Feminists Surprised their Daughters are Sluts
December 27, 2010

"We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order." Protocols of Zion, 16
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
(From August 11, Revised Dec. 26)
In a recent article "Outraged Moms, Trashy Daughters" by Anne Kingston, (Macleans, Aug 16, 2010) mothers lament that their daughters now see "empowerment" in terms of pleasuring males.
While the feminist mothers saw power as financial independence and rejected female "objectification," their daughters accept the pornographic message of pop music and advertising. In the words of one mom, they "believe their purpose in life is to be sexual beings who please men."
"A blow job is like shaking hands," said another mom. "Their attitude is: 'We're emancipated, we're liberated, we're in control. They see [it] as power; I see it as giving their power away."
Indeed it is. But: Who taught they could have sex outside of courtship, love and marriage? Who tarred the roles of wife and mother? Who tore down men i.e."the patriarchy" ?
Feminists did. An essentially lesbian disorder, feminism brainwashed young women to see husbands as oppressors and family as bondage. There was no longer any reason to restrict sex to love and marriage.
"Women's rights" indeed! Feminism is Communist in origin. Communists view women as a public utility. It is classic divide-and-conquer, satanic subterfuge which now extends far beyond gender.
Civilized sexual behavior is based on upholding marriage and motherhood. Only then are promiscuity prevented and females valued for their character and ability. Now they're like cheap whores holding numbers in a Bangkok brothel.
Understandably, feminists won't admit they've been cynically betrayed by their teachers and political leaders. Feminism was created by elite social engineers to reduce population and undermine marriage and family.
Even while wringing their hands, feminists are blinded by their ideology. (The article veers off into a discussion of how feminism is still relevant.)
The words "love," "marriage," "husband" and "family" do not appear in the article. No wonder they can't understand the problem and what to do about it.
In the past, men had to commit before they could have sex. As a result, women were cherished for themselves and given a lifelong role that satisfied their deepest emotional needs.
Both mothers and daughters are victims of deliberate social subversion. A woman's career used to be wife and mother. She consecrated her sexuality for the man she loved, the father of her children, her protector and provider.
Young women today are up a creek. They are going to be left high and dry. Even if they land a man, they've lost the ability to love him.
Marriage and motherhood is a woman's biological and social destiny. It ensures she is needed, loved and secure long after her sex appeal has faded. It's mind blowing that young women are so heedless of their own self-interest.
Young women obsess on beauty but true beauty comes from within, from a spiritual purity. This means rejecting all coarse influences and behavior. It means focusing on the qualities that make for a good person, wife and mother.
"I don't meet many girls who feel good about themselves, even though they are totally gorgeous," one social worker says.
How could they ... giving their bodies to strangers who dump them?
Girls figure they have to or boys will get it from other girls. That's like saying, "if I don't let muggers beat me, other girls will."
Apparently the saying is true: "Woman's virtue is man's greatest invention."
"Father" is another word totally absent from the article. Girls could get love, self respect and guidance from their fathers. But their feminist mothers probably drove their fathers away.
It's not too late for girls to become women again. There can be no sex without courtship and love. If other girls give it away, let them suffer the consequences.
Girls can become feminine again by making marriage and family their first priority. If they refocus on being attractive to the right man, they can regain the path to fulfillment and happiness.
Pop Music Insider Warns About Sexualizing Children
Note: Reading comments on other sites, I see a lot of people still think feminism is about "equality." Please read my book "Cruel Hoax" to understand how heterosexuality works, and the real hidden agenda behind feminism. Or see "How the Rockefellers Re-engineered Women" https://www.savethemales.ca/001904.html
Greg said (December 28, 2010):
Why is there this everlasting craving to be loved?
Why is there this everlasting craving to be loved? Listen carefully. You want to be loved because you do not love; but the moment you love, it is finished, you are no longer inquiring whether or not somebody loves you. As long as you demand to be loved, there is no love in you; and if you feel no love, you are ugly, brutish, so why should you be loved?
Without love you are a dead thing; and when the dead thing asks for love, it is still dead. Whereas, if your heart is full of love, then you never ask to be loved, you never put out your begging bowl for someone to fill it. It is only the empty who ask to be filled, and an empty heart can never be filled by running after gurus or seeking love in a hundred other ways. - J. Krishnamurti Think On These Things