"Times of London" Touts Sibling Incest
March 22, 2009

From last July, The Times of London has a permanent feature entitled, "I Had Sex With My Brother and I Don't Feel Guilty" on its "Relationships" web page.
A woman described how from age 14, her brother,15, fondled her and at her age 17, began regular intercourse over a dozen years. Shockingly, the majority of the 600 plus commenters said that since the sex was consensual, "felt right" and "no harm was done," it was OK.
The article is an example of how the Illuminati changes societal norms. It also illustrates that the "Establishment," which this newspaper has represented for over a hundred years, is not Conservative as commonly thought but Luciferian, i.e. Illuminati Satanic.
From the Marquis de Sade to Aleister Crowley, the Illuminati goal has been to deny the natural and moral order. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" was their motto. Their goal is to re-engineer humanity to serve them by destroying the traditional family as a social institution.
"Do what you will and harm none! " Bill in Truro, Canada unconsciously echoed. "Not my place to judge you." Jana in Somerset: "I think as long as both siblings are willing and aware of what they are doing, it should be 'okay'."
Few readers recognized that this woman has been harmed. From an innocent age, her sexual feelings had been twisted to focus on her brother and not on her future husband and father of her children.
This article could be a Tavistock Psy op. It is "told to Joan McFadden" and reads like a titillating romance novel: "I wasn't scared but I was surprised as [Daniel] started stroking me, though my overriding sensation was one of sheer pleasure...But it hadn't felt wrong and I certainly hadn't felt forced. Rather I felt Daniel had stopped long before I'd wanted him to."
Remember this is a girl of 14. After they began having intercourse, she admits she "had difficulty [being] physically intimate with anyone else" because "sex with Daniel was so amazing."
Her claim that this did not affect their sibling relationship does not sound credible: "Sometimes he initiated sex and sometimes I did, but in between times our relationship was as easy, relaxed and affectionate as ever." This reminds me of the way they idealize/sanitize/peddle homosexuality. Indeed many readers compared incest to homosexuality before it became acceptable.
Eventually Daniel met his future wife "Alison" but he made a strange proposal to his sister. If she agreed, he would live with her instead and continue their sexual relationship. "I know this is meant to be wrong but I've never felt anything so right," he said. Nevertheless, after hours of discussion they decided against it, "parting in tears afterward."
She has become an "academic" and is unmarried although she has met "Derek" and thinks he will be "a lasting relationship." She confides that it is "hard knowing that the one person you love above everything [Daniel] is out of bounds."
This woman indeed has been harmed. Do you think Derek (or any real man) would marry her if he knew she had sex and carried a torch for her brother? Any marriage will be based on a major deception. What if Derek finds out after they have children? Another broken marriage?
The reader response (sampled here) shows that many people see sex purely as pleasure rather than part of marriage and procreation. As a result, they can't see that, both in social and personal terms, sibling incest is very damaging.
Along with homosexuality, the Illuminati will promote incest as another way to destroy the traditional family. Break down the barrier to sibling incest and they will promote the parental variety, which they practice. (See my "Miley Cyrus, Pedophilia-The Next Frontier") The message is: have sex often with anyone but your future husband and father of your children.
The Times of London is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a Rothschild cutout. Leon Blum, another Illuminati cutout who became French Prime Minister three times famously wrote: "I have never discerned what there is about incest which is really repulsive. I merely note that it is natural and frequent for sister and brother to be lovers." (Du Marriage, 1907)
An elite that had the national interest at heart would promote traditional family as the most natural, healthy and personally fulfilling way of perpetuating society. On the other hand, an elite secretly at war with society will do everything to destroy it. A young woman will not dedicate herself to her future family if society (i.e. The Times of London) tells her it's ok to have sex with all and sundry, including her brother.
As this story shows, sex is a powerful bond, especially for a woman. Promiscuity of any kind decreases the chance of a successful marriage.
Today in the United States, 40% of all births are out of wedlock. That means close to half of the population will not have a stable, secure upbringing and the love and guidance of a father. The Illuminati is advancing its goal of replacing the nuclear family with the State, which will train people to serve it.
Christian values are being systematically replaced by those of an evil (Cabalist) secret society, called the Illuminati. Don't look for things to get better until these monsters are exposed.
Related: Germany Legalizes Pedophilia and Germany & EU Encourage Incest/Pedophilia
First Comment:
As an incest survivor I am sensitive and observant to the satanic cult (I will not call them "Illuminati" because that means "the enlightened ones." They come from darkness) in power trying to desensitize society to the normalization of incest, child sexual abuse, and pedophilia. Not only in the manner that you write about, but I see it in TV commercials for diapers and other infant products. The commercial shows the infant naked on the potty seat, or rolling around naked, or its legs open in the diaper "discreetly" exposing its crotch area. The mothers in the commercial kisses their child on the lips and roll around with them, kissing their child's naked stomach in an erotic way.
Your article did not mention that nature has a way of telling human beings that degeneracy cannot be accepted. Subsequently, children of incest are often born with defects. Those who feel that incest between brother and sister (or brother/brother, sister/sister) is harmless, have no idea what kind of emotional pain and psychological malignancies can develop in the sibling who is the victim. After four decades, I am still healing from the effects of sibling incest in childhood. The human race can be so ignorant.
anon said (March 27, 2009):
The Ugly news is that 40% of the births in 2007 were to unmarried women. By contrast, in the 1950’s the unmarried birth rate hovered around 4% -- a tenfold difference. A large number of the unwed mothers and their children will require significant government financial support for unknown portions of their life-spans. And, despite claims for the delights of cohabitation and the joys of single motherhood by choice, the hard social science and economic realities are that children of unwed mothers – as a group – fare more poorly than their intact family counterparts on virtually all measures, including their eventual social and economic contributions to society. The prospects for this 40% of the Baby Boom II generation, based on social science research, would be worrisome in good economic times -- and likely will be worse in hard economic times. As they enter adulthood, these children are much more likely to become criminals and unproductive economically than children of married parents. As always, dads matter.