 399 (Apr., 1986), pp. 405-420
(article consists of 16 pages)
Published by: Oxford University Press
Stable URL:

Main points, to my understanding

1. The USSR had to be brought down, especially since after the Wall-street financed November 1917 Bolshevik revolution,
which followed a rather more sensible one on March that year which had been arranged by the UK, Switzerland, Sweden & Germany.
During the 1920s & 1930s Corporate America was overwhelmingly involved in establishing the USSR as the world's
mightiest industrial power, much like with present day China. Watch Prof. Anthony Sutton (linked to below) and read his books:

2. Sea-Lion was concocted about the time Hess visited London.
Barbarossa followed immediately thereafter.

3. The UK helped critically and greatly in resurrecting Germany, immediately after the war, out of the claws of American genocide.

4. The USSR never recuperated from WWII.

5. The UK collapsed due to Soviet influence starting years 1947/8 in India & Palestine, thereafter during the 1950s elsewhere, reseeding in to the Commonwealth. Had Britain not concocted WWII, by means of the 'Phoney war', the USSR would have been powerful enough to revoke all British & French influence by 1950.

It may be the UK decided to conduct an all out war in order to break out of the Wall-street instigated rigging of the world
along the Bolshevik-Capitalist paradigm: "what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine".


Thanks for this BR but I don't buy any of it.


Dan said (September 9, 2011):

Before I comment, I must give the disclaimer that rational retrospective analysis of the geopolitics between the Anglo-American alliance and the "Axis" in no way exonerates any of the parties for their heinous war crimes.

That being said, after reviewing the previously inaccessible archive reels of Hitler's speeches to the Reichstag in the days leading to the declaration of war on Germany and vice versa, my conclusion is that the view presented to us in school and college was grossly one-sided. My assessment is that Hitler was sincere that he had no desire to make war on Britain.

When I've factored the odd solo flight of Rudolph Hess to Scotland in a last ditch attempt at secret peace negotiation with the British elite whom Hitler and Hess had been led to believe supported Nazism, it seems Hitler was duped by British backers. As numerous fall guys before, he was hung out to dry by the perfidious Albion.

The real end game was to enable an extremist party to drive Germany into the ground. If so, Hitler's initial confidence was the covert assurance by his many aristocratic British enthusiasts like King Edward VIII - the fascist who was forced to abdicate the throne of England in 1937 Hitler had every reason during till then to believe that he had the covert approval of the British elite. His hesitation at Dunkirk in 1940, and the desperate expenditure of Hess in 1941, make sense only if the Nazi's thought they had an alliance with the British elite. That misunderstanding may account for Hitler's famous boldness. He thought they had a deal the British Empire.

Once that was gone Hitler's actions show desperation. The alliance of America and Britain seems to have been unanticipated, but not enough attention has been paid to the fact the the defeat of the 'Desert Fox' Rommel in the North Africa campaign closed the conduit of oil from the Persian Gulf to Germany. Germany's only chance was to take Stalingrad deep in Soviet Russia.

Hitler personally sacrificed the best army of the Wehrmacht for that objective for Stalingrad was the lynch pin of the war on account of the oil route. In losing the Battle of Stalingrad, Germany lost the war. It was only a matter of time before the Panzer divisions ran out of gas - at the Battle of the Bulge in Wallnoia, Belgium.

Hans said (September 8, 2011):

The term "appeasement" is misleading, actually it was England who rejected dozens of German peace offers. Before the war, during the war. After Poland was defeated, Hitler offered peace (6. October 1939) and after France was defeated he offered also peace (19. July 1940)

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at