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Society Blind to Psy War on Heterosexuals

September 13, 2015

Gay-only2.jpg(Left, the future of the family.)

Clearly the fluoride in our drinking water has paralyzed the brain.
Society is blissfully indifferent to the occult attack on gender currently being waged by the Masonic Jewish banking cartel and their Gentile traitors and puppets. To assert that men and women are different is considered prejudice and "sexist." Even the dignity of separate bathrooms is challenged. These Satanists are denying our fundamental gender identity and we are too comatose to react angrily.

"We will destroy every collective force except our own." - The Protocols of Zion 16
 "Collective force" refers to the four legs of our human identity: race, religion (God), nation and family (gender). 

Every day, heterosexuals are immersed in a toxic bath of lesbianism, homosexuality, transgenderism, obscenity, pedophilia and promiscuity designed to enslave society. The goal is for heterosexuality to be seen as a pathology while homosexuality is healthy and normal.
Satanists invert everything, the real occult meaning of revolution.

Latest- California school children forced to use common bathrooms 

(from Aug. 29, 2011)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

In June 10, 2011,  NYC police ticketed two women on a park bench eating  doughnuts.

They violated a regulation, (one of 15 listed on a sign,) prohibiting adults from entering the playground unless accompanied by a child.

This is supposedly to deter pedophiles. Other US cities, including Miami Beach and San Francisco, have similar ordinances which
have been extended to libraries and children's museums.

Last winter, seven NYC men were ticketed for playing chess in a playground. In Idaho, a man was arrested for taking pictures of a child, who turned out to be his grandson.

"It's pedophile panic," says NYC writer Lenore Skenazy. "Everyone is a pedophile until proven otherwise."

Since 98% of the population is heterosexual, this slanders the vast majority. It also attacks the heterosexual model of society based on the human family. We are all sisters and brothers, father and mothers: protectors of all children.

In a clever sleight-of-hand, they transfer the stigma of pedophilia to heterosexuals. Studies show that while homosexuals are only 2 per cent of the population, they account for 25-40% of child molestation. But the goal is for heterosexuality to be seen as a pathology (eg. domestic abuse, etc.) and homosexuality to be seen as normal.

"I for one would want a couple of women sitting in a playground as an extra pair of eyes," Skenazy writes. "When you start treating everyone as evil, you can't have community."

 Bingo. Instead of one big human family, we are a world of sexual predators. You must hand it to satanists, they know how to create a hell. 


The Illuminati social engineers attack heterosexuality because it is the basis of our human identity. Our primary relationships and responsibilities are defined by the words father, mother, husband, wife, sister, brother, son and daughter.

Strong heterosexual marriage and family create a wholesome environment to raise the next generation. If we want healthy families, men and women must consecrate themselves and plan for this task. Our children represent our organic growth, our tie with eternity.    

220px-I_Kissed_a_Girl.pngInstead of this, heterosexuals are immersed in a toxic bath of lesbianism, homosexuality, transgenderism, obscenity, sexual deviance, pedophilia and promiscuity, designed to corrode and distort our sexuality.

"Progressive" young women march for the right to behave like "sluts." Schools favor homosexuals for scholarships. Pop songs like Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl (and I liked it!)" get four million paid downloads. Mainstream TV story lines feature gays and gay porn. Teachers encourage children to engage in sex, under the guise of sex education. Little girls are sexualized.  Sesame Street had to fight off demands that two puppets. Bert and Ernie, serve as positive role models for gay marriage! 

This undermines marriage and family. Almost 50% of women who lost their virginity as teenagers were divorced within ten years. Forty three percent of the college-educated women born between 1965 and 1978 have no children, according to new research.   

Our society has been subverted by satanist (Cabalist) Jewish central bankers and their traitorous Masonic minions who want the State to handle procreation, (as envisaged in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.) We are being re-engineered to serve them as obedient worker, consumer and soldier/police drones.

The reason we are blind to this vicious underhanded attack is that they disguise it as "homosexual rights" and opposition to "homophobia."

A few Google searches illustrate
how this vicious heterophobic assault flies under our radar.
If you google "heterophobia" (i.e. fear of heterosexuality) you'll get 115,000 entries, most unrelated to what is really happening . 

Google "homophobia" (i.e. fear of homosexuality) and you'll get 9,270,000 entries, eighty times more  references, mostly disparaging. Since gays are 1/50th of the population, the awareness disparity is roughly 4000 to one.

I first noticed this when looking for a Google image for heterophobia. There were 11,700, but hardly any were applicable. There were 979,000 images for homophobia, 836 times as many.

Homosexuality gets almost seven times as many hits as heterosexuality, despite being 1/50 the demographic segment.

We are mind controlled and manipulated and we haven't a clue that it is happening.

test.jpegHOW IT'S DONE

The essence of heterosexual attraction is male power. Even the satanist Henry Kissinger said "power is the greatest aphrodisiac." 

If I have any advice for men interested in women, it is to manifest power.

Almost all television shows and movies now promote female po
wer and male fecklessness and fallibility.  Almost all dramas have a ballsy
bello.jpegaggressive female lead e.g. Maria Bello (left) in "Prime Suspect." Often females are depicted, unrealistically, as beating up men.

This deliberately strikes at the heart of heterosexuality. Women used to empower men by entrusting their power to them. Now they are being taught unconsciously to compete with and destroy men.

This is against a background where the oc-culture has inflated the status of women by presenting them as a persecuted race, and by elevating the sex act to a holy sacrament.   

This empowerment of women 
at the expense of men neuters heterosexuals and promotes gender confusion and homosexuality. Yet, the masses are blissfully indifferent to what is happening to them. They are like sheep grazing while the Illuminati build an abattoir next door.

steinemsign.jpg(left,  Feminist leader, Gloria Steinem makes a Masonic sign and celebrates killing her unborn child. "Change the world" she has, but not for the better. Sarah Silverstein said she wants to have an abortion but she's having trouble conceiving. )


When I read George Orwell's "1984" at age 15, I never imagined I would live in a society that practices insidious behavior modification and social engineering.

Heterosexuals need to let broadcasters and advertisers know that we will boycott their products if they engage in this socially destructive practice.

Heterosexuality and homosexuality are not compatible. (Despite well publicized exceptions, the vast majority of homosexuals don't want marriage or children.) Heterosexuals must recognize that if they don't determine societal norms, the tiny homosexual minority will, (empowered by the Illuminati.) As this happens, the majority will erode, become a minority and eventually disappear.  

Thanks to a Sept. 5 Maclean's article "Playground Panic" p. 41.

Related - Hollywood Hypes Lesbian Jewish Parable

Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism

Alexander Keith Beer Commercial Encourages Threesomes
(despite what it says)

Makow  "Is this Gay Behavior Sick?"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Society Blind to Psy War on Heterosexuals "

Dan said (September 14, 2015):

Social media is designed to herd internet users into the heavily funded virtual reality world where everybody has sex all the time and nobody ever catches herpes. I fell off my chair when I saw a clip from 'Buzzfeed' that asked the question, "When did you first find yourself attracted to FEMALE MASCULINITY?"

Of course there is no such thing as 'female masculinity, it's an oxymoron. But they're banking on market research that tells them there are millions of unattended children growing up on social media input because their mothers are too busy working 60 hours a week, and fathers are unknown.

Lesbians talk about the first time they were attracted to bull dykes: notice it tends to have happened when they were in puberty, watching television, or a movie, or a music video.

What Makes “Butch” Hot?

Branden said (September 5, 2011):

This is so true. I recently scrolled through a cosmopolitan magazine just out of curiosity. What really surprised me was not the promotion of infidelity or materialism (something that is normally aimed at men) but the glorification of deception. For instance, one article encouraged women to lie to their partners by faking affection in order to receive compliments with step by step advice from women claiming to experts in "the field of relationships" (if there is such a field). Another article depicted two women making out and encouraged other women to "experiment" with homosexuality stating that "70% of men in an online survey said they would join in if they found their girlfriend doing this with another women". I found this to be very disgusting even though I'm a male. The articles, unfortunately can very convincing at times.

Don said (August 31, 2011):

Thanks so much for your web site and articles. You are right about the war against heterosexuals. What is so disappointing is no one seems to see it. I mention it even to my kids and they act like I am crazy. I am 64 yrs old part of baby boomers and Father Knows Best etc Thought that was the reason for a while. But no people are just so blind and it is so sad. I know I cant hardly watch TV any more. When they start pushing there agenda I have to turn it off. Anyway thanks good to here someone who is sane

M said (August 31, 2011):

Having known closely several (five or six) homosexuals since kindergarten, I have formed the opinion that they
are defective.

They have either a genetic defect or they have had circumstances since infancy which cause them
to be sick in this way. Many of them do not have an agenda--none of those I knew when young had an agenda,
although maybe everything's changed since I was young. They just were what they were, and all of the ones I
knew could not help it. I knew them because I was in the "arts"--music and dance--when young.

Two of them that I knew tried to change, but could not. I consider homosexuality to be a disease which people cannot help having.

There may be some freaks who "decide" to be homosexuals in order to gain power and notoriety, but they would
be simply the "leaders", not those in the ranks who got there through no fault of their own.

We do live in a fallen world and these people are fallen in a particular way. I have HAD it. How about you?

Dan said (August 31, 2011): had been circulating an internet petittion - "Let Bert & Ernie Get Married On Sesame Street"

The 40 queer promotion op was blown. Sesame Street producers had to issue press releases: "No Wedding Bells for Bert and Ernie" and the disclaimer,
"Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppetsâ„¢ do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."

The market research stunt seems to have been premature. Thumbs down -

Also, Sesame Street's internet leaked video with Illuminati sluttiness programmer Katy Perry had to be cancelled.
From airing on Sesame Street television episode, but of curse it remains a cick away all over the web.

Who are they kidding? I remember fat lesbians joking about Bert and Ernie pushing the gay agenda way back in the early 1980's. Just look at this old ad...

Dan said (August 31, 2011): had been circulating an internet petittion - "Let Bert & Ernie Get Married On Sesame Street"

The 40 queer promotion op was blown. Sesame Street producers had to issue press releases: "No Wedding Bells for Bert and Ernie" and the disclaimer,
"Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppetsâ„¢ do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."

The market research stunt seems to have been premature. Thumbs down -

Also, Sesame Street's internet leaked video with Illuminati sluttiness programmer Katy Perry had to be cancelled.
From airing on Sesame Street television episode, but of curse it remains a cick away all over the web.

Who are they kidding? I remember fat lesbians joking about Bert and Ernie pushing the gay agenda way back in the early 1980's. Just look at this old ad...

Hans said (August 30, 2011):

n primary schools in Berlin pupils (5-10 year old) have now homosexual education. They had sex education in class 4, now
they get homosexual education starting in class 1.
They learn that HS is very normal and that they can later choose their sexual identy, like you choose a religion . A suitcasecase with picturebooks
for the kids is in preparation.

Tony said (August 30, 2011):

"In a clever sleight-of-hand, they transfer the stigma of pedophilia to heterosexuals. Studies show that while homosexuals are only 2 per cent of the population, they account for 25-40% of child molestation."

Interesting, Henry, that several people, from different directions, have mentioned to me that the real number one priority of today's girl scouts is to turn little girls into lesbians. Never a word publicly on this. It's almost always men who are accused.

EJ said (August 30, 2011):

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

If the heterosexual world would whine, complain, advertise, picket, march, etc. as much as the others do, we might stand a much better chance at being heard.

They got me in the 60's...the CIA/Rockefeller backed Steinem and the rest used very valid ideas to twist and subvert our society. Women did indeed need "equal opportunity" and queers needed a niche in society safe from persecution. and people of color, handicapped, etc. all had needs of one sort or another and myself and others thought we were helping them. But these groups became like leeches on our energy and society's functioning creating bureaucracies of demand and control.

Suddenly women simply wanted to be equal, queers wanted to be equal, they're not. Then language had to be appropriate and the era of visually and vertically challenged came in along with entitlements and "progressive" legislation. Unrelated "uncles" became suspected hetropornaphiles and the "enemy" of many women resulting from the False Memory Syndrome of the 80's.

To look back and realize it was all implemented on the abuse of our good hearts and nature is sickening. We were played big time.

Ted said (August 30, 2011):

New Time article just out. I thought you might appreciate being aware of it. Notice the very blatant agenda here- equating speaking out against gay marriage as equal to racism or sexism. It's actually quite similar to 'anti-semitism'. Criticize state of Israel, you're an anti-semite. Criticize gay marriage, you're anti-gay. Also, have you seen this documentary linking Mossad and high ranking Jewish business men and politicians to 911?

Dan said (August 30, 2011):

Coincidentally, I recently raised an eyebrow hearing stories about a 'new trend' called "Kid Free Zones" A typical blurbs run like this: "Kids Invading Adults-Only Places" , and "More Public Places Are Designating Kid-Free Zones", and "More People Desiring Kid Free Public Places".

Why the new apartheid between parents and childless people? Parents and children being corralled off the public square, while single people are being given a clear message that to mere proximity to children in public places warrants suspicion of being a child molester.

Mixed Messages.....
Meanwhile, charitable orphanages are being legislated to close if they refuse to hand children over to homosexual 'couples'.

Historically, division and isolation of one group in a society equates to creating an underclass either to be exploited, or to be purged. I think it means when the State targets the family or single mother next door to confiscate their children, single friends and neighbors will fear stepping in. That's what community really means. Sticking up for your neighbor.

Debra said (August 29, 2011):

Thank you Stephen and Henry for sharing an article on the spiritual nature of disease but it's vague in regards to the Spiritual aspect and not as clear as maybe it could be. People frequently confuse emotions with the Spiritual. But the two are necessarily distinct, though entwined and affect others.

A Spirit doesn't feel physical pain, including emotional pain. This is the distinction I seek to make:- We are not human nor are we an emotion. We are Spirit-Beings, in the human body that might get sick and will eventually die. So, it's not that Vit. C will or will not help (the body), but a main purpose ultimately is to wake-up Spiritually. Then, with exact measure, are given what's needed to maintain one's Spiritual Health and ultimately that is all that matters, followed by relief of diseases and pain.

This is explained in detail in "The Way home or face The Fire".

As a Spirit, we (in alignment with God) maintain health, mental well-being for the benefit of others.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at