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New Oscar Statuette for 2009

February 25, 2008

"No Country for Old Men" a movie about a psycho mass murderer by the Cohen Brothers cleans up. Satan alive and well in la-la land.


From a reader:

"Hey! I have one of those! (We say- "Congratulations, don't forget to thank your manager.")

From another reader:

Everyone with 1/2 a brain who saw the movies nominated this year for Oscars must be asking WHY movies keep conveying the same tired message that people are rotten at heart, life is bleak and evil, institutions are corrupt, and violence is the only truth.  Do movie judges think this attitude is necessary to render a movie worthy of an Oscar, or at least, nominations.  Yeah, maybe the first five hundred times.  It worked in The Graduate, and Serpico and The Godfather and Scarface.  It worked, for me, as late as Unforgiven, which was made in 1992.  But aren't we done yet?  Can't we come up with something new?
From a cantankerous reader:

Considering the context, there is nothing to indicate the "Cohen" is a deliberate misspelling of Coen. Let me go out on a limb here and guess that meant to alert your readers to the Jewishness of the producers, as if your readers were too stupid to either know that already or figure it out for themselves had you spelled it "Coen"--not that your readers expect that sort of thing on your site.

If you really are not operating in bad faith, you could (assuming you haven't been living in a cave for the last twenty or so years and have gone to the movies) shine some light (deliberate metaphor) on how the Coen brothers seem to have a thing for making fun of Christians. In Fargo, WASPs are made fun of; in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, southern Baptists are made fun of, and in The Big Lebowski, WASPs are made fun of again. I could go on, but I hope that you get the point. In all of these films white Christians are presented as silly and weak. The Coen brothers have not to my knowledge produced a film wherein Jewish people are made fun of. I'm not even a movie maven,

Related: In 2006, Fox sandbagged a 25$ million film "Idiocracy" a dystopia about a really dumbed down America in the year 2550, drowning in garbage and sex. There was no promotion and the film made only $360,000 at the box office. Written and directed by Mike Judge, of Beavis and Butthead and Office Space fame, the movie is an intelligent and amusing satire, but perhaps too close to the truth for Fox. Rent it on DVD.

Unrelated:   Makow's Three Laws of Socio Dynamics  (Doesn't Apply to real Christians)

1, We are attracted to people who might provide something we want.

2. We are repulsed by people who seek an advantage from us.

3. We are indifferent to people who neither provide nor seek an advantage from us.

Addendum to Law #1: If we're smart, we keep in touch with people who may provide an advantage at a later date.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at