Why is Titanium Dioxide in our Food?
October 3, 2012

How does a retired 67 year-old professional photographer become the Internet researcher?
I think it was a sense of injustice regarding the events of 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings in other world events they do not have the ring of truth to them.
I was born and raised in India and became a British citizen when my parents left India in 1949 returning to Britain. We were all part of of the British Diaspora living in far-flung lands.
Part of my early schooling was in England.I arrived back in England, aged four and not speaking the word of English for my native tongue having been brought up by servants in India was Urdu.
The culture shock to my system was terrific, the poverty in post-war Britain exceeded what we had known in India.
Because my father was serving British officer and doctor, the rest of my education matched his postings abroad in Singapore Hong Kong and Libya.
I arrived in Australia in 1969, after a three-year period working as a professional photographer in New Zealand. I continued my career as a photographer until 1986 when I made the transition into sales and marketing within the photographic industry.
From 1990 I worked as a consultant in the exhibition and Internet industries.
This was drastically reduced by a fall off a step ladder in 2001 and its consequential effects upon my career.
Since then and every Christmas season I have been an in-store Santa, this has left me with plenty of time to pursue other interests of renovation and research. During one Christmas season,a family came to visit Santa as they done so for many years previously.
However this year it was different, because one of their children, a little girl aged about seven was in the children's hospital.
Their request to Santa that year was simple "Santa can we please have my sister/daughter/grandchild back?"
The little child died later from cancer. Had Santa failed his charter?
The confusion from that request still rings in my ears! Sometime,somehow I would make sense of all this.
But I did not imagine that I would arrive at a point where,like a fool on hill, I perceived a monstrous conspiracy towards humanity was taking place. This is the reason for my research
Read the chemical assay for this product
Titanium dioxide the chemical.
List of generic food names in which Titanium dioxide is permitted by WHO.
Titanium dioxide is used as a white food coloring agent.
This article lists a range of food products in which titanium dioxide is used and particle size.
Recent research lists the following diseases caused by Titanium dioxide.
List of food applications oils, sugars and sweets.
Please note bodies containing Titanium dioxide transfer heat faster
First Comment by Kyle, an environmental engineeer:
Just so you understand, the carcinogen effects are only related to inhalation. This is going to be associated with manufacturing of the titanium dioxide, everyday people like you and me won't be subjected to this. The fact that it is insoluble is a good thing for the human body. That is what makes it non-toxic for food products, because it is stable. Please check your facts and understand the issues before posting an article such as this.
Now, if you want to create a scare, which I do not recommend until all facts are out, then nano-sized titanium dioxide may have some cause for concern. But, only because we don't yet know all of the side effects. Think of it this way, nano-titanium dioxide in our digestive system may simulate inhaling titanium dioxide dust because it might be able to pass through the blood stream. Keep in mind though, no matter the size, it will always be stable in natural environments.
If you are really concerned about what goes in food, then see the recent article in ES&T about food-grade titanium dioxide occurrence in common food products and the relative size distribution. Again, this is just a preliminary exposure assessment and there is no need to begin the fear mongering.
Jim said (October 5, 2012):
itanium Dioxide is only one of the many food additives that are harmful. There are more than 3000 additives and preservatives that can be found in processed foods. However, there is a new threat that cannot always be seen. It's genetically modified organisms.
Plant and animal DNA are being manipulated for various reasons; everything from quicker growth http://www.salmonnation.com/fish/gefish.html to the ability to withstand heavy doses of herbicides http://naturalsociety.com/monsantos-roundup-cause-birth-defects/
Scientists in France have recently conducted a study on rats which were exclusively fed GM corn. http://www.france24.com/en/20120919-france-orders-probe-after-rat-study-links-gm-corn-cancer The rats, over their two year life span developed liver and kidney damage and grossly huge tumors. Female rats were affected in a greater percentage than male rats.
Most meats you find in a store are from animals which were fed GM grains. They are also given mass quantities of antibiotics to help control infections they contract while living in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
Your best bet is to eat locally, organically grown whole foods. Shop your farmer's markets and country produce stands. Get to know the folks who raise and grow the meats, dairy items, and produce you buy. Ask them what they use when raising their product.
Also, read the labels on the prepared food you buy. "Natural" doesn't necessarily mean healthy. In order for a product to carry the organic label the manufacturer has to meet a certain standard. There are many benefits to doing this.
You support your local economy instead of sending your money to the big agriculture industry. (Search "Monsanto"). You know what's in your food. It tastes better and it's more nutritious.
Learn to cook and take time to prepare nice, healthy meals. Slow down and make mealtime a family affair. http://www.slowfood.com/ Teach your children how to grow a garden or raise an animal for food. Let them help you in the kitchen. Can, dehydrate, freeze and ferment your own food. (I fermented a batch of crock pickles this summer. Yummy! Gonna try making some sauerkraut next.)
The more you're connected with your food the more you'll appreciate the good and natural things God has given to us.