Mirror Imaging Unlocks Masonic Messages in US Symbols
September 10, 2009

by Michael Giger
(for Henrymakow.com -- This is speculative. I present it for your consideration.)
First, I'm an artist who used mirroring to create surreal imagery. One day I was looking at Da Vinci's paintings online when I somehow copied one to my clip board.
A few hours later I began working on some of my artwork when a layer of the last supper was mirrored in the center of my piece of artwork. I then realized there was hidden imagery in the painting.
So I started working with all kinds of masonic art and sure enough the more I researched the more hidden imagery I found.
The Set, OTO, SS and the One One are everywhere. I realized that the House of Congress has the symbols of the One One and the SS...
It only gets more strange once I show you one of the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and many of the Da Vinci images. People say he wasn't a Freemason, but who can tell us what the truth is, if all we get are lies?
Hidden symbols within US currency
Mirrors have been a way to hide secrets within paintings and artwork for centuries. While working with these images I developed a process called ORP.
Optical Realignment Process. When you use this technique it unlocks many secret messages and symbols contained within these masonic artworks.
You may not like what you see, so stop reading if you don't want to see what you've been missing.
Before we look at the images, we must review some of the common themes and their definitions.
Ewe (yū) pronunciation
n. A female sheep, especially when full grown.
[Middle English, from Old English Ä“we, Ä“owu.]
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)
(Order of the Temple of the East, or the Order of Oriental Templars) is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century.
Originally it was intended to be modelled after and associated with Freemasonry,[1] but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. was reorganized around the Law of Thelema as its central religious principle. This Law--expressed as "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" [2] and "Love is the law, love under will" [3]--was promulgated in 1904 with the dictation of The Book of the Law.
SET - God of Darkness
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Set (also spelled Seth, Sutekh or Seteh) is an ancient god, who was originally the god of the desert, Storms, Darkness, and Chaos. Because of developments[clarification needed] in the Egyptian language over the 3,000 years that Set was worshipped, it was spelled in Greek[chronology source needed] as Σήθ (Seth).
SS - Sweet Satan
Satan (Hebrew: השָׂטָן ha-Satan ('the accuser') - Arabic: الشيطان al-Shaitan ('the adversary'); both from the Semitic root: Sh-Ṭ-N) is a term that originates from the Abrahamic religions, being traditionally applied to an angel in Judeo-Christian belief, and to a Jinn in Islamic belief. Originally, the term was used as a title for various entities that challenged the religious faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible. Since then, the Abrahamic religions have used the name 'Satan' as a name for the Devil.
Let's now take a look at some ORP imagery of the US dollar and Seals of the US government.

As you can see at the top of the 1 dollar bill, it clearly spells out America of Set. Center you see the word EWE.

Notice the smiley face top center, this is not by chance. The OTO front and center. When mirrored the eyes become reptilian or cat like.

Right in the center, that pointed tuft of feathers and large round eyes- an owl.
The owl is a very prominent Masonic symbol, and there is even a large owl (left) in the street layout of Washington D.C. (District of Conspiracies) at the United States Capital.]

NIN center under a mysterious figure ALLA?
NIN means nine inch nails or in other words.. death to the person you say NIN too. It's an old slang term.
[The reason I see things in these images is because I've worked with 1000's of them. Once I see a pattern I put them in related folders. So yeah if you were to work with these images for a few years you'd instantly start seeing the patterns and symbols such as the 11, the SS and OTO.]

His neck area now looks like a goat's head and horns.

Notice the scary face on his chin.

Above this shows clearly America of Set, the Serve note and below it looks as though they are worshiping a dark figure, Set or Satan perhaps?

Again it spells out Serve Note, and the center figure looks like a devils face to me.

Here it is for all to see. It plainly says, "Eweland Security of OTO". We are the EWE they are the OTO.
Image 9. Seal of the US air force (not shown to save space)
America of Set once again along with some strange patterns in the center of the seal.

Sets Navy is clearly spelled out with their simple mirror technique.

Image 11. Seal of the Department of justice
Clearly it spells out, "OTO of Justice."
How is the OTO linked to the Federal Reserve and our US Government? What is the White Rose, and how is it connected to the secrets of the Freemasons within the US government?
These answers and more will be explained in my next article.
Kathy said (September 22, 2009):
Dear Henry,
I am responding to the article on the hidden “Masonic†symbols in the Renaissance. I have for ten years now been studying
the roots of the occult in the Renaissance, and I can say without doubt that the symbolism of the Renaissance ended up in
the occult but with a perverted meaning. Originally these ancient symbols represented angelic hierarchy (the pyramid with the
eye of Providence). The idea of mirroring was quite common especially with numbers. Ancient artifact numbers had special meaning to the Pythagoreans and Platonists of the early Middle Ages. Numbers that created geometry were particularly significant—for example, all
triangular number, square numbers, pyramidal numbers. There was a switch in thinking, though, that led to the occult. For one thing, the Renaissance thinker was devoutly religious. God was both unknowable, transcendent, and yet immanent. Symbols were a way of bridging these
contradictions. To the occultist it is something else entirely because the occultist were materialists who borrowed the symbolism of
the Renaissance for use in magic and divination. For the most part, I think this is fabrication and posturing but it has a certain power because
people don’t know the original meanings. It’s sad to see the higher achievements of the Renaissance debased.