January 18, 2009

J.K. Rowling says she wrote the Harry Potter books. However, there are more critical stories essentially calling into question her authorship of the huge franchise. At a creative writing seminar in France she was found to have had a very poor familiarity with the characters and stories of her own books when questioned by sincere fans at the workshop. She then demonstrated a distinctly poor knowledge of any of the fundamentals of creative writing. Was she an impostor? Amazingly enough, the intrigue extends into the underworld (or should I say overworld) of the intelligence community.
There is a collection of 19 web blogs allegedly written by former MI5 & MI6 intelligence officers, featuring a variety of interrelated stories with commentary, chiefly oriented around the use of trauma based mind control in the training of these intelligence officers. These intel officers reveal how the world is really ruled. Underlying the text at each web page is a hypertext link for "comments". Don't overlook these as they are very informative. One web blog page has almost 1,000 comments which can only be found by linking through the faint blue hypertext link. Most of the comments are from other alleged Intel people. Fact or fiction, they make for interesting reading. It is like eavesdropping on a heated discussion to which you weren't invited.
This community of bloggers is of the opinion that the true author of the Harry Potter works is one Emily Gyde living in England. After being given a rather rough and loose set of parameters, she was commissioned to write the series of Potter books. She completed the first seven books. About this time she began pressing on compensation issues and she refused to write any more.
If Emily Gyde is a mind controlled slave, then does she own her own writing? Or does it belong to her masters? Or to the state? Is she entitled to reasonable compensation?
The Harry Potter series was the product of a highly successful intelligence operation designed to advance and mainstream the occult in both America and the world. The occult plays a heavy role in mind control programming. This is one intelligence operation that paid for itself. It not only paid for itself, but generated enormous riches. Where did the money go?
It is alleged that the 'real' author Emily Gyde has been willing to settle for nominal pay (millions rather than billions) for the work she says she can prove she wrote. She is even willing to forego the prestige of public acknowledgment of authorship which is no small prize to any author. By now all she wants is to comfortably live out her life while the Potter juggernaut continues to generate returns larger than the GDP of most third world countries.
As the blog entries evolve, it appears that the threat of legal action does not appear to be working. Rather legal action is threatened against her. The authorities won't allow her to work or to receive unemployment compensation. She receives continued minor harassments every week. They are using their considerable powers to deny Emily Gyde even a subsidence living. It is all here for the enterprising reader willing to wade through multiple blogs with their extensive comment sections. Will Emily Gyde successfully sue? Will the MSM cover her story? And finally, what would Harry Potter do?
I received a letter from STEPHEN TIMMS - MINISTER from WORK AND PENSIONS today and in a rather ghastly, cream envelope entitled CONQUEROR - excuse me whilst I attempt to stop myself from choking with laughter.
This is all very YES MINISTER! Isn't it?
The SHARKS of WHITEHALL have probably fed this little MINNOW to me because one assumes, he is such a little wanker. On the other hand the signature denotes low intelligence. therefore if the letter wasn't so 'wanky', I might have some sympathy with him - he is being forced to take the 'public' rap.
However, I sense the MILIBANDS behind this one. They have probably buggered poor old TIMMS so many times, that they are now worried that he might 'kiss and tell'.
TIMMS has deliberately ignored the lynchpin of my argument - which I repeated more than 3 times, in my short but succinct email to his department - namely that 'government guidelines' i.e. 'rulings' are NOT legally enforceable in this country.
All UK cabinet members and politicians KNOW this; all government PR directors KNOW this but oddly enough, Mr Timms appears to be oblivious of this well-known fact.
The above letter comprises of the 'informed response' of Mr Timms, which bleats on about 'requirements' rather than LEGAL requirements.
Additionally, you might like to read the lambasting report in PRIVATE EYE this fortnight, which lays bare the obvious reasons for idiotic and unworkable schemes like NEW DEAL - to massage governmental statistics concerning the unemployed. However, there is a far more nefarious purpose at work here - to force people who are unemployed to work for nothing, in order to get State benefits.
Well and good if you are 'allowed' to have a job in this country - NOT good if you have been denied a job in this country by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and the ROYAL ILLUMINATI CULT.
(To rub it in, I will email the URL of this letter upon the INTERNET to Mr Timms, to see if it provokes an even more 'interesting' response from the poor lad. None of you can touch me - never mind arrest me and you know it - I now have diplomatic immunity after 'changing sides' to the CIA.)
One last important point - I read in the news some time ago - that DAVID MILIBAND had inexplicably changed departments overnight - to go to the DEPARTMENT OF WORK AND PENSIONS - is this true? Is he done with spouting nonsense at PRIME MINISTER PUTIN as Foreign Secretary, from the Foreign Office?
Might one infer that this 'move' might have been an 'anticipatory one' in order to deal with my complaints regarding NEW DEAL? This just gets funnier...
Who is pulling the strings of the MILIBANDS then?
Is it still the 'ILL' part of the Mossad?
Emily Gyde MA
4th September 2008