By Steve Thomas
(for Henrymakow.com)
For over 30 years, Rael Maitreya (left) has been the leader of a growing
world movement known as Raelism - a self proclaimed 'atheist religion'
claiming direct contact with invisible 'extraterrestrial beings' resembling Biblical 'fallen angels'.
My recent research has uncovered numerous personal connections between the leadership of this cult movement, and the
top-level world elite - musicians, politicians, gate-keepers of capital, media
and culture - several indicating
a more than passing interest in fallen angels!
Is this
Raelian connection a harmless fling or a potential
threat to the stability and spiritual well-being of human-kind? Let's
examine some of the activities and claims of this group...
On April 12, 2009, Rael Maitreya, the
atheist French 'prophet' who claims to be Israel's Messiah,
publicly addressed the nation of IsRael (as he has renamed it): "I, Yahweh, through the mouth of my Prophet, RAEL,
your awaited Messiah, am sending you this ultimate message... you all
need to unite to prepare the construction of the Third Temple, Our
Embassy and the glorious return of our beloved son, our last and
ultimate messenger, the Messiah Rael, who will bring centuries of peace
on Earth with our return. Every minute counts and remember that you
cannot say we did not warn you."
Not content
with stealing the divine titles of the Lord Jesus Christ - Messiah -
Beloved Son - Rael Maitreya claims to have been personally contacted by
advanced extra-terrestrial beings known as 'scientists', or 'elohim',
who have been, he says, universally mistaken for God in
monotheism. These 'beings from the sky' are supposedly due to "officially" intervene in the governmental
affairs of planet earth very soon, dependent upon
the desire of human-kind to receive them!
The group appears to be
predicting some kind of alien-controlled Galactic World Government,
centred in a temple, or extra-terrestrial "embassy", in Jerusalem: "The
embassy will be built, and our parents from space will come..."
This might all be 'pie in
the sky', if it weren't for the incredible connections that Rael
Maitreya appears to have, that might just make this diabolical scheme
slightly more plausible. We have seen the registered public forum links
between senior Rothschild family members and Rael Maitreya
in Facebook. This family enabled the Israeli parliament, the Knesset building to come into
being in Jerusalem, and the Israeli Supreme Court building with its
reported array of Masonic imagery and sinister symbolism... Could an
'embassy-temple' be far behind?
Bible prophecy describes a focused global connection between deluded human rulers of the world,
and the deceptive spiritual enemies of God. The book of Revelation
describes Satan, the Devil (aka Lucifer - appearing as an "angel of
light"), being "cast into the earth with his angels", to deceive the
leaders and kings of the earth, who will voluntarily "give their power"
to Antichrist for a time, supported by his "false prophet".
this Raelian material reminds us of the New Testament prophecy of the
Apostle Paul: "Let no man deceive you by any means,
for that day shall not come, except there come an apostasy first, and
that man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and
exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sits in the temple of God..." [2 Thessalonians 2:3]
Interesting then to
discover that Rael has set up an 'apostasie' website where he brazenly
takes on God himself. Devoting his campaign to call Christians to
'apostatize' and 'de-baptize' themselves, a video is presented entitled
"Brigitte's blasphemy". Rael's glamorous, if somewhat unhinged
spokesperson, publicly states: "There is no God, there is no soul," then
she speaks against the Holy Spirit of God, denying his existence. She
continues: "most of the God believers of the planet are responsible
for the wars that we see - we don't see atheists sending bombs..."
Brigitte presents here a
well worn cliché in her attempt to smooth over the inconvenient fact
that a clear majority of genocidal murders of millions have been
conducted in the blatant cause of atheism (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot...), and
by megalomaniacs arrogantly claiming a divine right to make war in the
name of God (Hitler, Mussolini...) - occultists who had nothing whatever
to do with God.
The world-changing
ambitions of this group extend to an assault upon family life and sexual morality, as Rael challenges norms of heterosexual monogamous
marriage. Not even a case of 'live and let live' here. In an article entitled, 'Divorce
can save your life!' Rael states that: "The
Raelian philosophy teaches that guilt, frustration and antiquated
Judeo-Christian values are at the core of many contemporary health
problems". "People are healthiest when they're free to enjoy many sexual
partners," explains Rael. "In fact, I encourage people to explore
'polyamory,' which means loving many people simultaneously and without
No mention here of STD's,
HIV, or the effect of multiple parental partners on a child's identity
and well-being. Nor the loss of cohesiveness to society and the
inevitable trauma to innocent victims of infidelity. Instead, we find
the following twisted challenge to normal theistic morality: "true
spirituality never spawns guilt, shame or feelings of betrayal... The old
Judeo-Christian teachings are repressive and anti-spiritual..." Rael
goes further in pushing God-given protective boundaries, establishing a
scientific quest to create the first human cloned infant. This, it
is claimed, will enable homosexuals to enjoy their own 100% genetic
offspring, or replace a 'lost relative'. http://www.clonaid.com/page.php?7
This attempt to
unite the world under under what are traditionally
known as Satan's 'demons' or 'devils' would go nowhere. But the alarming
factor is the registered connection between
Rael Maitreya's primary link, Igor N.Grata, to the ruling echelons
of global society, culture, arts, media, ruling families, big business,
courtesans to the nobility, and billionaire financiers.
Displaying Rael Maitreya
in pole position (with links to the Angel Illuminati, and the
Grandmaster of the Guilderberg / Bilderberg, Van Hausen Guilder), this
page connects the Raelian movement to 'the world'. The level of
inter connectivity between mutually established friend connections
(scroll the friend links on this page to confirm) reveals a well
developed network at the highest levels of
global society.
If a bid
to establish centralized World Government is successful, under the
guidance of this 'Maitreya', are we about to witness the Biblical "Great
Apostasy"? The "Time of Tribulation" - the final fling of
the unholy Devil, frantically attempting to establish rule over
God's earth before Jesus Christ returns to overthrow the ancient
Luciferian rebellion, establishing the eternal Kingdom of the true
Creator? This may read like a bizarre tale of fantasy - but truth, it
seems, really can be stranger than fiction.
Steve Wesley Thomas, 46, is an Organic Gardener in Cornwall, England. See his "Tracking the Illuminati on Facebook"
Dave said (April 27, 2010):
The article by Mr. Thomas and the comments illustrate that mankind is deeply concerned about its future and is struggling to find an acceptable view of tomorrow. The devil is very aware that men make choices based upon their own desires and whether as esoteric, or in a literal expression the fallen one choreographs each view to meet the variety of man’s expectant fantasy.
Deception is a two-edge sword that serves a plausible and pleasing truth while intoxicating the believer to the point that he is unaware that he is deceived. But yes, a man will come to claim the title in Jerusalem and some will be wise enough to know that he is a fraud while most will surrender their hearts to his ability to serve their desires.
As a result, when Satan said in Isaiah 14 that he shall sit upon the mount of the congregation (Temple Mount) on the north sides (Throne of the King) all of the divergent views will merge in agreement that their god is here. Hence, the better response to the ramblings of this cult can be expressed by this one simple statement: ‘the ability to decide which god is coming can be seen by how he gets there’.