Outwitting Local Freemasons
September 2, 2010

by Roger Barbour
(fifth in a series, "Freemasons in My Life")
My business ventures during Florida's building boom eclipsed the sum of everything I had attempted so far. Experience dealing with the Masons enabled me to engage them in a form of guerrilla warfare.
The strategy consisted of infiltrating their ranks, and gaining their confidence to a point where they were reasonably sure I was one of them. This began to have a "snowball effect" and before long, I found myself getting referrals from within their fraternity.
This dangerous game required tact and total attention. It could be nerve wracking. At the slightest hint of suspicion, I would quickly make myself scarce. Discussions were limited to business sidestepping a "Masonic word game" which could out me.
I was able to provide gainful, lucrative employment to several good men who had no Masonic ties.
As with all good things, my decade in the "Sunshine State" reached its conclusion. Amid the waning economy of "W's" second term, I reviewed my situation, liquidated my real estate investments and moved on to greener pastures before the bubble burst.
The exit strategy included a contract to transplant a production facility to the heart of South Carolina's "Bible Belt" where Freemasons rule supreme.
Knowledge that my destination was about to become a "real estate hot spot" exacerbated my proclivity to jump from the frying pan into the Masonic inferno. While fulfilling my contract, I used every spare moment to research the area's land offerings and it became apparent that development was rapidly approaching. Major road widening and bridge renovations were underway.
My job's completion, I had chosen the ideal tract of land, struck a deal and paid for it with the proceeds of my sales in Florida.
Anticipating immediate ostracism by the Masons, I took several steps to avoid disaster. The first was to apply for my maritime pension to provide a comfortable income without reliance on sources controlled by the Masons. The second was to engage an out-of-state, non-Masonic contractor that I knew and trusted to furnish and erect a building under my direction.
My detractors erroneously assumed I was attempting to establish a repair business. This notion set the stage for my introduction to the "locals" and soon, the initial flow of "customers" approached like an ink cloud concealing the tentacles of a Masonic octopus.
Tasked as inquisitors, members of a local "Blue Lodge" filtered in to glean information about my intentions and conduct a "threat assessment" to local Masonic businesses.
Their faltering, inept attempts at spying were both obvious and laughable. Predictably, the "upper Masonic echelons" had employed their lesser counterparts, sometimes called "Porch Masons", to handle the dirty work.
Meanwhile, the "Masonic elites" gathered in their lair to ascertain how I had commandeered of a key piece of real estate without their blessings and to formulate a plan to disenfranchise me.
So the battle continues. My trusty "For Sale by Owner" sign graces the fence, a colorful ad campaign flows across the web and I patiently await the resurgence of the real estate market.
Meanwhile the neighbors maintain their watch, cataloging visitors to my shop and making regular reports to their Masonic masters. Those found guilty of consorting with me face castigation and are directed to take their trade elsewhere.
This is a Godsend because I am now free to devote my time to development projects for a select clientele while the world of the Freemasons remains outside my gate.
During the course of my life, I have wasted a disproportionate amount of time grappling with the Freemasons.
I strongly encourage skeptics to examine the plethora of information readily available on the web and the multitude of publications on this subject. Relate what you read to your own life experiences. Perhaps in doing so, you will find answers to some of the confounding events that have directly affected your life in business, law and the workplace.
Beware the Freemason!
Kurt said (September 4, 2010):
Here’s my take on the Masonic thing based on nothing more than my anecdotal observations. At the lowest levels Masonry is just as presented; a fraternal group of men doing good deeds and chasing down endless rabbit holes in search of ancient ‘secrets’. It is, after all, an organization based on ‘deception by degrees’ and they provide a façade of legitimacy for the group. Above them in this hierarchy is the core purpose group that designs ‘how things get done’ in any given town. The banker, judge, businessman and lawyer conspire to advance their interests. This explains why somebody gets a loan without the required collateral, another gets a choice piece of property in the path of development and why others are able to unload their ‘white elephant’ properties on governments or universities for a handsome profit. As explained in earlier comments, they control key positions in the community including sheriff and coroner to protect their brethren in event their misdeed are discovered.
But I suspect even the afore mentioned group is unaware of a much smaller but more powerful group woven in parallel within this hierarchy that constitute the ‘Illuminati’ you expose. They are the evil Luciferian cabal that observe and recruit from the core group and I suspect require homosexual initiation to belong.
If you want to know who is a Mason, read the obituaries. They always reveal their affiliation after their death. Masons are encouraged to recruit their ‘qualified’ sons to join and you can suspect who does.