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The End of Exorcism

April 7, 2011

gabrieleamorth.jpgand the triumph of satanism!

The Illuminati understood that it would be far more effective to infiltrate and subvert the church than to try to destroy it by frontal attack. They have applied this strategy successfully to all important social institutions.


By Marie Henrie


The year 1962 saw the opening of the Roman Catholic Second Vatican Council. The Council drew to a close on December 8, 1965.

In 1963, I was in the seventh grade at our local parochial school where my pastor was in charge of our Catechism class. During the Council, he kept us up to date on what was being decided by the Council.

One very important detail remains imprinted in my memory to this day. Father told us the Council had decided that seminarians would no longer be taught the Rite of Exorcism which was, up to this time, a sacramental of the Church.

He said the decision arose from that the new belief that the "Church no longer believed that Satan was an evil entity, but that evil came from the heart of man."

I, a normally shy thirteen-year-old, raised my hand in objection: "But Father, if the Church is going to teach that Satan is non-existent, isn't it logical that people will believe God doesn't exist either?" It seemed I offended my pastor's sensibilities with the logical conclusion of a child.

The end of the Second Vatican Council saw the New Rite of Exorcism substituted for the Old Roman Ritual.

In the past, according to Scripture and Tradition, ONLY a validly ordained priest whose valid ordination came by way of historical Apostolic Succession in either the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Churches could successfully free the truly possessed victim.

Today, the lines are blurred. Current ambiguities concerning the New Rite give the impression that anyone in the laity has the authority to carry out an exorcism. Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the Chief Exorcist in Rome and the world's most famous exorcist, has added to the confusion with statements like, "In severe cases, the Church should immediately be consulted; the stole of the priest is a tremendous protection. Without it, there can be danger. But that doesn't exclude the laity from active spiritual deliverance."

Question. How does a lay person identify what is and is not a severe case without risk to the victim or themselves?

The Psychiatrist Morgan Scott Peck (23 May 1936 - 25 September 2005) also doubted the real entity of Satan. He realized later he had erred.According to Wikipedia, "Eventually after having been referred several possible cases of possession and being involved in two exorcisms, he was converted to a belief in the existence of Satan. Peck considered people who are possessed as being victims of evil, not evil themselves. Peck however considered possession to be rare, and human evil common."

He also saw Narcissism (Pride) linked to the pathology. The afflicted individual was required to go through a battery of physical and psychological evaluations by licensed professionals prior to consideration for performance of the Rite.


Traditionally, exorcists were assigned by the Local Ordinary, the Bishop of the Diocese. The choice was carefully based on the priest's piety and ability to stay focused.

The level of concentration needed is akin to that of an engineer. His identity and duties have always been kept secret so as to safeguard the priest's virtue of humility.

The Demon's weakness rests in the sin of Pride, which is also used most effectively to destroy all faith in God. The exorcist is usually accompanied by an assistant priest who also prays, records the session and / or takes notes. The assistant priest is also there to assist aid the primary exorcist should the latter experience any problems.

The new breed of Exorcist has become more of a self-aggrandizing public celebrity, defying all that was formerly understood surrounding the Rite.
Rome's own official exorcist, Fr. Amorth is himself a frequent media celebrity.

A prolific author on the subject, he often gives interviews posing for photographs, which can be, considered nothing less than narcissistic. Priests like this turn the traditional solemn and private rite into a three-ring circus.  

Fr Amorth does not consider pedophile clergy to be possessed. But the exposure of the Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, the founder of the Legionaries of Christ,  negates this expert theory.
As one writer pointed out, "The phenomena are both spiritual and psychological. How to keep narcissists out of positions of authority? I wish there were an easy answer; but conditions in the church, chiefly clericalism, both attracted and enabled narcissists and psychopaths.

The case of Fr. Maciel is probably one of the most disturbing in the history of the Church."

Ironically, it is the priests of this diabolical religious order, once headed by Fr. Marciel, who now host the Vatican's new course on Satanism and Exorcism!  This course is taught once or twice each year at the Pontifical Academy Regina Apostolorum operated by the Legionaries of Christ!

Is there any reason to wonder why the internet has been set afire with articles and commentaries specific to Fr. Thomas Eutenuer and Fr. John Corapi, arguing the alleged sinfulness or sanctity of this new breed of "Rock Star" priest? It appears the average person is desperate for answers.

 For further reading.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "The End of Exorcism "

Ken said (April 9, 2011):

Henry, I would like to comment on the article on exorcism. Shortly after I became a Christian, I had a friend who every time I was around him what came from him was torments to my soul. He wasn’t doing or saying anything particular. I didn’t know how to handle this. I took my problem to a trusted Christian brother, who, with his wife, has a deliverance ministry. What he gave me was Luke 10:17-20:

17And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

18And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

The next time I saw him, the pain and torment of my soul began without him saying anything. But what I found was that as I internally quoted the above scripture, that pain turned away. That’s when I realized it was a demon who was using that friend to get at me. Since that time I have encountered many such incidents when a demonic accompanying a person or persons without their knowledge attempt the same kind of attack that is manifested in pain and torment of the soul. Never once has that scripture ever failed me along with many others I have since learned to employ.

You don’t have to have a Catholic Priest to do exorcism or as Protestants call it, deliverance. Jesus came to make all whosoever will kings and priests, Rev. 1:6, giving us The Holy Spirit and all the promises in all the scriptures available to everyone who is saved under the blood of Jesus. Power to trample on serpents and scorpions is this: serpents in the Bible are tempters such as accompany Luciferians or people subject to Luciferian temptations of deception or who Luciferian spirits are targeting; scorpions are agents of death such as accompany Satanists or people subject to sadistic and or Satanic behavior or who Satan spirits are targeting. These demons and fallen angels attach themselves to and use any people they can, most often those people aren’t even aware of the presence of such entities.

As I understand it, according to Malachi Martin, certain Jesuits in the Vatican, right before Vatican II, held a Satanic ritual inviting Lucifer to come and be god of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. Could this have something to do with the Roman Catholic hierarchy continually marginalizing this ministry in the RCC?

Anonymous said (April 9, 2011):

Hi Henry,

Regarding the article on exorcists just wanted to give a few examples. In the 90's, we noticed a peculiar pattern of exorcists
dying under mysterious circumstances and we would discuss this at length. In America, Fr. Alfred Kunz is a prime example. In Europe, some
lesser known deaths of exorcists have occurred over the decades as pointed out by Nicky Eltz in his book "Get us out of here". Seems
that if he can't kill them, he lays traps and destroys their ministries.

A point regarding Fr. Thomas Eutenuer, i never like the idea of him doing exorcisms( he was already doing marvelous work in the prolife
arena, my hunch is the devil laid a trap). In fact, he would discuss this in his conferences, tapes and books. Well this flies in the face that an exorcist should be one who is silent, meaning keep his mouth shut. So alarm bells went off and i was afraid something would happen and it did. The exorcists that i have known have ALL suffered. They take the shots in the gauntlet for the sake of souls. An Italian priest i once knew of had to leave his religious order due to the overbearing suffering he endured. It is indescribable and only another exorcist can understand.

He once was asked to see a little elderly nun. During the course of their conversation, he tried to pray over her. I once seen him, he must have
been over 6 feet and well over 220 pounds. She threw him across the room and a unworldly laughter arose bragging that she was put
in charge of vocations and successfully destroyed many vocations, etc... The same religious order, a young exorcist was threatened by a
demon that they would meet a car accident. Well he did, and lived, but had a limp ever afterwards. The Father General said no more exorcisms.

Spiritdaily has a simple booklet on true exorcism from 80 years ago, called "Mary crushes the Serpent". I use to make copy of these for
seminarians. It is incredible in how the Blessed Mother works, asking for victim souls who endure possession to defeat satan. Incidentally,
the perfect example is from the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Truly she was a willing victim soul who endured possession so
that souls would be saved. In order to understand the movie, "Mary Crushes the Serpent" booklet must be read first. Yes, it is true we need more exorcists, but it must be from a true calling and even than they must have constant help and supervision.

Stephen said (April 8, 2011):

From reading this and other reports on exorcism and on demons and devils, shows a gross lack of understanding of the phenomena from the Vatican, store front Christian churches and to new the ager touchy feely types.

Some people have been given the gift of the discerning of spirits, they literally can see and sense what these entities are up to. I think all that have this gift eventually give up on organized religion, because they have first hand knowledge that vast majority religions have some or many outright false beliefs.

The Bible does not give a full and complete understanding either. It appears that parts of it have been adulterated and even lost. Real possessions are rare, but demons attaching like parasites is very common. They feed off negative emotions such as rage, guilt, shame, fear, filthiness or depression. They actually amplify these emotions within it's victim, the stronger the emotion the stronger the demon gets. Somebody that is a sociopath doesn't get attachments, there are no emotions for them to feed from. However sociopaths and Satanists can have many powerful demons influencing them close by.

A true full possession can only occur when the victim is a willing participant. When somebody is attacked and possessed unwillingly, they know it, its like knowing you just had a car wreck; it will make a believer out of the staunched atheist. We are stronger than they, we will eventually get them out. Using the name of Christ is an effective form of defense.

The demon's mission is to create maximum misery, as they hate us and want to pull us down to their level of misery. They crave to have and own a body and their frustration is acute because the opportunity to possess is so rare. Demons are those spirits that have rebelled against the creator because of their own pride. We are the ones that did not rebel, they know us even from before we were born. They can't read our thoughts, but they are expert in reading our emotions.

Gary said (April 8, 2011):

Religion is a powerful force and you can be sure that the evil behind the New World Order has long ago hijacked many religions, and even started some of their own with "christian" facades so as to deceive people. No offense intended towards sincere catholics but they have been deceived by wolves in sheep's clothing especially at the higher levels of power. Serious research will prove that version of the "church" did not really come into existance till a few hundred years after the day of Pentecost. Check out the info at and This is a spiritual warfare, but evil has it's human pawns, some unwitting, some knowingly, and we need to be alert because evil is crafty.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

1 Timothy 4:1-3 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at