Wikileaks Confirm US Funds Taliban
August 2, 2010

Oh! The horror! The betrayal!
Wikileak documents reveal that Pakistan has been funding the Taliban.
"The Taliban are stronger than ever and a crucial component of their success is the support they receive from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The military spy agency nurtured the Taliban in the 1990s and has maintained ties to the group ever since."
And guess who has been funding Pakistan and the ISI to the tune of billions of dollars? Billions of which "go missing?"
Just two weeks ago, Hillary Clinton announced millions more. Obama officials say the US-Pakistani relationship will not be harmed by these revelations.
Of course not. The goyim must continue to destroy themselves in Afghanistan.
Pakistani support for the Taliban is spun in terms of rivalry with India. In fact, the Pakistani Interservices Intelligence Agency takes its orders from the CIA, and the CIA is run by the Illuminati bankers.
The Illuminati bankers can't embroil the goyim in perpetual wars without financing both sides. Otherwise the wars would end abruptly. Similarly, North Vietnam was dependent on Russia and China during the Vietnam war. And Russia/China were funded by same bankers.
The Illuminati bankers have waged war on humanity by starting and financing every war and revolution for more than 400 years, all to wear us down in preparation for their world tyranny, the New World Order.
(from April 26 2009 "American Taxpayers Finance the Taliban" by Henry Makow)
The Illuminati bankers have to finance both sides of every war, and Afghanistan is no exception. As they have pilfered the US government's credit card, this means the American tax payer is paying for the Taliban. And since Barack Obama is sending an additional 68,000 soldiers, "over the next several years", this won't be small Change.
The role of America's Illuminati political "leadership" is to shepherd these funds through Congress (i.e. the credit card terminal.) Last week, Hillary Clinton sounded critical of Pakistan but she was actually campaigning for $7.5 billion in "economic" aid and $3 billion in military assistance for Pakistan. She said the money is needed for more "government services." No doubt, this includes the Illuminati's payment for providing America with an enemy.
The Illuminati hide in plain sight. Just Google "Pakistan Aid to Taliban" and discover what US legislators and media should know. The Taliban is financed, trained and run by Pakistan's Interservices Intelligence Agency. The ISI is a branch of the CIA, which is run by the Illuminati bankers.
In October 2006, NATO clearly identified the Taliban as an ISI operation:
"NATO is now mapping the entire Taliban support structure in Balochistan, from ISI - run training camps near Quetta to huge ammunition dumps, arrival points for Taliban's new weapons and meeting places of the shura, or leadership council, in Quetta, which is headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar, the group's leader since its creation a dozen years ago...
In Panjwai the Taliban had also established a training camp to teach guerrillas how to penetrate Kandahar, a separate camp to train suicide bombers and a full surgical field hospital. Nato estimated the cost of Taliban ammunition stocks at around £2.6 million. "The Taliban could not have done this on their own without the ISI," said a senior NATO officer.
This may explain why Pakistan with an army of 500,000 and 500,000 reservists has shown no appetite for confronting the Taliban. The country is probably run by the ISI.
In August, 2008, George W. Bush read the riot act to the Pakistanis (wink, wink):
"President George W Bush confronted Yusuf Raza Gillani, Pakistan's prime minister, in Washington with evidence of involvement by the ISI, its military intelligence, in a deadly attack on the Afghan capital and warned of retaliation if it continues. ... Gillani... was left in no doubt that the Bush administration had lost patience with the ISI's alleged double game."
Paradoxically, the US uses the Taliban as an excuse to fund the Pakistanis!:
Last Friday, "Gen. David Petraeus urged Congress to approve $3 billion in aid to Pakistan for training its troops to fight insurgents in tribal areas. The most important, most pressing threat to the very existence of their country is the threat posed by the internal extremists and groups such as the Taliban and the syndicated extremists."
So let's keep this straight. The US is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan while using the Taliban as an excuse to fund Pakistan who is maintaining the Taliban. Oh dear. And from Pakistan's viewpoint, the Taliban is the reason they are getting all this money.
Meanwhile Pakistan is a nuclear power. But it is not our enemy. Iran is our enemy. By some logic, Pakistan can have nuclear weapons but its neighbor Iran cannot.
In conclusion, in the New World Order there must be perpetual war and someone's got to pay for an enemy. So, the US is funding both sides of the Afghanistan war. If Americans aren't kept busy fighting Muslim extremists, they might figure out who their real enemy is, and we can't have that.
The British May be Helping ISI Train the Taliban
The Taliban Opium Connection
Makow November 6, 2009 Taliban Still Working for the CIA?
Joe said (August 4, 2010):
Given enough research, one could say that modern warfare over the centuries has been optional. By "modern", let's include the time from the late Middle Ages to the present. To further support the contrived nature of modern warfare, enough research might reveal the rise in modern warfare as directly linked with the rise of modern banking.
It is with the Age of Information (leading us into the Age of Too Much Information) that the finer details of history are being more widely disseminated for those who can sense the undercurrents shaping the surface structure of civilization. Begin with Major General Smedley D. Butler's "War Is A Racket." Next, find a copy of Gary Allen's "None Dare Call It Conspiracy." Anything from Antony Sutton ("The Best Enemy Money Can Buy") regarding our government's complicitness with keeping the USSR armed is another good page turner.
Then there's "Nameless War" written by one Captain Ramsay, WWI veteran, former member of His Majesty's Scottish Guard, and finally a Member of Parliament, who was arrested and imprisoned for nearly three years under an Orwellian law in England, without formal charges or a trial, because he had discovered and was attempting to expose the orchestrators of WWII.
(Interesting quality having anything "Orwellian" in England during WWII since "1984" was published in 1948)
Trucks the North Vietnamese Army used to supply the Viet Cong were constructed in a factory built by the Ford Motor Company (look up details on the Kama River Motor Factory).
By supplying the Pakistanis with the means of keeping their Taliban buddies in business, we are once again paying for the best enemy money can buy. All of this derives out of "The Report From Iron Mountain" which is so richly portrayed by Mister X (Donald Sutherland's character) in "JFK" when he says: 'The organizing principle for any population resides in their ability to wage war.'
Or words to that effect.
The end of war does not necessarily require an end to banking. Solutions are much more complicated than can be explained here. To begin, start digging for the truth and keep following those leads which expose what most other people find difficult to comprehend. And train, train, train for your survival.