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The Not-So-Lame Duck Congress

December 29, 2010

lame-duck-congress.jpgby Rollin Stearns

From the Illuminati point of view, lame-duck sessions are useful. There's no time to give legislation any real consideration, so bills can be rammed through that normally wouldn't get passed.
The downside is that the process is a naked display of power, rather than low-key manipulation. But the public is distracted by Christmas, and the media can be counted on to croon about how much Congress has "accomplished."
This year Congress -- on orders from their Illuminati handlers -- outdid themselves. They passed 3 out of 4 major items on their agenda. Their only failure was not passing the DREAM (or AIM: amnesty for illegal minors) Act.
The three they did pass were the New START treaty, the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT), and the tax cut extension deal.
For the repeal of DADT, the Illuminati trotted out two of their leading lackeys, SECDEF Robert Gates and CJCS Mike Mullen. This gave Obama, and everyone else who needed it, the "cover" they wanted.
The repeal means that the only government institution that still preserves some degree of tradition has now been emasculated.
To the Illuminati and their gay/feminist cohorts, this leads to the legalization of same-sex "marriage," as Joe Biden immediately made clear.
I am struck by the unrelenting fanaticism with which the "progressives" (and behind them, the Illuminati) push the homosexual agenda and abortion.
I'm convinced that it goes beyond politics, and even beyond a culture war. Child sacrifice and perversion are religious sacraments for the Illuminati. A Satanic hatred of God is at its root.
The New START treaty is another blow against the military. Here the Illuminati brought out their moth-balled minions: all the former Secretaries of State (both "Republican" and "Democrat") as well as old George H.W. Bush.
Soon (if not already) America will not be able to defend itself anymore. One day -- perhaps sooner than we think -- there will be a terrible awakening. Humpty Dumpty will have a great fall.
But the most contemptible of this year's lame-duck "achievements" was the "tax cut extension" deal. For weeks the media obsessed about whether the "rich" would get their extension or not.
With Obama's resounding defeat in the November elections (reminiscent of 1994), it seemed he couldn't extend the tax cut just for the "middle class." It was all or nothing -- or so the media analysis went.
The "progressives" squawked. Obama "moved to the middle" and "compromised": he'd give the Republicans their tax cut extension if they extended unemployment benefits. Et cetera. In a fit of reasonableness, the Republicans agreed.
This was all a charade -- all pure Illuminati political theater. Obama, the congressional "progressives," the Republican "conservatives," the media  were all in on it from the beginning.
This "tax deal" was really Stimulus II, a word that never crossed anyone's lips. At a cost of $990 billion borrowed from China over the next two years (two-thirds of which is above and beyond the extension of tax cuts), it's the biggest stimulus in American history.
The American public overwhelmingly rejected Stimulus I in the November elections. Stimulus II could never have passed in the new Congress. It couldn't even pass in the lame-duck Congress if it was called by its right name. So it was disguised -- and given a little contrived drama -- to pass it before anyone wised up.
America's productive capacity has been permanently crippled -- exported to China. At the same time, impossible levels of debt have been incurred by QEI and Stimulus I and now (just since the election) QEII and Stimulus II.
Future generations will be saddled with permanent debt, not having the productive capacity to pay it off.
What lessons should we draw from this? One is that both political parties are Illuminati holding companies. Even on those rare occasions when a lot of new and relatively principled candidates are elected (as in 1994 and this year), the party leadership will find a way to corrupt, co-opt or marginalize them.
The Tea Party (or any equivalent) movement needs to learn this. They need to develop a truly independent political movement, based on a few clear principles that make a difference. Ideally, they need to strike at the root of Illuminati power: control through the usury-based central banking system.
The only alternatives are terrible even to think about -- though think about them we must. Pray, hope for the best  -- and prepare for the worst.

Rollin Stearns is a former book editor living in Maine.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "The Not-So-Lame Duck Congress"

Charles said (December 29, 2010):

I am curious about how one reaches a conclusion that America is going to be conquered by a military strike because it attempts to slow down the arms race? Given the history of arms control over the years I think that what is needed is far more sweeping international agreements about nuclear weapons. The militarism ties into the Satanism does it not? A 100 megaton nuclear winter would be an unmitigated victory for Satan. When we seriously look at the nuclear posture I think we need follow Erich Fromm and disarm one bomb at a time and build an international consensus around disarming nation states. The greatest tool the illuminati have are these petty national rivalries that threaten to escalate into atomic warfare.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at