The Jeff Rense File
February 25, 2012

"A Psychopath will always let you down.." -reader
Articles dealing with Jeff Rense in Sequence
( Rense terminated a valuable 12-year relationship because I posted Jim Stone's theory about Fukushima on my website. First, Rense said he would not post my link. I said fine. I didn't mind. But when I posted the story on my site, he said he would no longer link to my site ever. This was a red flag for mental instability. His 7th ex-wife wrote and confirmed my fears. We have since heard from other ex's who confirmed that JR suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. NPD's are psychopaths.)
The Argument that Fukushima was Sabotage (Jan 27, 2012)
Fukushima - What Really Happened (Feb 1, 2012)
Jeff Rense's Abuse of Power & Trust by Makow (Feb 8, 2012)
The Hidden Jeff Rense by Makow (Feb 14, 2012)
Jeff Rense Steps in It by Makow ( Feb 18, 2012)
Jeff Rense is "The Bachelor" by Makow (Feb 22, 2012)
Jeff Rense's Seventh Ex-Wife Speaks Out by Megan (Feb 23, 2012)
The "Spy" Who Loved Jeff Rense by Megan ( Feb 23, 2012)
My Masochistic Marriage to Jeff Rense by Megan (Feb 24, 2012)
Rense Troll Paul Drockton Tries to Trigger Megan's Non-Existent Monarch Programming (Feb 25)
Paul Drockton Costs his Readers a Fortune
Megan Answers Rense-Drockton Smears by Revealing Real Name/Resume
David Icke Forgot Who He Is
"I Know Jeff Rense as a Predator" -Ex-Wife #3 (Part One)
Part Two
Megan Releases Tape of Jeff Demanding Love After Divorce
Jekyll & Rense: A Third Ex-Wife Speaks (May 5, 2012)
Part 2- Control Freak: Jeff Rense Couldn't Hold a Job
Jeff Rense's First Wife Describes His Cheating (May 27,2012)
Related - Jeff Rense "Pathological Liar" by Lisa Guiliani
Jeff Rense Rep-lies
(Correction - It now appears Rense had seven marriages and one legally binding common law marriage, as well as some long-term engagements. We apology for the mistake.)
(This is a reply from a reader who wanted us to "please stop fighting!" I apologize but a psychopath cannot be exposed without "getting personal." )
Many people don't have the patience or wit to appreciate the important issue at stake here.
Jeff Rense has enormous influence in the "truth movement" but is a psychopath. I do not consider psychopath to be an acceptable norm.
Jeff is a textbook case of Narcissist Personality Disorder. See Jeff Rense is "The Bachelor"
Seems we can reveal anything about Illuminati psychopaths. But expose our own, and people act like little children whose parents are divorcing. They want us to "stop fighting." The Illuminati have nothing to fear from this day nursery.
If this were a "personal vendetta," or simply a difference in principle, I wouldn't bother. Give me a little credit. My work is revealing useful truth about important people and issues. I won't always be right but my record has been pretty good.
Thanks to the many other readers who do appreciate what is at stake.
To Review, the Case Against Jeff Rense:
1. Earns $450K per annum, wastes it on extravagances, goes deep into debt and asks for charity donations from his readers.
2. Capriciously suppresses legitimate and important conspiracy theories: Fukushima, Smolensk, No planes on 9-11 and JFK driver are examples. Acts like he is controlled.
3. Cuts off legitimate researchers, including longtime associates and "friends," for no good reason. Causes divisions. Adopts hysterical positions: "The Pacific has been destroyed as a food source." Adolf Hitler is his hero.
4. Narcissist Behavior Disorder causes an array of pathological symptoms
including posturing as "an American Treasure," lying, inability to countenance criticism, acting like he
is God etc. Insane overreaction -- calling me epitome of evil, and demanding I be banned from the Internet confirms this diagnosis. (See also, the Bachelor article.)
This is a champion of free speech?
5. Married 7X, many reports of abusive relationships including Megan
(#7). He married her but kept it secret from everyone he knew,
including me; then divorced & kicked her out but wouldn't leave her alone, and
continued to have sex. She had quit her job, sold her house & moved across country to marry him.
Conclusion: This man should not have the respect and influence he does.
Jim said (April 22, 2012):
It took me awhile to come around entirely to your POV on Rense but to sic the legal dogs on Ken Adachi is a last straw.
Will he do the same to you? Its absolutely disgusting and unforgivable. His website has begun to look cheap and tawdry and the quality of his regular contributors is abysmal. Les Visible is the most unbearable and insufferable of them all and Paul Drockton is nearly as repulsive. I'm sorry to say that what once seemed a vital and dare I say it slightly optimistic website is now akin to a turn into the wrong part of town at dusk.
Anyway, I look to you sight to grow in prominence and respect while Rense starts to circle the drain.