Do Animated Movies Prepare Children for Sodomy?
May 22, 2010
Once we understand that animation picture makers carefully choose every little thing and gesture that goes into a film, it is very interesting to look at all the messages scattered throughout the virtual sets, on book covers, street signs, clothes and so forth.
Nowadays, many movies feature homosexuals (mostly men) gay behavior and even sodomy. While there is no doubt the movie industry is used for social engineering, promoting anti-traditional and subversive values, gays are nevertheless more often pictured as ludicrous than heroic. It is as if even gay directors and script writers (and I bet there are many of them out there) cannot quite give up the notion that a man acting like a hysterical woman is "funny". Let´s see a few examples:
Madagascar 1: Melman, the giraffe, is clearly gay. He is a "sensitive", self-centered hypochondriac completely devoid of androgenic hormones. Certainly there is no suggestion that he suffers from a developmental disorder or that anal intercourse is abnormal. He is a good companion for Alex, Marty and the lovely but dykey hippopotamus, Gloria. In one scene, Melman is submitted to a gynecological examination. In another, Alex tries to get him out of a crate using a palm trunk. When the trunk is inches away from Melman's privates, the giraffe screams "It's Gloria!". Gloria is in fact arriving on the beach at that moment, but the next line, "Oh, hey, it is Gloria!", shows that the first line did not refer to the arrival, but to the "glory" of the imminent sexual experience. In Madagascar 2, the studio decided to correct the impression by making Melman fall in love with Gloria.

In a TV episode of
the Madagascar Penguins, the zoo sets up a simple robot which is
programmed to
give visitors directions. In the end, the robot is accidentally blown
up. Debris
is falling everywhere and King Julien, the lemur, is covering his head.
The last
part to fall is the robot's arm. When it does, the forearm bends towards
Julien's butt with the hand resembling genitals. The subtitles speak for
themselves. Sasha Baron Cohen dubs the voice of King Julien!

51: Lem's friend Skiff is
unmistakably gay. Very "sensitive", crying for almost no reason, and
hysterically in love with Rover, a dog-like wheeled probe. On two
occasions, the
"dog" leaps on his lap wagging its tail strongly. It may not be intended
to mean
what I think it does, but the way others look on is very telling.

has a
rather loose wrist for a brisk young man! During a street dance he
performs the
banal "F... gesture" three times while Neera looks on in surprise. Near
the end
of the movie, Lem tells general Grawl (resembling Schwarzenegger, with a
suspiciously large and unruly forelock) that his persecuting behavior is
due to
his fear of the unknown. What Lem is really insinuating is "Come out of
closet and assume your true gay and peace-loving self!"

Tale: This is the story of Lenny,
a gay shark who is not well accepted by his family (resembling the
mafia). Interestingly, vegetarianism is used as a proxy for
homosexuality. The
father's attempt to force his son to have sex with a woman (a virgin
perhaps) is
illustrated by his bullying him into eating a live shrimp which is
begging for
its life. The movie makes no secret of Lenny´s homosexuality.

films: Examples of sodomy and
homosexual behaviors are numerous. I could go on for the rest of the
day, but
here are three more scenes from Ice Age 2, Barnyard (guy in the middle
with the
earring in the left ear and the "funny" expression) and The Incredibles
("Syndrome" dances a very queer dance while scoffing at Mr. Incredible for
resorting to a homing device).

Combined with the mainstreaming of homosexuality in the media, its advocacy in public schools, and the general sexualization of children, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that some animated movies are part of a long-term Illuminati program to prepare children for sodomy.
Nan said (May 30, 2010):
Finally!!! Thank you oh so much for elucidating what I've always known! As a child I didn't pick up on those subtle nuances. What scares me now, and what makes me not look forward to letting my own kids watch popular animations is the notion being perpetuated that you can't help who you fall in love with and that you can't change who you are.
Basically the skewing of nature and the teaching that it is morally reprehensible to question it, instead, to accept it as normal. From vegetarian sharks, to inter species relationships, I too believe they all prime children to being receptive to homosexuality.
When I pointed this 'cartoon conspiracy' out to people years back I was told that I am straining to make something of nothing. Even back when I was a teenager, I knew there was something amiss with a majority (if not all!) of Disney movies where the hero or heroine often comes from a single parent home.
There was hardly a complete father and mother in the picture. In addition, the women/mothers were often portrayed as strong and capable women while the men were portrayed as namby pambies. That didn't seem right to me. Hardly do you find a popular cartoon where the man is the hero, both to his children and his wife.