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Is Gold a Refuge?

March 12, 2011

gold_coins.jpgby Henry Makow Ph.D.

Recently I received this letter from a reader, Charlie, who asked me for my view of the current gold (and silver) mania.

A question for you on g-o-l-d.  For some time I've been trying to figure this's an enigma to me and perhaps you can shed some light and give me your thoughts.  Why is it that the "argument" FOR precious metals is so one-sided?   And seemingly SO STRONG.  Invincible?  How does one weigh this, that the intl gangster banksters hold most all the shiny stuff?    
Can it really turn out well for the little guy who tries to protect himself---discarding paper $ for metal? Is he a dupe?
So I ask, is g-o-l-d REALLY the refuge from the coming currency storm?   IS IT? (i.e. physical).  For I know that paper is dust historically speaking; but could the hard stuff be dust too?  Pixie dust which also can take wings and fly away just as easily as paper?  Into waiting hands.    The "argument" which for so long has seemed so strong suddenly seems too pat and one-sided,,,who will argue the other side?   I haven't heard one voice. ("Don't buy gold or silver, and here's why.")  Surely there must be one or two good reasons NOT to buy them...assuming one can..But maybe I've been reading in all the wrong places. :)
I can't put my finger on it Henry but as a purported safehaven from the monetary storms it seems too "sure" a bet,,,and to me this raises suspicion of its surety. But neither is the dollar or any currency for that matter--thus the mystery to me of what's really going on. 
The bible says to have food and clothing is enough. God knows what we need and He provides it.  I don't think Jesus had any gold or silver and we know Peter didn't, which he explained to the lame beggar at the gate of the Temple: "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." Acts 3:6.   
Jesus advised not to "store up" treasures on earth, and that must include gold and silver. He didn't mean "don't save" of course as that would run contrary to the entirety of Scripture,,,but perhaps what Jesus is advising is that we not place our "heart" into those things because they:  A. Can be easily stolen  B. We can easily die and they'll go to someone else!  and C. True riches are stored up in heaven ("where your treasure, there your heart will be also") and not on earth..  Oh the wisdom of God!!


Dear Charlie,

You're definitely on to something. Our fixation with gold and financial security is a big part of the satanic spell that enslaves us.

In a sense, the Illuminati bankers are creating a financial panic that only drives us further into Satan's arms. We literally seek salvation from -- and worship gold.

Love of Gold is love of Satan. Satanists worship (love) the golden calf.

It is easier to pass a camel through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Jesus' observation summarizes the human condition individually and collectively. We have turned our backs on our own salvation. We are like the rich man.

But we can own precious metals without worshiping them.


The best argument for gold and silver is that they are a medium of exchange that the bankers don't create out of nothing like fiat currency. They are not sovereign debt.

They are the only medium of exchange we can create (through our ownership of gold stocks.) They are also the only medium that cost alot to produce, are relatively rare, and have some inherent value.

Owning gold or silver is a political act. It is rejecting fiat currency. For this reason, the central bankers will aways try to sabotage or suppress their value. We should regard selling panics as buying opportunities.

So I am all for gold and silver and believe they should represent a portion of one's savings.


But returning to my main theme, the trick is to not worship (love) Gold. This means not thinking about money constantly. Not measuring our value in terms of how much we have.

"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

The quest for gold is a part of the diabolical trance we suffer under. The battle we face is a spiritual one, one we must all wage first in our own heart. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

We call someone who sells their body a whore. What do we call those who sell their soul?

As Charlie alluded, "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

Ultimately, the gold argument is  beads versus sea shells. What if we measured our wealth in terms of how much love we have in our life?

God is the Spirit of Love, the only true refuge. We must love God first, fervently and only.  Thank you Charlie for this reminder.

Comment from Michael March 14

Say you have 20k in gold, but no money. How long will it take for you to decide to sell you're 20k for 5k in money you can eat with?

That's a 75% loss and trust me that is the plan and it'll be much worse then that.

That's why they want everyone to buy gold, because they know when the dollar dies they'll make huge profits off of those they sold the gold too.

It's not a safe haven, it's a trap.

There is no such thing as a safe haven unless you own oil fields.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Is Gold a Refuge?"

Brian said (March 13, 2011):

It is unrealistic to think that you cannot have a plan to achieve freedom. This is the same problem that the US faces when planning wars. They are not looking at the outcome. Tell your readers to hedge gold now in the knowledge that the debt cap will be passed, the US dollar will fall in value and they may be able to come out on top with the ability to trade their metals for something more valuable than what they have right now in terms of supportive systems (a farm, a better situated house, more food stocks etc). His concept of savings is about to be thrown out the window in the next 3-7months and maybe sooner now that the tsunami has drastically affected world markets, oil and everything else as Japan is already the most indebted country in the world (developed).

So buy gold (and silver because it’s more affordable). Don’t play the stock market, don’t take risky investments, if you own a home pay it off, if you have debt pay it off, stop living this way and start thinking about living in a more reasonable sense where you can control your environment more. (solar heat, solar water, spend money on insulation and anything that get’s you off the grid, water catchers, food stocks (the Mormons do some things right), make a better community so it’s not a bunch of “home is my castle” philosophies and instead is a greater concept philosophy.)

We have to live through this to get to the game right and keep your eye on the prize.

Stephen said (March 13, 2011):

The present financial collapse will grow into the biggest and most complete collapse in the history of humanity. Real estate, stocks, financial whatever, will be rendered worthless and so will gold. What is becoming dear is food, water, clothing and a safe place where you can stay warm and dry. Under such circumstances a pound of gold will not buy a pound of wheat. Therefore only buy gold IF you have suffient of the above essentials. Gold will be useful only for a short while. In the long term buying lead will be more useful.

There are those out there that believe that God will provide them with the essentials and that is the case for a minority. But having the knoweledege that civilization is currently in the process ending, and not preparing when you have the means is foolish and you will pay with your and your family's lives. How dare you tempt the Lord.

B said (March 13, 2011):

Briefly, if you trust in riches you're in for a massive disappointment and
disillusionment. A man's worth is read in the black box recordings of his soul
not his bank account.

Steve said (March 13, 2011):

Here's a radio interview
with Bill Still, author and producer of the classic video "The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America."
and the recent award-winning DVD "The Secret of Oz."

If one really wants to understand the roots of our economic problems and the solutions to those problems, please take time to listen to the interview, watch the Money Masters and the Secret of Oz, all for free at the links provided. You'll be glad you did.

In my opinion, holding gold and/or silver as a hedge against inflation is a temporary measure. What we need is monetary reform to take away the power of the "money masters," as Bill Still makes clear.

Steve said (March 13, 2011):

Here's a radio interview
with Bill Still, author and producer of the classic video "The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America."
and the recent award-winning DVD "The Secret of Oz."

If one really wants to understand the roots of our economic problems and the solutions to those problems, please take time to listen to the interview, watch the Money Masters and the Secret of Oz, all for free at the links provided. You'll be glad you did.
In my opinion, holding gold and/or silver as a hedge against inflation is a temporary measure. What we need is monetary reform to take away the power of the "money masters," as Bill Still makes clear.

Steve said (March 13, 2011):

If fiat currency according to all the trends and historical evidence is destined to fail under the weight of greed, would you rather have a stone or bread? Since natural things and events have prophetic significance, to ignore the issue would be tantamount to one's head in the sand.

Certainly the natural significance can lead to covetousness and evil. But, the spiritual issue is that gold reflects divine nature and silver purity. I would embrace that perspective in the natural as well and not covet it for what I can have with it. It's use as a medium of exchange is to get the most from it's value to provide our needs and further the Kingdom.

And ultimately, when that too fails, it is of no great importance as the Lord picks up where we leave off.

Dan B said (March 13, 2011):

After the coming fiat meltdown, there will be an admission that some kind of discipline is needed. After all, credit grew at 6 times the rate of the GDP. This isn't good for anybody,,, including the banks. There will be a system instituted called "freegold" Gold will be used as a store of value. Fiat currency will be used for transactions. You could read the blog FOFOA for an explanation.

The West was able to prosecute it's wars paying with credit. That will come to an end. This transition is going to be very painful. It comes at the same time that our sun is going through some perturbations. Crops will suffer greatly. Gold will be a useful store of value for after the dis-integration.

One must remember that; when the industrial economy collapses, we must return to the agrarian economy to survive. You can't plant gold. Gold will only be useful if you find a farmer who has a surplus of crops.
The "medical emergencies" bill has all the necessary language for confiscation of farmers crops. You need to have your own small plot.

Jim said (March 13, 2011):

Precious metal protects you from inflation, and will save your ass when the currency collapses and no one accepts paper anymore. If you have money that you wish to save for a rainy day, then purchasing precious metal that you physically own is a great idea. The only downside is if the US or Canadian Communist Governments attempt to steal this metal at the point of a gun, like FDR did back in the 1930s. FDR stole the people's Gold for $20 an ounce, and then the bankers sent the price up to its true value of $35 an ounce, once again proving that Government = Crime.

Hans said (March 13, 2011):

Henry, when it comes to security and being safe, first priority must be God. Do not trust in flesh.

God provides, but he mainly provides spiritual blessings, which are eternal, while everything material ( flesh ) must pass away.

"Store up" is a matter of definition. A treasure for someone is a mere tip for someone else.

Rich or poor does not equate evil or good, but evil or good depend on one`s relation to God and truth.

As for gold, i would certainly trust more in it than in paper money; but with estimated 80-90% of all gold presumably being in private ownership, the price could easily be manipulated at will, by a minority - as it happend with oil a few years back. Hence, the gold price will never reflect its true value, if the price is "knocked down" one day, the same people who thought gold was safe, will que up to sell! So the remaining 20% of gold will change hands eventually, and end up where the rest is already now.

Everything people could do is pre-calculated by the powers of this world. The "R"-Dynasties are evil but not stupid.

The Christian advise: repent and trust in the name of God - YAHWEH - and be prepared. Prophecies of the Bible are also a warning for God`s elect, beliefers, and those who are prepared to listen, are blessed, the unbeliefing ignoramusses, thieves an liars are cursed.

If God protects you, no-one can harm you; if God curses you, no-one is able to protect you.

Tom S said (March 13, 2011):

"A Fraudulent Standard" by Arthur Kitson really put the gold/silver vs. fiat currency in perspective for me.I have provided a link that includes a readable online version.

Tom said (March 13, 2011):

Thanks for reminding us that gold is only a "standard of measure," to determine "value," in our "exchange system."

There is a more complex side to this issue. Most Americans are unaware that since we use fiat money, we signed "contracts" which makes us
legally "persons" or corporations, and by it "slaves."

Slaves has no right to own even themselves, so we can't own any property,or value. Only our slave masters, the bankers, can own things, who are
"owned" by the Pope also. This makes us all IDOLATERS.

To "own" gold, we must "come out" of this system, and "enter into" God's kingdom of heaven's "Embassies," as God's "Ambassadors" to have the right to "own" things. Without this process gold or silver will not help us in the long term, when we really going to need it.

This is why like in 1929 gold can be confiscated from people. Behind the Iron Curtain if one had gold, and it was discovered it was a mandatory LONG prison sentence.

Since we are close to the END of the "sixth seal," and we only have ONE YEAR to accomplish God's "work," this subject is vital to teach
others what are the "qualification" to become a true Christian.

Christians must learn to advance from the Old Testament's exchange system of MONEY, to the New Testament's exchanges system of "love and faith" that we may have "all things in common," and by it lifted to the "Mystery Administration's exchange system of "grace and mercy."

Brian said (March 13, 2011):

In the Day of the Lord they will throw their gold and silver into the streets. If we take this literally rather than figuratively, this tells us gold and silver will be in use as personal assets in the last days. Now until the end of days, then, gold and silver will continue to be used as personal assets.

Steven said (March 13, 2011):

Francois [below]: I'll buy your house and I've 50,000 cans of baked beans available interested?

The flip side to that: No, I don't need any of the junk that you THINK is useful to ME..Therefore you can't buy my pick-up. Sorry bud...No deal. Now, if you have something that has a STORED value that I can easily secure a buyer for later RE: precious metals; then maybe we can cut a deal.

Your idea is good for small barter and everyday needs, but it is simply unworkable if I need to buy anything significant. How would you ever sell that useful block of land or that house to me? Straight Exchange? then back to the baked beans for the balance on the better property?

Further; If you think that land and houses are always useful then take a look around the country and see how many cities are bulldozing entire suburbs. My precious metals will always be worth "something" and there will always be someone who knows this truth and deal with me...Well at least until revelation is well underway and then I don't care.

Michael said (March 13, 2011):

Charlie's letter and sincere questions touched were things that have crossed my own mind and I am sure others. There is a certain corruption to the whole of the world's system and "money' in its various forms. Famed Chinese Bible
teacher, Watchman Nee had some interesting observations on "money". But you hit the nail on the head, it is the use of "money" in its various forms and where the heart is and worshipping it or not or where ones trust lies. And that can be tricky, since we are all human subject to deceptions; the best antidote is having our hearts open and seeking God's wisdom and grace
always...great response to this fellow.

Francois said (March 13, 2011):

The basis of trading is exchanging something you don't need for something you do need. Not many people need gold, so keeping gold hardly gives you the upper edge in an exchange. Much better to secure a revenue stream of something you and everyone else needs : a house, land, a shop,... Even if they lose any monetary value, they will always be of use, they always have been. Even cans of beans are more useful than gold if someone really wants to stack a surplus.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at