Wholesome Refuge in China -- Another View
March 4, 2010

By Tom
I've been living in China for about 6 years. I came over from Canada when I was 19 because i was fed up with life there. It was the best decision I ever made. I've lived in big cities and small in the North and South and traveled all over.
On visits home, I found Canadian women simply unbearable to be around. Just mentioning Asian women would make them crazy and appear visibly threatened! Women in China know that finding a good guy is the most important thing for them in life. It would be difficult for you to find a woman in China who actually dreams of being a careerist and most women that end up that way (usually not by choice) feel lonely and are desperate to find someone.
I'm recently married to a Chinese woman and so happy. She takes care of me and doesn't challenge my natural role of authority in our relationship. She is so patient and sweet with me, it is incredible. I thank God every day for her.
There's a lot of alcohol abuse going on in Northern China though. Drinking to the point of vomiting in the street is common there and forcing more booze on your lunch or dinner guests than they can take is considered normal hospitality.
Alcohol is sold everywhere and there are apparently no laws regarding when and where you can consume alcohol or prohibiting public drunkenness. Many of my happiest memories involve getting drunk with my friends over big spreads of delicious Chinese food and cheap cigarettes.
Visiting Canada can be horrifying. Although it is such a beautiful and clean setting, people seem so weird and confused there. Women don't appreciate men and become more twisted and neurotic as they age.
My jaw constantly drops at the number of faggots I see on TV and in public there. Petty laws and bylaws regulate every movement. It is like being in a behavior modification laboratory. Stifling liberal conformity is imposed on everyone; the political correctness is suffocating. Everything is insanely expensive.
I thank Him every day for showing me the way to escape from Babylon.
Dan said (March 5, 2010):
I've been enjoying your series, via rense.com, about escaping AmeriKa. And, while in the back of my mind I sometimes like to imagine/fantasize just running away to a remote arctic wilderness, or the middle of South America somewhere.
I realize here is where I must be. If I raise a white flag and run away, eventually what I am running from will reach me where ever I go.
We can't run away. We have to work to expose and bring down the NWO.
And, I'm not an arm chair general, either.
I lost count of how many blogs and posts about the truth I did, only to be called a terrorist.
I lost count of how many thousands of flyers I put up and handed out.
How many thousands of of DVDs I handed out.
Lost count of how many groups I started or helped start. Lost count of how many public access TV shows I made.
And still trying to reach new people, still trying to do those things, and new projects.
We have to fix things here. You people who are running away, the AmeriKan culture is just going to follow you where ever you go.
So, I'd just like to say to those who ran away, maybe you should at least consider coming back Home to help try and fix things. I know it's hard to believe but we are making progress.
And, maybe ask for a series similar to this one about people around the country who are giving it everything they've got to try and bring the NWO down.
Together we can shut off the sewer pipe. Clean up the mess. And, bring back and rebuild the country into what we know it could and should be.