The Plan: Exterminate "Religious Extremists"
December 7, 2014

"I have known "The Plan" since I was a small child and have seen it carried out just as I was told it would be....It has been a very slow process to get people to the point where now common sense is not so common."
Carolyn Hamlett is a former "multi-generational server" in the Illuminati. She says people
who do not accept the antichrist and the Luciferian world religion will be liquidated. This sounds extreme but is entirely consistent with the behavior of the Illuminati in the USSR.
" The masses will be led to believe that extremism, especially religious extremism is the enemy to the peoples of the world. Finally, the peoples of the world will agree to exterminate the few for the greater good of the many. My mother called this "a compassionate plan within 'The Plan'."
By Carolyn Hamlett
(This updates an article that appeared here two years ago.)
Nearly 60 years ago, "The Plan" was pretty much laid out to me.
Its purpose is to lead the masses to the point where they will gladly embrace the Antichrist, aka New Age Christ, which is Lucifer's representative. So if one thinks that the plan for the NWO is an evil and deceptive plan, they literally don't even know the half of it.
Wars and strife will be blamed on religions and religious fanaticism and extremism. 911 was the launch pad used to launch this phase of "The Plan".
When a majority of the masses are convinced that extremism and most especially religious extremism are the enemy to the peoples of the world, guidelines will be set to ensure peace for all.
The way of "The Plan" is to gently stroke the masses with suggestions. The suggestions are gradually increased and plugged where ever possible by way of TV, radio, books, and movies. This primes the masses to be open and ready to embrace the final suggestion.
I was told that in the latter section of "The Plan", as a means to prepare the masses to embrace the global spirituality to be brought in with Lucifer's chosen "Christ", religious leaders will meet to begin promoting spiritual unity of faiths. (We are seeing this now.) Though the purpose is to appear as promoting global peace, the plan for the future of this ecumenism is sinister.
The plan is to condition the masses to believe that global peace cannot be achieved without the unity of all faiths.
This conditioning of the masses will continue until the majority of the world's population is convinced that global peace is being held back from them, the peoples of the world, by a minority of selfish, unloving, willfully ignorant closed minded, spiritually inferior people stuck in their outdated fundamentalist Christian belief system and too stubborn to give it up.
Finally, the peoples of the world will agree to exterminate the few for the greater good of the many. My mother called this "a compassionate plan within "The Plan".
John 16:1- "The time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God."

In his discourse, the Pope also stressed the importance of religious freedom, respect for human dignity and said we must never "resign ourselves" to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.
"A fundamentalist group, even if it kills no one, even it strikes no one, is violent. The mental structure of fundamentalism is violence in the name of God."
When I was a small child, I was told that just before the end of the 20th Century, one of our members of the organization would be chosen, a man, who would emerge on the world political scene to introduce some of our esoteric terms to the masses under the guise of peace and security. This was also to be a signal that "The Plan" was in its final stages and was stepping out from the underground, to become exoteric.
Our esoteric terms were to be presented in such a manner that "the masses" would readily adopt them into daily usage, becoming desensitized to their meanings and esoteric roots.
Thus, "The Plan" could step out from the shadows to work openly before the very eyes of the sleeping masses.

11 years later to the day, on September 11, 2001, the organization pulls off the "attack on America", which created many opportunities for the organization in their push for the final steps of the completion of their plan for that NWO.
NOTE THE DATES AND TIMES and see the progression. Also, keep in mind how many times the numbers 1, 9 and 11 are used and how often September 11th is used. The numbers 9 and 11 are favorite numbers in the organization, and September 11th is a favorite date for the organization.
Here is an interesting bit of trivia to get you started off with: Proclamation 5696 -- 9 - 1 - 1 Emergency Number Day, 1987
"Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 1987, as 9 - 1 - 1 Emergency Number Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities."
I can tell you that it is a fact that the members of the organization certainly do "observe this day", September 11th, with their own "appropriate ceremonies and activities."
Some ceremonies were to generate power. Some served as a means to encourage people working in the organization or to bind them to the organization, which would help facilitate the working of it toward the goal of a world government.
Mostly what my years of observation have shown me is that although they have a plan and have had it mapped out for many years, they have had to work very hard to get it done.
There is no magic formula when it comes to working deception upon the hearts and wills of men. It has been a very slow process to get people to the point where common sense is not so common.
The organization can move only as fast as they can push and prod the masses without the masses knowing they are being purposely manipulated by an exterior source toward a planned objective.
The organization has to work on preparing the stage before they try to market each idea so that the masses are more likely to "buy it". One example is the Clinton health plan. I knew the masses were not ready to "buy it" and that it would be presented again under a different administration.
So, in my observation, I don't see that any supernatural ceremony has any power over the masses. Of course, there is power and influence in numbers and the more that are here practicing evil, the greater the presence of evil will be.
Without going into detail here, I will just say that Lucifer has increased his presence here on the earth for this very last stage of his plan. If you see and feel greater evil now than ever before, you are not imaging it. This step up of his forces is as you worded, "for the purpose of facilitating the anti-Messiah's rise to power and the establishment of world-government."
(This is an excerpt from this article and a long interview which appears here. ) Thanks MF!
Related - Underground Bases and Nephilim are Real
First Comment from JG:
Excellent article here by Carolyn that is "spot on" the NWO "Plan" to subjugate the independent thinking and conscience of the masses of the world.
The high tech media by controlled mass communication had reached billions of people today like never before whereas years ago this would have been impossible.
The "Anti-Christian Psy-op" has been in place in America since the Marxist cultural revolution of the late 1960's that sabotaged and altered cultural Christianity under the guise of "freedom". All laws that protected the morality of Americans from exposure such as pornography and illegal drugs suddenly became loosened and no longer were strictly enforced.
This NWO agenda is now on a global scale to dissolve Christianity into a world religion where there is no "wheat and chaff" or salvation through repentance from sin because there is nothing deemed or recognized as sin. This is why your mainstream ministers today are now under a "gag order" to no longer use the word "sin."
Nothing is a sin anymore. Abortion and Homosexuality are a freedom of choice, which then makes the sinner guiltless from a once conscience that has been depleted by repetitive programming and satanic suggestion.
This is the whole "end game" of Satan's agenda. He wants to sabotage God's plan of Redemption through Jesus Christ from all mankind. And, in order to do this, he must outlaw and persecute the Church and it's believers.
Richard said (December 8, 2014):
This scares the hell out of me but it is the truth. I saw it coming when I learned the truth about the murder of JFK in 1968.