The Jewish Character of the Early Masonic Lodge
October 20, 2009

(From "Wise as a Serpent, Gentle as a Dove")
Because there has been such a powerful cover up of the role Jews have played in Freemasonry, this subject must be dealt with. The Reformed Rabbi Gotthold Saloman wrote that Freemasonry was more a Jewish movement in origin than Christian. However, as is so often the case today, Jews can say things about themselves which if Gentiles, the Goy, say the same thing, then the non-Jews are in serious trouble.
The initial formation by four Masonic lodges in 1717 of the first public Grand Lodge, included several Jewish Masons as participants. These were Marranos Jews (Jews converted to Christianity) and included Mendez, de Medina, Alvarez, and Baruch.29 In other words, Jews were there from the start. A look at the seals of the various Masonic groups in England in the 18th century reveals a Jewish or magical influence.
Many books, including Morey's recent one, portray the American lodges as anti-Jewish. This is a smokescreen. The only Grand Lodge that was really anti-Jewish was the Prussian Grand Lodge which eventually transformed itself into the Thule Society and then into the Nazi Party. The reason that the Prussian Lodges became concerned in the early 19th century about Jewish control of Freemasonry could be a book in itself, but was based on several items, 1. being close to the several radical Jewish movements in Poland and the German States, the Germans were more aware of what was taking place, 2. in Germany warnings were given by ex-Masons and Masons, 3. German authors like Johann Christian Ehrmann in 1816, Eduard Emil Eckert (Der Freimaurer-Orden in seiner wahren Bedeutung, c. 1850), and Georg Michael Pachtler to name a few wrote books warning the Germans about Freemasonry and the power of Jews within the lodges.
A close examination by reliable Masonic, Jewish, and other sources reveals that the Jews have indeed played an important part in the Masonic lodges since their beginning. A person today will witness for instance such things as the Feast of Tishri observed by for instance the Arkansas Lodge of Perfection.30
The first early lodges in the various European nations of Scotland, England, German states, and France built upon a number of existing organizations. Various secret societies were built upon.
Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter to explain Masonry's early history, it will be found in the Knight's Templar groups, in the secret societies of Europe and the Middle East
(including the Order called Roshaniya, the Assassins, & Sufism), the Rosicrucians, the Prieure de Sion, the Mystery Religions (including the evolution of the Mazdains to Mithraism to
Manicheanism to Freemasonry), witchcraft, and Platonic humanists and philosophers.
Not only were the Masonic Rites formed from the early secret societies, but the secrecy of the Lodges encouraged and provided a forum for men of all types of anti-Christian persuasions, including - but not limited - to the Jews. John Robison, a Mason and a leading intellect of his day, exposed the conspiracy of Illuminized Masonry to take over the world and destroy Christianity in 1789.
After decades of working closely with these men and listening to them in the Lodges he writes about the activities of these men, "...although in direct opposition to a standing rule, and a
declaration made to every newly received Brother, 'that nothing touching the religion or government shall ever be spoken of in the Lodge.' But the Lodges in other countries quickly followed the example of France, and have frequently become the rendezvous of
innovators in religion and politics, and other disturbers of the public peace. In short, I have found that the covert of a Mason Lodge had been employed in every country for venting and
propagating sentiments in religion and politics, that could not have been circulated in public without exposing the author to great danger. I found, that this impunity [freedom due to Masonry's secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality..."31 "...under the protection of Masonic secrecy, they planned schemes... they formed associations in opposition to the... superstitions of the church....The church dreaded the consequences, and endeavored to suppress the Lodges. But in vain.... the rigors of the church only served to knit the Brethren [Masonic Brethren] more firmly together...The Lodges became schools of skepticism and infidelity, and the spirit of conversion or proselytism [to spread Masonic Dogma] grew every day stronger. "32
Robison found in his attendance of Masonic meetings that even some of the Church officials like the Prince Bishop Loge de la Parfaite Intelligence mocked and attacked the church in
his talks given at the Masonic Lodge and this while many of the other Lodge members were dignitaries in the church.33 This type of thing is still continuing. Today some of the most important "Christian" ministers who are Masons have only contempt for Christianity once they have the Lodge's secrecy to talk.
Related --"Freemasonry is Cabala"
Springmeier- Benjamin Franklin-Freemason and Jew
Cris2 said (October 21, 2009):
Alright Tony, I suppose someone has already thought of mailing to congress and yet things still have not changed... That being the case, the only way we can truly grab there attention is by simply cutting off their life line; stop paying taxes. Set up your pay stubs so that you have to pay as little as taxes as you have to, and when tax time comes up, do not pay. If we the people have to show these (as you call them), " spineless whores" that we mean business, so be it. When the time comes that they begin to revolt and compel us to pay up by military force, it simply becomes a matter of who draws the gun first.