The Market is Fixed
May 17, 2012
"If a ... bank's traders were able to make money every day of a quarter, were they really trading in any normal sense of the word? Or would vacuuming be a more accurate term?"
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
While hundreds of millions go to bed hungry, there are millions of people in the West who actually have money to burn.
Their incinerator of choice is the stock and commodity markets.
Wednesday for example, silver was down about 8% If you play silver using options, this translated into losses or gains of 40-50% depending whether you were long or short.
As most of you know, silver has doubled in price over the past year. The mushrooming US debt is destroying faith in the US currency. Squabbling over raising the debt limit raises the unthinkable specter of default!
Silver and gold bugs imagine precious metals will replace fiat currency as the medium of exchange. Some advocate buying silver because the big bankers have a short position. They can combine profit and politics by putting J.P.Morgan out of business!
So why did Silver tank Wednesday? It had nothing to do with any of the above. It seems silver suddenly is tied to the price of oil.
The traders hollering in the pits used Libya as an excuse to drive up oil. Now the air is coming out of that bubble and all "commodities" are falling.
Today silver is a "commodity." Tomorrow, it may be a precious metal again, depending on which way the big boys want the market to move.
The point is - the market is fixed. Everything else is controlled -- the media, education, politics, war. Why would the market be any different?
The market is designed to separate the small "investor" (aka speculator) from his cash. Just as the Illuminati can make skyscrapers collapse due to small fires and murder the long-dead Osama bin Laden, they can make the market go up or down.
Usually they draw in the suckers by creating a bubble. Then they go short. Joe Kennedy was a master of the "stock pool." The Great Depression was a giant version of this ploy.
A friend, Andrew, pointed me to a 2010 article that showed the banks made a profit every day of the first quarter. The author Jonathan Weil asked, "If a too-big-to-fail bank's traders were able to make money every day of a quarter, were they really trading in any normal sense of the word? Or would vacuuming be a more accurate term?"
The market is a casino. The house never loses.
A fiat currency is backed by psychology. The Illuminati bankers control the levers of mind control.
They control the business media. They control great stores of cash. It doesn't take much to set the herd stampeding in any direction they choose.
No matter how worthless the US currency is, they have to power to sustain it. The currency will not be worthless until we see signs of Wiemar-like inflation. I haven't seen these signs yet.
I'm not economist but I would think that housing would be an indicator of inflation. As you know, US house prices are falling.
The "debt" is an abstract concept since I don't think the bankers expect it to be repaid.
As my article, "Stock Market Porn" (below) states, we are engaged in spiritual warfare. The market is the Illuminati's most effective weapon. Not only does it rob many people, it separates them from their soul. It makes profit and loss the only criteria for behavior. It keeps them in bondage to the almighty dollar.
"You cannot serve both God and Mammon." Serve means worship, i.e. love/obey. Human beings must serve something. If we don't serve God to our salvation, we will serve Mammon to our detriment. Our choice is liberation versus bondage.
This is why gambling is regarded as a "sin" by true religions. It is to protect us from ourselves. We need principles to protect us from our greed and from those who take advantage of it.
If profit is our only principle, we deserve to be fleeced. The markets are rigged, and if we really want to combine principle and politics, we need to get out of them.
Seinfeld has a nice story about "putting his money to work." He says he lost on most of his investments. So he decided to let his money rest, and he'll do the work. Certainly paid off for him!
Related: How the Comex Crashed the Silver Market
Treasury Auction Will Take US Over Debt Ceiling by Monday
Stock Market Porn
(from Jan. 2010)
There is a masturbatory activity even more widespread than pornography, yet never identified or discussed.
I'm referring to stock market speculation. Whether it's day trading or long term investing, these days, it's all a giant casino.
Gambling on stocks is even more widespread than sex addiction. Watching the talk shows, it's evident that everyone and his dog owns stocks. Housewives and retirees phone in to ask for guidance. We are a nation of small time speculators.
As silver is slaughtered, this may be a good time to find religion again.
Many people spend more time fretting about their stocks than thinking about sex. They get a rush from seeing their stocks surge and making money from a few keystrokes. There is a warm feeling inside --they feel a little bit richer. They are their money and the more they have, the bigger they are.
They fantasize about their stocks multiplying in value, becoming "five and ten baggers." They fancy they've "bought" the company and talk up its virtues in chat rooms, encouraging fellow speculators.
For many, this is better than sex and more powerfully addictive.
Of course, there is a downside, the sickening gut-wrenching experience of watching hard earned money disappear down the toilet.
Up or down, the stock market is a roller coaster, and just as hair raising.
The majority of people have good jobs and are not dependent on the market to satisfy their immediate needs. They're speculating with their savings. So whether they make or lose $1000 on a given day really is an abstraction. They're not going to need that money for some time or ever. So why do they do it?
Boredom. A feeling of emptiness and lack of purpose. There is a basic need for excitement and distraction.
In these difficult times, we must detach ourselves spiritually from the monkey house called society. People are apes who wear trousers and skirts. The only thing that makes us human is our souls and the extent to which we incorporate our spiritual ideals --beauty, truth, justice, goodness, love -- into our behavior.
The world is controlled by central bankers who worship Lucifer. They deny the existence of soul and spiritual ideals (i.e. God.) They use the media and education to snuff out truth and beauty and turn us back into animals, better to herd, and serve them.
They control the stock market through their media and money.
So if you feel good if the market cooperates, and bad if it doesn't, you're their puppet.
The stock market is bipolar. One day the glass is half-empty; the next the same glass is half-full. They decide. You lurch back and forth like a puppet on a string.
Hardly are you going to dedicate yourself to your ideals, let alone remember what they are.
You can't even remember who you are, who your family and friends are. You're too distracted.
You belong to your money. This is how the Illuminati bankers keep us in a daze. We belong to them.
If you get out of the market, and it goes up, you're not wrong. If it goes down, you're not vindicated. You're not good if you make money or bad if you don't. You just have to do the right thing.
People who have enough to meet their needs shouldn't think about money at all. They should think about what's important.
Many people die with millions unspent. They leave it to their heirs. What was the point of accumulating this fortune? Does it represent life un-lived?
Louis B. Meyer offered an actress a million dollars to marry him. She turned him down.
Beyond your immediate needs, money is an abstraction, a specious way of keeping score. But it's an abstraction that can imprison you. We need a better way of keeping score.
Mark Anderson (Editor AFP) said (May 12, 2011):
Henry. Thanks for a engaging article on the moneychangers who stack the deck and always win. But remember, "fiat" just means by law, going back to Aristotle. There is nothing wrong with a nation producing fiat money, that is, by law. What really matters is that the state forbids going to the private banks for its money--loaned to the state at interest, thereby controlling the state and perpetually enslaving the citizenry in debt bondage--and instead produces its own scrip, interest-free. Also, the "sound money" notion needs to be set aside. Money that works is sound, and the "value" of the dollar is a misplaced idea. What truly matters is money being produced without incurring interest--that is it's real value, along with being under sovereign control. There will NOT be hyperinflation--which is a fear-mongering end-game scenario promoted widely. The US, for example, suffers from a glaring lack of money and purchasing power. We are NOT awash in cash that can only be used as worthless wallpaper. Gold and silver-backed money ideas will not work, as the plutocrats control such things. The avenue to victory is to remove the money-creation and credit-monopoly from private hands. The late Clifford's Douglas's Social Credit idea points the way.
Thurs, May 12, 2011 -- 8 p.m. Central/ 9 p.m. Eastern, for one hour.
AFP Editor Mark Anderson's guest on his AFP Hour, at, will be Yves Jacques of the Pilgrims of St. Michael, about the promising and fascinating Social Credit monetary reform and its advancements and prospects.