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Do You Believe in the Electoral Process? Prove it!

June 3, 2010

Pritchard1.JPG"If we wiped out the entire Congress and sent common people who have no political experience, we would get far better results than we have today." - U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, MD

by Jeff Pritchard
(for henrymakow,com)

Hello. My name is Jeff Pritchard and I need your help.  Will you please help me do the impossible?  I only have this weekend to raise enough money to justify getting on the ballot in the Republican Primary against the NWO's candidate in Oklahoma's 4th District U.S. House of Representatives.

Please do not give up on the electoral process and let this opportunity slip through your fingers.  They haven't beaten us yet. However, if we yield and sit back and watch, then they have succeeded and we are truly defeated. Why do you bother reading this website if you have no hope or faith?

It is not my expectation to "fix" things in DC. Yet, as long as we have any freedom left to speak up against this evil spreading the globe, then it is my intention to become a wrench in their wheel of corruption.

Many voters in my district are tired of this incumbent and want an alternative, but I need money to advertise on radio and television to let the voters know who I am and expose the incumbent for the NWO globalist that he really is.

Victory is not guaranteed, but if everyone reading this article would give as much as they possibly can this very weekend, we will "shock and awe" the establishment and send a clear message that we will not take it anymore.

Filing deadline is Wednesday next week, but I need to have the money by Monday so I can get off from work in time to make it back to get everything in order and filed.

I currently live in Mustang, Oklahoma. I have a B.S. in Liberal Arts (most of the course work in Family Studies at Texas Tech University and the rest in Korean Language from the Defense Language Institute) and I have 6 hours towards a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma.

Pritchard2.jpgI served in the U.S. Army as an Intelligence Analyst during the first Gulf War. After 8 months teaching Conversational English in Seoul, South Korea, my current wife and I moved to Oklahoma where I got a job in a warehouse to pay the bills and then spent 7 years working as a State employee for the Department of Human Services. The past two years, I've been working in the oil field.

I have two teenagers (boy & girl) living with their mother in Texas and my wife and I have a 3 year old daughter and 2 year old son here with us. The teenagers make me feel old and mortal, but the young'ns make me feel young again.

You will not hear it from other candidates, but just as Jonah called Nineveh, Isaiah and Jeremiah called Jerusalem, Luther called Rome, Knox called England, and Finney called early America, this humble sinner saved by Grace now calls today's America to t'shuva.

To ensure this call is not ignored or forgotten after the campaign is passed, I have recently published a book, "I Am Not Jesus, That's Why I Need Him - A Call of T'shuva to America and the Nations."

God (Jesus Christ), is the one who causes nations to rise and fall. America is no different. If we reject His authority over our nation, then we also reject His protection and blessings.

My mission objective is simple.

First, T'shuva! To call America back to her Christian God and Christian heritage, in the name of Jesus Christ, the ONLY True and Living God. Ezekiel 33!

Second, Treason!  To restore and protect our Constitution and Republic. To expose, remove, and prosecute corruption in Washington, DC, starting with the Fraud in the White House (Ahab), his Vice-President (Ahab Jr.) and the Speaker of the House (Jezebel) who have aided this corruption, along with all those members of Congress and others outside of Congress who have assisted in this coup that has been underway for some time.

Third, Terrorism! To fight the REAL "War on Terror" as it should be fought. America is in greater danger than we are being told by the media. Today, we are told terrorism is the acts of a few "extremists," such as those who flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. The current Homeland Security Agency under Obama has recently put patriotic Americans with traditional Christian values on their "watch list." Over a century ago, terrorism was defined as "government rule by using terror to control its people" (paraphrase). With our open borders and the supposed "war on terror" in Afghanistan while hundreds of thousands of terrorists train (without opposition from our military or law enforcement) south of our "border," in South and Central America, and on American soil (!!!!), who is "terrorizing" who?

We must stand up now, draw the line in the sand, and fight for our Constitution and American Sovereignty. We must also look to our Creator, Jesus Christ, for assistance in this fight, just as our Founding Fathers did at the birth of our nation when they fought to give us the liberty we have taken for granted for so long.

Why not give up on the electoral process? Because, it is our solemn duty to preserve liberty and pass it on to the next generation. We will stand before God and give account for what we do here today. Please take right stand with me. Let us not be found faithless at the Lord's return. We know not what day He will return, but if we are blessed to be alive at his return, let us be busy about protecting truth and liberty and not watching both die without a fight.

It's time to send someone up to Capitol Hill, (to borrow a phrase from Toby Keith), to put a boot up their you-know-what!

Here am I. Send me!

Please give generously and tell all you know to do the same. Monday is do or don't day. Please donate online today. Thank you.

PS--Yes. Most definitely will refund money if I don't run. I can't legally use it for anything other than the campaign. If I don't have the minimum of $20,000 by Wednesday morning to file, then I will shut it down and return the money.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Do You Believe in the Electoral Process? Prove it!"

Dan said (June 4, 2010):

Instead of giving the public meaningless internet polls I want to see national public referendums. That the public in this country are reduced to marching around with signs to beg a few representatives to vote the public weal is ridiculous.
We're told that wouldn't make any difference since consent is manufactured anyway. I believe it is manufactured after the representative votes. Consent can't be manufactured fast enough to control the outcome of referendum votes.
The representative system also slows down the process of action. Direct voting is swift.

Has anyone noticed that the public only gets one vote really. That's the vote you cast between two or three candidates. That's the vote you get -- to choose which one you're handing your voting right over to. How Democratic is that?

Richard said (June 4, 2010):

I will give fellows like Jeff a little respect. Voters in the South, Southwest and Oklahoma have been excited by this fellow in Alabama.

The commercial is corny as hell, but Mr. Peterson says something I hope he'll follow up on when elected -- and I believe that he will be.
Peterson makes the amazing statement that Alabama's Ag Commission has 5 billion bucks that it doesn't like the public to think about too much.
States all over the world on cue suddenly tell us they're "broke". Sorry we have to cut services and infrastructure and simultaneously raise taxes. They're telling them the same in Europe and even Venezuela. So what Mr. Peterson says about elected and appointed crooks and billions of revenue interests us.
I'll support anybody that can find and expose billions that don't show on state's Annual Budget Reports the way they've been done since the 80's. Factor the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that shows the gross revenue receipts and were that goes.

Jeff Pritchard Responds said (June 4, 2010):

I just checked the site before heading out of town. Thought I'd respond to a few comments posted regarding my article if that is ok.

First to Stephen: As far as prevarication is concerned, isn't that one of the seven deadly sins? Ha, just kidding. However, I'm dead serious when I say I'm not too excited about entering the "Den of Prevarication" on Capitol Hill, but I hope to go to stir up a hornets nest. I'm sick of all the half truth talking liars up there. I don't know the art of prevarication, so I imagine I won't be accepted into many of the social clubs they have up there if I do get elected.

Regarding your comment: "Nevertheless, it is the "responsibility" of his home constituency to decide "who" they choose for Representation." I appreciate your compliments, but I hope you don't mind if I step on your toes and inform you that it is this kind of ignorant thinking that has handed over our government to the corrupt prevaricators in the first place. My constituents won't learn of me without the help of Americans across the nation like you. Yes, they will be the ones who select me on voter day, but you have the power and voice to help get me noticed for them to choose. I may be "their representative" if they so choose, but if elected, my representation will affect you as well. Thus, it is also your responsibility as a citizen of the USA before it becomes the USSA to influence the outcome of whatever you are able to while you are still able to do so. Our enemy has this down to a "T". Why are you conceding this ground without a fight? Stand on right ground with me and do what you can. Your argument is groundless. Sounds highly educated, but it is "illogical" Mr. Spock. (I mean no offense, but as you can tell, if I'm not afraid to offend my potential money backers with the truth, do you think I will hesitate to offend those who sell me and my children into global slavery?)

So, Stephen, thank you for your vote, but I need your money and for you to tell everyone you know to do the same this weekend, or you will be stuck with the NWO RINO again.

Next to Hatha: Like your name, Hatha. However, I must inform you that your call to take down the shadow government is empty and falls to the ground! How can you "knock down the shadow government" without doing what I'm attempting to do, short of all out organized civil war? You can't! Did you even read the many pages on my website? If not, how can you even begin to make such comments? This is what is wrong with the thinking you our espousing. I'm sure you are a wonderful person and I hope will agree with me on many issues, but this line of thinking is what allows the enemy to continue to take us into global governance. You cannot "knock down the shadow government" unless you educate the masses and expose the enemy. However, unless you use every means possible, especially those still available to us, as what I am attempting to do, then you have already lost the battle and the war. Why, I ask again, do you bother reading sites like this and making such empty calls for action that will never happen if you do not support folks like me. If you still disagree, then good luck. Maybe I'll see you in one of the American gulags after they have completed their "fundamental transformation" of our nation.

Finally, to Philippe: Philippe, sir, what makes you think I won't? Would you at least give me a chance to try? Otherwise, how do you know if anyone ever will? That's what taking risk is all about. I have already published a book that calls down the NWO and the Illuminati. I have published in black and white for the world to read and hold me accountable. Not much prevarication in this book either. I'm willing to risk the media onslaught that will come and put my family through the ridicule and slander. Can you and others not handle $100 or at least the price of movie ticket to see what kind of show I put on? What say you folks? I say it's time to put up or shut up. Let's roll! Who's with me?

Stephen said (June 4, 2010):

In Re: Jeff Pritchard(?spelling)
I just read his petition for monetary aid.
I have no evidence of prevarication, as to this man.

Reading the context of his paper leads me to believe:

He is honest (in particular his PS to refund if goal not attained)

He is honest in his personal life.
He has the right idea in his approach to resolving our present political dilemma.
Although, the comments bear credibility, nothing of "substance" merely "form" from the
two that suggested their version of palliatives.
He is capable. Suggesting although not a career politician, a proper sense of logic.
If, I should find myself with the wherewithal I would finance him myself in total.
Nevertheless, it is the "responsibility" of his home constituency to decide "who" they choose for Representation.

I realize some "progressives" may recoil from his strong Christian ethic, but also note that this country was founded on those same principles, ie; "We hold these Truths to be self-evident," . . . . . the sovereignty of the middle class, upper class, those trying to get by, backbone of this country. I also note that a true follower of Christian ethic generally proves to be a responsible, self sufficient citizen worthy of being a good neighbor.

Career Politicians that make a living off the backs of their fellow citizens have proven countless times over and over to be worthless leaches on society.

Jeff, you got my vote, drive the money changers out of Out Temple.

Hatha said (June 4, 2010):

I once believed that throwing all the incumbents out would make a difference. Then it occurred to me that once the new people get to 'their new offices' they would be corrupted by the unelected money and influence machine that is waiting for them in the shadows. This is the 'shadow government' that compromises and corrupts our current crop of incumbents, and none of the new people will be able to resist the controls that the money and influence brokers have set up.

I have concluded that sending new people to unseat all the incumbents will only show new faces, but nothing substantive will change.

If people want real change in their government, they need to knock out the shadow government--not the apparent government. See to it that AIPAC goes away, that Goldman Sachs goes away, that everybody with carloads of money and perks has no access to the new members of the government. Anything shor of this would be an exercise in futility and fix nothing.

Philippe said (June 4, 2010):

Thank you for all the great articles you continue to help us with.

What did Jeff Pritchard _do_ that makes you think he will _act_ against the NWO ?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at