Hitler's British Handler, William de Ropp
December 31, 2024

Was Baron William de Ropp (1886-1973)
A British agent funded, advised and represented Hitler.
The name "Baron Willam de Ropp" isn't well known. There is just one photo available, and only a short Wikipedia entry. Yet he was a British agent who may have been Hitler's handler.
Hitler's "daring" diplomatic & military coups, which astounded the world, were based on advanced knowledge of British intentions provided by de Ropp.
According to Ladislas Farago, William de Ropp was "one of the most mysterious and influential clandestine operators" of the era. Born in Lithuania in 1877, educated in Germany, he moved to England in 1910. After serving the British in World War One, he moved to Berlin and contacted fellow Balt, Nazi theoretician Alfred Rosenberg who introduced him to Hitler.
De Ropp worked closely with Rosenberg, who headed the Nazi Party Foreign Office. The Nazis considered him their agent in England where he organized support for the Nazi cause among a powerful segment of the Britsh elite known as the "Cliveden Set." He organized visits of high officials and exchanges of information. In this congenial atmosphere, the Luftwaffe naively opened its secrets to the British. This was part of a larger Illuminati plan ("Appeasement") to make Hitler think England would support his conquest of Communist Russia.
Farago: "A close personal relationship developed between the Fuhrer and de Ropp. Hitler, using him as his confidential consultant about British affairs, outlined to him frankly his grandiose plans...a trust no other foreigner enjoyed to this extent." ("The Game of the Foxes" p.88)
In "King Pawn or Black Knight," (1995) Gwynne Thomas writes: "The Nazi leader took an instant liking to him, particularly when he discovered that de Ropp had powerful connections among English society and was well informed about much of what was happening in London. De Ropp not only enjoyed [Hitler's] confidence but became his spokesman in dealings with the many important British people Hitler wished to influence...there is strong evidence that de Ropp was instrumental in raising funds in the City of London to finance several of the Nazi election campaigns which ensured that by the end of 1933 the Nazi party was totally established and in control." (p.25)
A British agent funded, advised and represented Hitler. At what point was Hitler himself a "British" agent?
After the Illuminati put Hitler in power, they kept him there by sabotaging German opposition.
On May 4, 1938, Ludwig Beck, Chief of the German General Staff had called for the overthrow of Hitler, warning that the country was headed for disaster.

In 1939, De Ropp spelled out the British stand in the event of a German attack on Poland.
"Rosenberg was told the British would fight a defensive 'war', that is to say, would take no action in defence of Poland or in retaliation for Germany's attack on that country. In particular there would be no aerial bombardment of German territory- and the Germans agreed to reciprocate, a decision which held throughout the 'phony war' period."
"This 'deal' struck between de Ropp and Rosenberg would leave open the possibility of quickly ending the war because, de Ropp said, 'neither the British Empire nor Germany would wish to risk their future for the sake of a state which had ceased to exist'. "
Thus, by double-crossing the Poles, the British-based Illuminati succeeded in giving the Nazis a common border with Stalin. It was only a matter of time before war would break out between them.
The task now was to entrap Hitler in a two-front war by provoking an attack on the West. Possibly, Baron de Ropp assured him that the British and French would roll over.
After the war began, De Ropp moved his base of operations to neutral Switzerland but, according to Ladislas Farago, "several times during the war he was summoned to Hitler for consultations." (89)
Remember, William de Ropp was a British agent. The question remains, was Hitler a conscious British (i.e. Illuminati ) agent himself? My sense is that the Illuminati sponsor misguided people whose natural goals are in line with the Illuminati agenda and guide them. But I believe Hitler was a conscious agent and de Ropp was his handler. See Hitler & Borman Were Traitors- The Smoking Gun
In the Lyndon Larouche-sponsored book, "The New Dark Ages Conspiracy: Britain's Plot to Destroy Civilization" (1980) the author, Carol White writes,

"Putzi" Hanfstaengl (1887-1975) is another mysterious character who identified himself as an American agent in his memoirs. He may have an Illuminati background, possibly a Jewish mother, a "Heine." He hobnobbed with FDR and other members of the US elite at Harvard and later in NYC where he ran his father's art business.
He moved to Germany in the 1920s and was introduced to Hitler by the American military attache in Berlin, Truman Smith. Smith asked him to "keep an eye on Hitler." In his Memoirs, Hanfstaengl said he was "an American agent." (Chaitkin, Treason in America, p. 543)

Essentially, Hanfstaengl and Smith's role paralleled that of Baron de Ropp. They encouraged Hitler (and Nazis in general) to believe they had the support of the British American establishment (i.e. Illuminati) in their foolhardy crusade against Russia.
Baron William de Ropp, Hanfstaengl and Smith are further evidence that World War Two was contrived by the Illuminati to kill Gentiles, destroy the nation states of Europe and provide a rationale for Israel. By Illuminati, I am referring to the satanic secret society within Freemasonry that executes the agenda of the central banking cartel.
From the TV news to movies, from the Internet to the classroom, our perception of reality is created by the Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish banking cartel.
Official! Benito Mussolini Once Was Also a "British" Agent
Related- Churchill & Hitler Were Secret Allies
This article in French
Note: William de Ropp's son, Robert de Ropp, a biochemist, authored a sixties classic about spirituality and consciousness expansion, "The Master Game."
Prem said (May 30, 2022):
You continue with the canard about Hitler as a Rothschild agent. Germany was attacked by Western economic interests (finance captialists). Why?
Kiser’s germany operated an industrial economy under the guidance of Frederick List. Industrial capitalism uses state credit and channels new money into industry. Germany then proceeded to kick england’s butt economically, and that includes taking some of the pie away from Rothschild.
Beginning in 1933, under the Reinhardt plan the “bill system” introduced millions of new Reichsmarks of purchasing power. This is why Germany never had a great depression, as there was plenty of money stimulus to get things going, and it sure as hell wasn’t Rothschild money or foreign credit that Germany used.
Churchill admitted what it was all about:
“Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.”
Under Hitler, Germany stimulated her economy with work bills (Oeffa and Mefo) and for international trade, she used Schachts trading bank scheme.
Germany moved to autarky and used their own sovereign money, and further did international trade bypassing the “international predators” ensconced in London and Wall Street.
I don’t know why you cannot figure this out… probably because you are not a monetary historian, and thus draws wrong conclusions.