The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Agenda
June 19, 2010
"It's clear where they're heading: forced evacuation to FEMA camps of millions of Gulf residents. In this way the NWO will be grabbing an opportunity to unleash martial law on a grand scale in the Southeastern USA, so that we'll all get used to it, like we got used to airport security and torture."
by Richard K. Moore
(Posted on Yahoo groups)As the NWO project has progressed, it has been very difficult to anticipate accurately how things are going to unfold.
9/11, for example, caught us completely off guard, and who could have predicted how rapidly the entire Constitution could be dismantled, along with international law, and have it all accepted by most Americans? Some things happen faster that we expect. With Iran, on the other hand, it seemed attack was imminent many times in the past few years, and yet it still hasn't occurred. Some things happen slower.And then they throw things at us like the swine flu non-pandemic, and we still don't know what it was about. It certainly had nothing to do with public health, and pharmaceutical profits just doesn't seem like a strong enough motive for such a vigorous global campaign of disinformation. Perhaps it was all just to keep us off balance and confused, as we tried to find some rational scheme behind the fiasco. Or perhaps it was to test our various social defenses against vaccine warfare.There is a lot of documentation about the New World Order, from the elites themselves, and other kinds of evidence. There are a few outcomes that are definitely included in the plans, even if we don't know the timing. These include world government (in essence if not in name), centralized control of currencies, drastic depopulation, and a major nuclear war.(Illuminati Plays Its Cards, as in 1995 Card Game)
We need to recognize that this is no longer something in the future, something that might happen or might not happen. We are now in the midst of the switchover process. The toxic-bubble- collapse- bailout project was a clear sign that the switchover process has now been launched. With that one move, essential sovereignty was transferred from national governments to the financial elite. Greece is the poster child of this transfer, but it applies throughout the West. The Greece 'crisis' was a psy-op event aimed at giving other governments an excuse to tighten down austerity. It was like whipping one slave in front of the rest, so the rest will behave.Once we recognize that the switchover process has begun, then we have no reason to expect it will proceed piecemeal, or at a slow pace, like an unfolding TV series. Instead we are seeing parallel assaults from different directions. And in any assault, it usually makes sense to get it over as quickly as possible, as we saw with the 9/11 assault on the Constitution.Daniel Estulin and his friends tell us, from the very latest Bilderberger meeting, that the folks there are in a bit of disarray, and they're worried about people losing their fear, and beginning to resist. We need to remember however that Bilderberger is not a decision-making group. It is a place where filtered elite plans are discussed with secondary puppet elites... politicians, media moguls, and the like.Bringing Bilderberger into line is simply one of the threads of the switchover process, not yet completed. Meanwhile, other threads of the switchover process can continue in parallel. The Soros article (below) gives us, more or less, a status report on the progress toward world government and global currency control. The attack on Iran will be the stepping stone toward a major nuclear war. Meanwhile, apart from the ongoing mega-genocide in Africa, what progress are they making toward depopulation? It is in this context that we need to consider the events in the Gulf.When the Valdez spill occurred in Alaska, there was no reason to suspect that it was an intentional act, designed to destroy the local environment. It was clearly an accident, due to inadequate safety measures, and everyone involved wishes it had never happened. There was no motive for intentionality, even though there were means and opportunity.
But now in the Gulf, in the midst of a switchover process that calls for drastic depopulation, motive clearly enters the picture. What better way to move the project forward? Whatever toxic brew they cook up in the Gulf will be spread by the Gulf Stream all over the Atlantic Ocean and coastal areas, and into the global current system. And when the hurricanes begin, which they soon will, the toxic brew will be sprayed all over the Gulf region, making large areas of the coastal states, and probably all of Florida, uninhabitable and toxic to crops and creatures.And it is indeed a toxic brew. They tapped into a major migration channel of abiotic oil, deep down at the level where volcanos originate, and all kinds of toxic gases are being released along with the oil, under enormous pressure that cannot be contained and is leaking out from many places in the Gulf. And in case that's not toxic enough, they're adding all that Corexit, a neuro toxin banned in Europe because of bitter experience with its toxicity.None of this can be chalked up to accident. The geological properties of the area, and the nature of the deep oil system, were well known to the experts. The Gulf is one of the oldest and most studied drilling areas in the world. Any legitimate attempt to tap into that deep oil system would have called for better-than- usual safety measures, not systematically shoddy safety measures. Deep Water Horizon was an accident meant to happen, and the witnesses have been scared into silence.Consider in addition these points, from the 'BP Oil Spill False Flag' article above:- Sales of shares and stocks in days and weeks beforehand- Halliburton link, acquisition of cleanup company days before explosion- BP report cites undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment
So we have motive, means, opportunity, and an abundance of circumstantial evidence, all pointing to an intentional depopulation project. In conclusion, let's consider the modus operandi of the NWO, the parallels between this operation and some of their other operations.
"BP Gulf Disaster Could Kill Millions"
Jon Christian Ryter - "Obama's Oil Spill"
Insider- No Reason to Drill There- Oil Plentiful as Water
Background material:
Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage
John Doty: Oil Disaster Will Be End of Life As We Know It
Joe said (June 20, 2010):
I couldn't agree with Richard Evans more. He is on spot in my opinion. What would be the purpose of supposed martial law ? Comrade Obama is getting everything he wants on the timetable that Henry Kissinger implements daily in his briefs to Hilary and Barry.
As usual, the disinformation and hoopla about this terrible environmental disaster is paranoia rants about taking over America, when the PTB could have put martial law down anytime it wishes in the USA. For the underinformed, the PTB will do all it wishes under the color and "rule of law," just like Hitler did in Nazi Germany. The Fuhrer never broke the law in enslaving millions of the "master race." The same is going on in the United States.
Back in late March, a friend asked me what I thought of the 2012 "end of the world" preparations in the United States based on Mayan Prophecy dates, such as building survival bunkers and storing food and other commodities. I replied it sounded like another Y2K over-the-top reaction. I also said that I would be more concerned about April 19, 2010 as that was an occultic date for nefarious activity for the PTB.
I was wrong about the April 19 date... it was the next day.
I think the whole situation is an exercise in Hegelian Dialectics and expect a similar scenario in which Mr. Evans described.