Hitler Murdered His Niece, said his Sister
September 10, 2023

(Updated from Feb 16, 2017 & Sept 28, 2020)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
To say Adolf Hitler was a psychopath and killer might seem redundant, but few know that he murdered his first victim with his own hands. It was swept under the carpet and has yet to see the light of day. Western historians are as determined as Nazis to protect the Fuhrer's reputation.
On Sept 18, 1931, he shot his beloved niece, Geli Raubal, 24. The murder was ruled a suicide by the Bavarian Minister of Justice, a political ally.

(Time Magazine's Man of the Year for 1938)
However, Raubal's body was badly bruised and her nose was broken. An unfinished letter indicated she was leaving her uncle's apartment to go to Vienna. She was buried in a Catholic cemetery that would bar suicides. (The Munchener Post, 20th September 1931)
Hitler's sister Paula said Hitler killed Geli: "The only thing that keeps me from publicly accusing him is the memory of our mother. I would accuse him of the deliberate murder of Geli. And don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying he drove her to her death, caused her to commit suicide, or anything like that. I mean to accuse him of shooting and killing her...I have enough proof to convince a fair jury that Adolf should be convicted of murder."

Although a homosexual, Hitler still enjoyed the company of buxom young blonds and brunettes that fit the Nazi mold. Raubal was the daughter of Hitler's half-sister and cook. Nineteen years his junior, she was an unselfconscious extrovert who brightened every room she entered. Hitler seemed to relax when she was around.
"I love Geli and could marry her," Hitler told his friend Heinrich Hoffman. [But] "I want to remain single. So I retain the right to exert an influence on her circle of friends until such a time as she finds the right man." (Hoffman, Hitler Was My Friend, 1955.)
Hitler's rival was his own bisexual, Jewish chauffeur, and bodyguard, Emil Maurice. In December 1927, Hitler prevented his niece from marrying Maurice and fired him. The following year, Raubal wrote to Maurice:
"Uncle Adolf is insisting that we should wait two years. Think of it, Emil, two whole years of only being able to kiss each other now and then and always having Uncle Adolf in charge. I can only give you my love and be unconditionally faithful to you. I love you so infinitely much. Uncle Adolf insists that I should go on with my studies." (Dec. 24,1928)

EMIL MAURICE (1897-1972)
In Mein Kampf, Hitler describes a fracas at a beer hall when Communists tried to break up an event. He marveled at how his "stormtroopers," although bloodied, "swept the enemy literally out of the hall...at their head, my splendid Maurice."
Maurice was a pioneer member of the SA and later the SS. He and Hess took Hitler's dictation of Mein Kampf; and like Hess, Maurice was one of Hitler's lovers. After their release from prison, Maurice became Hitler's personal bodyguard and chauffeur. He accompanied Hitler during the 1934 Purge and personally dispatched people who had become liabilities.
"It is absolutely inconceivable that Maurice was not known as Jewish," Dr. Judith Reisman writes. [Considering] "his appearance, his family, and the very high probability of his circumcision...homosexual lust easily overpowered anti-Semitic hate."

Despite his prowess as a bouncer, Maurice, a watchmaker by training, had an artistic temperament and played the guitar at Nazi gatherings. Raubal, also a musician, took a fancy to him during her visits to Landsberg Prison in 1924, at age 16. Thus began a passionate romance that blossomed over the years.

Because he kept her secrets, Geli told him "that at times Hitler made her do things in the privacy of her room that sickened her but when I asked her why she didn't refuse to do them, she just shrugged and said that she didn't want to lose him to some woman that would do what he wanted."
Gregor Strasser, a Nazi leader who had a fling with Geli said she told him the Nazi dictator forced her to urinate and defecate on him. Strasser was one of the Nazi leaders who met in Hitler's apartment after the murder to decide on a story. Hitler wanted it called an "accident." But the word had already gone out that Raubel had committed suicide using Hitler's gun.
Strasser was murdered in the 1934 Purge.

Michael Dean reports that after leaving Hitler's service, Maurice sued the Nazi Party for unlawful dismissal and won a tidy sum. He opened a watchmaker shop a few blocks from Hitler's apartment and resumed his affair with Raubal.
Apparently, she became pregnant and wanted to go to Vienna to have the baby. Hitler was furious at this betrayal and refused permission. When she defied him, he killed her. The cook testified after the war that Geli lay in her own blood for three days, which blurs the time of death. This blows Hitler's alibi that he was not present when she "committed suicide."
It is not clear which betrayal was greater to Hitler since he had feelings for both Raubel and Maurice.
In any case, Hitler's relationship with Maurice proved resilient. Maurice became a senior SS official and Hitler protected him against rivals resentful of accepting orders from a Jew.
The takeaway is that before Hitler indirectly killed millions of people, Jews, and non-Jews alike, he first bloodied his hands on the young niece he supposedly loved. Millions of people chose to follow a murderer and psychopath. Nothing has changed.
Related - Hitler & Bormann were Traitors (Search my site- top left corner of homepage-- for more articles on the traitor Adolf Hitler)
David C said (September 28, 2020):
World leaders promoted to positions of importance by the satanic cabal are sexually deviant psychopaths, so it makes sense Hitler was too, and I find his effeminate mannerisms in videos telling. It was also said Hitler had a homosexual relationship with his Jewish roommate while attending art school, and had a police record for being a homosexual prostitute in Vienna. Since world leaders all seem to be sexually deviant psychopaths - it may be a requirement for the job?
in the past, I've traded emails with Mike King at the "tomato bubble" website, who is a Hitler/Nazi worshipper. While Mr. King seems to be an excellent researcher, he seems to have a blind spot when it comes to that subject. Ironically, when I mentioned your name to him, Henry, King said he thought you are an excellent researcher but have a blind spot for Hitler/Nazis! There is more than enough evidence to convince me Hitler was a sexually deviant psychopath, with a narcissistic personality disorder, leading to becoming megalomaniacal. We seem to be living in Weimar America now, similar in many ways to Weimar Germany in 1932, as shown here: https://tinyurl.com/y3xfy498
It seems like we have two possibilities: "Weimar America" becomes either "Nazi Amerika", or "Bolshevik America". God help us!!