"Progress" = Satanic Possession of Mankind
May 8, 2010

(Left, David Livingstone)
by David Livingstone
(for henrymakow.com)
History is taught in
reverse to
the slow appropriation of world power by the occult as progress.
European civilization had once subscribed to a Biblical view of history, where successive prophets were seen to have interacted with the world and taught God's divine message. But this tradition normally taught that human history was destined to deteriorate rather than progress in advance of the End Times.
That is because the
instrument of
that deterioration, Lucifer, and his legions among the Illuminati, have
rewritten history in order
to convince us that Satanic possession is progress. Satanists always
present evil as good.
Morality is always true. While there may be technological progress, there is no progress in moral truth. On the contrary, we are deteriorating because we are regressing from truth.
The goal of Lucifer is to induce mankind to construct his own prison hell, a global tyranny that inverts everything that is moral and good.
we are indoctrinated to believe that the unfolding of Lucifer's plan
is progress towards truth.
Lucifer's plan was formulated in the Kabbalah in the sixth century BC, when the Jews were being held in captivity in Babylon. According to the Bible, this Exile was punishment for the repeated excesses of the Jewish people, who had adopted the pagan ways of their neighbours, the Canaanites. They appropriated the ancient worship of the dying-god, Lucifer. Among the heinous practices this cult prescribed were "mystery" rites involving music, intoxicants, orgiastic sex and human sacrifice.
A number of Jews adopted this pagan tradition, mixing it with Babylonian magic and astrology, and called it an "interpretation" of Judaism, i.e. what we now know as Kabbalah. These Kabbalists disguised their Luciferian agenda of world domination as preparing the world for their supposed "messiah".
This plot gained further impetus with Isaac Luria, who in the sixteenth century developed the New Kabbalah. Luria argued that, in order to know himself, God created man as another of himself. Therefore, the progress of history is that of man coming to know himself.
This thought was articulated for the Christian world by Jacob Boehme, who inspired all the leading Illuminati philosophers, particularly Hegel. It was Hegel who invented the modern interpretation of history as progress for the West. It portrayed the pagan Greeks as the pioneers of man's intellectual evolution.
The truth is the so-called
philosophers were the first important Kabbalists. When the Jews
were released from captivity by the Persian Emperor, Cyrus the Great,
many Kabbalists spread out to various parts of the world, especially
Greece and Egypt.
The ancient world at this time was not familiar with the Jews and their
religion, so they were falsely identified with the Babylonian Magi.
The true Magi were Zoroastrians, but the Kabbalists falsely ascribed
their ideas to its founder, Zoroaster, and worshipped an ancient Persian
dying-god named Mithras.
This early Kabbalistic and Mithraic cult led to the emergence in Greece of the religion of Orphism, or the worship of Dionysus, epitomized by Pythagoras, followed by Plato. Throughout history, occultists and even leading Jewish Kabbalists themselves have regarded Plato as the godfather of their traditions.
With the conquests of Alexander, this Greco-Judeo cult was exported to the Roman world. From there, it infected the rise of Christianity, leading to the co-optation of the dying god cult into Christianity, known as Catholicism. In the Islamic world were the notorious Sabians of Harran, whose influenced produced Sufism, and the Ismaili Assassins, reputedly from whom the Templars acquired their occult knowledge.
From there, these practices spread across Europe where they were known as witchcraft. But the most important influences were the humanism of the Renaissance, and the emergence of the Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucian movement was initially crushed as a result of the Thirty Years War, but a number sought refuge in England where they founded Freemasonry.
With the advent of the Illuminati, the Freemasons were responsible for the great project of the Enlightenment, whose goal was to supplant Christian authority, by way of the American and French Revolutions. The goal of these revolutions was to create secular societies, by which Christianity, or any religion, for that matter, was permanently separated from the "state". Freed from these constraints, the Illuminati could advance their power through banking, because until then Christianity had largely forbidden the practice of interest-banking.
Kabbalistic interpretation of history would have us believe that this evolution of secularism is progress. Democracy, we are led to believe, is the end-product of years of human evolution away from religious superstition. However, while this evolution has been a prerogative of the West, the East is still mired in a more primitive stage of evolution, stubbornly adhering to the idea of "theocracy" i.e. the world of Islam.
And so, for the fulfillment of Kabbalistic progress, this last obstacle must be removed, before the final imposition of an occult hegemony over humanity. Hence the "Clash of Civilizations" leading to the rule of the Anti-Christ.-----
David Livingstone's new Book is "Surrendering Islam"