The Hidden Jeff Rense
February 14, 2012

(Jeff Rense, 66, riding his $30,000 Harley Trike, a lifestyle partly supported by donations from his readers. )
Despite making in excess of $450K from his web site, radio show and businesses, twice a year he duns his readers for "donations." If we are going to expose others, we had better look honestly at ourselves.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
When Jeff Rense said he would no longer link to my web site because of one article I posted, I didn't phone to kiss his ring.
His actions were so irrational and his manner so pompous, I felt there was a missing factor.
"You have insulted me," he wrote when I merely questioned his haughty dismissal of a story I posted on my website.
I sensed that something was not normal. He had dealt a body-blow to me and everything we had built over 10 years; and I doubt if he gave it a second thought.
While the future of humanity hangs by a thread, he terminated a valuable collaboration and "friendship" due to a minor, passing difference of opinion.
Instinctively, I didn't want to reconcile. He offered to continue posting my work on his site. (My many able contributors were banned.) I had done that for seven years. It would be like moving in with mom and dad at age 62.
I have since learned that Jeff Rense is not what he seems. Behind the dulcet tones and angst about the world, is a smooth talking salesman using our fading freedom as a means to get rich and amass a collection of luxury items he can hardly afford.
Despite making in excess of $450K from his web site, radio show and businesses, he duns his readers for "donations" twice a year.
These "donation drives" bring in an estimated $20K annually.
How is Jeff Rense any different from a Christian evangelist who scams his flock?
I remember donating myself. At the time, I didn't know he lives in a luxurious cedar mansion on a five-acre estate near Ashland OR worth in excess of $1.5 million.
I didn't know about the $30,000 Harley Trike shown above, and his other motorcycle.
I didn't know he was spending in excess of $100,000 to build a model railroad that traverses his whole property.
I didn't know he spent $30,000 on a tanning bed.
I didn't know he was restoring a vintage station wagon, a "Woodie" at a cost of $100,000. He claims to have invested $140,000 in a 1953 Muntz Road Jet which is trying to sell.
I didn't know he was spending tens of thousands excavating ponds and planting trees on his estate.
I didn't know he spent a fortune on multiple face lifts.
Jeff often complained that he had money problems. He wanted to sell his web site to "pay off his debts."
To explain why he was hard up after making $300K from advertising alone, he told me he spent $500K to redo the foundations of his house. When he sued the previous owner, his Jewish lawyer betrayed him.
Sure. The sad truth is that Jeff Rense is a child who can't manage his money and lives beyond his means.
I don't care how Jeff spends what he has earned.
Just don't ask me for a donation.
Think of all his loyal readers who sent him their hard-earned $20 bills so the "truth" could be told.
I want my money back.
As for my trust, he will never regain that.
Note to Readers: The alternative media is a mirror image of the corporate media, suppressing information based on personal & financial ties. Please circulate this article far and wide. Thanks!
Related -- Jeff Rense's Abuse of Power & Trust
William said (February 16, 2012):
There isn't a whole lot of information regarding your dispute with Jeff Rense on his website, other than the suspicious response from "Anonymous." In attempting to get the other side of the story, I read your articles and, I must say, I completely agree with you. He appears to be nothing more than another pompous windbag like Alex Jones and, as such, cannot be trusted. Let me rephrase that: His views and what he promotes must become suspect.
This revelation is disquieting. It proves just how deeply entrenched the "control" has become - and they MUST control both sides of every argument. In fact, I have long suspected that "Anonymous" was itself a CIA/Mossad operation. After all, is it really believable that a "no name" group could operate with impunity against multiple governments? No. This opinion was cemented when they began their attacks on Ron Paul by claiming his Neo-Nazi links ( Like WikiLeaks, it's all a mind fuck. The very fact that "Anonymous" would come out in defense of someone like Jeff Rense is laughable, at best. It does seem to confirm that they are, in fact, CIA.
Thanks William
This anonymous website is something Jeff concocted. It is not related to the hacker collective. I do not think Jeff is controlled by anyone other than his personal demons.