Will False Flag Terror Discredit Protests?
January 1, 2014

from Oct 14, 2011
by Christian Soderberg
And if they cannot hi-jack this awakening, they will most certainly try to make it look bad. And if things come to this, we might see a new wave of bogus political radicalism appearing in Europe and North America.
Fake Radicals: Police Provocateurs
Undercover police officers have been caught trying to provoke protesters to attack cops during demonstrations (2007 Quebec protests; 2009 London G20-protests).
Undercover London cops tried to provoke protesters to throw things at the police during 2009 G20 protests.
..and these are just few examples of agent provocateur-cops in the western world.
"Strategy of Tension"
There appears to be a criminal element that has infiltrated the western security sector (police, armed forces, intelligence agencies, Pentagon, NATO ... who stage "security threads" whenever it is thought to serve the Illuminati agenda.
..and because some of these "rogue-agents" also sit at the very top of many of these security agencies, they can quite easily make it appear to be a good thing when police manipulates protesters and political groups into violence, or when they stage acts of terror themselves "..We do this to smoke out the radical element."
f you look into the Ergenekon-organization in Turkey, and the Susurluk-scandal, you will get a fairly good picture of how this criminal "shadow government" operates and how it is constructed.
During the "Years of Lead" in Cold War-Europe, a lot, if not most of the political terror was provoked, organized or even staged by these rogue -agents inside the western security establishment. These rogue-agents brainwashed and armed political groups to start violent street wars and to acts of terrorism against the state (..and private sector).They manipulated both ends of the political spectrum, left- and right-wing groups, to create this atmosphere of tension that lasted for decades, hence the name "Strategy of Tension".
Operation Gladio
"Operation Gladio" was a network of stay-behind armies, armed and trained by NATO-powers and their intelligence agencies. The Gladio-network had many arms caches hidden all around Europe in case of Soviet invasion ...Nothing wrong with that ..but sadly, it appears that explosives from these arms caches were used in terror bombings at least in Italy and West Germany
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Urbach (..use Google-translator, and check out the source articles also.)
It was Peter Urbach, apparently an agent provocateur working for West German intelligence (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV)), who radicalized young leftist prankster-groups to leave behind their "pudding wars", and pick up the Molotov Cocktails and bombs he delivered.
It is also believed (by some) that Urbach had met Andreas Baader before his first firebombings of department stores, and before the foundation of the Red Army Faction(RAF). If Urbach was the one who brought Molotov Cocktails, fire arms and bombs to the "hashish smoking hippy communities", it's not that ludicrous to think that it might have been Urbach who delivered the first firebombs used by Baader and his comrades.
1978 Celle Hole plot
Celle Hole incident was a false flag bombing operation by West German secret service and GSG 9, a counter terrorism unit of the W-German federal police.
The W-German state security forces tried to stage a prison break as if it was done by the left-wing Red Army Faction, and detonated a bomb outside a prison wall near the town of Celle. This operation was also meant to help with the infiltration of RAF.
It seems that the 1980 Oktoberfest bombing (..by a "neo-Nazi who acted alone") is connected to the NATO's Gladio arms caches. Heinz Lembke, a neo-Nazi leader was found hanging in his prison cell after he had led investigators to over 30 arms caches hidden around the same area that was apparently one of the rendezvous-places of W-German Gladio-branches.
You can learn more about this incident in Daniele Ganser's book 'NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe' (2005), and from a documentary film by Andreas Pichler 'NATO's Secret Armies' (see link below)
General Gianadelio Maletti, a former head of Italian military counter-intelligence has claimed that his people discovered that US intelligence had supplied the explosives used in the Milan Piazza Fontana bombing in 1969. [2]
1972 Peteano car bomb
The explosive analyst for Italian police tried to claim that the Peteano-explosives matched the kind that Italian radical left was using, but later it was discovered that the explosive material was in fact C-4, and identical to the C-4 in NATO's arms caches.
General Gerardo Serravalle, a former head of "Office R" testified to an Italian terrorism commission that some C-4 was missing from a Gladio-cache. [3]
The Guardian wrote in 1991 that according to Italian parliamentary commission on terrorism, the explosives used in the Bologna massacre came from Gladio arms-caches. [4]
The Gladio-network in Italy had also ties to the infamous Masonic lodge P2-(Propaganda Due). The head of P2, Licio Gelli, and two Italian military intelligence officers, apparently also members of the P2-lodge, were at one time convicted of diverting the Bologna bombing investigations.
Irish Garda detective and his informant inside RIRA claim that senior Garda officers decided to allow the Omagh bomb to pass through security to protect their informants inside RIRA. [6] The 1998 Omagh bombing has been one of the worst terror bombings in Northern Ireland, killing 29 and injured over 200 people.
Other police-informants in RIRA have made similar claims.
back to modern times
Sokratis Giolias was murdered in front of his home in Athens supposedly by a left wing group calling themselves the Sect of Revolutionaries. But the odd part is that Giolias' collages have told that he was working on a large expose story about Greek corruption
..So to me, it really seems to be against all sound logic that a REAL left wing group would kill a journalist who's trying to expose the very same people the left-wingers are fighting against: corrupt officials, political parties and the big-business.
NATO's Secret Armies, a documentary (part 1 of 4)
Three part BBC documentary by Alan Francovich about Operation Gladio:
Part 1: The Ringmasters
Part 2: The Puppeteers
Part 3: The Foot Soldiers
[1]Turkey carried out false-flag attacks in Cyprus in 1960s, says Turkish General
[2] Terrorists 'helped by CIA' to stop rise of left in Italy
[3] Secret agents, freemasons, fascists... and a top-level campaign of political 'destabilization'
Abandoned double agents spill Ulster Dirty War secrets
Observer reveals tape which shows that Irish police chose to protect its Real IRA informant
Robert said (October 14, 2011):
One shouldn't forget the 1970s Canadian federal McDonald Commission, which examined allegations of criminal activity by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including hundreds of break-and-enters and theft, electronic surveillance of an MP, unauthorized opening of mail, burning of a barn, monitoring of election candidates, theft of dynamite, and use of forged documents. One would like to assume that such activities are "all for a good cause", but of course if they are tolerated serious abuse is certain to develop and the beneficiaries will be increasingly dubious.