We get most of our information about life from Hollywood. Most of it is bogus.
Imagine if all those sappy love songs were hymns celebrating God?
What a different world this would be. Guess who controls the music industry.
Romantic love is a fake religion promoted by Satanists
to substitute love for a flawed and ultimately dull human being
for love of the God (Perfection, Bliss) within our own soul.
All love is really love of God. (We are in love with love. God is Love.)
All true religion is love (worship, obedience) of God.
Everything else is a satanist deceit
Van Morrison proves that great music can be written about love of God.
Update from May 8, 2022
by Henry Makow Ph.D
I am 75 and have been married 24 years. Like most of you, I was inducted into a cult-ure that substitutes romantic love and sex for religion. Sex is mostly a physical and psychological function. Romance is usually a delusion based on lust. The Bible was right! Women and sex can be traps for men!
God is the principle of our moral development. If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in yourSelf.
We live in a society that is besotted with beautiful women and sex. This fetish substitutes for religion. Sex and romance are sold as a way of achieving unity with God. The orgasm is the Holy Sacrament. This is Satanism.
The mystification of sex and women (sex Goddess programming) makes men impotent. Men are too weak to approach and enlist women who have been taught to be "strong and independent." E.g. Leslie Gore's "You don't own me" and Linda Ronstadt "Different Drum."
This combination of idealizing women and emasculating men has led to heterosexual breakdown, e.g. Illuminati social engineering. Femininity is based on trading power for male power in the form of love. Real love is based on mutual dependence and trust, not sexual desire.
People scoff when I say Western society is a satanic cult. However, the proof is obvious. The word "God" is banned from mainstream public discourse. In fact, we are repulsed at His mere mention. Our minds shut down. We become angry. We have been brainwashed to hate God and don't even know it.
If I were wrong, God would be on our lips. After all, He is the Creative Intelligence behind life. He has Instructions for us. We should be celebrating Him and discussing His Plan.
We can't mention Him because Cabalist central bankers have their own Plan. They want to be God themselves. Their entertainment is social engineering. This is why we have love songs to vacuous women instead of hymns to God.
Updated from Nov 16, 2021
Our Love Affair with God (Revised)
by Henry Makow PhD
While making a spaghetti sauce, I put on a collection of old Paul Anka hits.
Listening to the lyrics, it struck me: If you imagine the love object is God, instead of some empty-headed girl with regular features, there's little difference between popular love songs and religious hymns, prayers and chants.
We are all pilgrims and God (Love) is our Mecca.
(Left, Frank Zappa)
I don't have to tell you that 97 percent of all popular songs are love songs. A visitor from another planet would conclude that our religion is romantic love. Francis Yockey called it "erotomania."
But instead of recognizing the real object of our desire, we have fixated on the opposite sex, whom we mystify and idealize to reflect our true sublimated desire.
I am not a Jungian, but I agree with Carl Jung's statement: "If you take away God, man will invent a thousand false ones."
They have taken away God. You can't mention the word in polite company. As if, given the magnificence of the universe and the complexity of the natural world, the concept of a Creator and a Design is so outlandish that it must be banned.
The people who want to replace God (with themselves) are responsible for our inability to mention or imagine God when it is so simple.
God is synonymous with our spiritual ideals and desires: truth, beauty, love, peace, bliss, justice, and harmony. So don't blame God for letting bad things happen to good people. Bad people are responsible, the same people who abolished God.
We are God's agents. If we don't bring about his Kingdom, it won't happen. Eventually, we'll all become extinct.
Next time you hear a love song, imagine it's about God. You will be surprised how well it fits.
"I love you with all my heart, we'll never part, please stay with me...(God)."
"I'm so alone. All I want is somebody to love"
"Show me, you love me too."
"I'm so lonely; I'm so blue, now that you're gone."
These lyrics remind me of Christian, Muslim and Hindu mystics pining away for Divine Grace.
We're religious zealots, just like them. All that's missing are the white robes. We don't pray five times a day. We listen to these prayers 50-100 times a day.
But we've taken a wrong turn. Instead of recognizing the true object of our desire, we are focused on the opposite sex. We are looking for a person to play the role of God.
Frankly, we've been misdirected. (Think who runs the music and movie business.) And, of course, lust is a confounding factor ...
(Every slut demeans all women.)
If we could just begin with the knowledge that God loves us, then we wouldn't have this desperate misguided need "for love" expressed in love songs.
"God loves you very much (your name here.)" And you love God for the precious gift of life...for the miracle of Creation.
We're never alone. God is our constant companion, a warm, glowing love at the centre of our being. Our primary relationship is with Him.
Related - Jordan Peterson -Who Dares Say he Believes in God?
First Comment by V, on the effect of turning women from wives and mothers into sex objects -
From a female
perspective, you've no idea how odious it was to be spoken about in the
3rd person by two men you are among who were blithely assessing your
sexual merits right in front of you - this as a teen in the '60s. The
constant comments about one's body, waist size, bust, frigidity or
sexuality, type of clothes, makeup, hairstyle, etc. was nauseating. One
was compared to the celluloid starlets & found short as well as with
centerfolds & found insufficient - & this from Neanderthals.
That the success of feminism followed all this is no surprise. (I was
just for liberation, which was justice & totally resented the bunny
thing. How men are into such cheap superficiality is beyond me.)
factor all this in your calculations about that movement and what women
'should' be for you & other men. Imagine if you, for e.g., were
told you needed to look & act like Sean Connery, have the dance
skills & charm of Fred Astaire, have the beguiling gentleness of Gary
Cooper, the cooking skills of Escoffier, the abilities of
McGuiver & the wealth of Midas all in one. And, of course, your hair
& pants (skirt) length are never quite right & then there's
that 10 lbs. always needed to be lost, plus more sit ups, etc. You would
go mad. And all this for a meaningless 3 min. hump!
food for thought, Henry, from the other side. Anyway, it all rather
ruined my life b/c I did seek spiritual love & a partnership of
souls thru life, but men were oblivious to that then. Best, V
TN reply to CC below said (March 24, 2025):
The creator God has given us freedom to choose. Man chooses to follow evil and satan. If he told everyone what to do, you would call Him a tyrant. That is satan's argument.
If you don't believe in God, do you be in satan and the pure evil we see everywhere? I think you do as you stated' this has taken place for thousands of years" In every nation, throughout generation after generation. The cosmic battle between good and evil must play out. This earth will be destroyed. For God is just.
If you don't believe in God, your religion must be evolution. Where nothing created everything and low intelligence continually creates higher intelligence. Have you ever studied how complicated DNA is and even "simple" cells?
God did lift His finger, and His whole body and gave up His only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for all mankind's sin. None of us are righteous, no not one. Only through Christ's grace are we saved. Those who believe and repent shall inherit eternal life. The New Testament gives countless examples of individuals who witnessed Christ's resurrection. People throughout the ages that hear the truth are willing to die by evil men rather than recant their beliefs.
Eternal life is also granted, a free pass if you will, for all those abused children. They did not get to choose. Their suffering here is a very short time compared to living with God throughout eternity. God is Just and Merciful.
No one is there now. The bible says Christ's coming will be a worldwide event and the dead in Christ will rise first, then those alive in Christ will rise too. 1,000 years later, there is a second resurrection of unbelievers. All will bow down to Christ including satan, then they will be destroyed. They will not be "tortured" for eternity in hell. God is Just and Merciful.
Please study the New Testament. KJV. Your eternal life depends on it.
2 Timothy 3