Is "Avatar" Based on Raelian Cult?
May 8, 2010

Is there a connection between the Raelian vision for Planet Earth... and Cameron's movie "AVATAR?" Was "Avatar" an indoctrination in the Raelian "religion" which is at the centre of the NWO?
On "Avatar" Director 'James Cameron's' Facebook page, registered friends number approximately 50 world-famous film stars, (Hopkins, Aniston, Collins, Depp...) musicians (Dylan, Joel, Twain...), politicians (Schwarzenneger, Netanyahu), and 'Queenofengland Elizabeth'.
Thirty four of these 50 known links each have a direct connect to the Raelian leader Rael Maitreya -via his alter ego IGOR N. GRATA.
Igor N. Grata's FB page promotes the film "Avatar", which establishes numerous precedents supporting Raelism and New Age spirituality including genetic modification of human DNA; and 'linking' - alien incarnation of avatars (referred to as 'demons' in the film!).
Just as the avatar creations of the film, Raelism promotes the idea that humans were originally genetically engineered creations of aliens - 'scientific lab constructs' placed on the planet Pandora.
Alien intervention from the skies is the fundamental redemptive expectation of Raelism. As Jake Sully came from the skies, a hybrid human-alien saviour-avatar to rescue and restore the Pandoran people from the woes of ignorance and warfare - so Raelism would have us look to the skies for 'alien redemption'
The spell-binding world of Pandora also features: pantheism; planetary energy flows; animism; a mother goddess; sacred trees; telepathic 'sight'; shamanic healing etc. - all features of occultic witchcraft and spirit channeling. Ultimate victory in Pandora is achieved by the intervention of a powerful red dragon with his winged reptilian hordes and red-eyed black beasts.
Incidentally, a 1992 novel by David Gemmell , 'Echoes of the Great song' (2002), features a world of Avatars who rule over humans, led by 'Rael' - leader of the "Avatar Council". This plot also portrays sexual love between human and alien.
Recently, we read the revelations of Daniel Vandinja, who admits to being a high level ex-Raelian. Vandinja describes promoting the Raelian belief system, where: "God is a fantasy and the human soul is a joke. Eternal life is to be reached through CLONING and the true Gods are E.Ts, who will come to earth to save us from destruction."
In his book, "RAEL, The Masonic Messiah", Vandinja reveals how Raelism reverses truth - God is replaced by aliens - Satan and God are reversed. It is claimed Rael stated, "All people passionate by love... should worship Satan rather than their blood-thirsty God".
People are encouraged to welcome aliens who require subservience from humankind. This is reminiscent of the Biblical description of Lucifer seeking to be as God, elevating himself in misplaced pride, resulting in his irreversible fall from heaven as he seeks to corrupt and demonise God's creation.
In keeping with the satanic lie, Jesus is blasphemously redefined as a "half-breed alien". Vandinja describes the close similarities between misplaced Masonic and Raelian respect for Lucifer, who, as the 'bearer of light and reason' (both groups, he says claim) will "dethrone God" - resulting ultimately in ALIEN-HUMAN HYBRIDS. Is this a last ditch attempt by Satan to avoid his terminal fate in rebellion against God?
Ominously, Vandinja quotes Rael: "those who act against the Guide of Guides, and try to prevent him carrying out his mission... will see their life become hell."
We discover Raelian contributions to wider plans for: human cloning; depopulation and reforestation; weather control; Tesla HAARP technology (engineered earthquakes); global cashless currency with personal id chips; 24/7 remote satellite surveillance; world federation government; global universal education; discrediting Christianity and Islam; world citizen soldier 'peace-keepers'. Vandinja describes Rael's vision of a 'geniocracy' where a small number of 'illuminated geniuses' rule the World, described he says, by Thomas Jefferson, as: "the ILLUMINATI, the natural aristocracy, the Intelligencia".
Paralleling Blavatsky and Alice Bailey (Occult Theosophy
Ex-Raelian Vandinja suggests Rael's aliens plan to use global surveillance technology to monitor the human population. He describes an intended Raelian-Masonic-Illuminati paradigm shift: "the NEW AGE RELIGION, with the MASONIC MESSIAH (who he defines as ANTICHRIST) at its head, is the very foundation of the new World Government, without which religion, the dictatorship of the NEW WORLD ORDER is completely impossible."
Previous research uncovered a phenomenal network of several thousand world elite, personally connected to the enigmatic Rael Maitreya, leader of Raelism (the atheist-alien "religion to encompass all religions") via the Facebook page of his alter ego, "Igor N. Grata".
Names range from Madonna to McCartney, Olmert to Onassis, Guilderberg-connected Madames to Cardinals and Monarchs. To discover how this world is wired, follow the embedded links. (This verifiable information is accessed via a Facebook account - log in / click name / friends / search.)
Rael has now responded to my articles via Igor N. Grata's Facebook Wall (Public Forum diary), confirming the connect between Rael Maitreya and Igor N.Grata.
Last week, the eminent theoretical physicist, Professor Stephen Hawking, warned that alien extra-terrestrials should not be contacted, as their intentions would probably be destructive to the human race. Rael has responded to that article also: "Unfortunately, Stephen Hawking was "perfectly UN-rational" when he stated "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans" .

By what standard of logic and reasoning can he make this absurd and ridiculous statement?..."
It seems Raelian spokespersons have dropped all caution in their quest to invite 'Alien Intervention' to help govern Planet Earth - despite warnings of the potential demonic/satanic nature of these "fifth dimension" 'earth-gods' (Elohim-Terran), fitting Biblical descriptions of Lucifer and his fallen angels, whose plans for humankind are anything but constructive!
No surprise, then, to discover this fundamental Raelian error: "Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all" and, "only love comes from space". This presents a dangerous counsel - denying the moral dis-ambiguity of true God-centered spirituality - the differentiation between opposing forces in the 'kingdom of darkness', and the 'kingdom of light' - manifest for example in God's representation in Jesus Christ - all good, love, peace, truth, sanctification, life - versus the alien/satanic counterfeit represented in Lucifer - evil, lust, untruth, desecration, death.
Danizana said (May 15, 2010):
Here is something that could help you understand, before jumping into conclusions that are not true.
Lotsa Love and hugglesx