"Mommy, Why Do People Want to Kill Jews?"
June 11, 2009

This is the title of a blog on Huffington Post by Danielle Crittenden, (Mrs. David Frum,) on the shooting yesterday at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.
She is at a loss to answer her 15-year-old son's question but she opines: "Who would have imagined that the sentiments we'd once thought were so safely encased as historical exhibits would blast forth and shatter through the museum itself?"
Crittenden is the author of an excellent book critical of feminism. Although not Jewish herself, she is married to a man "born Jewish" who was the speechwriter for G.W. Bush credited with the "axis of evil" formula. In spite of this, she cannot account for a rising tide of anti-Semitism and the increasing insecurity her family is feeling.
I'd like to answer that question but first, I am pleased that the media is generally treating this event responsibly, as they did the recent murder of two army recruiters in Arkansas by a Muslim. I am pleased that another blogger at the Liberal Huffington Post noted that most of the posters at the neo-Nazi Stormfront deplored van Brunn's idiocy.
These acts of violence are both evil and stupid. They kill innocent people and give Illuminati pawns an excuse to squash political freedom & free speech. The Illuminati agent Glenn Beck used this event to declare that 9-11 Truthers and the Patriot movement were working with Al Queda to "destroy this country." Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano has warned against "right-wing extremism" and "anti-Semitism." These violent acts further the Illuminati's totalitarian agenda which includes eventually micro chipping everyone.
People don't want to kill Jews. Even in Germany, anti-Semitism (and the Nazi Party) had to be organized and financed by the Wehrmacht. Most people know the difference between ordinary Jews and the elite Jews and non-Jews ( i.e. globalists) responsible for the world's woes.
I'd explain to young Frum that a syndicate mostly of Cabalist Jewish banking families have usurped control of the credit of the worlds' governments. They create money out of thin air and charge interest for it. They used this position to buy everyone and everything they need to dominate mankind in a totalitarian "world government."
They are busy "changing the world" so there will be no nations, no religions, no races, no genders, no families, no freedom and possibly no private wealth (except their own.) They use war and debt to increase their power and advance their "New World Order."
This banking cartel is relatively small so they need to infiltrate and manipulate all political parties, organizations and religions. Secret societies (Freemasonry) and intelligence agencies (CIA, Mossad, MI-6), corporate cartels, education and the mass media are their most important instruments. So is organized Jewry, the B'nai Brith, American Jewish Committee etc.

Holocaust Museums are designed to give Jews immunity from criticism and guilt non-Jews into accepting Jewish leadership. My grandparents died in the Holocaust but I am sickened by this exploitation of their tragedy. There is no reason to focus on Jewish suffering to the exclusion of everyone else's. This selfishness and failure to consider others is a cause of anti-Semitism.
Jews cannot play a major role in the coming New World Order and escape blame for it from the suffering majority. That's why Jews who oppose this evil agenda must stand with their neighbors against it. Young Frum, if this means you will disown your father, we'll be very proud of you.
Most Jews don't want to know the truth but can't play dumb forever.
Along with most other groups, Jews are manipulated to advance the bankers' demonic agenda. Innocent Jews are put in jeopardy by their "leaders" who are beholden to these financiers. This is the real reason police cars are parked outside of synagogues and Jewish schools in America.
See Michael Hoffmann's Essay Below on this subject.
Chris said (June 13, 2009):
This man is sick, and at his age might have dementia. He needed help a long time ago and did not get it.
I'm truly saddened by recent murders by nutbags like this guy, like the murderer that killed the abortion doctor in Church. In front of the Cross of Christ.
They'll be more, I'm sure. Untreated mental illness seems to be very common.