1500 America soldiers died in a D-Day rehearsal on April 27-28, 1944
at Slapton Sands, more than at Utah Beach on June 6, 1944.
The shoreline at Slapton Sands was identical to Normandy.
So, yes the Nazis knew where the attack was coming but this
information was not acted upon.
Attacks by Nazis torpedo boats took about 1000 American lives.
A "friendly fire mishap" took another 500.
Hushed up for 50 years, this debacle is a reminder that
all wars target the uninitiated --- goyim and Jew alike.
by Henry Makow PhD.
(from Oct. 17, 2012)
Six weeks before D-Day, the Nazis crashed a dress rehearsal for Utah Beach at Slapton Sands in Devon where the terrain was identical to Normandy. Yet, we are supposed to believe they didn't know the invasion was coming in Normandy?
This is additional evidence that wars are orchestrated. They are meat grinders that allow Illuminati leaders on both sides to kill "patriots" -- part of their long-term war on humanity.
In his CIA interrogation, Gestapo Heinrich Mueller claimed that an agent alerted them to a massive exercise involving 30,000 men at Slapton Sands.

In the middle of the night, April 27-28, 1944, nine Nazi torpedo boats (left) attacked eight heavily laden LST (tank transports.)
Two were sunk and a third disabled at a cost of about 1000 lives.
"Mistakes" were made by the Nazis. Mueller claims that the Nazis returned to base with the invasion plans taken from the corpse of a US army officer. "This information which indicated Normandy was the main target was sent on to higher commands but was not acted upon." (Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Meuller, ed. Gregory Douglas, p. 142)
On the Allied side, the disaster was compounded by a long list of highly suspicious "failures."

(Left. LST 289 one of three tank landing ships hit. Two others sunk with a loss of about 1000 Americans at Lyme Bay near Slapton Sands.)
These include:
1. US naval commanders did not establish liaison with counterparts in the Royal Navy.
2. Royal Navy radar picked up the movement of the Nazi S-Boats but did not pass it along.
3. Escort Corvette HMS Azalea knew about S-Boasts but didn't tell LST's
4. Radio frequencies given to Americans were changed without notice.
5. The one-sided battle had been watched by Royal Artillerymen at Blacknor Fort, high on Portland's western cliffs. The men had the E-boats in their sights, within range, but were ordered not to fire by an American officer, because of the number of Allied personnel fighting for their lives in the water.

As many as 500 additional men may have been killed on the beach April 27 from "friendly fire." Due to a "screw up," the beach was bombarded just as troops were landing instead of in advance. In addition, American soldiers "defending" the beach were using live ammunition and inexplicably did not aim above the heads of the "invading" troops as they were supposed to.
The roughly 1500 American fatalities were thrown into mass graves with a quantity of quicklime to hasten decomposition. After D-Day they were dug up and loaded on to trains:
"Detailed records kept by the station master at Kingsbridge, five miles away, reveal that three trains were secretly loaded with the bodies of GIs under military guard between July and August 1944. The trains, each able to carry at least 100 corpses, 'were crammed with men dug from mass graves', said local rail historian Ken Williams.
The historian's father, George, who served in the Royal Navy during the war, soon realized he also saw the bodies of dozens of men killed by friendly fire washed ashore on the sands.
'He told me how the sea turned red,' Ken said.
The families were told that their loved ones had died in Normandy.
According to historian Charles MacDonald: "It was a disaster which lay hidden from the World for 40 years . . . an official American Army cover-up. That a massive cover-up took place is beyond doubt. And that General Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized it is equally clear."
Generals Omar N. Bradley and Eisenhower watched "the murderous chaos" and "were horrified and determined that details of their own mistakes would be buried with their men."
"Relatives of the dead men have been misinformed -- and even lied to -- by their government. "

It was "a story the government kept quiet ... hushed up for decades ... a dirty little secret of World War II."
Admiral Donald Moon, left, who was made the scapegoat, committed suicide Aug. 5, 1944.
"Mistakes" like Slapton Sands are made in wartime because the Illuminati's real intent all along is to murder our own soldiers.
Despite the fact that Slapton Sands resembled Normandy and not the Pas de Calais, we are expected to believe that the Nazis didn't know where the invasion was coming. Yet we are fed the line that Hitler was allowed to sleep in on June 6, and when he awoke prevented a concerted response because he was still sure the invasion was coming at Calais.
First Comment by Tyron
If this D-Day revelation isn't enough to show that the top Nazi leadership was false opposition consider some other points.
1. Hitler let some 330,000 soldiers go at Dunkirk which was an act that had it not been done would have taken Britain out of the war leaving Germany with one front.
2. Hitler screwed Rommel every chance he got so Rommel couldn't take Palestine which would split the world in two, opened up a southern flank on Russia and forced the Zionists to negotiate with Germany for peace.
3. Hitler relieved Rommel at Overlord and his replacement refused to take the high ground to oppose the American landing in Africa.
4. Hitler refused to take Moscow when Germany could have walked in instead waiting an entire winter into the next summer which is an act that allowed the Soviets to regroup and counter-attack leading to Germany's defeat in the east.
5. Hitler refused to use ME 262 Jets as fighters (only a few) that had a kill ratio of 500 to 1. An act that brought on a mass revolt by their pilots and handed air superiority to the Allies.
6. Nazi's had unbelievable high tech devises that could have turned the tide that were not used (anti-gravity etc)
7. A full 1/3rd of the Nazi's budget went to the creation of base 211 in Antarctica. Had they employed what they had, the allies didn't stand a chance.
This is a short list of what Hitler and the other City of London Nazi pawns did to throw the war to set up the cold war and later WW3 that we are presently 1/2 of the way through toward a JWO out of "Israel".
JG-2 said (June 6, 2019):
Henry, I once talked to a Viet Man veteran who saw all out combat. He told me how he was asking why this was allowed to happen. He then said that all of a sudden everything turned quiet and he heard a voice say "don't question God". He then asked the other soldiers if they heard the same and they said no.
I do believe him because God is all knowing, all powerful, and all present.
God allows things for a time that we can't even begin to understand. And, he also wants people of good courage too.
The essence of religion is not fatalism or determinism. It is to obey God's will as we see it. Presumably, Vietnam wars etc are not.