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Westerners Burned by Foreign Marriages

March 9, 2010

filipina_wife.jpf.jpgFrom "Brokenhearted Brit in China"

I met my Chinese wife some four years ago online. Despite her speaking no English and my Chinese being basic at the time, we seemed to hit it off. We had issues though from the very start: cultural chasms, worlds apart. The Chinese in the mainland at least, inhabit a world of expediency where it's not a question of what is good or right or true; but rather, what one can get away with, it's the worst kind of dog-eat-dog world but devoid of any of the civilizing values such as fairness, kindness or basic courtesy.

Everyone's out for their own interest and devil take the hindmost. Pure unadulterated capitalism with a cruel twist. In China, there's a saying that if you put head over the parapet someone will shoot it off; it's a collective culture and so you'd better keep a low-profile; do mediocre work at best and so avoid being noticed, utterly at odds with  Euro-American drives to excellence and competence. You can imagine the kind of fall-out that happens when such disparate cultures collide.

My wife (then my girlfriend) told me she loved me and I was suckered in by her victim sob-story of how her violent dad would throw her against walls which is why she behaves like a demented control-freak most of the time: has to have her own way, be right about everything and have an opinion about everything... Despite a professed conversion to Christianity she still behaves like a psychotic harridan most of the time but is now an expert on the Bible too to add to her list. It is truly sad that she can only feel safe when she is dominant in every conversation, every situation, bosses everyone around.

She's massively insecure and this is just compensatory behaviour but if you think it's no big deal you should try living with it day-in-day-out: my confidence is almost all gone since she makes demeaning comments all the time, has to in order to feel  good about herself. Don't get me started. Don't repeat my mistake: you cannot love these people better, at least, I have failed to, but I really tried, boy did I try. I read this online yesterday and it helped me wake up a little bit, see what you think (the language is a bit rich):

This is my wife to a tee, bar the sensitivity mentioned in point eight:

I realized I'd been had when she fell pregnant and aborted without even a discussion and in face of her professed love for me. 'You're not suitable', was her retort. I now know this meant I didn't have enough money.

How do I know? Easy: when I got a high-paying job suddenly she wanted to marry me. That's when my own neediness kicked in (no living family, no friends here in China or elsewhere for that matter: 'There is safety in having many advisers' - Prov 7:14) and when I should have run a mile, I stayed. Now my life is a daily hell of put-downs, demeaning remarks, undermining me in front of her daughter (nine-year-old). Don't make my mistake. "Every credibility gap has a gullibility fill" - guess who supplies it?

Lessons? Heed the red-flags early. A man can live without trust, without love, but not without respect.



I married a girl from the Dominican Republic. The marriage came about as a result of a complicated string of events. She lived with me for 3 years prior to marriage and for me she was a soft loving person and physically attractive. Her education was basic and now that we are married she has not made any attempt to improve herself. Her written Spanish is embarrassing and she still speaks pidgeon english after more than 8 years together.

She has no understanding of finances and her expectation of me is to pay all expenses and keep her in an upper middle class existence. I have adopted her son who now I found out has an IQ in the mid 80's and at 18 his only interest is in eating and watching movies especially cartoons.

When we go shopping she never looks at price but simply picks up what she wants. While I am busy getting groceries, she is outside picking lottery numbers or lounging in the cosmetics section. Her son is better dressed than I am and he gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it, not as a reward but out of some genetically encoded programming.

He has popcorn to watch the cartoons with and has absolutely no interests or motivation. In summer vacation he watches TV until the early hours and gets up at noon. He has no motivation to get an advanced education and it looks as though i will have a son for life...

As you can imagine intellectual stimulation does not come at the dinner table but through the internet or reading. It is like having two young children at home; her and her son.

I married not out of love but out of pity; to break off the relationship would have catapulted her back into a 3rd world lifestyle. I ended up learning a hard lesson in life. If you apply your experience, perspective and values in life, to judge how another person from another culture views life you will invariably be wrong.  I felt that she would be forever grateful if I pulled her out of the gutter and graciously allowed her to live like I do.

 Wrong! All of this is expected and taken for granted. I feel like a doormat. In terms of priority in our family unit, it is her son, the dogs and finally me.

 My job is to be the rice bowl. I am the ATM machine to spew out $ on demand.
  The argument I hear from many men is that American women are spoiled and demanding and have no respect for their husbands. My experience is that once you bring a foreign woman into an American lifestyle she will metamorphose in a nanosecond but still maintain her cultural values. In the end it is better to stay with your own culture, the culture you know. They understand and think, eat and live the way you do and in the end there are fewer unpleasant surprises. In my case, I am patient but very aware that the day will come where I will be unable to jump across the cultural abyss that divides us.


Max ("My Chinese Wife Set a Trap!") was either very naive or so out of touch with the realities of Chinese Culture, traditional family obligations, and sexual politics. He seemingly had no idea what he was getting into when he married a Chinese woman.

He deserves what he got; as do the other western expats in China who fall in love and marry a Chinese women who later prove not live up to the ideal image of the demure subservient Asian honey.

I could write volumes about the disastrous results of relationships, marriages, and divorces of expats I've met here who married Chinese women.

Before I even arrived in China, I took the time to educate myself about the culture. As a result of my research, I knew I would only become involved with a Chinese woman if I knew they clearly understood marriage was never something I would consider. Once talk of meeting parents, giving money, living together, or marriage is mentioned, the relationship ends. Sometimes I have ended it; but most often it is the woman who walks away because she knows I have nothing that her culture and tradition demands I give her. That approach has served me well.

As each Laowai [greener] friend I have known here has got married, I knew they would be divorced within a two to three time span after a green card or citizenship in their home country was granted to their spouses.

Perhaps for your readers who which to learn more about relationships in China and Chinese women, I could recommend an excellent website operated and written by an Expat American Psychologist who has lived in China for many years. Gregory Mavrides, Ph.D.
aka Talkdoc to many expats in China, discusses many aspects of issues raised by recent articles on your site. His website is called Middle Kingdom Life. This page is a good entry point...

Just call me Norman Bethune.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Westerners Burned by Foreign Marriages"

Zyconoclast said (March 11, 2010):

“My observations of foreign wives where I live are as follows: the most common are from the Philippines. They tend to be married to ‘local’ men who are older than they are. The less attractive, mature ones tend to stay with their husbands. The younger and more attractive ones, and some of them are very beautiful, have a habit of leaving the old man as soon as they get permanent residence or they will wait for someone better to come along.

They way I see it; the men are taking a big risk by marrying very beautiful, young woman. If they seriously think that she finds a wrinkled old man, usually with not many assets, her mate for life then they are delusional. If they need companionship then they should marry someone who is less likely to run off first chance she gets.”

Jason said (March 11, 2010):

When choosing a partner in life, you absolutely need to look deep into that person to find out what kind of morals they have. Beware, for appearances may be deceiving. I've met hookers with a heart of gold and seen innocent, church going 'virgins' tear a mans heart out and make their life a living hell, as in the case of some of your more unfortunate readers.

Growing up with a State Police detective father, I've learned very well how to read people, through their actions, gestures, tone of voice, pupil dilation, etc. I highly recommend learning this skill. With the magnitude of what is at stake, when deciding to enter a serious relationship, it is really important to subtly 'interrogate' the prospective female. Ask, seemingly odd, questions and see what response you get. Have her 'hold' some money for you, and see if she spends it. Use non-malicious deception to your advantage, example: your worth $1 million, tell her you're just an average middle class working stiff.

Lots of little inconspicuous tests you can do to get a grasp on her real character before deciding to get serious.

Also, mainly because of Hollywood, many women these days have this fairy tale expectation of what a relationship is 'supposed' to be like.
It all comes down to being honest with yourself and honest with your partner. Don't expect much from your partner, and find a partner that doesn't expect much from you, and you'll both be happy.

Find a partner with no morals and/or one that makes unreasonable demands, and you're asking for trouble.

I chose wisely. Went to the Philippines 8 years ago and have been happily married for the last 6.

Mark said (March 10, 2010):

I will always remember what my mother told me many years ago when I was frequently going off to foreign countries to teach English, “Son, if you find a sweet girl in your travels, don’t bring her back here. You’ll be sorry.” All women whether Asian or not, are opportunists, and their instincts are hard wired to procure a husband who will assist them in raising offspring. For some reason, even when I was young and horny , I could smell a woman’s less than honorable intentions and I was on guard. When you know your own motives, you know others' as well. Although I am happily married to a foreigner, I would advise young inexperienced men to realize that a power relationship exists between men and women. When you are in a poor country, you are like a rock star. You hold all the cards. If you marry her and bring her back to the US, you will have have lost your power advantage, and her true character and intentions ( good or bad) will emerge in short order. Caveat emptor...

Steven said (March 10, 2010):

To the reader who says that mixed marriage offspring have confused identity, total ignorance. My son is half Thai and a great kid. He likes being Eurasian or whatever you want to call it and will often tell people he is half Thai in social situations. If that type of thing does exist, then sadly it is people like you who made these kids ask themselves these questions in the first place. Children do not see color or difference, that job is reserved for the damaged cold hearted adults who in most cases don't even know who they are themselves. You should correctly identify yourself as Generation Xenophobe when asked.

Eric said (March 10, 2010):

Guys, there's nothing more pathetic than watching a fellow man feel sorry for himself. If you want to be a man, admit your mistake like a man...these woman, Asian or not, never put a gun to your head, so stop acting like the mistake was all her fault! No matter where she comes from, PLEASE take responsibility for who you choose, and for your own good and bad character judgment. And if you marry someone because you feel tempted to play 3rd World Pity, you get what you deserve.

I live in a part of the world with hundreds of millions of men and women stuck in poverty. I chose someone outside my own race but of a similar social class, education level and outlook on family, politics, food, literature, travel, etc. That's why our marriage works. On the other hand, if you play 3rd World with your girl, and she plays 1st World with you, guess what happens? And in such a situation, who really is the bigger game player anyway?

It's really time these guys stop picking on Asian women for their own mistakes. Modern people do not want to hear this but frankly, 'caveat emptor' applies to marriage as much as it does to a wet market! I've lived in Asia for 10 years without knowing a word of Chinese but just by sense of smell, I could tell as a man, when I was being judged by my wallet or in context of their existing family arrangements.

In Asia, you can't even try to buy a car or rent an apartment without people making it obvious that you are being judged by your skin colour...and somehow, they got fooled by a pretty girl? Come on! Apparently, while some of these guys are Chinese speakers, temptations of the flesh distracted them from such subtleties.

And let me announce ONE MORE SHOCKER to all these white male boobs who married the wrong yellow-skinned woman:

Go to tiny towns in the US Midwest, strike up conversations with pretty local small town girls, make sure you look prosperous and guess what? You can have on your arm a red-headed caucasian girl who will marry you, get deliberately pregnant with your kid, etc FOR THE EXACT REASONS AS THE WOMEN IN EAST ASIA!

I've seen this and frankly, I've been offered it...and turned it down. Seriously guys, try this in small-town America and learn for yourself how quickly pretty-girl looks and a sob story, whether it comes from black, white or yellow skin, can cause you to suspend your God-given powers of character judgment.

It is 100% OK to have a thing for Asian bodies, just like it is OK to have a thing for blondes or redheads --just don't let her hair colour (or skin colour), or income differentials blind you to the fact that character trumps ethnicity or appearances.

Zach said (March 10, 2010):

The horror stories regarding Chinese women are disheartening, but in a way it's to be expected. China is a communist country, consequently the youth are subjected to intensive conditioning almost from the cradle to look upon everything with an atheistic materialist mentality. Hence the amoral behaviour described.

Foreign women are the answer, it's just that one must know how to go about it. As classical philosophy teaches, the emotions belong to the lower nature, & must be controlled by the Intellect & Will, the higher powers which reside in the soul. By acting on emotions one reduces one's self to a brutish level.

One must think things through, & decide what is prudent & what is not. A man who marries a foreign woman must do his utmost to prevent her being contaminated by bad influences. Above all he must prevent her being exposed to the pernicious ideas disseminated by the so-called "popular culture" via television, cinema, radio &c.

The television is not always however his most formidable adversary, it is very often rather the multitudes who have eagerly adopted & adhere to this " pop culture" & endeavour to bring those around them under its baleful influence. They act very much like plague vectors, spreading the contagion to all & sundry who have the misfortune to come in contact with them.

This is what the husband of a foreign woman has to look out for, those who would whisper in his wife's ear & attempt to traduce her husband & his ways, thus ruining his domestic happiness rather as the serpent tempted our first parents & brought about their expulsion from the terrestrial paradise.

Any man who marries a woman from the Philippines, or wherever it may be, & commences to encourage her to get a job, & begin living exactly as a western woman, making friends with the aforementioned persons of pernicious influence & so on, acts as one who takes a healthy person & places them into a leper colony, & is then surprised when that person contracts leprosy. We live in a time of universal corruption. We must keep our families separate from the degenerate modern society to ensure that they are not infected & brought low by the spiritual malignancy that has now overrun the whole world.

John said (March 10, 2010):

One thing most people fail to realize is this: Why in the world would anyone get a "marriage license", which is essentially begging
the STATE for permission to get married so the STATE itself can forever sleep in the same bed with you both as long as you remain
married. And if you divorce, the STATE wants a piece of that too!

Would you let a burglar into your house and tell him to take whatever he wants... night after night? That's what happens when you apply (beg) for a "license" of any kind from the STATE!

This ties into your previous articles about us being "legal fictions". The remedy is simple, Henry. We all need to stop thinking that we need to ask the STATE for permission for
everything we do. That includes TRAVELLING on the roads for non-commercial purposes, getting married, growing veggies in your backyard... and the list of insanity goes on!

I feel empathy for the men who wrote about their stories regarding their marriages going wrong. I have avoided being married ever, but came close a couple of times. I didn't realize it at the time, but getting married just felt wrong to me. As I look back, I can now see clearly that getting married to anyone, anywhere, is nothing
more than a trap by either the STATE, or the woman who wants to marry the STATE for "benefits" while using me as a proxy.

Two people that truly love each other should NEVER have to ask permission, beg, or get "licensed" to do so.



Perhaps the state wanted to make sure that children will be supported, and women who used to spend their lives raising a family would not be abandoned with nothing. -H

Paul said (March 10, 2010):

I don't see why your running these articles about "men" marrying Asian women.

As is I find interracial marriage as wrong, and in a sense cruel to the mixed children they sire. The children have divided loyalties to their nation, identity issues and it is difficult to find organs for them in medical emergencies.
Racial intermarriage also effects family harmony as those who are against the marriage are alienated and sometimes ostracized.

Please get the message across to your readers that western men (hence white men) should stick with western women (hence white women).



This comes up in the context of feminism and sexual liberation i.e., the undermining of Western women. But I agree with you that maintaining racial identity is a worthy goal.


John said (March 10, 2010):

So Western women are too feminist and foreign women are too manipulative. What the hell is your point anyhow?


Dear John,

You can't generalize. Women are individuals. But we should be aware of some of the possibilities -- pro and con.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at