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New Years Resolution: Self-Restraint

December 31, 2023


Self-possession = possessed by God

"A man may conquer a million men in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors."  Buddha 
"Rule your mind or it will rule you." - Horace

Illuminati Satanists spin self-restraint as "repression," that causes "neurosis."  They champion "sexual liberation" i.e. promiscuity and debauchery.

Self-Restraint is 9/10 of Worship
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

(Revised from Sept 15, 2013 & Oct 6, 2018)

Have you noticed that nine of the Ten Commandments are proscriptions?

They tell us what we shalt NOT do.

ten commandments.jpg
Surely this is an important clue. We worship God by disciplining and controlling our lower nature.

The only affirmative Commandment is to "honor your father and mother."  The other nine are concerned with obeying, i.e. Self-discipline:

You shall have no other Gods; not make idols; not take His name in vain; not work on the Sabbath; not commit murder; not commit adultery; not steal; not bear false witness (lie) and finally, not covet your neighbor's wife or possessions.


It's important to realize that both religion and civilization are based on a dualistic view of man, as matter and spirit. Man is seen as a wild animal (matter) who contains a spark of the Divine, his soul (spirit.)   

Our souls comprehend and crave God, who is perfection. ("Be ye therefore perfect as your Father who art in heaven is perfect." Mathew 5:48)

Our souls can distinguish between good and evil, truth and lie, beauty and ugliness, love and hate.

Our souls (higher Self) are required to hold our primitive instincts (lower self) in check. This is what defines us as human.  

Luciferianism (Illuminism) is all about indulging our desires, no matter how depraved they are. Lucifer rebelled against God. 

Gradually, the Luciferian (Illuminati) bankers have erased the distinction between matter and soul. They have made "God" a dirty word, which cannot be mentioned in polite company.  They define man in terms of our animal appetites and whims, no matter how perverse or degrading.
These are also the assumptions of naturalism - man is an animal without a soul.

Poisioned.jpg"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," is the Satanist credo.

They call self-restraint "repression," causing "neurosis."  They champion "liberation" i.e. debauchery.

With the decline of religion, the only thing to restrain the primitive drives are social norms (laws.) But with Satanists in control, material appetite now masquerades as soul. 

Satanists invert good and evil. Man's lowest nature is glorified and held up for emulation.


The mass media is the instrument for our induction into Satanism. What is considered edgy and courageous is not confronting the perpetrators of 9-11 but "adults" mentioning embarrassing toilet accidents in public.

I was channel surfing recently when I saw talk-show host Chelsea Lately and her guests discussing incidents when they felt like vomiting from other peoples' farts.

Every city has a give-away entertainment paper, and every paper has a sex-advice column specializing in airing the obscene and disgusting in public.
In Winnipeg where I live, this paper ("Uptown") is owned by the Winnipeg Free Press, supposedly a family newspaper. One recent question involved a sex partner who defecated on the sheets. Another was from a woman whose vagina emitted a foul stench. 

A new TV commercial for Alexander Keith beer: Rude man gives his girlfriend a long lascivious kiss before introducing her to a friend, who also locks lips with her. Edgy! As Nike says, Just do it!

I could fill a column with examples of this race-to-the-bottom, social engineering designed to make us indulge our every impulse, and broadcast our every toilet accident.

Instead of aspiring for what is truly beautiful and refined, modern culture aspires to degrade humanity.  We have no culture because culture is based on aspiring to genuine ideals, not denying them.

Don't kid yourself. This is how Satanism works. It is deliberate.


We think of enslavement in terms of limitations to our freedom, repressive laws, surveillance and concentration camps.

Satanists use our primitive instincts to enchain us. For example, by making sex and romance the Holy Grail, and then shoving sex in our faces 24-7, they turn us into sniveling sex-addicts. 

If an alien visited this planet, he would report that humanity's number one preoccupation was "who is doing whom?" and can people watch?

And if it isn't sex, it's money. We dance to this tune daily, dedicating our lives to protecting or expanding our stash.


How do we protect and liberate our souls?

Recognize that society has been subverted by Satanists devoted to degrade us to the level of domestic animals.

Climb our personal Mount Sinai and write our personal "Commandments."

These are our principles. Things we will not do. This way we will recognize and reject temptation immediately instead of wrestling with it. 

We feel powerless but a spiritual war can be won with spiritual weapons. We can defeat Satan by what we won't do.


Colin-Kaepernick-Nike-Ad (1).jpg
"Just Do It"  - Nike's slogan is just a short version of the Satanist credo: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." It invites people to indulge their
basest desires. 

Big corporations like NIKE are all controlled by the Luciferian central bankers. The NIKE swoosh signifies Illuminati control. 

So it comes as no surprise that Nike would back a traitor, Colin Kaperdink, a millionaire quarterback whose very example contradicts his cause, that
blacks are oppressed and lack opportunities. 

Liberals (aka Communists) want to undermine patriotism, not help blacks. If they cared about blacks they would protest the black-on-black murder rate (4x the national averageor the black abortion rate, which is 35% of the total, while black women comprise 
6% of the US female population.

Liberalism is a mask for Communism which in turn is Luciferianism. Lucifer rebelled against God, who is the "Self" in self-discipline. 

Predictably, since the advent of Trump, liberals have discarded civility and respect for democracy. They have dressed as vaginas, engaged in violence and obscenity, and generally behaved as toddlers. All because of the election of a President who is not a full-time traitor like his predecessor.  

Compare this with how conservatives suffered through eight years of Obama with relative dignity and respect for the law. 

Self-discipline is the essential difference between conservatives and liberals. As I argue below, 9/10th of religion is what we do NOT do. We were made in the image of God. Living up to this ideal is what defines us as human. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "New Years Resolution: Self-Restraint "

Mike R said (December 31, 2023):

31 Dec The only affirmative Commandment is to "honor your father and mother." The other nine are concerned with obeying, i.e. Self-discipline:

Thanks for your site and I have a comment that I hope is a benefit to you.
The fourth commandment begins with 'Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy'. Exodus 20:8
The seventh day is 'blessed and sanctified' by the will of God at the start of the world before the law and before sin enters man. Genesis 2:2-3
The intent of the commandment is for people to believe in the sabbath day and Jesus Christ says that 'the sabbath was made for man'.

To disengage from work and the things of the world on the sabbath allows for the 'increase' by the spirit.
Gal 3:12 . . . 'the law is not of faith' . . .

Mersie said (October 9, 2018):

One wonders how many of these companies with logos like this stay in business for a long time. I wonder if there's a comparison out there of companies and businesses that went under (and didn't have their satanic logo in place), and those that did. Seems all the international ones have it.

Once you're aware of this sort of satanic symbolism, you can discern it all over the place. You would think that companies would want to distinguish themselves from others for competition's sake and by having unique logos. You can find it all over, like AAA's Saturn ring around their red letters. Not only that but the 'torch' that freemason types love to use are all over the place, like the BBB (Better Business Bureau), insurance companies and the like. Then the "broken cross" which is in Exxon's logo, Nabisco's logo (of all places it's also in their crappy Oreo cookie- could it be an anti communion wafer?). And of course the 666 which is very subtly hidden as one website pointed out in the Taco Bell logo (Bell, Ba'al anyone?). The name is strange too, Bell? It didn't make sense to me until I saw the hidden meanings. Of course it is also designed to make us look like lunatics thinking we "see" things and conspiracies everywhere, but the devil's in the details. Even the Nationwide insurance logo makes sense, the three round reddish-orange ovals, you could see the three 6's there.

Then there are the 'hidden' obelisks and pyramids in movies...I even spotted one in the Blake Edward's one Pink Panther movie "Revenge of the Pink Panther", at about the one hour mark exactly when Sellers and Dian Cannon go into her apartment, you quickly see on the right an obelisk, which is very strange unless you know what it means. They never linger on those shots either. I saw a pyramid on a "Married With Children" episode where he and Al Bundy were in the bank when it closed and thought about stealing all the money in the bank vault, you could see a pyramid on the desk behind Steve briefly as he is sitting in his office.

James T said (October 6, 2018):

I have sent replies in the past, always in respect of that which you have written, but I was shaken to the core by your unreasonableness and illogicality in these words, coming from Nike Slogan is Luciferian:

"How do we protect and liberate our souls? Recognize that society has been subverted by [s]atanists devoted to degrading us to the level of domestic animals . . .Climb our personal Mount Sinai, and write our personal commandments. These are [OUR] principles. Things we will not do."

I well understand that which you teach herein - I think - but in suggesting we should create our own lists of things we will not do, in summation seems to the logical mind to tell us: "Do not walk in the Sacred Scriptures teachings, but walk in your own suggestions as to the life you prefer to live!" Henry, Luciferianism alone is not the only way to Haylale, the devil! As he is the father of lies and has been a murderer from the beginning, he became of this character by also choosing to write his own laws, which centered in selfishness rather than selflessness, the beauteous character of Yahuwah Elohim. If satan became the adversary of souls by writing his own laws, than anyone can become as he is in doing so! Any and all will become as satan in doing the very thing you advise us as the way out of such mutiny!

I am certain of your abilities to reveal truth and perceive errors in logic. We can never simply pick and choose our own commands as if we were individually gods; rather, we must follow His ways - even as Abraham - to find favor with Him: "Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws" (Genesis 26: 5, KJV).

MS said (October 6, 2018):

That new article on Kap n Luciferians: also the new sports term the " GOAT" ( Greatest of All- Time) is meant to give homage to Satan too, him, and his minions, whom often appear with 🐐 Goat Horns, by the Illuminati controlled media.

JJ said (October 6, 2018):

Hello Henry,
When talking about Colin Kaepernick, never forget his Boule association via his black fraternity, the name of which I forget, It's one of many that sound the same and perform the same function: create new pawns for the NWO using BLM type cultural Marxism their modus operandi.

Boris said (October 6, 2018):

Definition of IRONY: getting paid $100 million dollars by a company that engages in child slavery and human rights abuses while protesting slavery and human rights abuses.

Dougal said (July 12, 2018):

The Stanley Kubrick movie Full Metal Jacket shows us how the military concept of discipline is where a person is broken down and then re-built into someone who can only follow orders. The very old European concept of discipline was completely different. It was strongly associated with benefits when we imposed self-discipline. Discipline is really only something you can do for yourself. Anything else is punishment. We almost need to find a new name for it

JG said (July 12, 2018):

This is literally the worship of the 'Golden Calf' and all the lusts that go with it. This pagan belief has been imposed by the NWO on the whole world right now.

The results of this will be disastrous. No matter what the World Governments do or say they WILL NOT be able to stop what has been written.

Disobedience is still disobedience and sin is still a sin that leads to death.

It won't be long before God intervenes here and when he does these sickos are going to be in for a big surprise.

Robert K said (July 12, 2018):

We can defeat Satan by what we won't do. Very true, Henry, but also, while the population continues to be alienated from its natural inheritance (which any idiot should be able finally to see as the robots take over production) and therefore at the mercy of the Money-Creators, a hard challenge for most people.

Don't forget that Jesus said the negative Commandments were given because of the hardness of the hearts of the people. However, He announced the arrival of a new dispensation, in which inspiration by love (the Spirit) would replace the old rules. "The letter killeth, but the spirit maketh alive."

This was the ultimate declaration of human freedom, but not as understood by many moderns: i.e., "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". In a universe that is governed by laws we cannot alter, as ours most certainly is, using your personal whims as the only determinant of your actions is guaranteed to lead to disaster. Our job is to discover and conform to the intrinsic laws according to which things "work" successfully.

Regardless of people's self-centered willfulness, reality will always have the final word.

G said (July 12, 2018):

"Climb our personal Mount Sinai and write our personal 'Commandments.'"

I love this, Henry! It's a personalized moral compass. It puts trust in ourselves to do the right thing and to be in the good graces of the creator and his earth. And deciding "what we won't do" sharpens our boundaries.

Your directive also says something about you: On some deep level you really trust humanity, you believe in us. We are all broken and scattered, done to by the satanic agenda of greed and instant gratification. But you remind us that we know how to do it. How to make this experience work and, dare I say it, thrive. So the mission of exposing and taking down the bad guys becomes all the more urgent. We gotta get back to being beautiful; that's a kind of destiny.

Mike said (September 16, 2013):

You are so correct. I’ve spent a number of years now studying the elites, goals, etc. Not until I stumbled on your site, did I get the truly big picture of what is going on. Thanks to your site, I now am closer to being able to worship a higher power and I also kicked my porn addiction (anger at being such a tool of the Satanist…I don’t want to be a rube) I had struggled with for years. I wish your message got out to more people.

Duncan said (September 16, 2013):

Great Henry

Charlotte Crosby won Celebrity Big Brother UK 12 (2013) and a perfect example of what your saying in this article.

Have a look

James T said (September 16, 2013):

I am surprised that the protocols were so easily dismissed as unverifiable by Hoffman, when clearly the psychopathic world-dominating mentality can be easily seen in the talmud, indeed a person could even call the talmud the source text from which the protocols were distilled, which I think is a key point to consider in all this. I wonder if he has checked the link one may have to the other, perhaps looked at what one says and compared the wording? I do very much appreciate Hoffman's work in exposing the satanism that is
Judaism, perhaps the protocols are used as a canard for psy-ops and anti-semitic claims (and certainly for trying to discredit people),
but it by no means removes their legitimacy.

Perhaps if he is vacationing sometime, and wants to look into it, he may want to give
their origins a good looking at.

Dan said (September 16, 2013):

In the New Testament, Jesus of Nazareth abbreviated all the Mosaic Commandments from ten to two. The first is to reverence and love the Creator of life, and to love our neighbor as ourselves - even your enemies. It's in John, Chap. 22, verses 34-39.

When you think about it, if we appreciate and love of the Creator of life, and recognize everyone we encounter as a fellow creature of God - even those who mean us harm - it becomes impossible to break the remaining eight Mosaic commandments.

Gwen said (November 24, 2011):

Thanks again for another great article in reference to God. I so appreciate the encouragement you give with the stark realization (in my mind )being (bottom line) that Jesus came 'to destroy the work of the devil' (or, Satan).

I believe that worship is walking humbly with the Lord and obeying Him- including those laws! He does give us the ability to use our brains and to stand firm against the temptation ~ in fact we are truly meant to do greater things than Christ but with all of the erroneous teachings and moneychanging going on not to mention the false interpretations of scripture it's a difficult road for many whether they realize it or not. And of course most people wont question a thing- they're already in a snare and don't even know it! Don't question them unless you want to get yourself in a big fight either. Sometime when you have a moment go to I think you'll "get it."

Steve said (November 24, 2011):

The ten commandments were written to Israel. Jesus Christ, while here on Earth, "reduced" those down to loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and then your neighbor as yourself.

After the giving of the gift of holy spirit in Acts 2, things shifted again as men and women could become born again children by the new birth spirit and our relationship with God is truly one of son and Father.

Remarkably, the apostle Paul, who previously had lived as a Pharisee, was chosen by God to deliver the gospel of grace. The opening verses of Romans 8 touch on this.

If we walk as a loving child of God we will not go around breaking the 10 commandments. But if we do do things contrary to the will of our Father, we can ask and receive His forgiveness.

Leon said (September 10, 2011):

Keep the Sabbath!

The 4th Commandment (read as part of a personal reminder at Sinai) reminds us that the 7th day (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday) was made holy (set aside) by God,

"Made holy" means set aside for a special purpose.

In this case, the day had already been set aside from everything which does not involve God.

What that means is: deliberately participating in this time period by remaining focussed on God & His works is actually a form of worship. A fairly direct form.

Constantine the Great in his huge religious/political amalgamation of about 300AD wanted us to focus on "the venerable day of the Sun" instead. The vast majority of Christian groups have evidently "bought' that, along with the annual festival of Eostre/Semiramis/Aphrodite/Astarte/Venus (the fertility goddess) & of the re-birth of Tammuz/Adonis/Dumuzu/Apollo/Dagon (the Sun god, son of Zeus/Wodan/Baal/Horus/Kronus/Mars) at the Winter solstice. As we count days, there's actually a gap between them (sunset Saturday to midnight Saturday/Sunday).

At first glance, it may not seem to be a huge issue, however there is Romans 6:16 to consider.

Rick said (July 12, 2011):

Once I got out of the Army back in 1969, I proceeded to do every imaginable drug on the planet. It was the roaring 60's, EVERYBODY was doing drugs and one night stands were very popular. For the next 25 years, I was in cloud nine.

Today, I do not have any recollection of my 20's-30's or even my 40's. One night driving home on I95 from Miami to Hollywood, I just looked out the windshield and I asked God for help. I said:" Dear God, in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I ask you to please help me, I can' go on like this anymore". That same night, 18 years ago, He cleansed me thoroughly, completely.I have NOT had a drink, drug nor sex since that day and believe me sir, I do NOT miss any of them. I have a clear head now, I became a better father, a better friend and a much better human being.Thank you Lord, Thank you Jesus..

Today, I am 65 years old, I do volunteer work for a Church here in Naples Florida and waiting any day for His return. This planet has become a cesspool of depravity, a nasty place to be in and controlled by very evil and wicked people.

Charles said (July 12, 2011):

Have you read The Three Hermits by Tolstoy? I attach a link for your perusal:

Edgar said (July 12, 2011):

Greetings, Henry !

Most true and most profound !

Sometimes some ultra-basic facts are overlooked because they appear to be "banal".

The conditioning that follows from a negation has repercussions that estrange people even more from any original true symbolism. As symbols and/or archetypal non-verbal intuition - our higher intellectual perception and "mental action" - precede the spoken and written expression, the proscription in place of affirmation is subliminally devastating.

No wonder everything is out of synch. No wonder a small clique can train, control and deviate individuals on a global scale. The deviation is built in, the fools' house of lies can develop easily in such falsity. Bravo !

Henrique said (July 12, 2011):

The problem with dualism is that everything in history happens according to it and there's a dialectic ready-made for every eventual incident caused by it prepared by the secret societies. For example, in the Middle Ages the Catholic Church monopolized the interpretation of the Bible, which of course may sound abusive but kept the Scriptures from mob-like opportunistic degeneration ( like these Neoprotestant/Hollywood Empires of today) . With Martin Luther ( every man his own priest ) a lot of "instinctive energy" was released ( lower instincts/nature ) and the stigmas on money ( something still felt as dirty in many traditionally catholic areas ) and free interpretation vanished. Then you had a free path to link the Scriptures to anything you wanted, following the interests of now de-stigmatized money ( when Eugenics as at it's peak, Protestants were told that Jesus was eugenicist himself ). I think the Protestants were an outgrowth of Rosacrucianism ( Alan Watt also has interesting information on that ) . Max Weber, maybe the only honest sociologist in history, linked material affluence in Protestant countries to their view and attitude before money. Not defending the Catholic church, by the way, just an example of how the dualism in human nature is played with throughout history by the Insiders.

Chris said (July 12, 2011):

About 15 years ago I was fasting and praying and an Angel in my dream said to me, and I won't apologize to the scornful atheists reading this, "GOD HAS INITIATED THROUGH PRAYER". The words made no sense to me at all. Later I went to this crazy church I seen on TV and this Indian guy repeated the same words and explained that when Solomon was SINGING PRAISES of thanksgiving, (The) God struck the altar sacrifice from the sky with fire. It cooked. Solomon did not nag or beg for anything but instead he just gave his Maker thanks! WORSHIP IS PRAYER. I repeat. WORSHIP = PRAYER. If you are not worshiping then you are not praying. The highest forms of worship are MUSIC AND DANCE. When we truly pray, Angels boogie and things happen, spiritually and physically. Churches are not teaching people how to pray. When people sit around with their eyes closed saying, "blah blah blah" like someone died, that's SUPPLICATION, not prayer.

Satan/Lucifer before he got fired from his previous employer was a MUSICIAN that prayed though WORSHIP; But now Satan/Lucifer wishes to be God himself. The whole world worships Satan and his army with: X-mas trees for Mithra, easter eggs for Ishtar, MTV, Lady GaGa, gushing over Royals, gushing over Obama the freemason, the Olympics, money, power, vanity, sexual lust, divination, witchcraft, sorcery(drugs), addictions, sicknesses, bullshit etc.. Bars are churches for him and witches rely on music to cast spells. All we need to do is stop DANCING and SINGING for Satan and start doing it for his previous employer. The world bends over backwards to pray to Satan and leaves (The) true God of compassion, the scraps. If you wonder why the world is such a mess it's because we asked for it and prayed to Satan for it. We initiate the world we live in, spiritually and phsyically, by our prayers of praise to either our compassionate Maker or a host of evil spirits. It is our choice. True Love can not exsist without true free will.

Debra said (July 12, 2011):

God the Father in Heaven is oft forgiving and merciful. Many souls aren't willing to do what it takes to have Christ His Son want to come and live within their soul. It's a painful process of repentance many times more heartbreaking than heartaches from lost loved ones by death or abandonment. Most would like to skip the process and revel in the thoughts of how forgiving Father and His Son are, then go about their merry way.
Following The Commandments is by repentance and humility.

We defeat Satan by turning to God with humility and truly saying we're sorry and feeling what that is.

Robert said (July 12, 2011):

The starting-point for healthy human life was described by G.K. Chesterton:

"Man is a creature; all his happiness
consists in being a creature; or, as the Great Voice commanded us, in becoming a child. All his fun is in having a
gift or present, which the child, with profound understanding, values because it is 'a surprise.' But surprise implies
that a thing came from outside ourselves; and gratitude that it comes from someone other than ourselves. It is
thrust through the letter-box; it is thrown in at the window; it is thrown over the wall. Those limits are the lines of
the very plan of human pleasure."

One can only feel sorry for the generations who have no notion of this, our true and satisfying (because it is the
proof of love) place in Creation, and are trying to find happiness through the vagaries of ego.

Dan said (July 12, 2011):

Speaking of the seismic shift in urban free press does anybody still remember when the weekend section was called "Home & Family"? Then it became "Home & Leisure", now it's just "Lifestyles & Sex". It won't be much longer till it's just a section called "F**king".

Here's the Dublin Ireland equivalent of the Winnipeg Free Press, the Dublin Hot Press. Here's this weeks "LIfestyles and Sex" Top Story: "Some enchanted evening You will see a stranger across a crowded room. Sometimes the sexual spark ignites immediately. Other times, it takes longer before it erupts into a weekend-long, private orgy…... READ MORE" This, in the country about which Bono of U2 once said, "there was no sex in Ireland before MTV".

Among the usual vices I was a chain smoker for 40 years. I started smoking when I was fifteen in 1970. My literary influences that year included Jerry Rubin's "If It Feels Good - DO IT", and Clockwork Orange. Whenever a concerned adult would tell me I should stop smoking, I'd flip them off defiantly and say, "It's my life". That was my standard answer through the years when anybody close to me suggested the same.

I liked smoking back then, but I soon found that I couldn't go for half a day without cigarettes. Lots of them. I tried repeatedly to quit in all imaginable ways, but to no avail. I found that rather than being liberated through vices, I'd become enslaved to addictions of the senses.

A few years ago those decades of self indulgence caught up with my health.. Long story short, I thought I was going to die. Not in a few years, but soon. Suddenly I really understood that I'd the healthy young body I'd thought was my property to use for a carnal amusement park wasn't mine alone. I didn't create it, nor could I undo the damage by my own will alone.

The the most amazing thing happened. When I realized that life is given to us by the Creator and not my toy to abuse - I didn't need a cigarette anymore. It just left me.

Dan Abshear said (July 11, 2011):

've questioned the existence of God since my life has been destroyed in the past few years. I'm arm wrestling with God presently, because I'm angry I'm' still alive at times.

Soon after my wife and I got married, we were told by a few doctors, after extensive diagnostic tests, that we would never have children. They determined that my wife lacked the ability to ovulate. We were crushed.

We rarely prayed at least together, my wife and I. However, one night in the Summer of 1997, we did pray together one night after making love. We prayed for a child, and my daughter was conceived that night. We never had any more children after my daughter, and we never used birth control. We never prayed together again, either.

Also, I had an astral projection, as a child. At about the age of twelve, I traveled outside of myself one morning, and into my front yard, to witness a mouse chewing on what appeared to be a stick. Upon returning to my body, I awakened to discover that same mouse chewing on the stick several feet away from my house, from a distance.

Outside of my body, I was sitting next to this mouse, observing it's actions, and I was invisible. This was the only time this ever happened in my life so far, but it made me realize that I have a soul. I forgot about this incident up until only a few years ago.

Since I have a soul, and I should have died by now, I have to conclude that there must be some sort of God. I feel I do a lot of good for the people I encounter, at times.. There is a reason or two I am still here, I feel.

"How about this positive one? Try to encourage someone every day."

Absolutely, Henry

Austin said (July 11, 2011):

'm told by those who are knowledgable of such things, that as a newly inducted serious witch/satanist, one of the very first things one must do, is to go out and deliberately break each one of the Ten Commandments, in turn. This would include adultery, theft and murder. These things are not just 'sins' - two of the three are also regarded as serious crimes. Maybe this is one reason for the higher crime rates we've been seeing of late, in that a certain % of crime is committed by initiated occult practitioners, as more and more people turn to some materialistic belief system in order to ensure their powerbase and/or survival in the coming hard times?

Certainly the internet with its online "services" provides much opportunity for evil to be implanted in the human psyche. The ancient Greeks understood that the body (soma), soul (psuche), and spirit (pneuma), were seperate parts or our tripartite being called 'man', but they also had the concept of what the Bible calls the "flesh" (sarx) and that this 'sarx' was the lower base nature - that which contains our 'animal instincts' - lusts, and that we as Christian people, must overcome it.

It gets right down to a basic choice of how we are going to live each moment of each day, but starts with the choice of embracing the saving grace of Jesus Christ - and that's no religious speel from me - we can't do it without the power of God in our lives. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses, partly to allow people to see that they couldn't keep them with their own human strength, so I urge your readers to seek a relationship with God through His Son Jesus, as the means to achieving this.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at