Robin Hood Fought Cabalist Control of Britain
March 11, 2012

William Wallace (who died in 1305) fought Knights Templar who were responsible for the growth of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
The Templars were apostate Catholics who had joined forces with Cabbalist Jews. They were the seedbed for both the English and Scottish Protestant Reformations.
by Tony Cooper
Tony is co-author of "William Wallace: Robin Hood Revealed"
(Editor's Note: This essay should be read in conjunction with "Cabalists Instigated The English Revolution.")
Britain and Cabalist Ambition
After 1290, the Jews were banished from England by Edward I on charges of money clipping and usury. Thereafter, only Christians were allowed. In this connection, the Jewish historian Cecil Roth said, "Crypto Jews remained a presence."
Roth believed this partly accounts for why numbers of the English gentry at the time of Henry VIII accepted the Reformation, as well as their preference for Biblical names by the time of Oliver Cromwell.
The false conversion of some Jews to Christianity allowed that fifth column to arise within the Church of England and made easier its severance from Rome.
Circa 1300, the Order of The Knights Templar of the Catholic Church was investigated on charges of heresy. The complete investigation, lasting almost a decade, was carried out by the Franciscan Order.
This Order of monks was chosen as their vow of absolute poverty prevented any possibility of bribery influencing the inquisition. Some Templars who were interrogated confessed to Cabalistic practices that involved spitting upon and desecrating the crucifix in secret ceremonies, and other forms of sacrilege.
Those who were remorseful and sought for absolution were forgiven, receiving penitential sentences.
Other Templars fled Catholic persecution with a haul of wealth. Evidence of Templar graves in Ireland indicates that Ireland was one of their destinations, besides infiltrating Scotland and England.
The monastic Order of The Knights Templar was dissolved by Rome, and former Templars were reassigned to other Catholic religious Orders.
Scotland and England were distracted from Templar affairs in Europe by the Scottish War of Independence. The Templars offered military service to each of the warring nations. Though relatively small in number, some fought at the Battle of Bannockburn on the Scots side. King Robert the Bruce appreciated their involvement, but little realized he was allowing a poisonous element to remain and develop secretly in Scotland.

The Knights Templar group which left France was responsible for the growth of British Freemasonry that flowered in Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
This group of apostate Catholics had joined forces with Cabbalist Jews, and was the seedbed of both the English and Scottish Protestant Reformations. Many British politicians are members of the Royal Arch Degree, the modern day Knights Templar degree. I was thus informed by a reliable source with links to Freemasonry.
The Templar's contribution to that Scots' victory has been greatly exaggerated by present-day Freemasonry. Numbers of those Freemasons who belong to The Royal Arch Degree attend the annual Bannockburn Day, Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond being a regular attendee.
In the mid 16th. century, John Knox had clashed with Mary of Guise, the mother of Mary Queen of Scots.
She challenged him to his face by stating " This 'Reformation' is not a reformation of the Christian religion but a bold bid for worldly power."
Knox responded in his pseudo-prophetic manner by claiming that the Queen Regent would be punished by Heaven and die an agonizing death.
This came about, with a death that looked suspiciously like poisoning. (Andrew Lang's History of John Knox exposes Knox for the liar, murderer, and coward that he was.)
Shortly after the death of Mary of Guise, several European Catholic kings and queens died similar agonizing deaths, possibly organized from Calvin's Geneva base from whence Knox had emerged. The execution of the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots was later carried out by the enemies of Scotland and Christianity. Calvin's original name was John Cauin, probably a French mis-spelling for Cohen. (See "Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot")
How Scotland Was Lost.
Employing the Protestant Reformation in Scotland as a means to divide and conquer, the Cabalists created the conditions for an eventual takeover.
This was completed after the 'Glorious Revolution' (1688) when they finally usurped the Stuart dynasty placing their puppet king the Dutchman William, Prince of Orange, on the British throne.
The conspiracy was financed by their front-man in Amsterdam, Abraham Sausso. William had agreed to handing over control of money issue by an Act of the British Parliament thus creating a 'national debt' for England through the creation of a private company which the conspirators named The Bank of England. They gave it the appearance of a national bank which represented the king's authority by retaining the king's head on its coinage. The Federal Reserve Bill was similarly used in 1913 to gain control of the USA.
In 1707, their agents in the Scots Parliament voted for political union with England, against the wishes of the majority of Scots. Once completed, the Scottish Mint and Scots Parliament were closed, and Scotland too was saddled with a national debt.
The Jacobites continued to oppose the reign of William of Orange, striving for the return of the rightful king. The Jacobite defeat at the Battle of Culloden was the last battle of the 1745 uprising led by Charles Edward Stuart whom the Scots affectionately called Bonnie Prince Charlie.
Culloden sealed Scotland's fate; a genocidal policy against the predominantly Catholic Highland clans swiftly followed. The prince returned to exile, was unsuccessful in raising a second campaign, and died a broken man.
The Jacobite prince, Charles Edward Stuart's younger brother, who by the time of Charles' death was a Cardinal in Rome, declared himself King of Scots. He became the last in the direct line of Stuart kings.
My brother Paul and I had hoped our Wallace book may have enlightened Scots, and readers in general, as to some of the original causes and manipulative acts behind the religious divide that has separated Scots on Catholic versus Protestant LINES for centuries. Little did we realize how controlled our modern society is.
The Masonic Establishment was astute. The book contains historical clues that are not to its liking. They realized that William Wallace had become a global phenomenon due to the Mel Gibson movie Braveheart.
We linked Wallace to the origin of the Robin Hood legend. There existed potential to create a popular demand from readers of that genre. The Masonic Establishment quickly closed down those avenues for book promotion which they control, preventing any mention of our work in the national Press, only allowing uncontentious PR pieces written by Features Editors.
Freemasonry was making moves to incorporate Wallace' fame into their camp, suggestions even being made that he was secretly a Templar. We witnessed their growing presence at the annual Wallace Day for a number of years, but our book put them on the back foot. Ever since its publication, they have changed tack and now attack Wallace' reputation in newspaper articles and pseudo-historical TV documentaries with the usual academic 'experts' trotted out to defame him.
My brother, Paul Cooper, is quite philosophical about the situation regards Wallace. "Even if they invent negative propaganda, at least they still find it necessary to talk about him, and that keeps his name out there. Anyway, the average Scot isn't buying the Masonic lie. Better for Wallace to be talked about than to be forgotten; the truth always comes out in the end."
Krister said (March 12, 2012):
Anyone wondering who was behind the 'Reformation', or rather Luther, should read Webster TarpleyÅ› "The Venetian Conspiracy", written for the LaRouche magazine 'Campaigner' in their September 1981 edition. The long article (about 24 pgs. incl. pictures) is a fascinating historic read and writes on pg. 32 (in the mag. edition) the following:
"Venice had reacted to the invention of moveable-type printing by Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz in a way that foreshadowed the reaction of the British oligarchy in this century to radio, the movies, and television. They had immediately attempted to seize control of the new medium. Dozens of Gutenberg's apprentices from the Rhein-Main area were bought up and brought to Venice, where the production of printed books up to 1500 and beyond was frequently a multiple of the number of titles published in the rest of the world combined.
Aldus* was the William Paley and jack Warner of the industry. Martin Luther was one of that industry's later creations. Aldus brought out the works of Aristotle in Greek shortly after he began operations in 1495. Plato had to wait for almost twenty years."
* Tarpley writes about Aldus: "Aldo Manunzio, the Aldos who owned what was at that time the largest and most famous publishing house in the world".
Although Tarpley is avoiding the J-word in the article, it seems that Venedig was more or less a Jewish run state. Venedig was most successful in intrigue and thriving for 1500 years, by setting up the the big powers of that day against each others. A guess would be that the 'Reformation', establishing two political antipoles, that also later led to the European 30-year war, might very well have been the machinations of Jewish run Venezia.
Regarding how Tarpley saw Venezia at the time he wrote the article, an Jewish 'hate-org' can help us out:
"In 1981 one of LaRouche’s key analysts, Webster Tarpley, delivered an Easter Sunday speech at a LaRouchite Conference near Wiesbaden, Germany, where he said that during “ one and one-half millennia of Venetian continuity†the Venetian “ oligarchical families†used governments as “their stooge.â€
In the Middle Ages the Venetians were known as the archetypes of the parasite, the people who "neither sow nor reap." For the Greeks, they were the hated "frogs of the marshes." In Germany, a folk tale describes the merchant of Venice as an aged Pantaloon who makes his rounds robbing men of their human hearts and leaving a cold stone in their place.
Venice can best be thought of as a kind of conveyor belt, transporting the Babylonian contagions of decadent antiquity smack dab into the world of modern states."
The long Tarpley article about Venice can be found on the net (ssems to have been deleted at Tarpley's own home page.
Did find a talk by Tarpley in 1994, where he tell us who initiated the Reformation:
The leading figure of the first grouping in the early 1500s was Gasparo Contarini. In other locations we have told the story of how Contarini, for Venetian raisons d'état, set into motion the Protestant Reformation, including Martin Luther, King Henry VIII of England, Jean Calvin of Geneva, and the Italian crypto-Protestants known as gli Spirituali. At the same time, Contarini was the cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church who masterminded the early phases of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Contarini was the personal protector of Ignatius of Loyola, and played a decisive role in establishing the Jesuit Order. Contarini also convoked the Council of Trent on an Aristotelian platform.