Men Who Take "No" For an Answer
November 21, 2007

Sexual confidence is like job experience. You need it in order to get it.
Some of my male friends are very attractive and eligible yet have trouble finding a mate. The main problem is they lack confidence.
Recently, one friend was shot down because he was "too old." He is 38 (looks 32) six foot 3, fit, handsome and never married! What is this woman, in her twenties, thinking?
Another friend lamented, "Women have all the power!"
As I suggested recently in my article "The Biggest Mistake Men Make" men must stop worshipping the god of sex and see women instead of as a means to an end (marriage, family.)
Thanks to feminism, young women are spending their critical fertile years in university either learning to fear men or giving their bodies to strangers. Either way, they are not getting married and having children. It's as though migratory birds were taught that going south is politically incorrect.
My sense is that most young women haven't lost their instincts, and want what they have always wanted: marriage. A concerted approach by a confident man will get through to them.
First men must shed the befuddlement that comes from believing in the religion of romantic love.
Romantic love is mostly sexual infatuation. Our neo-pagan era worships the beautiful fertile female, not a wife or mother, but as sex toy. Society invests enormous power in these eye-catching playthings who are used to control us.
Our world-matrix has been created by a pagan Luciferian sex cult, Cabalistic Freemasonry. (What do you think those obelisks represent?) They, in turn, are empowered by the Cabalistic central bankers who seek to replace God, and institute their world government dictatorship.
We are already in 1984. Few ideas gain widespread currency unless they are backed by the bankers and their media-government-education monopoly.
Their goal is to substitute their bogus religion of romantic love (with its sacrament of sexual intercourse) for real religion which is worship and obedience of God .
Men idealize women because we are looking for ourselves, (the God within, our ideal selves,) in them. We think women and sex will give us our true Selves. This error is partly caused by our Luciferian society telling us women are identical to men. (It stigmatizes gender differences, i.e. heterosexuality, calling them "sexist.") Nature is thrown off balance as men seek themselves by pleasing (and becoming) women instead of enlisting and leading them.
In reality, women are a means to an end, not Goddesses. Men are really in love with their true Selves, i.e. God, the principle of their personal development which requires Self-transformation and action based on a higher moral principle.
Media-driven romantic love makes us sublimate our love of God in woman and sex. The Lucifer-worshipers don't want us to fulfil ourselves spiritually or socially. That would interfere with their domination of planet earth and the mental enslavement of mankind.
A woman's most important quality is her receptivity to YOU, her willingness to do what you want. A woman shows love by self-surrender, trust and acquiescence. Naturally, you first have to impress her with your charm, power (competence, responsibility etc.) and devotion to her well being.
People these days spend their life in courtship when they really want marriage. Marriage is not a permanent hook-up with a hot body. It is a lifelong alliance where two people agree to look after each other. Love develops over time as this commitment is demonstrated in everyday life. Monogamy and fidelity are essential to developing the trust and intimacy that we seek.
We don't permanently love people because they are "hot". We love people who are devoted and prove it.
My love for my wife took a leap forward when I lost some money on the stock market and she didn't jump all over me. She knew it happened but didn't even raise the subject. She showed that I was her first priority and she was there for better and for worse.
I advise younger men to look for women on the basis of 1) receptivity and devotion to YOU and willingness to make YOUR life easier and better. 2) Sex wears off. In a partner, look for life skills, character and intelligence. You want a woman who has abilities and qualities that you don't have. You want one who is easy to live with.
A man and a woman are designed to be like the front and back wheels of a wagon. Men are the front wheels that steer. Women are the back wheels, essential to make the wagon function. Usually the wagon will carry a family. Two people become one, and the child manifests this union.
Men, when you get a shopping cart that is wonky, do you feel downcast or rejected? No. You put the cart back in the rack and get one that works. There are hundreds there! And you only need one.
That is how men should look for a mate. It's not what she wants. It's what you want. You create the material and spiritual foundations for a life, and you enlist a woman who wants a part in it.
If you think you've found the right one, you won't take "no" for an answer. There's still room for romance. You will win her heart.
William said (November 25, 2007):
Excellent article.
"In reality, women are a means to an end..." Absolutely correct. You know scripture says that woman was made for the man, not man for the woman.
"A woman's most important quality is her receptivity to YOU, her willingness to do what you want. A woman shows love by self-surrender, trust and acquiescence. Naturally you first have to impress her with your charm, power (competence, responsibility etc.) and devotion to her well being. "
I wholeheartedly agree. This is the foundation stone of marriage and relationships.
Are you familiar with Marc Rudov at He is generally correct, but he wants to do away with chivalry and traditional relationships. He says they are dead because women want it all their way, so men should give them only equality. He is right, but also wrong, as both must return to real relationships and the right relation of woman to man.