Muslim Brotherhood- Illuminati Tools
July 18, 2012

This is the real identity of the new leaders of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and soon Syria.
The real identity of the Iranian leaders. They only pose as devout Muslims. They are gangsters for hire.
Latest - Egyptians refer to MB Gov't. as "US Backed Junta"
by Former Intelligence Officer
(originally posted Feb. 4, 2011)
In his book "Hostage to Khomeini," Robert Dreyfuss gave a pretty accurate rendering of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1980, which as I have witnessed, is common knowledge in high government, diplomatic and Intelligence circles:
"The real Muslim Brotherhood is not the fanatical sheikh with his equally fanatical following, nor is it even the top mullahs and ayatollahs who lead entire movements of such madmen; Khomeini, Qaddafi, General Zia are exquisitely fashioned puppets.
The real Muslim Brothers are those whose hands are never dirtied with the business of killing and burning. They are the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchical elite.....and the Muslim Brotherhood is money.
Together, the Brotherhood probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate liquid assets, and controls billions more in day-to-day business operations in everything from oil trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and gold and diamond smuggling........a terrorists-for-hire racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial empire that extends from numbered Swiss bank accounts to offshore havens in Dubai, Kuwait and Hong Kong.
The real story of the Muslim Brotherhood is more fantastic than the mere imagination of the author of espionage novels could create. It functions as a Conspiracy, its members exchange coded greeting and secret passwords, although no Formal membership list exists; its members are organized into hierarchical cells or orders.
The Muslim Brotherhood
does not respect national frontiers; it spans the entire Islamic World. Some of
its members are government officials, diplomats, and military men; Others
are street gangsters and fanatics. While the leaders of the Muslim
Brotherhood are at home in plush-carpeted paneled board rooms of top financial
institutions, at the lower levels the Muslim Brotherhood is a paramilitary army
of thugs and assassins. At its highest Level, the Muslim Brotherhood is not
Nor is it Christian, Jewish, or part of any Religion. In the innermost
council are men who change their religion as easily as other men might change
their shirts. Taken together, the generic Muslim Brotherhood does not belong to
Islam, but to the Pre-Islamic barbarian cults of the mother-goddess worship that
prevailed in ancient Arabia. [i.e. Masonic/cabalist paganism.]
As much as the peddlers of mythology might want us to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood and Ayatollah Khomeini represent a legitimate expression of a deeply rooted "Sociological phenomenon," it is not the case. Nor does the Muslim Brotherhood represent more than a tiny fraction of the world's Muslim believers....
For Americans, British sponsorship of the Muslim Brotherhood should not be surprising. The policy of the British Empire was to maintain London's colonies in a state of underdevelopment. In the Middle East, the British have always sought out the corrupt tribal leaders and the venal clergy to lead movements whose objectives have always seemed to coincide with British imperial objectives." (pp. 100-101)
(This is what they are doing to the human race in general. Our "leaders" are Freemasons, just like the MB - Makow)
By an extraordinary series of
"omissions", the Muslim Brotherhood does not appear on the US, UK, EU,
NATO or UN terrorism lists, given
its history and that there is no statute of limitations for murder and bombings
which are prolific and well documented .
It's inconceivable that any formal body
compiling the terrorism lists could be unaware of the Muslim Brotherhood's
history of murder and assassination, in addition to which, the US and UK actually used it (via the Al Kifah refugee centres) to
assemble a force to help eject the Soviets from Afghanistan.
The conclusion is inescapable - it is a multi-edged sword for hire and one or more factions are still sometimes useful to a number of western Intelligence agencies as a deniable and lethal weapon - rent-a- mob all the way up to assassins of heads of state . At one time, a faction of the Muslim Brotherhood was Israel's paymaster in Lebanon. At another time, they represented Israel in Iran.
The odds of
Egypt getting an impartial non-puppet for their new leader are about 10:1
against. Once they have a "democracy", any incumbent can be then
removed by rent-a-mob and replaced by a more compliant president or prime
Ask anyone in the IAEA about the corruption and nepotism of Elbaradei. Ask any member of the IAEA whose Intelligence agents were covertly substituted for members of the UN IAEA Inspections teams en route to Iraq during Elbaradei's watch.
In the new Middle East union forming (as part of the New World Order being constructed by
crime Incorporated), it is very necessary to be able to remove leaders by
rent-a-mob-ballot-box, rather than assassinating one after another.
In Egypt, the die is now in the process of being cast and most sheeple (especially the young university-class air heads hysterically spouting off about "freedom" [LOL] to western news media - they can't think, only parrot and go into denial ) are too lazy and dumb to realize it, because they are obsessed with eating, TV, money and ego while their nations, freedoms and children's future are stolen from them under their noses without their even realizing it. Gulag candidates.
Only God can save this stuffed up world now, but as they say in Arabic: "Ya khaber bi flus, bukra belash" (lit. The news of today costs money, but tomorrow it's free).
VOTING NOW. It is the only way to bring the gangster
class of 21st century politicians to crisis. Revolution is not
possible - it is over - they won and satanically-inspired criminality has
Hilary Clinton linked to Muslim Brotherhood
Andre said (July 18, 2012):
The Muslin Brotherhood and how the British needed such an organization when they moved their million soldiers out of the Middle East after WWI.
The West needs an enemy, and the enemy needs the West. Just like the Neo-cons and Osama Bin laden. To squeeze everyone in between, from you, and me, right up to Hosni Mubarak. Squeeze into their proposed solution.
But there is no understanding of this mechanism unless one understands Hegelian dialectics. It indeed is hard to see it for what it is without having a paradigm shift first.
Most people's approach is called induction, which is little more than gathering specific examples and then in the manner of a detective after long hard labor coming to a general conclusion. In these cases of thesis, antithesis, synthesis, an approach called deduction is better suited. First you take the theory, then you see it everywhere.
The the Hegelian dialectics which once you take the deductive way of reasoning you see the thesis, antithesis, synthesis all over the globe.
When George Bush said: 'Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.' he made a thesis (we the good guys) against the antithesis (they, the bad guys). Like in All Star Wrestling which was nothing but an exercise in dialectics. Hulk Hogan went from one camp to the other, but there never was a third choice.
In propaganda this called a false dilemma. As in reality you can be with both, against both, be neutral with one and with/against the other. All in all, there is many more choices. But people usually fall into the trap and choose one or the other.
Niki Rapaana is expert in explaining Hegel's ways: